Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 11 – Reporting the Definition of Loyalty

Gabril POV

"Let's... Go Itia." Kumo said to his flustered comrade. 

"...Y-yeah..." She nodded in response to Kumo's words. 

Right now the two of them are quietly standing right in the middle of the street along the marketroad. Looking and checking out each product for their report to their master. While I, Gabril, floats around them with my wings and looking over the market. 


The two are unusually silent. 

"Hey what's wrong you two?" I, Gabril, interjected in. "You two seem awfully quiet, what happened?" I ask them, [I know exactly what happened...] They got flustered because Morus-sama hug them! [So cute! I wish I was hugged too!] I squirm around hugging myself feeling the warm touch of her skin with mine! 

The two noticed this and quietly rebuke. "Ahem! Ms. Gabril won't you mind not frolicking like that?" [She has been full of herself lately.] Kumo thought. 

"Kumo! For once I agree with you, you're not acting with dignity like one of Mas— I mean Morus-sama's servants!" [How there she acts like that in front of her too seniors!] Itia thought. 

[How cute.] I thought. Although I don't have any bad feelings towards them, in fact I wanna be friends with them. They are so uptight. [Let's loosen them up a bit shall we?] I thought with a devious face. 

I stood in between of them. "C'mon were all her servants, or friends now right?" I pause as I look at them with surprise in their faces. "Plus you two have been with Morus-sama for far longer than me." Not including the time I waited her soul for thousands of years. 

I sat in the air just above the ground and look at them from above, "So please punish this little kouhai of yours." I said with a blush on my face. Looking at their expressions makes my heart fill with joy. 

[What a weird girl.] [So this will be our new comrade?] The two of them each thought. 

But after listing their other colleagues from the top of their head, "Fine. As long as you'll be of use to Master." "Your weird but not too weird. So I'll forgive you for now." They concluded that this girl fits perfectly within the group. 

"Yay~!" I immediately jump from their approval and give them a similar hug from behind. [Ahh~ Morus-sama's smell...] I wanna be her closest servant! I sniff her lingering scent. 

[[Yup, definitely weird.]] The two unanimously thought.


Itia POV

"So this is an applebarry..." I mutter, as I look at Master's favorite food. 

Me and Kumo split up along with the perv— I mean Gabril to look around the area. Kumo went to the left while I, Itia, went to the right. 

[I must have it!] I look at it with dotted eyes. The moment I saw Mast— I mean Morus-sama take a whole cluster of them I wanted one too. [Running away with that Mary girl...] Don't get too full of yourself kid. 

[But that was after...] I look at my shoulders. "Yup, friends." I remember. 

[Friends... Master you are so kind...] I unintentionally blush. As I remember her soft skin, gentle voice and her warm eyes as she said those words. [I wonder if... If I could...] The thought float through my mind. [Like friends...] But I'm just a servant though.

But my dazed look seems to have misunderstood the middle-aged woman in front of me. "Oh you like it? You can have as much as you want little girl!" The woman running the stall said. As I get back to reality. "Huh?" I said in wonder. [I thought you can only have one of these things at once?] Is this human lying to me? 

With my expression she quickly explains. "No no no! You're with that girl earlier right? She gave me these gold nuggets." She shows them to me in her palm. "Now I already earned my profit thanks to her so in return I'll let you take as much as you want." She says with a wink. 

[You're lucky that you praised Morus-sama or else I would have killed you.] I thought. I hate liars and people that call me little. 

"Of course keep this a secret from the other customers okay?" She said to me in a whisper. 

[Not only you lied but you lie to the rest of your customers?] I will definitely kill her now. [It makes sense that all of them should belong to Morus-sama!] I open my claws and reach— "Here you go~" She then gave me a bunch of appleberries. 

"..." I stay silent. 

"See? Told you I'd give them to you." She said to me. 

"..." I stay silent again. 

"Hmm? Is there something wrong? Do you perhaps want more?" She place another cluster in my hands. 

"...You survive this time..." I said something.

"Hmm? I didn't hear you little one." She ask as she gets closer. 

