Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 220 Killer

The defense of the solar system has won a short respite for mankind, but this does not mean that the crisis is over!
Sooner or later, the Scarlet Spirit Empire will break through its defenses and attack the solar system.

Now, Wei Hongying is waiting for Lin Feixing's reply.

Lin Feixing saw the shortcomings of human beings at the beginning of the battle.

And the scientific research team he led was attacking a technology before, and he thought that if humans conquered this technology.

Then, it is possible for humans to rely on this technology to defeat the Red Spirit Empire's expeditionary force.

That's about the technology for the generation of large black holes, which is matched by the technology for the generation of white holes.

Lin Feixing's idea is that if the black hole can't solve the problem, then let the black hole collide with the white hole.

In that case, the energy released is enough to completely annihilate the space around the core.

If Lin Feixing's plan is known by the general of the spirit, he will definitely call him a lunatic.

Because once a black hole and a white hole come into contact, the annihilation energy produced is enough to destroy several galaxies.

If humans detonate black holes outside the solar system, the solar system will definitely be buried with them!

But, is Lin Feixing that stupid?Obviously not!

Lin Feixing had already thought of a way to deal with it, in fact, it was like blasting a building at a fixed point.

As long as the equivalent and angle are well controlled, the impact will be greatly reduced.

But even this is not enough to keep the solar system from being destroyed.

This is another plan of Lin Feixing, the subspace creation plan!

Yes, the human technology tree has grown crooked because of the existence of wise men.

Human beings are the first civilization in the universe that has not reached the cosmic level but touched subspace technology!

In the long research, humans have mastered the method of manufacturing small subspaces.

And the energy produced by the annihilation of the black hole this time can just be used to generate subspace.

This not only eliminates the enemy, but also completes the creation of the subspace, killing two birds with one stone!
"Consultant Lin, according to the model you provided, we have placed energy harvesting devices all over the solar system.

Just wait until the black and white hole generation technology is complete, we can start! "

"Okay, let's hold on to the main battlefield, and our side will try to complete the technical victory as soon as possible!"

Lin Feixing used the computing power of Xiaozhi and Lina to create a perfect energy collection matrix for human beings.

It can collect the energy of black hole annihilation without any omission, and use it for the generation of subspace.

However, this impeccable does not mean that all are impeccable, but is biased towards the energy in the solar system.

Human beings can't help those energies that spread to other places.

I can only pray that there are no unlucky civilizations on the path of that energy.

The battle between humans and the Red Spirit Empire lasted for five years, and humans retreated to the edge of the solar system.

The Red Spirit Empire's attack was no longer so effective, so it was delayed for so long.

"General Ghost, the Third Fleet we sent to attack has been beaten back again."

"Hmph, I didn't expect this native to have such a powerful galaxy defense method.

How do you feel that they have been preparing for hundreds of years of defensive wars?
Could it be that this star field has been engaged in war?

This can't go on like this anymore, it must be resolved as soon as possible, let everyone prepare for a supernova! "

The general of the foreign spirit is very depressed now. It was an easy task, but it took so long to fight.

"General, are we really going to use a supernova?"

"Otherwise, what if the opponent thinks of a way to counter us? Hurry up!"

The supernova mentioned by General Alien Spirit is the kind of supernova explosion we imagined.

It's just that the power of a man-made supernova is not one in a hundred, but it is more than enough to solve the solar system.

However, their use of this trick is not completely free.

The price after their use is that the entire fleet needs to rest for 50 years before continuing to fight on the next battlefield.

And this will be their weak period, and any second-level civilization can solve them.

Just when the expeditionary force of the Red Spirit Empire was preparing for the killer, the black and white hole technology of human beings also made a breakthrough.

"It's finally finished, let's hurry up and start producing equipment.

Recently, the other party has become more active, and I'm afraid that the other party is preparing for some ultimate move.

We must attack before the other side, otherwise I am afraid that it will change if I am too late! "

Lin Feixing hurriedly arranged, he had an ominous premonition.

In the 430th year of the Renlian calendar, two bulky human motherships are flying out of the solar system.

That is the last hope of mankind, only success is not allowed to fail!
At the same time, the Red Spirit Empire also began to change its formation, and all the fleets began to form a pyramid shape.

The humans who saw this scene quickly accelerated the speed of the mothership.

When the formation of the Red Spirit Empire was completed, the secret weapon of mankind also arrived.

Humans took the lead in launching the attack, and the mothership entered the battlefield directly, and then launched.

Immediately, a black lacquered device similar to a muzzle was revealed, which was a black hole generator.

Afterwards, the device began to store energy, and the energy overflowing from the head was a purple-black arc.

After seeing the human beings making moves, all the fleets of the Scarlet Spirit Empire also began to charge.

I saw the energy of all the fleets of the other side opened up together, and the energy slowly began to transmit from the bottom of the pyramid to the top.

At the very top of the pyramid is a special warship, which itself is pyramid-shaped.

Humans had never seen this warship on the battlefield before, and even Lina didn't recognize what it was.

However, it can be known from human energy monitoring.

The accumulated energy of the Red Spirit Empire has reached a terrifying level, even surpassing the energy produced by star explosions!
"It can't be done, we can't wait any longer, launch it quickly!" Wei Hongying said.

Then, the black hole device vibrated slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a black hole was being formed not far from the Scarlet Spirit Empire fleet.

Because even light cannot escape, the Scarlet Spirit Empire did not discover the black hole in the first place.

It's just that, seeing the human beings moving, General Variant Spirit immediately ordered the fleet to attack as well.

So, a coincidence just happened!
The supernova explosion of the Scarlet Spirit Empire happened to shoot at the place where the black hole was.

Then, the two sides saw that all the high-energy particles were submerged into the black hole.

And the black hole was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this moment, both sides were dumbfounded.

After a while, the fleet of the Scarlet Spirit Empire began to feel the suction of the black hole.

Immediately, General Foreign Spirit quickly ordered the fleet to retreat!

However, how could human beings just watch the Scarlet Spirit Empire run away?

"It doesn't matter, create a white hole quickly, we can't let them go!" Lin Feixing said hastily.

He didn't know what would happen like this, because the previous calculation model didn't have this situation.

But he had to bet, he bet that the solar system would not be destroyed, he bet that the energy collection matrix could withstand the pressure.

Not long after, a white hole appeared in the middle of the black hole.

Immediately, the two sides began to annihilate each other, and there was a huge energy shock in an instant.

"It's over, these natives are all lunatics!"

This is the last sentence left by General Yi Ling, because he evaporated in the next moment.

At this time, the human side is also having a hard time. Fortunately, the human fleet has already started to retreat.

Coupled with the energy collection matrix staring at it, enough time was left for the human fleet to retreat.

At this point, all of humanity is betting their hopes on the Warp Generator.

According to the original setting, the subspace that humans can create can only absorb the annihilation energy of ordinary black holes.

But the situation is different now, the black hole absorbs the energy of a supernova explosion before annihilation!

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