Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 74: Lusamine

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


"There's a note."

That's the first thing she says to Cam when she sees him. She can tell he recognizes how serious it is, from the way she speaks. Sure, Red has never been the most talkative of people, but after all these years, she's grown in leaps and bounds in the 'humanity' department.

This situation, however, does not allow for niceties. As Red hands over the folded note to Cam, he takes it from her and opens it up, frowning. His eyes dart back and forth across the few lines of elegant script for a few moments before he lets out a noise of sheer disbelief.

"… Truly?"

Red shrugs. It does seem a little impossible, doesn't it? And yet, here they are all the same.

"She's been missing for over a week. She left the kid with us here at the mansion. No clue where she went after that, but it seems pretty clear she either didn't make it to her intended destination… or was lured somewhere."

Cam slowly nods, assimilating that information, his mind clearly working fast. Honestly, it's rather arousing. But alas, now is not the time for Red to be aroused. Pesky hormones. Pesky need to mate. Luckily, she's not pregnant at the moment. Luckily MEWTWO wasn't pregnant right now.

Because that was what this was about. Mewtwo was… gone. Missing, even.

Red had learned a lot in the years since the Hall of Fame. She's learned how to be human, and more than that, how to be a mother. Fortunately, she had Daisy to help in that regard. She'd been living in the Pallet City Mansion all this time, with her 'mother' living in the small house right next door still.

Red's mother was content with her own child by Cam, but she was even happier to be a grandmother to the two sprogs that Red had popped out for her at this point. Technically, she was a grandmother to ALL of Cam's many children… but that was neither here nor there.

One of the few constants these past few years, besides Cam's unwavering resolve and ever-present, domineering influence over all of their lives as well as the whole of the Kanto Region… was Mewtwo. The Psychic Pokemon had always been there, something of an overarching shadow over those who knew about her.

Red never minded her. In fact, she felt like they got along quite well. That was probably why Mewtwo tended to leave her daughter, the child she'd had with Cam, at the mansion sometimes whenever she needed to go away for a little while.

Regardless, this was different. Because as insane as it sounded, the note Red had just handed to Cam was a ransom note. Someone out there had managed to take Mewtwo of all beings hostage, and now they were 'cordially' inviting Red and Cam to their secret lair, even if they didn't call it that much. If they wanted to get Mewtwo back, then they were expected to go, just the two of them alone.

"Dadda? Is Mama with you?"

Before Cam can muster a response to both Red and the note, they're interrupted. Glancing over, Red watches as Mewtwo and Cam's daughter Amber stands there, rubbing at her eyes sleepily. The girl had come out looking… mostly human. Her pink hair alone made it clear she took after Cam more than Mewtwo, at least physically speaking.

Mentally… she was the most powerful human psychic they'd ever seen, even stronger than Sabrina. Well aware of that fact, Red has already shut her mind… and luckily, Cam seemed to have done the same.

"We're just going to go and get her, sweetie. Go back to bed."

Amber pouts at that, her eyes glowing for a moment. She frowns briefly and her eyes glow even stronger. Then, just before Red or Cam can speak up, Amber smiles.

"Okay Dadda. Have fun with Auntie and tell Mama I love her."

Cam and Red share another glance at that. Both of them are smart enough to recognize belatedly that Amber hadn't been trying to breach their minds… but rather, she'd looked into the future. Whatever she'd seen had apparently made her content to leave it in their hands.

"Shall we?"

Red nods, not even hesitating. Even without the ransom note specifying her presence as required, she would have gone. Mewtwo was one of the only friends Red had, even after all these years. And for Cam… for Cam, she would happily do anything.


Lusamine would do anything for Pokemon. She would do anything for the world. It was simply unfortunate that in order to protect both Pokemon and the world… she had to go to such extreme lengths. For you see, Pokemon were dangerous… and the thing they needed to be protected from themselves most of all… was themselves.

As President of the Aether Foundation, Lusamine had long worked to see to the safekeeping of all Pokemon. After the loss of her husband, she hadn't quit. She'd only stepped up her game, intensifying her endeavors. And yet, it was never enough, was it? It was never, ever enough. No matter what she did, there would always be fools out there who unthinkingly unleashed monsters upon this world.

