Black Technology System: Light of Civilization

Chapter 46 Mail from Fans

Lin Feixing, who was designing Xinghai's intelligent voice, suddenly saw Xiaozhi send him a message saying that he had an unread email, and Lin Feixing immediately put down the pen in his hand that was writing the plan.

After opening the mailbox, Lin Feixing found that it was an email from an unfamiliar mailbox, and Lin Feixing was also very curious about who sent the email. After all, few people knew about his mailbox, and this was his mailbox specially used to receive work-related emails.

After confirming that it was not a virus-laden email, Lin Feixing opened the email, and then Lin Feixing probably knew the reason, and also knew why the backstage of Xinghai Smart Voice was overwhelmed.

All this was caused by a writer named Shen Wei, and Lin Feixing also found out in the email that this girl was actually a visually impaired person, which made Lin Feixing feel admiration. Such a strong mind.

Later, Lin Feixing deliberately checked the experience of this girl named Shen Wei on the Internet. Although Shen Wei is not a famous person, because of her special experience, she still left some records on the Internet.

In the email, Shen Wei expressed her gratitude to Lin Feixing, because with the software developed by Lin Feixing, more visually impaired people can communicate with others more conveniently, and those who are engaged in writing can also better bring you More quality articles.

Shen Wei shared her experience from contact to complete admiration, and everyone's acceptance and recognition of the software after she shared it with writers, and then the advantages and disadvantages of the software, and hope that the computer version can be released as soon as possible, so that it will be more convenient Writers create.

After carefully reading the email, Lin Feixing also felt that the world is really wonderful. He never thought that the software that Lin Feixing made casually would be used by so many people because of a visually impaired person who is engaged in writing work and has been paying attention to voice software.

Lin Feixing took a look this morning, almost 5000 people have downloaded the software and are still using the software. At this rate, Lin Feixing really doesn’t know if he can last until the end of this month. The server he rents can maintain a maximum number of users of 1. many people.

It seems that there are still a lot of resource vacancies, but it is really not enough, which makes Lin Feixing want to optimize the software as soon as possible, so that the software can use less background resources.

Now this woman named Shen Wei also expressed the hope to launch the computer version as soon as possible, which would make the already limited server resources even worse, and Lin Feixing also hoped that the venture capital provided by the school would be given to him as soon as possible.

In the end, Lin Feixing replied an email to Shen Wei, who is considered a die-hard fan, in which he gave some plans for the later stage of the software, and then revealed that the computer version will be launched in the near future, but the time is uncertain and depends on whether the resources can maintain development and operation. the cost of.

After sending the edited email, he leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed his temples. He felt that there were more and more things, and the more he felt that there was still too little that one person could do. Thinking of this Lin Feixing just hopes that Xiaozhi can grow up quickly.

If Xiaozhi grows up, he can help Lin Feixing do more things, but now Lin Feixing has fallen into a bottleneck in Xiaozhi's intelligence upgrade, he doesn't know how to quickly improve Xiaozhi's intelligence, Lin Feixing rubbed his temples and thought If you don't understand, just take one step at a time.

After sending the email to Lin Feixing's mailbox, Shen Wei is currently working on today's work. Recently, his updates have increased, and her readers are also very curious about what happened to Shen Wei, and there are explosive updates one after another.

However, this kind of situation does not only happen to Shen Wei, it happens in many places. Many readers and fans have found that their favorite authors have exploded for several days in a row. They all seem to have switched genders.

In the past, one article could not be squeezed out in half a day, but now several articles can be published in a day, which makes readers not know what happened.

Shen Wei was still typing, when suddenly a notification tone entered his ears, Shen Wei knew it was the sound of a new email, Shen Wei opened the email, and then read it out from the phone.

After listening to the email, Shen Wei was very excited. Unexpectedly, the email she sent to the software author actually replied to her, and accepted her opinion, and also mentioned some follow-up plans for the software, which made Shen Wei more firmly support this software. software too.

Several people have follow-up plans, which means that there is still room for improvement in the software, and the experience of the software is already very strong. The most important thing is that the author of the software does not seem to plan to run away. The only thing that worries her is that the author revealed that he seems to be Short of money.

And Shen Wei also understands it very well. After all, the software is now a personal development and is currently free to use. It is normal to be short of money. After all, not everyone can use love to generate electricity, and if the software is now charged, Shen Wei will not hesitate to carry it out. Paid.

As a person who didn't go home for reunion at school, Lin Feixing stayed in the library until evening and left, because today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, since you can't spend it at home, it's not bad for you to spend it with your classmates in school.

Several of Lin Feixing's roommates had already made an appointment with him to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together, so Lin Feixing didn't choose to stay in the library for a day. If it wasn't for this, he would definitely choose to stay in the library until he went to bed.

Today, they did not choose to go out for dinner in one dormitory, but chose to have a gathering in the dormitory. They bought food outside and put them in the dormitory. They also thoughtfully bought a few months of cakes, so they won’t eat them after the Mid-Autumn Festival How can moon cakes be called Mid-Autumn Festival?

Lin Feixing opened the door and came in from the outside just after the meal was set, and then saw the appetizing meal, and couldn't help but secrete more saliva in his mouth, because he stayed in the library for a day, so there was no lunch at noon. Leaving the library means basically not eating for a day.

Lin Feixing was like this. Once he started studying, he would completely forget to sleep and eat, but fortunately, sitting all the time would not make Lin Feixing faint from starvation. Seeing this delicious meal now whetted his appetite.

"Hey, you guys are all ready, it looks delicious! Good brother is indeed a good brother, really thoughtful!" Lin Feixing praised the meal to several roommates.

"It's really punctual. If you come later, you will lose your share!" Zhu Zhiqiang joked.

As Lin Feixing's good roommate, of course it is impossible for him to abandon Lin Feixing and let Lin Feixing eat the leftovers first. After all, Lin Feixing still helped them a lot, especially yesterday.

"Okay, it's not for me, right? Then I'm leaving, so sad!" Lin Feixing opened the door and pretended to leave after finishing speaking.

"Okay, hurry up and have dinner, you're serious about joking!" Xu Yang interrupted Lin Feixing who was putting on a show.

Of course, Lin Feixing was joking with them. He still believed in the brothers. Although they had only been together for less than a month, Lin Feixing appreciated everyone's character. Although there were flaws, no one was perfect. Well.

Hearing Xu Yang's words, Lin Feixing put down the computer with a smile and joined the team of cooks, and then started eating with a group of roommates. It was a good feeling to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival outside for the first time, after all, he had a Accompanied by friends.

While eating, Lin Feixing also received a call from Lu Shuai. Hearing Lu Shuai's voice, it seemed that he was also spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with his friends, but it seemed more lively there, and it sounded like there were a lot of people.

While chatting with him, I introduced my roommate to him. Although I could only listen to him, but my friend's friend was my friend, everyone was very enthusiastic. Finally, Lin Feixing knew that Lu Shuai was actually the whole class. There was a party, that's why there was such a lively sound.

After finishing the meal, a few people came to the balcony to eat moon cakes while admiring the moon. They said that it was more enjoyable to eat this way, and they could really see the moon very well from their balcony, and they saw the moon cake hanging in the sky. The moon is extraordinarily round and extraordinarily bright.

"Sing to wine, how much life is there!" Lin Feixing pointed the mooncake at the moon.

The universe is so vast, and human beings are so fragile. The moon is still the same moon from ancient times to the present, but people have changed a lot. How can human beings enter the sea of ​​stars?

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