"BUT NEXT TIME I'LL...!!!" I ran with all my might carrying the applebarries within my arms to a crowded place full of people and obstacles....

Afterwards, the woman running the stall came to help me pick up the dropped fruits and gave me another cluster for the ones that were stepped on. 

But that's not the worst part, "What are you doing?" It's Kumo. 

"~Itsh... nguthhingh~" I am feeling the essence of Master's pallet right now. I am doing my best to become closer to her and understanding her infinite wisdom. [Maybe it'll make me closer to being frie... No! I'm a loyal servant!] Master's words keep spinning in my mind.

I quickly move on to another topic as I look at my companion. I then swallow the berries, "May I ask what are you doing as well...?" I ask him the same as I look at his state right now. 


Kumo POV

"Haha! the one who gets through these creatures will take any weapon!" The rather rough looking man says as he shouts it to everyone walking. 

Right now me and Itia have just parted ways earlier to along with Gabril search this marketplace of anything. She went to the right of this place while I, Kumo, went to the left. 

The food, weapons, animals, and so on. So we could report all we could for my master.

I look around, [This will be Master's domain now humans.] I thought with a smile on my face. 

With that thought I stretch out my back a bit to continue to work, but as soon as I touch my shoulder. "You guys are the only ones I have." I remember Master's words, to where the spot her arm touches. 

[You are too kind Master...] I am a servant to the masters of the Flying Orcas and especially to Morus-sama, the one that got me and recreated to her needs. 

[I only serve to fulfill your wishes and goals Morus-sama... I mean master.] Plus I think to myself that I am not a very good 'friend' to have for Morus-sama.

[She already has... Oh.] I realized what she meant. 

"What a niece pair of clothes! Praise to Silkco-sama!" A random passerby said as he holds onto clothes by his hands. 

"Silkco-sama huh..." It is the name of Morus-sama's friend. From the records of her that I remember she is a very well-known weaver that could create the most magnificent of clothing, the one that created Itia's dress.

I look towards the store which it came from, a small clothing shop that's set up. It is like every other shop in this place except for one thing. 

"May I ask what this altar is ma'am?" I ask, fully knowing what it is. 

The young woman with messy hair responds. "Oh! This! Ah this is Silkco-sama's altarr!" She erratically says while cleaning the altar.

It's a small smooth stone with many lines flowing across like one of those eastern-style gardens that one of my masters from Flying Orcas has. But the main distinction is in the center. 

"Is there no idol?" I ask, as the stone only contains a stylize swan on it's side, Silkco-sama's symbol. 

"..Ahh well you see they're expensive and no one really knows what Silkco-sama looks like hehe..." She explains as she scratches her head and bows down to me. 

[She's a graceful swan divine being...] I was going to say but I retract it. Fearing I might say something unnecessary. 

"Well is she the main god in this city?" I ask. As a thought that her specialty doesn't seem all that powerful. But she quickly shook her head. "No no no! She's the goddess of sewing so she's our patron for us that involves ourselves with that craft..." She pauses. "There are many gods that the other artisans worship, most of them gods that relates to their craft like our beloved Silkco-sama." She says before cleaning the stone again and then adding threads to the lines of the stone. 

[I see...] Many of the divine beings in this future world have finally been seen as what they actually are, Gods and Goddesses, beings that demand your absolute loyalty, instead of the worship of the attribute gods from my time. I look back to see the girl with the messy hair finally finish her task. 

"What is that?" I ask as I look at what she did to wrap the altar with strings. 

"Ah well you see...! Tradition says that Silkco-sama will grant us good luck and protection if we give her threads as an offering!" She said as she stutters to speak with me. 

But I unconsciously smile. [What a loyal subject.] I have seen Silkco-sama in person so I am quite happy to see someone devote themselves to a divine being. "I guess I should offer as well." Divine beings, even if she is not one of the divine beings of Flying Orcas should still be treated with respect, especially to a friend of my one True Master. 

Under the table I hide my hands, with my fingertips being pierced by my claws and started to spin a ball of threads. Although I am called a Golden Thread Spider, overtime through Morus-sama's training I managed to produce various other types.