When she'd first heard of Cam and Red, Lusamine had been as fascinated as she was horrified. Two human shaped Pokemon? Genetically engineered Pokemon created to pass completely as humans? She knew she shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but Professor Oak was a mad man, truly. He was a genius to be sure, but also a mad man. She was glad that his research had largely died with him.

However, his experiments had not. And while Lusamine would never advocate for the DEATH of a Pokemon, she was fully of the belief that such creatures NEEDED to be contained. The two genetically engineered human shaped Pokemon could not be allowed to continue their masquerade a moment longer. For their own good, of course.

And now… it was almost time. They were here, having reached her laboratory a good fifteen minutes ago. They were making quick work of her defenses, but then that was to be anticipated. She was, after all, fully aware of what they both were and what they were capable of.

Glancing to her left, Lusamine smiles at the frozen visage of Mewtwo, the female Psychic Pokemon's face twisted into the beginnings of quite the fearsome scowl as she hovers in place in one of Lusamine's Absolute Pokemon Stasis Units. Her advanced stasis technology wasn't just any old Pokemon Capture Tech like say, Silph. Co was known for producing. No, it was so far beyond that it wasn't even funny.

And soon, once Cam and Red arrived, she would use it on them as well, containing them once and for all. Then they would be safe. Everyone would be completely and utterly sa-!

A sudden explosion rocks the room, and Lusamine has to admit to being slightly surprised. They're ahead of schedule, even with her taking their abilities into account. Still, its no matter. As Cam and Red step into the room, a Dragonite behind the former and a Charizard behind the latter, Lusamine smiles a wide, beatific smile.

"At long last. Welcome, you two. I'm grateful that you chose to accept my invitation."

Cam raises an eyebrow, the disguised Pokemon looking distinctly human as he does so.

"You didn't leave us much choice."

Lusamine giggles at that, and if it sounds a little broken and a little insane even to her ears… well, no matter.

"Yes. Like does call to like, doesn't it? You had to come for one of your own, in the end. Well, here she is. I'm sure you're eager to be reunited. Not to worry… you all will be together in this place, forever."

That gets a frown from Cam, and Red tenses up… but of course, it's too late. They walked right into her trap. They're already in position. Holding a remote in her hands, which are clasped behind her back, Lusamine presses the button and watches as the Absolute Pokemon Stasis Units unfold around them and capture them and their Pokemon on the spot.

Or rather… that's what's supposed to happen. The Dragonite and Charizard are caught as easily as Mewtwo was, but Cam and Red… they blink, share a look, and then step out of the containment fields like they're nothing. That isn't supposed to happen. That's not supposed to be possible. Oh, sure… the Absolute Pokemon Stasis Units don't work on humans. They work on the most powerful Legendary Pokemon in existence, but it would be foolish to have them work on humans. Then, they could be turned against HER.

But this… what did it mean?

"Y-You… you…"

Cam has a dangerous look on his face as he approaches. They're not giving her time to process this! None of it! The blonde whimpers, and pulls the remote out from behind her back, stabbing down on more buttons. But Cam just throws out another Pokeball, summoning a Raticate that moves faster than Lusamine can blink, not only destroying the lab's defenses in a heartbeat, but also ripping the remote from her hands.

Crying out, Lusamine collapses to her knees, even as Raticate carries her remote to its Master. To its Trainer.

In that moment, as Cam looks over the remote curiously, Lusamine realizes how she had erred. She realized… what a fool she'd been. In actuality, it's in that moment that the broken woman's fractured mind shatters completely… but from her perspective, she's merely reached complete and total understanding of the universe.

"I… I was wrong. I'm so sorry… I was wrong!"

Still trying to figure out the overly complicated remote, Cam and Red both look over at her, baffled. Lusamine, meanwhile, can only moan helplessly.

"You're not Pokemon! You're… superhumans!"

That gets a pair of matching blinks from the two genetically engineered clones. But Lusamine is too caught up in her own world now.

"P-Please… please, accept my complete and total surrender! I beg of you, let me make it up to you… please allow me to carry one of your super babies within myself!"

