Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 3 – A Rose in the Middle of Blood

"Yo, you alright?" She said. 

"Y-y-yes~!" I nervously said with my eyes closed. 

[T-this is so disrespectful..!] I blush red when I imagine what mama would react after she saw my manners towards her. 

With purple eyes, long and flowing black hair and pointed ears. I owe this lady my life. 

[If only I have listened to mama and papa...] I lament. 

[I should have waited for brother to come, I should have come here tomorrow instead, I should have papa come help me, I should have I should have...!] All these thoughts, regrets are making my little head hurt, but immediately I think of the person that saved my life. 

[...No, I shouldn't think that, it will be disrespectful for the person that saved my life to be thinking about this...] She personally came to my rescue even though I did this all to myself, killed the Werebeast, did all this trouble for me and all I can think of is regrets? [If mama knew she would give me a big smack on my bum.] That would hurt me more than any beasts! 

I open my eyes and see her sitting down and looking at me straight with her weirdly shaped pupils. [A-am I that rude?? I should thank her immediately!] I unconsciously step back. 

"T-thank y—!" Just as I was muttering a thank you,

"You alright there?" She pointed at the scratches on my knees and legs, while stepping back one of the flower's leaves glides one of the bruises. At the same time as well, "Oh? Did I interrupt you? Sorry, sorry." She said as she look at me like she made a mistake. 

"Y-yes... I- I mean no..!" I answered looking down, jumbling my words and biting my lip. [I-I shouldn't bother onee-san anymore than I should have.] I thought, but she gave me a slim smile.

"It hurts doesn't it?" She said, seemingly seeing through my lie. 

[Lie?] 'Never lie to your elders.' is what mama said. And her words plus mama's sunk my heart and made me said my selfish desire. 

"Hmm..hmn..." Is all I can say as I nodded up and down. 

But she doesn't feel any disgust towards it, but instead a brighten up look as she goes and grabs one of her bags. "It's always good to be honest with yourself." She kindly said as she pulls out a red bottle. 

But first, 'Be honest with yourself.' [I will always remember that onee-san!] I wide smile appear on my face. 

She saw the look of my face and her lips grew wider as well, "Well this might sting a bit so endure it for now." She opens up the cork and sprinkles a few drops of the bright-red liquid to her hand before scrubbing her hands together. 

I nodded in response. 

[If it's for you I'll do anything!] I said such a reckless thing my father would be in shock for if he heard it. 

"Well mind if I hold on to your legs for now?" She kindly asks.

"..Yes..." I push them straight towards the lady. 

"Good, alrighty then." She holds below my knee. "Be sure okay?" She said immediately afterwards as her hands glides across my legs.

I wince for a bit as she spreads the liquid all over but I endure it, [I'm fine I'm fine!] I repeatedly said in my head. This pain is nothing compared to the debt I owe her.

But even I was surprised at how quick it was, as she immediately went to my other leg and started caressing it while my eyes are still closed. Before long... 

"Done." I immediately open my eyes in shock as I see no scratches or bruises, or even scars resulting from them. It's like I've never ever been attacked. 

"T-thank you....!!" She must have used one of the potions my brother buys on occasion on me! He said that they're pretty pricey and father always calls him a wuss for buying it, 'A man's scars are his pride!' papa said. 

[To think she used such a thing on someone like me!] Then I decided. 

"Thank you very much!" I immediately stood up and bowed down deeply. 

"To think you would use your precious potions on someone like me! To help someone that came here all to herself! To actually save someone the likes of me......" I said everything I wanted to say, I wanted to say more but that's all I could muster up until now. At the end I even started to sob and tear up. [How could I ever repay her?] If she's I boy I would know but she's not, how could I.. 

But still, "Hey, I heard someone calling for help and I did, I just did it cause it was the right thing." She stood up and patted my hair, making it all messy. 