"...Done." I mutter, as I finish the spinning ball of my webs and gave it to the altar, as a sign of respect. 

"What are you—eeeegghhhh?!?!?" The woman made a funny noise as she saw the ball of threads suddenly placed on her desk. 

But then I notice a rustling sound in the back. "What are you shouting for— What?!" It's a gaudily dress middle-aged woman with no fashion sense as all as she wears is copious amounts of fragrances, colorful clothing, unnecessary accessories, a feather hat and more. 

"Mother, look!" She handed her the webs but the woman only look at it with, "Yeah, that. But!" She wobbles around walking towards me as her jewelry is making clanking sounds. 

"Young man!" Her giant hands slams the desk of the store. "W-what is it?" I ask of her, mildly disturbed as this whale suddenly landed towards me. 

"You have the face of a prince!" She scream as her spit is flying through my face, luckily my threads caught it before it landed. 

"Please! You are the perfect model! I'll give you any coins I have just please! Will you use your bod— I mean model for us?!" She says, as she took a big gasp afterwards. 

"Mother?! What are you doing?!" The girl with a messy hair shouted. 

"And I know you don't have much on you~" She winks, as she looks at my pants to see there's no bags or pockets... Or not. 

[Normally I would eliminate her at this point but...] Considering the consequences of disobeying Master's order of laying low and bringing trouble for her. Plus the positives like getting money. "I accept." I don't have much care for this woman's feelings, I only want the money. 

But, "I want that woman over there to pick my clothing." I pointed to the messy haired girl. "M-me?!" She said with a shock. 

I nodded. [Although things like shame and embarrassment are irrelevant trivia for me that humans possess. I would rather be serviced by a human devoted to a divine being than this.... Human?] I glance at the Pigkin before looking back at the woman with messy hair. 

"I-I'll do my best...!" She shouted with red on her face while holding the ball of thread that I made. 

Afterwards... With the girl with the messy hair shyly changing my outfit and watching out for that woman when she peeks,


"A prince!"


"Please notice me senpai!"

It seems that it was a success. [But I wonder why they gave me a different hair color?] I thought as I wore hats each time I wore different clothing. 

But it seems like it worked too well. "Please let me kiss you!" Well I don't care about much for thing's like a human female's heart so I delivered. 

Although I did sense some gazes of malcontent behind me as I look at the alley behind me and with my powerful vision I saw a couple of oily shirtless men looking at me with hatred. It's not like I stole their job from them. 

After going through all that I grab the reward money and sent my goodbyes from the girl with a messy hair and avoided her mother which she kneeled on the ground and cried with her handkerchief. 

I think she was muttering something like she didn't even see it but I quickly left by then. 

...From the girls thoughts. [What a Prince Charming... I hope I will meet you again...] The girl holds on to his thread tightly and never revealed it to her mother and kept it for herself until the time comes when she makes her masterpiece with it. 

[But I didn't even told him my name...] The girl fell in love at first sight. 


Gabril POV

"What are you two doing?" I look at my two companions Itia and Kumo. 

While me, Gabril was just flying about and collecting money, Itia is shoving some fruit in her mouth and carrying it on her arms while Kumo looks like he was raped! With kiss marks and hickeys and the smell of women radiating from him. 

Right now our meet up is this alley, with no hoodlums and no people to bother us. 

"I was... Experiencing Ma— Morus-sama's experience." Said by Itia as she bites onto another one. 

[Don't try to give me a vague excuse...] I thought of Itia. 

"I was just doing a favor that's all." Kumo said while he removes some dust on his clothes. 

[And don't act like you're holier than thou!] I thought of Kumo. 

"Sigh..." I couldn't help but let out a sigh. 

[Am I the only one that did their job properly?] I frustratingly thought. 

I look at the whole city from above, not just the market. Then I even memorized it as well. 

