Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 40: Red, Ariana

She's done it. The Kanto Region, like most Regions, has eight Pokemon Gyms. And she, unlike most Pokemon Trainers, has managed to collect eight Gym Badges. She was now entitled to go to the Pokemon League, one of a handful who would be making their way through Victory Road, in order to challenge the Elite Four.

She didn't expect Victory Road to prove all that challenging. And the Elite Four would not stop her either. She would become Pokemon Champion. She would become the Very Best. She would make the Professor proud and-

As she's turning the corner, the Eighth Gym and its defeated Gym Leader behind her, Red pauses. Coming up the road in her direction… its Him. He's here again, showing up in the midst of her victory. Trailing after him are two others, two women wearing the uniform of Team Rocket just like he is. They go wide-eyed at the sight of her, but Red only has eyes for him.

He, in turn, only has eyes for her. As it should be. Something thrums inside of her. Something lost. Something forgotten. But… how could she forget Him? For so many years, he was her entire world. And then he wasn't. He was gone, and the Professor… the Professor had made it clear that her world was Pokemon and Pokemon alone, that her name was Red from that point on.

The girl formerly known as Yellow almost stops. She almost blocks His path to demand answers. But she can tell, just from his countenance, that HE has no intention of stopping for her this time. The road… the road is big enough for the both of them. Neither will block the other's path.

This isn't where they have their confrontation. She realizes in an instant, that this place… isn't where they have their final battle. And so, they pass each other by without nary a word, him going on to the Gym she just defeated, and her continuing on the path set before her… the path that was originally meant for him.

Soon though. Soon, Red knows in her heart of hearts that she will see him again.


"Don't try to talk me out of this Ariana! I've made up my mind!"

As Ariana follows Giovanni out of the Viridian City Gym, she grimaces. Truth be told, she doesn't WANT to talk him out of this. But at the same time, appearances must be kept… and some questions MUST be answered.

"You can't just leave, Giovanni! Certainly not without naming a successor!"

"There's nothing you can say! It's over!"

He's not even listening to her! Ariana groans, continuing to follow him down the road… only to stop right along with the Rocket Boss when they spy Cam coming towards them, two female Rocket Grunts flanking him on either side. Ariana's eyebrow raises at the sight. Giovanni had told her about what he'd done, how he'd offloaded the two foolish girls onto Cam. Surprisingly… they look as though they've been doing well.

Though, what ARE those stains on their uniforms? Hm…


Giovanni stops in front of the young Rocket Executive, completely ignoring Jessie and Jamie as he places a hand on Cam's shoulder.

"It's shameful that you have to see me like this, but… perhaps its for the best. You should know that victory is not always possible. And that, even the strongest men can know defeat. And I… I have known defeat for the last time."

Cam blinks, as Ariana resists the urge to roll her eyes behind Giovanni's back. He might not be looking her way, but those two Grunts were, so she crosses her arms over her chest and lets him have his sob moment.

"It was bad enough when that little kid came rampaging through the Gym and took my badge with ease. I was so very ready for that woman 'Red' to show up, that I never saw Blue Oak coming. Hmph, not sure what that traitor Samuel was playing at. His 'grandson', yeah right. Still, at least I put up a damn good fight. And… it wasn't the best match up for me. That Blastoise was a real terror."

Pausing, Giovanni looks off to the side.

"… However, I have no excuse when it comes to Red. We were ready for her. Ready to pull out all the stops. By all accounts, she SHOULD have been a dead woman before she ever even made it to me. But no… there's something inhuman about that girl. Something unnatural. Her and her Pokemon tore through the Gym's defenses like nothing I'd ever seen… and she shredded my team with ease."

Giovanni isn't looking, so he misses it, but Ariana notices a strange reaction from those words. Both of the Rocket Grunts flanking Cam share a wince and a look between one another, while Cam himself… his eyes seem to almost flash for a moment. Intriguing.

"It's time for me to step down as the Boss of Team Rocket. Time for me to move on with what little scraps of honor I have left. Heh, not that there's much. In the end, it was not you or Team Rocket that failed me… but rather I who failed you and Team Rocket."

