Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 76: Fem!Mewtwo

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


It’s a week after the events at Lusamine’s secret lab, when Mewtwo sweeps into the room where Cam and Red are chatting. Floating in under her Psychic Power, she flicks out a hand and divests them both of their clothing in a single moment. As they look to her, abruptly naked, Mewtwo smiles thinly.
I have yet to properly reward you both for your efforts in freeing me from my captivity. It is time.
Hoisting Red into the air, Mewtwo forms a pair of telekinetic, invisible mental tentacles, shoving one into the dark-haired woman’s mouth, and the other up her cunt. This keeps her from talking but doesn’t stop the gurgling noises and the moans from leaving her open maw past her stretched lips.
Meanwhile, Mewtwo’s eyes are on Cam, as she forms another psychic tendril and wraps it around his cock, beginning to jerk him off with her mind. Grunting, the naked man slowly nods, a knowing look in his eyes.
“… Very well.”
Mewtwo’s smile becomes a bit… frozen in place at that, but she nevertheless floats closer, and pulls Cam into a hungry, needy kiss. He no doubt believes this is less about rewarding them, and more for her own sake… and in truth, he would be right.
She’d been caught off guard, wholly and utterly. She could make excuses, but she would rather not. To say she has spent this last week castigating herself for her mistakes would be the understatement of the century. She’d been a fool and utterly let her guard down, and there was no denying that simple fact.
Lusamine should never have been able to capture her as she did. Mewtwo had grown soft and weak… she’d grown complacent. When she was created, her original creators had made it so she was immune to the key mechanism is all Pokemon Capture Devices. Even the so-called infallible Master Ball wasn’t capable of holding her if she did not want to be held.
The saboteur, may he rot in hell, had fiddled with her, altered her, but not so much that this facet of her existence was changed. She was still immune to Pokeballs, she was just more easily ‘captured’ by his own creations, his clones. In the end, Mewtwo had fallen for Cam and to a lesser extent Red, just as Oak’s designs had demanded of her. However, she liked to think of their love for one another as in spite of Oak’s designs, rather than for the sake of them.
Still… she should have known better than to think that made her invincible. No one was invincible. No one was unbeatable. Mewtwo knew that, for all her power, for all that she was no doubt the strongest Psychic Pokemon in the world, she was not the strongest Pokemon in the world. There were others out there who had been around longer than her, who had helped make the universe that they existed in, who were indeed made up of those very same building blocks and integral to the functionality of the universe itself.
Mewtwo had always been aware of those Pokemon, and rightfully wary of them and their power. But… she had to admit, she had always looked down on humans. Even after falling in love with Cam, she had seen no issue in putting him apart from all the others. After all, he wasn’t just human. He was more than merely human.
… But Lusamine was only human. And she’d still done it. Mewtwo’s over-confidence and arrogance had stemmed from her belief that no Pokemon Capture Device could contain her. But that was only because of her immunity to the key mechanism in all Pokeballs. What if someone came up with a new form of containment? What if someone developed a way of holding Pokemon that did not rely on that key mechanism?
That was what Lusamine had done. That was how she’d captured Mewtwo. That… and the woman was so utterly broken. As Mewtwo pulls back from her kiss with Cam and descends to her knees to take his cock into her mouth, she reflects on how… blind she was, even in the moments before her capture. Lusamine’s mind was a mess. It didn’t matter that Mewtwo could read her thoughts. Because the blonde’s thoughts were in utter disarray.
More than that, Mewtwo couldn’t see into the future, because being frozen in one of Lusamine’s stasis chambers robbed her of her awareness. All she’d seen was nothingness, and she hadn’t been sure of what that meant at the time.
It had all added up to one of the most humiliating experiences of Mewtwo’s life. SHE had been captured. SHE had been made helpless. SHE had needed others to save her, like some… some damsel in distress.
“Glugkh! Glughk! Glughk!”
Forcing herself to take Cam to the base, Mewtwo continues to punish herself for her failure. She was a fool, and-
Cam’s hands suddenly land upon her horns, and she feels his psychic energy reach out and embrace hers.
You were tricked. You mustn’t blame yourself.
He doesn’t even have to listen for a second to know what was going through her head. Feeling rueful, Mewtwo slows down her deep throating of his cock and slides her mouth back, swirling her tongue around the tip of his dick instead. At the same time, she realizes she’d been getting more aggressive with Red the more she face fucked herself upon Cam’s dick. Feeling a little embarrassed, she slows down the mental tentacles fucking the floating form of Red and pulls her over to them both, reaching out and running a three-fingered hand over Red’s body in apology.
Who should I blame then? Lusamine? The woman can hardly be held accountable for her actions.
Oh how Mewtwo wished she COULD hold Lusamine accountable. But it would be like taking candy from a baby, and then shoving that baby in a corner. Lusamine was… mentally ill. A whole fucking bag of crazy, even. She was insane. Mewtwo might have killed her the moment she got out of stasis just to get rid of the possible threat… if not for what Cam had had to do to get her free.
The baby Lusamine was no doubt carrying at this point could not be risked. And so Lusamine herself had to live. She might be akin to a rabid dog in need of being put down, but alas, that wasn’t an option. Fortunately, against all odds, realizing that Cam and Red weren’t actually Pokemon like Mewtwo was, but the reverse of her situation, had re-broken Lusamine’s mind.