El Niño is a city divided by a river running across. There are two districts, the Nobles' and the Commons' area. The Commons' is the bigger of the two, where most of the commoners, workers,  tradesmen, and lower ranking merchants are. The buildings are small and tightly pack but tall and mostly made of stone and wood. Most of the guilds and City Hall resides here. While the Nobles' are what you expect, Nobles. I didn't manage to get a good look at it but the buildings are mansions with space in between, they are big but aren't really tall and made up of marble and polished stone with clay roofs. The palace and other governmential buildings reside there. 

In my opinion although there is a class division, the lack of conflict makes this place really peaceful. 

[I wonder how long since that happened.] I force myself not to remember that era. 

I thought of other things, [Yeah, I enjoy the survey.] I unintentionally put a grin on my face... Remembering peeking through the windows. 

"Why's there a liquid running through her thighs?" Itia ask, but I pretend to not hear that. 

I get back to reality. "Well should we report what happened now—" Then, something hit me. 


Our hearts felt like it was hit by something terrible. 

"Urrgghh...!" "T-this is...!" The two reacted violently. 

[Wh-what's happening?!] I suddenly felt the magic in this city grew drastically. Not just any magic, a dark and vengeful one at that. 

"C-could it be?!" The feeling of this thick, dark and dense mana... There could only be one being I know of that has this. Unfortunately, the location where it came from doesn't make it better. 

"Mori-sama!" "Master!" It seems Itia and Kumo immediately realizes it as well. 

[Shit! I need to go!] I could not allow myself to stay here. Even if against her orders. 

"I-I'll check it out!" I flew quickly without even looking at them, as I flew at a tremendous speed. 


Itia POV

After she left, the magic quickly dissipated. With the pervert Gabril leaving, it was just me and Kumo. 

I react immediately. "Kumo!" I shouted at him, with no tears on my eyes but still noticed my weeping. 

"...I know." He looks down at the ground. The usually grounded Kumo could not answer my call. "Master is..." He shakes, physically shaken by what happened.

He couldn't say it, for the first time the Kumo that I know of that usually has answers to anything and isn't afraid to say them is silent. 

So for the first time as well, I answered up. "...We weren't of any help to Morus-sama today..." There I said it, even if it breaks my heart I said it. 

"I know...!" He punches the wall behind him, it made a dent. 

"Why have we been wasting our time and not protec—" But he's letting out too many of his emotions at once. 

So I stop him, "Kumo! This is Morus-sama's orders! So we're not wasting our ti—" But he rebutted me next. 

"But Master was hurt! Can't you see what happened earlier?!" He clenches his heart, he's even sweating as he remembers it. 

But I fought back, "Morus-sama is strong and brave! She must have killed the one that did that to her! Are you saying you're doubting Master's strength!?" I shouted back at him. Even if we have our differences we're still companions that fought through thick and thin to get where we are. It really pains me to do this. 

"No Itia! I'm saying that we should have been with her in the first place!" He pauses as he took a deep breath. "How could we be loyal servant's to Master if we can't even protect her from being hurt!" His last shout before biting his lips, muttering, "I'm a failure..." Under his breath, and sliding back down to the wall. 

But I can't let him stay at that sorry state. "Kumo! We're not failures!" I shouted at him back, making him notice from his sad mug. "It is Ma— no! Mori-sama's order to let us stay behind here and report this whole city!" I shouted again, this time grabbing him by the shoulders. "I trust that Mori-sama would know the risk of us not having by her side, so even if she was hurt, it is not our fault!" I said as I gasp for air. 

"B-but... She... Hurt.." He looks like a broken up doll that's muttering it's last lines before fading. 

"I know that!" I shouted, pulling him back and forth by his shoulders. "Of course I'm hurt! I'm hurt that Mori-sama was hurt... But.." I quieted down. "Is... Is this how sensitive we are...?" I ask to myself this time, biting my lip as the very question hurts our pride as servants. With Kumo for the first time again looks intently at me. "Kumo... Is it not our jobs as servants that if we lose, we fight back again next time?" Then it all went clear to my mind, my clouded eyes finally brighten up. 

I step back and look at him, waiting for an answer. "....But... Loyal ser—" It seems as though he still hasn't got it through his thick skull, so I interrupt him. 