But that doesn't matter, "Snnff... Sniff.... Thank y-you." I wipe down my tears, and look up to her, her radiant beauty shining through as the sun's rays are piercing through.

[M-my hero..!] My eyes sparkle, now looking at her with a different lens. 

"You're welcome then. So, why don't we exchange names."

[Ooh.. Her name....] I'm gonna find my hero's name, this is exciting! 

"W-well then! M-my name's Maria!"

Morus POV

"Then call me Morus."

[Did I do good?] Self-admittedly I'm terrible with kids.

I think this is the first time that it ended decently, usually they would cry and stuff but not here. She almost did but hold it back, what a tough girl. 

I mean I never had them bowing to me like that, trying to apologize and stuff, but this Maria girl reminded me of the time I was in the office so I oddly relate to her in a way. So I then unintentionally patted her head. 

[I wonder if she's scared of me then?] She did close her eyes for a while there, but I can understand that. Meeting someone that just killed five beasts next to you up close would make anyone close their eyes. But at least she seems to be quite happy about me healing her up though.

Looking around the place for a bit. [Is it because I got good at parenting for once or is this kid herself that brave? Either way looking at this scene and not running away is impressive either way.] I mean next to you is a beast with brain goo coming out, the other's are being eaten alive by plants, half of it's face burned off and one spazzing out. It's a miracle if you think about it. 

"Uh-uhm... Morus-san?" She meekly called my name. 

"Oh sorry was deep in thought. Yes?" I said, [Guess I'll get back in reality for now.]

"W-well you see.... I honestly don't know how I could repay your kindness Morus-san.." She shyly said, as she squeezes her legs and shoulders together in embarrassment. 

"O-oooh..? So that's what you mean." My eyes wide in shock. 

[What a nice girl.] I smiled deeply, 

"There, there." I patted her head once again, so looks quite happy about it. "Well you being here is already enough for me." I said, as she being here would give me my first knowledge on this world. 

"R-really..?!" She excitedly said, holding my hand and looking at me with a spark in her aquamarine eyes. 

"Yup, because of... here." I wiggle my fingers around till it lands on her forehead.

She blinks for a few times. "In my head...?" She curiously asks. 

"Yup, yup! I need you answer me some questions you see? I'm not from around here so I need some help." I explain. 

After she thinks about it to sink what it meant. "Oh! Morus wants me to be her guide!" She seemed to understand most of it. 

Well the questions I asked are pretty simple; Where is the nearest town/city and is there any sort of guild here. 

Well the first one is pretty obvious, "Yes yes it's just right outside this forest! It's where I live and also my family owns an inn! So please stay there!"

"Oh really? That's convenient, and also you'll be a great advertiser in the future." I complimented her seamless transition from the city to her family inn. "Advertiser?" She asked with a question mark. "Nothing, nothing." Never mind. 

The other question is that although the first thought of hearing the word "guild" you think of the titular Adventurer's Guild. But I need to know if there are any other ones I could join from. 

"Well there are lots of them! Merchant's Guild, Mage's Guild, Crafts Guild, there's even the Carpenter's and Mason's Guild!" She pause as she takes a breath, "Of course there's also the Adventurer's Guild where my brother is!" But the last one is the main one I'm looking for. 

[Mmm.... Joining the other guilds is also an option for me as well.] I curiously thought as there seems to be more options here than I thought. 

"A-also my mother's in the Sewing Guild!" She pointed out. 

Although I have heard of the Merchant's and Mage's Guilds before, to think there are many other types of guilds as well. It makes you wonder how dense this world is compared to others. 

[Plus being a famous adventurer is a bit too standard nowadays, so having other sources of income also works for me as well.] With my experience of being a white-collar worker, I think I can survive the world of merchants. 

I chuckle a for a bit as I'm formulating my plan to live in this world. "Thanks a lot Maria, now I can think of what I'll do from now on." Honestly I was a bit skeptical at first about asking information from a kid but I guess I'm wrong in that one.

