Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 35: Fem!Mewtwo

A/N: For those curious as to what Mewtwo looks like in this story, check out the end of this youtube video because that's what I used for inspiration:


He was almost here. Long had she awaited this moment. Long had she anticipated and dreaded it.

They called her Mewtwo. As the culmination of their "Mewtwo Project", it was a fitting name, she supposed. Though, technically there was a success before her. That one, they'd labeled the Catastrophe, leaving the name 'Mewtwo' still up for grabs. In the end, she was happy enough with it. 'Mewthree' just didn't roll off the tongue in quite the same way, now, did it?

Her lips curl into something of a frown at that. Her silver hair atop her head shifts as she shakes it too and fro. Her bust heaves as she lets out a huffing breath, irritated.

Those who had originally created her… they had thought to make her for war. Her original genetic donors were brilliant scientists one and all. Smart enough for human beings, anyways. But they were oh so blind. They thought they were making the perfect weapon… completely failing to notice the saboteur in their midst.

The saboteur was the reason she was born the way she was. Indisputably female. Compatible with human sex organs in a way most Pokemon were not. She was half-human, half-Mew, but her humanoid characteristics had been decidedly enhanced by the saboteur's efforts, all in an attempt to make her more… compatible. Not just with humans in general, but with the object of HIS designs in particular.

Sucking in a deep breath, Mewtwo feels him getting closer. He will join her soon enough. The unreadable storm that is his mind calls to her in a way no other human being's mind calls to her.

… It had been irritating, to find clothing to contain her voluptuous body. She would have preferred to have been able to go without, but thanks to the saboteur's efforts, that was simply not practical. Her bust in particular was larger even than most human women, for all that it was very human in its appearance. If she tried to go completely naked, not only did she utterly distract any human she ended up interacting with, but she also constantly struggled with the damn things bouncing and jiggling all over the place.

It was the latter that was more frustrating than the former, because truth be told, Mewtwo preferred to limit her human interactions as much as possible. Minimal contact had been her modus operandi for the past two decades, and she had been quite happy with it. She stayed away from the humans, and they stayed away from her, and all was well save for the occasional attempt at capturing her.

Of course, that wasn't always possible. Like for instance, in regard to her clothing. Given her desire to wear as little as was necessary to contain her bust, she had found reason to be happy regarding her decision to settle near Cerulean City. Their fetish with water and swimming, and that whole theme, made it so that she could always steam a swimsuit or two from them over the years to… cover up so to speak.

Unfortunately, her proximity to Cerulean City also came with its downsides. Such as the constant bombardment of thoughts from the city's residents, all of whom seemed to have some desire to be defeated and taken sexually on some level or other. The whole place was like that, and from what Mewtwo knew, all of Kanto was the same. Hell, maybe it was the whole world… the Psychic Pokemon hadn't exactly gone out and checked.

There was only one individual who did not bombard her with such thoughts. No, rather, he bombarded her with something else entirely. And now… he was finally standing before her.

As the pink-haired human steps off the back of his Gyarados and onto her small outcropping of land deep within the cave she's made her home, Mewtwo presses her lips tightly together… and tries to reach out Psychically, with her mind. Despite being given a mouth by the saboteur's incessant meddling, she much preferred communicating mentally where at all possible.

So, you've come at long last. Long have I awaited you… Cam.

The response, if one can call it that… is not exactly decipherable.

Wincing, Mewtwo draws back a bit. His mind… is like nothing she's ever faced. In fact, he is the only mind that she has ever failed to properly penetrate. All she gets from him is that roaring, rushing noise. Whether it's a defense of some sort left behind by the saboteur, or there truly is nothing but deafening silence in that head of his, she doesn't fully know. Except… he's clearly staring at her. He's conscious. Coherent. So, it must be a defense… right?

Either way, she is forced to rely on vocalization, rather than psychic communication. Irritating, but she half-expected it, given every attempt at reaching out to him over long distances has gone the same way. Proximity, it would seem, was not to be her saving grace here.

"… Very well, we shall communicate this way then."

There's a flicker of something in his eyes. If she didn't know any better, she'd say he was laughing at her! Sure, the corners of his mouth don't so much as twitch, but Mewtwo can't help shaking the feeling that he's amused! Or maybe she's just imagining things…

Narrowing her eyes, Mewtwo clears her throat and repeats herself.

