Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 38: Jamie

Locked doors. They were one of life's greatest mysteries, weren't they? It didn't matter how powerful your Pokemon were, if a door was locked, you weren't getting in without the key. That is, unless you had a trusty Crowbar with a capital C. Which Cam did, of course, because when he'd been promoted to Executive, the Boss had apparently made sure he got one.

Crowbars were a locked door's greatest weakness, and when they'd reached Pallet Town and more specifically the locked door to Oak's laboratory, Cam hadn't busted out his Dragonite or even that new reality breaking Pokemon of his. No, he'd busted out his trusty Crowbar and broken down the door with ease.

"D-Damn you! Fine! P-Poke around all you like, you and that abomination of y-yours! There's NOTHING to see here!"

As the last of Oak's aides is defeated by Cam and the Pokemon called 'The Catastrophe', Jamie and Jessie both watch on, soaking in the view. Cam hadn't held back, not even with the one female aide in Oak's laboratory. Rather, when he'd defeated her, she'd looked ready to say something, even biting her lower lip suggestively… but before she could get a word out, Jessie had ordered her to get the fuck out of their way, and she'd gone running.

It was a little weird, seeing Jessie backing Cam up like that. In fact, if Jamie didn't know any better, she would even go so far as to say her friend was feeling… territorial, or something? But surely that wasn't the case, right? It was Jamie who had a massive fucking crush bordering on obsession with the young Rocket Executive. Jessie was still chomping at the bit and angry over their situation… right?

Seeing his words having zero effect on the three of them, the last of Professor Oak's aides grumbles, grabs up his defeated Pokemon, and hurries out of the laboratory.

"I'm calling the cops, damn you! Don't think they'll let this stand!"

Jamie stiffens a bit at that, but Jessie just scoffs.

"He's not going to call the cops. The cops are on Lance's side, and whatever Oak is hiding under this place, he's never going to call the cops here and risk it being discovered. We're fine, sir."

As Cam gives Jessie a simple nod of acknowledgment, Jamie stares at her best friend in disbelief. Jessie being helpful without prompting? Calling Cam 'sir' without a hint of derision in her voice? What the fuck was going on here?!

Walking over to the far bookcase, Cam looks around. Or rather, Jamie assumes he's going to look around. Rather, what happens is he walks right up to the bookcase, reaches out to move one book out of the way, and presses a button hidden behind it like he knew exactly where it was all along. Jamie's mouth drops open as a grinding sound fills the lab, and the floor in the center of the back of the lab opens up, revealing a circular hole with a ladder leading down into darkness.

Cam turns and begins making his way towards that hole, only to stop as Jessie blocks his way. Jamie jolts at this, while Jessie… Jessie blushes and fidgets.

"B-Before we go down there, sir… I think it's far past time that Jamie and I tell you how we really feel about you."

Wait, what?!


Jessie looks over at her and holds out a hand.

"C'mere, Jamie."

Dazed and confused, almost in a trance, Jamie walks over, putting her hand in Jessie's. Then, she follows Jessie's lead, looking to their silent, staring superior and swallowing nervously.

"It's like this, sir. Jamie… Jamie has always liked you. For as long as we've known you. But I took a lot longer to come around. Still. You… you're not like other guys. You're not what I thought you were at all. And I understand if you don't want anything to do with me, because I've been a stupid bitch… but Jamie deserves a shot with you!"

Jamie's head whips back around and she gapes at Jessie for a moment… before tightening her grip on Jessie's hand.

"N-No! I mean… y-yes! I've always thought you were cool, Cam, b-but… I can't accept that! Jessie deserves happiness too! It's either one of us, or both of us!"


Jessie's admonishing tone doesn't cow Jamie, not this time. Instead, she just glares right back at the other woman.


In response, Jessie flushes, actually looking surprised that Jamie would talk back to her, and seemingly not knowing how to respond to it. Luckily, she doesn't have to.


Cam's one-word answer causes both of them to jolt and turn back to him. He looks at them… not quite so dispassionately as usual. His stare isn't dead or emotionless, rather, it's intense in a way Jamie has only seen him look when he's fighting a Pokemon Battle. When he's WINNING a Pokemon Battle she should say, since she's actually never seen him lose.

Under that intense stare… both Jessie and Jamie's legs knock together, and they go crashing to their knees at the same time, still holding hands. Glancing to each other, they both blush profusely for a moment… before reaching for Cam's belt and crotch with their free hands at the same time. He watches but does not stop them from unbuckling his belt, unzipping his pants, and pulling out his cock.