I answer him defiantly. "Kumo, what is your definition of loyalty?" I ask him. With his eyes clearly looking at me with shock. 

"W-what are you—" I interrupted him again. "Kumo, this is serious." I pause. "For me, before I just blindly follow orders and executed them. But with what happened now, I feel different." I take a deep breath. 

"For me being loyal now means bringing the greatest happiness for Morus— no, Mori-sama. Being able to help her out outside of being her protector, to be there when she needs you and even the smallest chance that we might lose. Like right now, I bring myself up and fight again. Bringing the results which satisfy her the most." I pause. "So even if she is hurt right now, I would continue this mission knowing it would bring her joy in our Mori-sama's heart." I end my speech. 

[Huh...?] After I ended that speech I suddenly feel a liquid between my eyes. [Could this be...!] I touch it, but then after checking it. "...It's my blood..." I am crying my own blood, otherwise known as the only liquid substance left in my body. Since it has iron in them my body doesn't feel repulsed by it. 

I giggle as I see my blood and the aftermath of what I said. [I wasn't proclaiming myself to be a servant...] But in fact. [Mori-sama's friend.] Then I remember the face of Mary. The girl that at first I was appalled by her causal tone towards Mori-sama, but gradually turned into jealousy as she somehow makes Mori-sama have an happy expression. The girl that made me start calling Master to Morus-sama and eventually Mori-sama.

[I wonder how can I make Mori-sama have the same look as she does with me?] I thought as I begin to make catching up to Mary my goal. 

Then after that the shock finally sunk into Kumo enough as he got back to his senses and got up. "Sorry for making such an unsightly image Itia." He looks at me as the normal Kumo that I know and like. 

"Yeah, sorry for forcing myself like that." I said in response. 

"Don't be, you brought me back from despair." He pauses. "But still Itia. My loyalty is to protect Morus-sama and without question." He looks to me. 

"But... I will also make Morus-sama's life the best as it could be, to be beside her and provide the greatest service. Like a proper butler should." He says to me with a smile. 

"I like that loyalty." I said with a smile as well.

"Good. Since Itia you are now miles above me in terms of emotion. I will start taking notes from you from now on." He pulls up his hand. "So, Morus-sama let's complete this mission."

"Sure." We shook hands. 


In a different place. "You're highness. Why are you staring so much at that magical sphere right now?" A husky, old voice said. 

"Well something very interesting happened." He, a young sounding voice, said. "See?" He points at the ball. 

"Just for a second I saw something that interrupted the flow there." He pauses. "A very strong disturbance." He mutters as he look at the ball intently. Waiting if it'll happen again. 

"Well... We're at the gates now so better prepare yourself, Your Highness The Prince." The old man said as he takes a peek at the curtain. 

The young prince slumps to the table, "...Fine." And places back the magical sphere. 

[I wonder what it was though?] He couldn't hide his curiosity. 

Hey guys! Wow that was a lot of character development! Honestly this was a difficult chapter to write so I never thought it'll go smoothly as well. At first when writing this I didn't have a clue at to how I'll do Kumo and Itia walking around the market place. I thought it'll be very boring when I just take them on a walk looking at stores and stuff. So when I decided to have Gabril a pervy side I'll make them separate each other and have them interact with humans. Focusing on comedy and stuff and fleshing out their personalities. 

Which went way better than I expected, especially Kumo since I originally had him do a test of strength as he takes out a weapon from a barrel which is filled with spiders. And him being a spider himself the spiders inside wouldn't attack him, instead clinging onto him. But I thought that it'll be better if it related to Morus in some way and silkco and Mary and marina being seamstress was a connection and so I decided to do the clothes route instead. So the first line in his POV is the remnant of that. 

I'm also glad the definition of loyalty part at the end of this chapter turned out well, honestly I don't know what I was saying at first but when I wrote it down and did their dialogue it all makes sense, somehow XD I guess that's just how writing a story works, it doesn't have a proper limit and can bend your original vision as you write it.

But anyways enough of the philosophical bullshit see you guys next chapter, arigatou! (Holy shit this is the longest chapter I have! 4k words baby!)

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