"Long have I awaited you, Cam. You are, after all, the reason I exist."

That gets more of a reaction from him, his brow furrowing, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. She's almost gratified by it. There IS an intelligence to him. Good. It would be so very disappointing if there wasn't. Even still. Looking at him, she can't help but wonder. Is this young man, clad in the uniform of Team Rocket, truly worthy of her? She wouldn't lie… she was ready to find out.

"But that is not why you are here, is it? No, you are here because the scientists have need of my information. They fear my psychic powers weakened in the years that have passed, but in truth, they have only gotten stronger. Yes, I can find Shigeki. I know exactly where he is right now, in fact."

A glint appears in Cam's eye.


It's the first word he's spoken in her presence. Mewtwo tries not to let it mean anything. She tries not to let him get to her. That's what the saboteur wants, after all. It's half the reason she fled, all those years ago. To be born into this world already desiring someone who did not even fully exist yet… it was torture. Even worse than her creators wanting her to go to war for them, to fight and kill for them. So yes, she had run. She'd run all the way here… and all that had done was prolong the inevitable.

"I will not tell you. Not yet. Not until you have passed my test."

His eyes narrow again, his jaw sets… and he of course goes for one of the six Pokeballs at his waist. So predictable. Mewtwo can't help but smile, even as she drags a hand to the side and all six of the balls detach from his belt, zipping free and drifting out of his reach with a burst of telekinesis. She catches him by surprise, his eyes widening in shock for the first time as he reaches for them… for the representation of his strength.

"That is not the test, Cam. You and I both know you would pass such a test with flying colors. You cannot be defeated in Pokemon Battle, even by one such as I. But that is not what I care about."

Swirling behind her head, out of reach of him, Cam's Pokemon remain locked in their balls. And not for lack of trying on their part either. Pokeballs are not meant to be opened from the inside. But under great duress, and when a Pokemon is powerful enough, they can break free of their ball even when they've been caught and lived as a trainer's Pokemon for months, even years.

In this moment, not one, not two, but ALL SIX of Cam's Pokemon are trying to break free of their balls, sensing his distress, feeling a need to help him. They've only been with him for a couple of months, and yet, they strive to stand at their master's side, to fight alongside him, to prove themselves the best.

Admirable… but Mewtwo's psychic hold keeps them locked down nice and tight as she floats forward. Easily splitting her focus, she grabs hold of Cam next… and pulls his uniform off of him, piece by piece. If she weren't well aware of how irritating it was to have to go and get new clothing, she might have just shredded the outfit altogether to get at the human body underneath. Ah, but she is, and so she's gentler than that.

One of her three-fingered hands closes around Cam's cock, as she floats him up into the air to meet her. They're both a few feet off the ground, and she gives him a wry grin, even as she strokes his member physically, while running her mental touch all across his body psychically.

"Tell me, Cam… do you think yourself worthy of me? Of being my mate? It was what the saboteur had in mind for us, you know. It was all part of his great design. And yet, we both broke free of the shackle-like expectations put on us by others. We freed ourselves and carved our own paths. But then… those paths brought us right back here, to each other."

Leaning in, Mewtwo growls.

"So, tell me… are we fated to be? Is there no other option? Do I belong to you, Cam? Is there no escape for me?"

For a long moment, Cam is silent. She doesn't know what she expects him to say. Attempting to peer into his mind is just more of the same. Like a storm, he comes and comes, unrelenting and singularly focused.

"You are… beautiful."

Whatever she thought he might have said, it was not that. Mewtwo rears back, though she does not release her hold on his member. She can feel the heat rising from her face and knows that she is blushing. Her. Blushing. For a moment, she is so caught off guard that she sputters.


Then, she regains herself. She is not like the humans of Kanto and the world beyond, to be so easily disarmed. With a flushed scowl, she moves in, and pulls Cam to her at the same time. Her free hand moves down, and she uses one of her long, thick digits to pull aside the crotch of her one-piece swimsuit. A moment later, and she's impaled herself upon Cam's cock.

Letting out a rush of air through her lips, Mewtwo groans as she feels him inside of her at long last. She was, in large part, made for this. Not as her original creators intended, but rather, as the saboteur desired. She was made to feel a bond to this young man in front of her before he was even truly born.