Truth be told, Ariana couldn't help but privately agree. Giovanni hadn't been the strong, capable leader she'd originally signed on with for quite some time now. No, he was… as sad as it was to say, he had become washed up. Eighteen years of Team Rocket, and never before had they been so thoroughly stymied by a single young woman. Giovanni had lost his touch. He'd lost his fucking edge.

She doesn't say that though, of course. The man was still a very capable Pokemon Trainer, and a former member of the Elite Four at that. He might be depressed at the moment, but he still had a killer instinct that Ariana, for one, has no intention of activating. That said…

"Giovanni… there's still the matter of your successor."

Obviously, it should be her. She's been with Team Rocket the longest. She has seniority over even Archer. But she can't just come out and ask for it, for obvious reasons. That said, for equally obvious reasons, she needs Giovanni to give her his personal seal of approval. Even if the man is leaving Team Rocket in its darkest hour, even if he's going into self-exile in disgrace… well, his word still means a lot in the organization. It always will.

"… Yes. Of course."

Giovanni glances back at her, but barely pays her any mind before returning his attention to Cam, a wry half-smile on his face.

"Frankly, it feels like we've overstayed our welcome here in Kanto. If it were up to me, Team Rocket would disband here and now."

Ariana stiffens at that, but before she can speak, Giovanni continues on.

"Obviously, it's not up to me. No, I doubt my Admins and Executives would agree with such a course of action… and a splintered Team Rocket would be even worse. So… there needs to be a successor. Someone to take my place now that I'm gone."

Exactly right. Finally, they were getting somewhere!

"Someone like you, Cam."


Ariana stares, gobsmacked, as Giovanni places his other hand on Cam's other shoulder, giving the youthful Executive a broad smile.

"You, Cam, are the future of not just Team Rocket, but Kanto itself. I see that now. I was a fool to think an old man like me could claim the reins. No… it's clear now that the only path forward, is with you at the helm."

What was Giovanni talking about? Sure, Cam was super competent and extremely useful! Ariana had approved his promotion to Admin, because frankly they needed new blood in the Admin ranks. Proton was alright, but Petrel was a disgrace. When she'd heard Giovanni had promoted Cam up to Executive, well… she'd let it slide, even if she personally felt like it was much too early.

This though?! Making him the Boss?! What was he thinking?!

Before Ariana can even ask Giovanni to explain himself, the man holds out his briefcase, handing it over to Cam right there on the spot.

"Here, take this. It's my spare suit. Ariana will help you with the other Admins and Executives. I… I can no longer be the leader that Team Rocket needs. But you, Cam… you will go on to do great things. I can feel it. Fare thee well, my young friend. Fare thee well."

And then, without so much as a look back… Giovanni just leaves. Ariana almost calls after him, but what would be the point? The man is gone, stepping down from his position, a decision she agrees with. He's also put a kid barely into adulthood forward for the position of Boss, which she definitely doesn't agree with! But it's Cam that Ariana has to deal with now. And so, she stalks forward, eyes narrowed as she gets the young man's attention.

"It's not that simple, Cam. If you think you're worthy of that suit, of this promotion… then you're going to have to go through me first. Beat me in a Pokemon Battle, and I'll submit to your leadership. But lose, and you will submit to MINE. Understood?"

Cam's face had been rather blank up until this point. But now… now Ariana can tell she's speaking his language. His eyes narrow, he focuses up, and for a moment she's surprised by how intense his glare is, before he gives a single sharp nod.


Ariana scoffs.

"Then come on, we'll do this properly, back in the Gym. Tch, you've gotten a little too big for your britches, Cam. You might have a pretty face and a big dick, but you've got another thing coming if you think you're ready to beat ME in a contest of Pokemon!"



"Oh fuck! Ungh! D-Don't stop, damn you!"

"Heh, sure looks like Cam has your number, ma'am."

On her back with her legs high in the air, Ariana squeals as Cam's cock spears into her depths again and again and again. Still, even as she's moaning up a storm, she has enough strength to muster a glare in the cocky Rocket Grunt's direction that has Jessie paling and taking a step back.

