Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 11

On the 7th day of the week, the academy would give the students a break from their rigorous training. Yuichi decided to spend it with his new friends, Hanatarō and Niko. The three of them decided to explore the Seireitei, something that Yuichi had not yet had the chance to do. They walked through the streets, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city.


As they were walking, they stumbled upon a beautiful garden. Hanatarō and Niko were amazed by the lush greenery and the tranquil atmosphere. They decided to take a break and sat down on a nearby bench. As they were admiring the garden, they saw Mei and Kira walking towards them. Mei was surprised to see Yuichi and ran towards him to give him a hug. Kira followed behind, with a small smile on her face.


"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Mei asked, looking around the garden.


"We're just exploring the Seireitei; it's a rare day off from the academy," Yuichi replied.


"Oh, that sounds like fun. Kira and I were just taking a walk too. It's so peaceful here," Mei said, looking around the garden.


"Yeah, it's beautiful," Niko added.


As they were drying off and sitting on the shore, Niko asked Yuichi what optional class he planned on choosing. Yuichi looked at her confused and asked, "Optional class? What do you mean?"


Niko explained that the academy offered 6 optional classes in addition to the main curriculum, "Looks like you don’t know, but there are six optional classes that we can take in addition to our regular classes. There are calligraphy, haiku, medical, science, history classes, and a class on spiritual law. They become available tomorrow, and we have until the end of the week to sign up," Niko explained.


Yuichi thought about it for a moment and said, "I'm not sure yet; I'll have to look into them more. What classes are you guys planning on taking?"


Niko smiled and said, "I'm thinking about taking the science class. I've always been fascinated by the way the world works, and I think it would be really interesting to learn more about it. Besides, I heard that at the end of the year, science students get to submit a thesis to the Twelfth Division, and if they like it, then you’ll be able to skip the academy and join them. It’s been my dream to join the Twelfth Division."


Hanatarō shyly chimed in, "I'm thinking about taking the medical class. I've always been fascinated by the body and how it works. I think it would be really interesting to learn more about it. I want to join the Fourth Division and learn how to heal."


As they were discussing their options, they noticed Mei and Kira approaching them. They greeted each other for the first time, and Yuichi introduced them to one another. Niko then informed them of the topic they were discussing and asked Mei what optional class she was planning on taking. Mei replied, "I've been thinking about taking the Haiku class. I've always had an interest in poetry, and I think it would be a great opportunity to learn more about it."


Kira smiled and said, "I'm thinking about taking the calligraphy class. I've always been interested in learning how to write beautifully. I've also heard that Lieutenant Aizen is an excellent teacher, and I think it would be amazing to learn from him."


The group chatted and discussed their options further as they walked back to the academy. As they reached the halfway point to the academy, the others said they had things to do, leaving only Yuichi and Kira alone. An awkward silence hung between them as they walked towards the academy.


"So, um, what made you decide on the calligraphy class?" Yuichi asked, trying to make conversation.


"I've always loved the art of writing, and it's a great way to express oneself," Kira replied, looking down at her feet.


"That sounds interesting," Yuichi said, attempting to sound enthusiastic. "I haven't tried calligraphy, so maybe you can teach me about it in the future."


"Sure, if I ever have any free time, you're free to ask me for some instruction," Kira replied, ending the conversation.


They walked in silence for a few more minutes until they reached the academy.


"Well, I should probably get back and start preparing for class tomorrow," Kira said, looking up at Yuichi. "I'll see you later, I guess."


"Yeah, see you later," Yuichi said, watching as Kira walked away. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease he had around her.


After returning to his dorm, Yuichi decided to try communicating with his zanpakuto spirit once again. He sat cross-legged on the floor, closed his eyes, and focused on his breathing. He cleared his mind and let the silence of the room engulf him. He placed his zanpakuto on his lap and called out to his spirit, "Show yourself to me, reveal your name."


To his surprise, this time he heard a faint voice, but it was too soft and distant for him to make out the words. He strained to hear more, trying to focus all of his attention on the voice. He felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within him.


He continued to meditate for what felt like hours, trying to communicate with his spirit. He was determined to make a connection and unlock the true power of his zanpakuto. As he meditated, he felt his focus slipping, but he pushed through, refusing to give up.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his concentration was broken by a knock on his door. He opened his eyes and saw that it was already dark outside. He realized that he had been meditating for a couple of hours. When Yuichi opened his door, he saw that a girl had snuck into the boys' dorm and was visiting the boy next door. It wasn't any of his business, so Yuichi closed the door.


Now calm, Yuichi felt disappointed that he hadn't been able to make a clear connection with his spirit, but then he realized that this was a sign of progress. He had heard a faint voice, which was more than he had been able to do before. He knew that with practice, he would be able to strengthen the connection and unlock the true power of his zanpakuto.


As he lay on his futon, deep in thought, Yuichi weighed the pros and cons of joining the science or medicine class. He knew that both classes would be beneficial for his future, but he couldn't decide which one would be more useful for him.


On one hand, the medicine class would teach him valuable healing skills that would come in handy in battle. He knew that as a Soul Reaper, he would be called upon to fight against Hollows, and having the ability to heal would be an essential part of ensuring his survival.


On the other hand, the science class would give him an opportunity to study under Urahara Kisuke, who was known to be a genius in the field of science and technology. Having a connection with Urahara would be a great asset for his future, as he could learn from the man's vast knowledge and experience.


As he thought about the options, he realized that both classes would be beneficial for him, but he couldn't decide which one to choose. He knew that he needed to take his time and think about it carefully before making a decision.


He decided to meditate once again to clear his mind and hopefully gain some clarity. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, letting the silence of the room engulf him. He let his mind wander, thinking about the possibilities and what each class could offer him.


As he sat there for hours, he finally heard a faint voice calling out to him. He opened his eyes and saw that the stars were out. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't make out what the voice was saying. He knew that with time and practice, he would be able to communicate with his zanpakuto spirit.

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