Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 146

The dining room was filled with the rich aroma of freshly grilled salmon, miso soup with clams, and the tangy scent of pickled vegetables. A warm, relaxed atmosphere hung in the air, and the quiet sound of chopsticks tapping against plates punctuated the soft hum of conversation. Yuichi sat at the table, savoring a piece of perfectly grilled salmon, feeling a small wave of peace wash over him. Across from him sat Yoruichi Shihōin, her signature mischievous grin ever-present as she gracefully handled her chopsticks, while her brother, Yūshirō, eagerly chattered away about the day’s events.


At the edge of the table, Miel quietly ate her own meal. Though Miel wasn’t exactly comfortable around the Shihōin siblings, she remained silent, respectful of the odd dynamic unfolding in front of her. She looked somewhat out of place in the domestic setting, but Yuichi had insisted that she join them, hoping that this would allow him to avoid whatever task or favor he would receive. Whenever he came here he ended up tasked to do something by Lady Yoruichi which was always quiet harsh.


Yūshirō, eyes gleaming with pride, set down his bowl of rice and addressed his sister. "Sister! You won’t believe it. Yuichi’s gotten stronger again!" He turned to Yoruichi with a broad grin, puffing his chest out slightly. "It takes me a few seconds longer to beat him up in sparring now. He’s really come a long way!"


Yoruichi raised an eyebrow, casting an amused glance in Yuichi’s direction. Her lips curled into a teasing smile as she leaned back slightly, folding her arms. "Oh, is that so?" she said with mock surprise. "A few extra seconds, huh? That’s impressive, Yuichi. Maybe I should spar with you myself when I get the time."


Yuichi nearly choked on his rice, panic flashing across his face as he quickly raised his hands in protest. "Please don’t, Lady Yoruichi!" he said, almost pleading. "I don’t think I’ll survive that."


Yūshirō burst out laughing, nearly dropping his bowl as he slapped the table in amusement. "You’re probably right! Even I can’t match Sister, and I’m supposed to be her heir!" He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, grinning widely.


Yoruichi tilted her head back, letting out a small chuckle of her own. She had always enjoyed teasing Yuichi, especially when it came to sparring. "Oh, come on, Yuichi," she said, her tone still dripping with playful sarcasm. "A few broken bones never hurt anyone." She winked, causing Yūshirō to laugh even harder.


Yuichi sighed in defeat, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. As much as he admired Yoruichi, the thought of facing her in combat was a terrifying prospect. Although there was playful banter between the siblings Yuichi’s aching bones were a sharp reminder of the overwhelming power she possessed—power that even someone like him, who had dedicated himself to becoming stronger, couldn’t hope to match yet.


Yoruichi turned to Yuichi with a sly grin. "You know, Yuichi, I was so surprised when you chose to join the 12th Division under Kisuke instead of coming to the 2nd under me." She leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand, her voice dripping with exaggerated disappointment. "It really broke my heart."


Yuichi froze, his chopsticks pausing mid-air. He glanced down at his meal, suddenly finding the rice in his bowl much more interesting than the conversation. His nervousness returned, and a faint flush crept up his neck. He’d known this would come up eventually, but it didn’t make the moment any less uncomfortable.


Yūshirō’s eyes widened, his laughter dying down as he looked at his sister with surprise. "Really, Sister? It broke your heart?" he asked innocently, his brow furrowing in genuine confusion.


Without missing a beat, Yoruichi plucked her chopsticks from the table and, with perfect precision, flicked them across the room. They smacked Yūshirō squarely on the forehead with a soft thud, causing him to yelp in surprise and clutch his head. "Ow! Sister!" he protested, rubbing the spot where the chopsticks had hit him.


Yoruichi gave him a pointed look, her expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Yes, really," she said sarcastically before turning her attention back to Yuichi. "After all I’ve done for you, Yuichi. I took you under my wing, trained you, and then… you just went and joined Kisuke’s division. How could you betray me like that?"


Yuichi bit his lip, barely stopping himself from rolling his eyes. He knew Yoruichi was just playing with him. He had his reasons for joining the 12th Division—reasons that went beyond personal preference—besides his style of combat didn’t match the 2nd Division. Joining would have been more of an impediment than anything.


He took a deep breath and gave a resigned smile. "I’m sorry, Lady Yoruichi," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "What can I do to make it up to you?"


Yoruichi’s grin widened, and for a moment, there was a gleam in her eyes that made Yuichi regret asking. She picked up a new pair of chopsticks from beside her plate and resumed eating, taking a bite of her salmon before speaking again. "Well, now that you mention it, there is a little something I need help with." Her tone was casual, but Yuichi knew better. There was always something more behind her words.


"Don’t worry, I’ve already cleared it with Kisuke," she added with a wave of her hand, as if that would put Yuichi at ease.


Yuichi raised an eyebrow, glancing at her suspiciously. "And… what exactly would you need me to do?"


Yoruichi smirked, setting her chopsticks down and folding her arms across her chest. "You’ll find out tomorrow," she said cryptically, clearly enjoying his discomfort.


Yuichi’s shoulders slumped slightly as he let out a small groan. He should’ve known better than to ask. With Yoruichi, there was no telling what kind of task she had in mind. It could be something as simple as running an errand, or it could be something far more dangerous. And the fact that she wasn’t giving him any details only meant it was likely the latter.


Yūshirō, who had finally recovered from the chopstick assault, looked at his sister with wide eyes. "Is it something fun, Sister? Can I come too?"


Yoruichi gave him a sidelong glance, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Maybe. Depends on if you cannot annoy me for the rest of the evening, Yūshirō."


Miel, who had been silent throughout the entire meal, finally spoke up, her voice soft but steady. "Is this also the dangerous mission you wanted me for?" she asked, her yellow eyes focused on Yoruichi.


Yoruichi leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs casually. "Nope I need you for something else," she replied with a mischievous glint in her eye. "And besides, Yuichi is plenty capable and can handle himself when alone. Can’t you?"


Yuichi gave a weak smile, feeling the weight of everyone’s eyes on him. "I’ll… do my best," he said, though the uncertainty in his voice betrayed him.


Yoruichi let out a soft laugh, clearly enjoying the dynamic at the table. "Relax, Yuichi. You’ll be fine," she said reassuringly. "But don’t think you can avoid me forever. One of these days, we will spar. I want to see if you’ve made any headway with your Shunkō."


Yuichi’s face paled at the thought, and Yūshirō burst into laughter again, nearly tipping his seat over in his amusement. The meal continued, the lighthearted teasing and laughter flowing freely between them.

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