… But that bond does not control her. Even as they fuck, held aloft by her mind, their bodies intertwining, Mewtwo maintains control. Even as Cam reaches up and grabs her, not out of some panicked need to have something to hold onto, but because he's curious and wants to… she is in control of herself. She will not surrender to him in this moment. She will not submit.

They fuck, and as they fuck, things get more heated, more passionate. His hands pull down the top of her one-piece, letting her breasts drop free of their confines and right into his mouth. He grabs and squeezes her busty chest with both hands, guiding one nipple and then the other to his lips. Sucking and slurping away, he also finds a way to thrust his hips into her, even without any leverage, even without gravity.

… He's a latent psychic himself, she realizes. Not necessarily aware of it, completely on instinct, but he's using his own psychic abilities to give as good as he's getting, purely subconsciously. As his cock plunges into her, as his mouth slurps away at her breasts, Mewtwo cries out, enjoying herself more than she cares to admit. But also… quite happy with the pleasure being visited upon her at the same exact time.

It's not as she was expecting it, but then, not all of her expectations for this meeting were necessarily positive, so perhaps that wasn't a bad thing. She was the most powerful Psychic in the world, and he… he was her mate.

But he wasn't there just yet. He wasn't quite ready. She could tell that some part of him was still… incomplete. Running her hands through his wild, untamed, overgrown hair, Mewtwo smiles, pulling him from her breasts and into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. In that moment, she is almost grateful to the saboteur for what he did to her. Because if not for his interference, she would not get a chance to experience this pleasure.

They reach climax together, with Cam spilling his seed deep inside of her. Mewtwo moans into his mouth, as well as his mind. Her moans reverberate psychically out from around them, mostly defused by the thick walls of the cave she's chosen to hide in. But not entirely. The Psychic Impression of her pleasure sweeps out a bit further still, past the cave, hitting the surrounding area in a large radius… and effectively hitting all of Cerulean City.

There will be quite a bit of lovemaking this day in the city, as humans find themselves succumbing to their own inner desires. Nothing none of them don't want to do, only the things they've always told themselves they shouldn't. Nine months from now, there would be quite the baby boom in Cerulean at that.

But for now, Mewtwo pulls back from her kiss with Cam, secure in the knowledge that the test was over. He had… passed enough to satisfy her needs for the time being.

"You aren't ready just yet, but you will be soon enough. For now, there is more for you to do."

Setting them both down, Mewtwo fixes up her one-piece, and then does Cam the courtesy of dressing him back in his Team Rocket uniform. Finally, she rolls a hand and the six Pokeballs floating high in the air behind her head come swirling down, hooking themselves back onto his belt one by one. Cam, to his credit, does not reach for them. He just stares at her, silently.

"I'm pleased to see that you didn't try to use that Master Ball on me. Even if it did work, I could remove your arm before you had the chance to even throw it."

Smiling thinly, Mewtwo shakes her head and waves a hand, as if to move past the casual threat.

"The man you're looking for is closer than you think. He does still live, as my other creators hoped. He hides in Viridian City as an old man known for his drunken bouts and his incessant need to stop any youngster that passes by so he can show them how to catch Pokemon."

Staring at Cam, Mewtwo raises a brow.

"I trust this is enough information for you to locate your quarry, yes?"

For a moment, Cam remains silent. Then, he nods.

"… Yes."

But he does not move to leave. Rather, it looks like he has more he wants to say, more he wants to do. He just doesn't know how to articulate himself. Or maybe she's reading too much into things. He's the one human being she cannot read the mind of, after all.

"Then go. Go and tame your 'Catastrophe'. Do not fret, for we WILL meet again. Now is not the time, however. You aren't ready yet."

He frowns but nods and turns to leave. Mewtwo watches him go, feeling his seed leaking out of her, staining the crotch of her one-piece. Ah, she would probably need to go steal another few swimsuits from the Cerulean City Gym sometime soon.

Hmph. In the end, the saboteur had gotten what he wanted after all. And yet, when it came time, Mewtwo didn't think he would be all that happy with it. No, she didn't imagine he would be happy one bit.

But then to be fair, they did say to be careful what you wish for.


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