Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 21: Nurse Joy, Bethany (Miss Hoenn)

The next time the Rocket comes around, Beth is at her side. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen. Joy stiffens the moment that the pink-haired Rocket enters the Pokemon Center, her mind immediately leaping back to what she'd asked him to do… and what she'd done FOR him as payment.

Beth, meanwhile, lets out a gasp at her side.

"Oh, I think he got a promotion…"

Blinking, Joy doesn't take her eyes off of the Rocket, even as he pauses at the sight of Bethany for just a moment before making his way up to the counter.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, I only saw a glimpse of him the last time he was here, but now that I'm seeing him clearly… he's definitely not wearing the same uniform. I'd say our Rocket friend moved up in the world since he and I interacted last."

Joy wishes she could ask for more information, but just as Beth is finishing talking, the Rocket steps up. Blushing but also smiling prettily, Bethany lifts a hand and wiggles her fingers in greeting.

"Hello again. Fancy meeting you here, Cam."

Joy almost gasps in shock. Bethany knows his NAME?! Then, she flushes in embarrassment and shame. She'd had this Rocket's cock in her mouth and hadn't even known his name. What did that say about her, really? But it was… it was all to get revenge on her cheating boyfriend. It didn't mean anything…


Giving Beth a nod and a greeting, he turns his gaze to Joy… and holds out a letter of all things.

"This is for you."

Why would he have a letter for her? She'd asked him to go beat up her boyfriend, and to keep her name out of things. Blinking owlishly, the Pokemon Nurse takes the letter and quickly opens it, reading through the contents as fast as possible. Then, getting to the end of the admittedly short missive, she goes back to the beginning and re-reads through a second time, more slowly than the first.

"… Oh no."

Holding the letter in hands that clutch tightly at the paper, Joy finally lifts her head and looks Cam in the eye. He stares back at her impassively, surprisingly nonjudgmental given the things he now knows about her. She's shocked that he's not upset with her. After all, she's very upset with herself. But maybe… maybe it's not true? She needs confirmation, a whimper escaping her lips.

"D-Did you see it? The Jinx that my boyfriend has been asked to look after"

Joy's world comes crashing down around her when Cam nods in the affirmative.


Oh no. Oh Arceus. What had she done? A hand comes up to cover her mouth, and she looks back at the letter. In it, Ted details the whole misunderstanding for her. Apparently, Cam had done his job quite nicely. He also hadn't tattled on her. Rather, Ted had sussed it out, figuring out why Cam was there… somehow.

And… there was a perfectly reasonable explanation. An elderly citizen of Viridian City had a Jinx Pokemon that he sometimes had Ted look after. As a Police Officer, Ted couldn't exactly say no to the elderly. It would be like refusing to help an old lady cross the street.

Throwing her mind back to that fateful day, Joy tries to figure out if it was indeed a Jinx she saw. It could have been. All she saw was the back profile of a woman… or perhaps a woman-shaped Pokemon. Shakily, Joy puts the letter down on the counter.

"What… w-what have I done?"

She's not expecting a response. Not from Cam, not from anyone. Which is why she damn near jumps out of her skin when there's a whisper in her ear.

"You did what you felt was best, Joy. And there's nothing wrong with that."

Eyes wide and watery, lower lip wobbling, Joy looks to Beth, wringing her hands in front of herself.

"B-But I… I sent a member of Team Rocket to beat up my boyfriend! All over a misunderstanding! And not just that…"

Joy trails off there, not because she hasn't told Beth, but because she can't bring herself to say it out loud. She'd sucked Cam off in the bathroom of the Pokemon Center. She'd blown him, all to pay for an assault against a man who didn't deserve it…

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely certain it was a misunderstanding?"

Blinking, Joy looks from Beth to the letter, and then over to Cam.

"But… he said he saw it. T-The Jinx…"

Scoffing, Bethany just shakes her head, looking at Joy like she's an innocent newborn babe.

"I'm not suggesting that there isn't a Jinx. Maybe it was even a Jinx that you saw that day. But if you don't think Ted is two-timing you, Joy… you're blinder than I was."