Jamie flushes at the size, and a glance at Jessie shows she's a little taken aback as well. But neither of them are going to let the size of Cam's cock stop them in this moment. They've come too far, and while Jessie might only have gotten on board recently, Jamie doesn't hold it against her. In fact, she's more than happy to be sharing this with her best friend in the whole wide world.

"T-Together, Jamie?"


Still holding hands tightly, the two Rocket Grunts kneel side by side and lean forward to glide their tongues and lips along either side of their superior's twitching, hardening shaft. As they apply their mouths to Cam's cock, he grows harder by the moment. Meanwhile, his hands come up and land atop their heads, fingers curling through their hair.

It's the most emotion Jamie has ever seen from Cam… and it's directed at her and Jessie! To say Jamie is ecstatic to be on her knees blowing the man who's been the subject of every sexual fantasy she's had since joining Team Rocket would be an understatement! She's over the moon!

And sure, maybe Professor Oak's Laboratory isn't the best place for this kind of thing, but Jessie always was more impulsive than Jamie. If not now, then when? If it were up to Jamie, she would probably have spent years finding more excuses for avoiding confronting her feelings, if she ever managed to do it at all!

Letting out a low, shuddering breath, Cam looks down at the two of them… and doesn't have to say a word. Jessie squeezes Jamie's hand, and they both know what's about to happen. A moment later, Cam grunts and proceeds to cum, his seed splattering all over their faces and their chests, staining the black fabric and the red Rs across their busts.

As he marks them with his jizz, Jamie moans and is surprised to hear Jessie moan right alongside her. She knows why she's moaning. This right here, being 'claimed' by Cam… it's something she's dreamed of. But she's a little surprised that Jessie would be okay with it. She's even more surprised when Jessie suddenly turns to her, a hand on Jamie's cheek to turn her head as well and leans in to kiss her.

Jamie's eyes widen, before going lidded as she kisses Jessie back. She kind of loses track of time, but the two of them proceed to makeout, their tongues swapping spit… and ultimately cleaning the cum right off of one another's faces. It's incredibly intimate, and insanely debauched, a-and Jamie can't get enough of it. She didn't know Jessie felt this way about her. She didn't even know that SHE felt this way about Jessie!

… But it does feel right. Cam's hands are still on their heads, even as they press their stained, uniformed chests together, moaning into one another's mouths, licking and lapping the mess from each other's faces. They're still holding hands as well, and they continue to do so even when they finally pull apart and move to stand up.

"Looks like we got a little messy… I suppose we'll have to get out of these uniforms and into something more… comfortable~"

Jamie blinks, as Jessie finally lets go of her hand, in order to reach down and begin removing her clothing. For a moment, the purple-haired woman just stares, eyes wide and face bright red… but then she realizes what 'something more comfortable' actually MEANS and she hurries to follow. Cam watches all of this, their impromptu makeout session having left him hard again… or maybe he never got soft in the first place.

She doesn't really know, to be honest, but also… Jamie doesn't really care either. All that matters, in this moment, is that she and Jessie are about to get fucked. And all that's left to do… is decide how that should happen.

But Jamie doesn't need to fret, because Jessie doesn't hesitate. Soon enough, the both of them are wearing nothing but their heeled, Rocket-issued boots. And as they stand there in their birthday suits, completely nude, Jessie gives Jamie an encouraging smile and slips her hand into Jamie's once more, their fingers intertwining as she leads Jamie over to a nearby table.

When Jessie bends over the table, pressing her large breasts into its surface, Jamie blushes but does the same, mirroring her friend's pose. The two of them spread their legs and lift their hips high into the air, their hands clutched between them and their arms pressing into the table as well. Looking back over her shoulder, Jessie, panting, calls out to Cam.

"H-Here we are, sir. All yours… your women… your toys. Please, if I might have just one request… please fuck Jamie first."

Jamie jolts at that, her eyes widening, but before she can speak up, a pair of hands falls upon her hips, Cam moving faster than she would have thought possible. A moment later, and his cock is spearing into her from behind. She squeals as he takes her virginity. The virginity that her upper-class parents had made her save for the boy she was supposed to marry all those years ago. The virginity that had been sold along with the rest of her, all for her family's prestige.