She was well aware of how many progeny that Cam and Red had. Both together, and the number of children Cam had had with other women. And all Lusamine can think in that moment, broken mind whirring away as it is… is how she wanted to be one of them. Because now she understood. Now, everything was crystal clear.

Cam and Red weren't Pokemon threatening both their own safety and the safety of the world. They were the next step in human evolution, and one day their descendants would be capable of controlling Pokemon completely, of making sure they couldn't hurt themselves, or each other, or anyone else like her husband ever again.

"… She would probably help us with the remote if you did it."

"… Fine."

Lusamine's eyes widen in delight, and she all but tears her dress away to expose herself, laying back and spreading her legs wide as Cam approaches, loosening his belt and opening his pants. He drops to his knees, grabs one of her breasts, and thrusts his cock into her without any further hesitation. Lusamine moans, the blonde MILF quivering beneath him as he roughly gropes her tit.

"Yessss! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Plow me with your superhuman cock!"

"… Out of every woman who has succumbed to my presence, you might just be the fastest."

Succumbed to his presence? She didn't know what he was talking about. What she did know was that it felt amazing. Giving in. Surrendering. His cock plows into her cunt, and she grows sopping wet in record time beneath him as he fucks into her. This right here… this is what she unknowingly needed. This is what the WORLD needed.

"Next time, don't go to all this trouble. Just make an appointment or something, understood?"

Lusamine's eyes widen at his words and she nods hastily as she wraps her legs around his waist, taking him deeper into herself. Yes! Yes, there would definitely be a next time! After all, who was to say that she would be bred well and truly this first time? Certainly, all of her research pointed to the idea that Cam had never failed to knock up a woman the first time he creampied them. But who could say for sure?!

And besides, even after she had one baby… she would have to have more! Many, many more! As many as she possibly could, with the time she had left!

More than that though, there was a lot she could do outside of just her own body. She had the Aether Foundation, after all. She would bring the full power of the Aether Foundation under Cam's control. She would run it on his behalf if he wanted her to, or she would hand it over to whoever he told her to hand it over to.

From now on, she and her people worked for Cam and Team Rocket! Yes! It was perfect! Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Lusamine cums her broken brains out upon the younger man's dick, moaning all the while as she does so. The blond MILF creams herself again and again and again, even as he continues to fuck her silly.

"Yes! Breed me! Fuck me! Knock me up! I deserve it! I deserve to be little more than a broodmare, from now until the end of my time on this planet! I want to have your super babies! I want to help usher in a new age of peace, prosperity, and security! I want-mmph!"

Red's fingers are suddenly in her mouth, the younger woman kneeling beside her head as she forces Lusamine to suck on her digits.

"You talk too much."

Judging by Cam's thankful grunt and the fact he doesn't do anything to stop his counterpart, he must agree. And so Lusamine just moans, suckling away and falling quiet as she instead focuses on the pleasure coursing through her. Until finally, with one final grunt and no other word of warning, Cam cums inside of her.

He fills her with his seed, just as Lusamine had hoped he would. He pumps her full of his cum, and her entire world goes white for a moment before she finally begins to come down. She's only just recovering when Cam shoves the remote back into her hands. She, of course, knows how to use its intricate interface. But to anyone else, it would be impossible, holding well over fifty unmarked buttons on its slender surface.

"Prove your loyalty. Release Mewtwo and our Pokemon."

As Red pops her fingers out of Lusamine's mouth, the blonde nods, sitting up and doing as she's told.

"Y-Yes sir. Of course, sir. And… if I'm not enough for you… I have a daughter as well. She's almost of breedable age if you-!"

"No. I don't want your daughter."

Left unsaid is the fact that he didn't even really want HER, but Lusamine doesn't pick up on that. Rather, she reads something completely else from what she thinks he's not saying. When he says HE doesn't want her daughter… he must mean for her to give Lillie to someone else. Someone closer to Lillie's age.

Yes… Champion Blue would be the perfect man for her daughter to pursue. Smiling beatifically as she frees Mewtwo and Dragonite and Charizard, Lusamine just nods happily.

"Of course, sir. I understand completely."

Cam shoots her a glance at that but is too busy making his way over to Mewtwo as the Psychic Pokemon recovers from her stasis. More than fine. It just gives Lusamine time to plan.


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