Joy blinks again at that. What did she mean by blinder than she was? The Nurse doesn't get a chance to ask though, because Bethany leans in closer, whispering in Joy's ear as she looks sidelong at Cam.

"All men are exactly the same. Dark, selfish creatures who want what we have, and will do anything they can in order to get it."

Joy's mouth opens and closes soundlessly for a moment, before she finally formulates a response.

"T-That's not… Ted… T-Ted's not like that."

… Right? But Bethany just smiles and shakes her head, the humor on her lips not reaching her eyes.

"Isn't he? You were ready to believe that he was mere moments ago. Now, you're ready to believe his words just because they come to you on a piece of paper. Only… he seemed awfully quick to guess what Cam was there for, didn't he? A member of Team Rocket kicks his ass, and the first thing your cop boyfriend thinks of isn't that it's connected to his job, but rather to YOU. How… interesting."

… No. Surely not. Surely… but also… wasn't she right? Joy stares at Bethany, her thoughts in turmoil. But the brunette isn't done with her quite yet. Smiling thinly, Beth leans forward and turns Joy to face Cam once again as she presses the attack.

"There are no good men, Joy. Only men who hide it, and men who wear their true natures on their sleeves. Cam here is the kind of man who you know you can trust, because he doesn't lie. He doesn't deceive. He's exactly what he seems to be. A monster… but one who will never try to pull the wool over your eyes."

The Rocket stares at them both in silence, eyes dark and emotionless as he just stands there, toned bare arms on display, body looking quite cut in his Rocket Uniform. Six Pokeballs at his belt… Joy's mouth goes dry, as Beth sees her looking at them and latches onto that next.

"Tell me, how did it make you feel to hear that Cam beat Ted for you? How did it make you feel to know that you made the right call and backed the right horse?"

Joy whimpers, not entirely sure anymore. She would have said awful just a minute ago, but now… Beth is making a lot of sense.


"You liked it, didn't you? Tell the truth, Joy. Some part of you, deep down inside… liked that a true, powerful Alpha Male came along and put that cheating bastard boyfriend of yours in his place."

But Ted wasn't a cheating bastard! That was the whole point! R-Right?!

"Cam did all you asked of him. He went above and beyond the call of duty. Are you going to let all of his hard work go unrewarded?"

"I-I… I have something set aside for him…"

"What, that ribbon? Come on now, Joy. That's not what you really want to give him, and you know it."

At this point, Nurse Joy is trembling. Standing there behind her counter, she stares with wide eyes at the Rocket standing across from her, even as Bethany leans in close, pressed up against her side, whispering into her ear.

"… I… I…"



Bethany grins, as she watches Joy's eyes roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. The Pokemon Nurse is still in her uniform, despite them both being off-duty for the day and back at Joy's house. With her ankles gripped tightly by her own hands and pulled back all the way to either side of her head, the beautiful pink-haired woman has her body folded up and is being pounded into the bed by Cam and his big fat cock.

The Rocket isn't going easy on her, not by any stretch of the imagination. But that's okay, because that's exactly what Joy needs. She needs a real man to wash away the taint of that silly little cop down in Viridian. Ted wasn't worthy of her… anymore than Julien was worthy of Bethany.

Biting her lower lip, Bethany runs her hands up and down her own body, before slipping them under her clothes. As she watches Cam pound Joy into the bed, she touches herself eagerly. After all, it'll be her turn soon enough, or so she hopes. One hand goes to a breast, and the other goes under her skirt and into her panties. She fingers herself as Cam jackhammers in and out of Joy's drooling cunt.

From the squeals and cries and mewls of passionate pleasure exiting Joy's mouth, the Pokemon Nurse is experiencing orgasm after orgasm upon Cam's cock. As well she should. He'd done everything she asked of him, had he not? He'd proven himself worthy a dozen times over.