In this moment, like a thief in the night, Cam takes it. He claims it. But then, heh, he is a criminal. And frankly… Jamie wouldn't have it any other way.

Moaning up a storm, she tilts her head back as Cam thrusts into her, slowly at first, but harder and faster as he registers just how wet she is. He fills her with the very same cock that she and Jessie were slobbering and drooling all over not but a few minutes previous. He fucks her like… like a machine, pounding her against the table, which while solid, still jostles and jolts and shakes with the force of Cam's thrusts.

"I-Is it good, Jamie? Does he feel g-good inside of you?"

Something in Jessie's voice hits Jamie in the middle of her dazed haze and she looks over at her best friend, realizing in that moment that Jessie… Jessie is a virgin too. It's a shock, because Jessie has ALWAYS been a huge flirt with all the other Rocket Grunts back at base. She hadn't thought ill of her friend or anything like that, but she'd just… she'd always imagined Jessie as a gorgeous femme fatale who would do whatever it took to succeed like the badass she was.

The realization that Jessie was just as inexperienced in all of this as Jamie but had still gone forward with it despite her own insecurities and fears… Jamie nods her head as best she can, bobbing it up and down.

"Y-Yes! So good… oh f-fuck, Giratina's tits he's so deep inside of my Jessie! J-Jessieeeeee, I'm cummiiiiiing!"

Jessie watches, wide-eyed, as Jamie's eyes go crossed and her mouth forms a tight o while she cums her brains out from Cam's cock. Meanwhile, Jamie… Jamie's pussy flexes around their superior's dick, the Rocket Executive grunting again in that tell-tale manner of his. As such, she's not all that surprised when only a few minutes later, he cums again as well, prompting a second mind-numbing orgasm from her. His cock fills her… and then so does his seed, a hot thick load pumped right into her womb that leaves Jamie's head spinning and her seeing stars.

Luckily, she has ahold of Jessie, the other woman's hand holding onto her tightly as she lays across the table, because otherwise Jamie thinks she might have slipped off as Cam jerks himself backwards out of her. Vaguely, dimly, she hears Jessie uncharacteristically nervous and whimpering.

"L-Like I said before, it's okay if I haven't earned it ye-eep!"

Cut off mid-word, Jessie moans as Cam spears her next. Jamie just smiles lazily and gives her friend's hand a solid squeeze as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills Oak's laboratory. It's much louder now that Jamie isn't the one getting fucked, or maybe it's just easier for her to focus on it. She giggles happily as Jessie moans and mewls, as she squeals and yelps.

Cam is no gentler with Jessie than he was with Jamie… and maybe he's a little rougher, even.


"Eek! S-Sorry! I'm sorryyyy~"

Okay, scratch that, he's a little bit more than a little rougher. Though, from the way Jessie is moaning up a storm, it doesn't SOUND like she minds it all that much, even as Cam spanks her while fucking her. Jamie will have to ask him to try it with her next time… oooh, she sure does hope there will be a next time.

The purple-haired woman would be lying if she said this wasn't exactly what she'd envisioned when Giovanni gave them his ultimatum. Either become Cam's servants, his toys, or leave Team Rocket for good. That was how Jamie had interpreted it, and in that moment… she'd gone for the first option not because she was afraid to leave Team Rocket, but because she wanted it. She wanted to be Cam's fuck toy.

And now, she and Jessie were both getting exactly what they wanted. Dimly, Jamie hears Jessie let out a squeal and feels her friend squeeze her hand so hard that Cam MUST be cumming inside of her. The explosive orgasm Jessie goes through as he paints her insides is even greater than Jamie's, she's pretty sure.

Cam pulls out of Jessie too, and then…


Both Rocket Grunts squeal as they jolt up from their bent-over positions, coming up off the table as Cam smacks their upturned asses a bit HARDER than before. Whipping around to protect their precious tushies, they both blush as Cam just stares at them.

"Get dressed."

R-Right. Right… they still have a job to do here. A mysterious basement to investigate. Jamie swallows as she reaches out, only to find Jessie doing the same. Their fingers intertwine and they give each other's hands one last squeeze before moving to put back on their stained Rocket Uniforms.

Honestly though, after what they'd witnessed on Cinnabar Island, Jamie might not know WHAT they'd find down under Oak's laboratory in his SECRET lab… but she felt like whatever it was, it couldn't possibly surprise her. Not anymore. She'd been all surprised out, at this point.


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