"Q-Quiet, Grunt. I'm still your… your s-superior!"

It had all happened so fast. Luckily, she'd been smart. Originally, she'd intended to have her match with Cam in front of everyone else in Team Rocket. But at the last second, she'd decided otherwise. Not saying a word to anyone, she'd escorted Cam into the backroom of the Viridian City Gym, and they'd had their battle there.

Not that it could be called a battle. Ariana's team had been trounced in a clean sweep by Cam's impossibly powerful Dragonite. She hadn't even known the boy HAD a Pokemon of that caliber. Not that Jessie or Jamie had seemed remotely surprised, the only two witnesses to Ariana's ignoble defeat.

Now here she was, on her back, getting plowed silly in a mating press by… well, by her new Boss. Because Cam was the Boss now. There was no longer any doubt about THAT.

"Hmph? You sure about that?"

Ariana sneers at the uppity Grunt, ready to verbally rip her a new one, but before she can, Cam speaks up.

"Yes. Ariana is still your superior."

As Jessie pouts, Ariana looks up to Cam, blushing a little as he gives her the slightest of smiles, barely an upturn of the sides of his mouth, along with a single solid nod.

"My second in command."

Eyes widening, Ariana's blush gets much deeper as she swallows thickly, not sure why hearing that from him is so… so a-affirming, for some reason. Even though she's being plowed senseless, the Rocket Executive does her best to put on a brave face.

"Y-Yes. W-well… I suppose you'll need my h-help, if nothing else. Just… just don't stop fucking me!"

Cam nods again, suddenly looking determined… as he abruptly picks up the pace, making Ariana squeal to the high heavens. The two Grunts he's brought with him both continue to watch on, looking envious of the attention Ariana is receiving. As well they should! Tossing her head back, the vivacious red head moans wantonly, her pussy walls clenching around Cam's cock and her curvaceous body jostling and jiggling with every thrust.

She… supposed she saw what Giovanni saw in Cam now. Hmph, the boy had been a good lay, but Ariana hadn't understood what else he was capable of. The way he'd commanded his Dragonite as it lay waste to her entire team one after the other… it sent shivers down her spine just thinking about it. As she's railed into the floor, Ariana considers what the future will hold for Team Rocket.

It won't be easy. Not everyone will accept Cam's leadership. But with Giovanni's official blessing and her backing… they'll manage. And maybe even clear out some of the riff-raff in the meantime. Yesss… it could work, so long as Cam followed her lead.

To that end, Ariana groans and then reaches up and grabs a fistful of the young man's wild, untamed, pink hair, pulling him down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. They makeout for a few moments, before she finally pulls back again, locking eyes with her new superior.

"You'll need to listen to m-me, if you want Team Rocket t-to follow you. Nngh, it won't b-be easy… but we can m-make it work. First and f-foremost will be making you look the p-part."

Cam nods seriously, and Ariana lets out a breathless laugh.

"Get to it and fucking creampie m-me already, you big-dicked b-bastard. Then… we c-can get started."

He picks up the pace, and a few thrusts later, Ariana arches her back and moans as she feels him paint her insides white again. This time is different from the Hideout, however. This time feels… special. She was above him, back then. Now though, now the power dynamic is very different.

Still, Ariana lets out a contented sigh as Cam pulls out of her. Taking a moment to recover, she then stands to her feet… and snaps her fingers at his two Grunt pets.

"You, get over here and clean the Boss' cock with that bitchy mouth of yours. You, get his suit out of the briefcase. There should also be some of Giovanni's signature hair product as well. Get that too… we're going to need it."

As Jessie fellates Cam not quite so reluctantly as Ariana figured she would, and Jamie gets everything out, the Rocket Executive looks her new Boss up and down. Yes, they could work with this. First things first… his hair badly needed some care. Had he been hiding that rat's nest under hats for the entire time he'd been a Rocket Grunt and Admin?

Honestly, even incredibly powerful men could be so very useless when it came to their own personal hygiene. Luckily for Cam… he had her.


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