"Yaaay Morus-san praised me!" She giggled covering her face with her hands. 

[Geez 'ur melting me here.] I lightheartedly thought, but there's still one more thing I need to ask. "By the way Maria, what are you doing in a place like this?"

Immediately, her giggle froze and she almost turned to stone. 

"A-ah...uh aaah! I forgot!" Immediately she ran around confused, looking for something. "Ah!" She grab a yellow handle and pull it out, it's a basket. 

"S-sorry..!! I forgot, I was supposed to grab these Wolfsmarys for my mama and give it to her!" She quickly grabs up the red flowers called 'wolfsmary' and puts them in the basket. 

I grab a piece of it myself, [Wolfsmary huh?] A red colored version of the Earthly plant rosemary, with small flowers scattered about. [What an oddly appropriate name.] I thought as I compared the flower to the red flowing locks of her hair.

"Want me to help you with that?" I ask. Holding down the flower. "Y-you've already done so much Morus-san, I can't bother you anymore than I have!" She shouted, looking at me with full determination in her eyes.

[Well... Guess can't be helped.] If she's looking at me like that there's no way I can bother her. 

I look around to see the Silverback Wolves still on the ground with my knives still on them. [Crap! I almost forgot about something too.] I scratch my head as I walk to the wolves and pull out the knives. 

It seems that the little Maria is done picking the flowers. "..." But she seems to be looking intently at the knife I just pulled out from the brain of this wolf, blood spilling and all. 

"Hm? What is it Maria?" I ask her. "W-well t-this may be rude to ask but..." And she bowed once again. "May I please have the Werebeast's skin!"

Looking bewildered, I ask. "Uhm, sure... But may I ask why though?" Genuinely curious. 

"W-well you see... I'm mama's apprentice in the sewing guild... And she always wanted to get the Werebeast's pelts to use so..." Her fingers touch, looking embarrassed, but manage to squeeze out her answer. "I wanna make her feel happy!" 

[An honest to god answer....] I thought in admiration, as I keep opening and closing my mouth for what I supposed to say next to that, but I just smiled at the end and gave her the blade. "Here, you want it right?" I smiled as I said that to her. 

"T-thank you!" She bowed once again. "Oh don't worry about it." I place the knife in front of her. "I give you my friendship and trust with this knife, so here." But I intend it to be her last bow to me, I don't want her acting like that anymore, it's making me blush. 

[Are all kids in this world this good?] If so then humanity is heading in the right direction, I look at her and was shock for a moment then turned to determination as she grips tightly onto the knife. 

"Yes! We're friends now Morus-san!" Her body straighten up. 

"You're too tense, so having nicknames first off would help lessen our distance." I cheerfully said. [I may be getting too into this.] I thought, but honestly didn't care.

"Since when I first saw you I couldn't find you in the pile of these flowers you call Wolfsmarys... I'll call you Mary then!" In the field of red I saw her head bobbing up in the middle with those wolves. A fitting name I think. 

"Oooh... Then uh.. I'll call you Mori-san then!" She beamed with smiles. 

"Well.. Sure then, I'm Mori now." I said as I scratch my head. 

[Oh well, I didn't know exactly why we did this. But as my first friend this should be fine, I think? Maybe? Well that's the future to decide.]

After that well... Our first activities are cutting the skins of these unfortunate animals.

[What friend-like activity indeed!]

Haha hey guys! Me here, so yeah, this chapter. Personally I find it very cute and nice and all the fun stuff! Although there ain't much going on in this plot wise but I wanna have a bit more character interaction and stuff unlike the last chapter. I focus more on the character development and world building and stuff, so you guys would know what actually is going on. I tried my best on making Morus in this one not act like a pedo here since she's with a kid and all that. But I couldn't help but add a few jokes about it here and there XD Well anyways gotta eat now so Arigatou! :D

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