It was… so fucking hot, to see Cam fuck another woman like this. To see the Rocket take what wasn't his, and MAKE it his. That cop over in Viridian… he didn't deserve a fine-ass lady of Joy's caliber, to be frank. He could never make time for Joy. He could never be there for her.

To be fair… Bethany wasn't expecting Cam to 'be there' for them either. But that was the point. That was exactly what she'd told Joy. Men were all trash. Monsters, that wanted only one thing from the women around them. Cam, at least, didn't try to hide what he wanted. He didn't pretend he wasn't a crook, a criminal, a thug.

His was an old-fashioned code. He was a transactional type. If he helped you out, then you better be ready to repay him in return.

Joy was ready to repay him. She just hadn't realized it. She only needed a little bit of prodding from yours truly, and they made it work in the end. It was all gravy now. All exactly as it was meant to be. And hey… maybe Cam would come around Pewter City more, if he had TWO honeys eager to satisfy his primal, masculine desires, instead of just one.

With that in mind, Bethany finally shucks her dress off over her head. She moves over to the bed and climbs onto it, joining Cam and Joy as the former continues to rail the latter silly. Certainly, there's not an ounce of protest coming out of Joy's mouth now that she's on her back with her legs high in the air, the hungry heat in her cunt being squelched one powerful thrust at a time by Cam's big fat cock.

Pressing her chest into the pink-haired Rocket from behind, Bethany moans out in her own way, rubbing her tits along Cam's back as she watches him fuck Joy harder and faster by the moment. And then, just like that, he grunts and thrusts one final time, sending Joy through another orgasmic squealing fit as he cums inside of her, filling her to the brim.

Seeing her chance, Bethany wastes no time in slipping around to the front of the pair. Even as Cam pulls out of Joy, the former Miss Hoenn is there, taking his cock in her hand and giving it a few quick tugs to keep him nice and hard. Looking into his dark, shuttered eyes, Bethany grins and licks her lips.

"Don't stop now, Cam. You have the two of us all night long. I'm right here… ready to satisfy you even after Joy is all tuckered out."

"W-Who… who'sh t-tuckered out?"

Joy slurs her words, half-delirious as she tries to protest what Bethany is saying. But she's in no position to fight the other woman, as the brunette slides herself into place between Joy and Cam. Grabbing Joy's uniform by it's skirt, she positively tears the dress up Joy's body and over her head. Joy can barely get her arms up in time to help Bethany in divesting herself of her clothes.

As soon as the Pokemon Nurse is naked, Bethany leans forward and presses their bodies together. She rubs her tits against Joy's, and moans as she reaches back and spreads her pussy lips apart for Cam.

"G-Go on, Cam! Take me! Do it!"

The Rocket doesn't need to be told twice. He's inside of her a moment later, and his hands settle on her hips as he begins to fuck her relentlessly and ruthlessly. Despite just creampieing Joy, Cam is more than ready to go again, and he shows it by fucking Bethany without hesitation and without pause. As he jackhammers in and out of her, Bethany looks down into the eyes of the woman who's supposed to be training her.

They both know in this arena at least, that Bethany is in charge. That she's the more experienced of the two of them. And so, Joy doesn't try to fight it, even as her trainee leans forward and captures her mouth with her own. They both moan as Cam's powerful thrusts rock their bodies back and forth together, his cock fucking Bethany's cunt, but at the same time slamming into both of them with great force, in a way.

As Bethany lets her eyes drift shut so she can truly enjoy the feeling of Cam filling her up again and again, she reflects on her path, and the journey that brought her here.

In the end, she thinks she's happy that she came to Kanto, even if it was a bit of a bumpy ride, getting from point A to point B. Sure, she got yanked around by her chain for a fair bit, and put her trust and faith in all the right people… but at the same time, she definitely came out ahead, in the end.

As she arches her back, moaning wantonly for a moment before diving right back down to Joy's lips, Bethany finds herself thinking about what the future might hold.

… Maybe she'd invite her little sister to Kanto, once she was a little older. May had always been something of a free spirit, just like her. A place as wild, untamed, and free as Kanto might just be the perfect place for the younger woman to be… herself.


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