Akin to a controlled rebreaking of a bone that healed wrong the first time, Cam had inadvertently broken Lusamine into a semi-functional human being. Emphasis on the ‘semi’ part over functional. She would remain relatively stable so long as she thought she was useful… and so long as she continued to believe Cam was the future of the human race, a future where Pokemon no longer endangered themselves OR others.
Luckily, Mewtwo was good at belief. She was good at altering minds. While she couldn’t necessarily fix Lusamine entirely, she had been able to shore up the blonde woman’s new mental state, making her less likely to fall back into full-blown insanity. Lusamine would remain an asset to Cam for the foreseeable future.
… If you must blame someone, blame me.
Mewtwo’s eyes twitch up to Cam’s face, and she pulls herself back up off of his cock. His hands remain on her horns, and she knows he’s been listening in on every thought that’s gone through her head. Psychically, she lifts them both into the air right alongside Red, and her tail comes up to slide into Red’s sopping wet pussy, even as her legs wind around Cam’s waist, his cock slotting right into her cunt. As the three of them engage in some midair tomfoolery, Mewtwo shakes her head.
Blame you? You cannot be everywhere at once, Cam. Nor can you be prepared for every eventuality. It wouldn’t be fair to- oh, you little…
Cam’s smug grin is answer enough, as she effectively lays out why she couldn’t possibly be to blame either. Shrugging his shoulders, his cock throbbing inside of her, Cam chuckles softly, continuing their psychic communication.
If it is not mine or Red’s fault, then it is not your fault. In the end… no one was permanently hurt. All’s well that ends well.
Hmph. Yes, and wasn’t that quite fortunate. She had not been so arrogant to bring Amber into such a situation, at least. When she’d first caught wind of Lusamine looking for her, she had left her and Cam’s daughter at the mansion, with Daisy and Red. That had proven to be the right call. Mewtwo couldn’t have said for sure whether Amber would have registered more as human or Pokemon to Lusamine’s technology. She looked more human than Pokemon… but who was to say?
What she DID know was that Amber was the light of her life. Having successfully reproduced with Cam, Mewtwo had felt incredibly accomplished when their daughter was first born. But she had to admit, she hadn’t expected to be absolutely smitten with her baby. Not as much as she was. It was like… it was like the whole world had been set to dim, and when Amber came into her life, everything was suddenly so much brighter.
She hadn’t been unhappy before having her daughter, but she had certainly learned that there was more potential happiness in life afterwards.
To that end…
“Fuck me, Cam. Breed me. I wish to have another child.”
Cam raises his eyebrow at that, as Mewtwo suddenly ceases their psychic communication in order to speak out loud.
“Oh? You seemed content with just Amber, until now.”
Shaking her head, Mewtwo smiles a rueful smile, even as she undulates her hips, fucking Cam and being fucked in turn by him, all while her tail continues to drive a floating Red absolutely wild.
“Content is a good word for it. I was content… but not satiated. And never remotely satisfied. Still, I understood how much you had on your plate already. I did not want to overly burden you with new responsibilities. However, with the Aether Foundation all but throwing their lot behind Team Rocket and the Kanto Region, your resources have just doubled.”
Cam’s eyes widen at that, and Mewtwo snickers.
“Haven’t checked the numbers just yet? That’s not like you.”
When he flushes, she can feel in his mind why. He was… uncomfortable with Lusamine and all she had to offer. Not so uncomfortable that he wouldn’t take it, but uncomfortable enough that he had been slacking off for once, uncharacteristically letting looking into the details slide as he focused his attentions on other things. Equally important things, but other things all the same.
“Yes, the Aether Foundation is quite well-funded. Just about as well-funded as Team Rocket… and Team Rocket has been a part of the Regional Government for several years now. For the Aether Foundation to be as they are, despite being private… well, it’s certainly a feather in your cap, Cam.”
“… Not one I wanted.”
Mewtwo tilts her head in acknowledgment of that fact.
“No, but it is what it is. You will make use of Lusamine and her organization. I know you will.”
“… Yes.”
Smiling, Mewtwo runs her hands across Cam’s face, tenderly and lovingly.
“Do not be surprised if you end up accidentally conquering the world, before the end of your life Cam. If you haven’t noticed… both you and Red are aging slower than normal humans.”
Yes, he had noticed. Probably something Oak had tweaked when he’d made them. Some sort of bit of Pokemon DNA added to extend their lifespan. Privately, Mewtwo hoped it would extend their lifespan to something similar to what she was going to live. But only time would tell.
“And so… you have all the time in the world. And now, you have all the resources in the world too. And that’s why I want you to breed me again. I want you to knock me up and let me give you another child.”
From around the mental tentacle still occupying her throat, Red’s muffled moaning can be heard. Glancing over in amusement, still working her tail in and out of the other woman, Mewtwo smirks.
“Oh, and I suppose you should probably knock Red up again as well, while we’re at it.”
Cam sighs, his cock throbbing inside of Mewtwo. He might act put-upon, but he enjoyed the act of baby making just as much as she did. More than that, he enjoyed being a father just as much as she enjoyed being a mother… even if he DID have many more sprogs running around than she did. As his mate, Mewtwo was still part of the Family, so to speak. An Aunt, if nothing else.
Regardless, she feels his resolve firm up, both physically and mentally as he gets a determined look on his face and reaches out, grabbing her by the hips and beginning to fuck her harder and faster than before. Letting out a throaty moan, Mewtwo tosses her head back in enjoyment, and lets him fuck her silly.
After all, he’d earned a reward for saving her. Him and Red both. And together, the three of them would be around for a long, long time. The world might not know what hit it… but in the long run, Mewtwo fully believed it would be in safe, safe hands.


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