Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 15

Two months had passed at the academy, and Yuichi had been diligently working on his training. He'd been learning more about Kidō and attempting to build better relationships with his acquaintances Hanatarō, Niko, Mei, and Kira. While he managed to get along well with Hanatarō and Niko, Mei remained somewhat distant, and his interactions with Kira always felt awkward.


However, the dynamic between Yuichi and Kira shifted when Kensei, one of the instructors, announced that classes #2 and #1 would be having a joint practical lesson involving the slaying of weak hollows. Yuichi felt a sense of nervousness as he had never faced a hollow in combat, and his initial encounter with one had nearly ended in disaster. In this practical lesson, he was unexpectedly paired with Kira.


They assembled with the class on the training grounds, where Kensei organized them into pairs and assigned them to different areas infested with hollows. Yuichi and Kira were instructed to eliminate two hollows and then return to the designated gathering point.


As they ventured deeper into the forest, Yuichi couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety. He was inexperienced in combat against hollows, while Kira appeared completely composed, as if this were just another routine task for her.


In an attempt to break the ice, Kira initiated a conversation, her tone casual and unthreatening. "So, Yuichi, have you ever fought a hollow before?"


Yuichi, striving to conceal his nervousness, replied, "No, this is my first time."


Kira responded with a reassuring smirk. "Don't worry, it's not that hard. Just remember to stay focused, aim to kill rather than wound, and keep your guard up."


They encountered a hollow shortly thereafter, and the battle was intense. Yuichi, who had yet to awaken his zanpakuto, relied heavily on his binding Kidō skills, while Kira, on the other hand, displayed grace and ease in her fighting style.


Kira advised him, "Don't let it get too close. Leave this to me."


The combat persisted, and Yuichi felt himself losing ground. However, he eventually identified an opening as the hollow's movements became sluggish. He seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful strike, injuring the hollow. It then turned its attention toward Kira, who had dispatched her own opponent earlier.


Kira exhibited incredible speed and skill, gracefully evading the hollow's attacks and retaliating with precision and force. Yuichi observed in awe as she effortlessly dismantled the hollow. Although he found his own performance somewhat disappointing, he had managed to hold his own.


"Impressive," Yuichi complimented Kira as they regrouped near the defeated hollows.


"Thanks," Kira replied, her lips curving into a slight smile, showing a rare moment of warmth. "Your moves were a bit awkward, but you managed to hold your own."


Yuichi nodded, his breath still heavy from the intense battle. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you. Were the hollow's sluggish movements due to Kidō or your zanpakuto's abilities?"


Kira's demeanor grew serious, and she replied with a cold and distant tone, "I'd rather not discuss it."


Sensing that he shouldn't press the matter, Yuichi let it drop. When they returned to the instructors, they received praise for their teamwork and successful mission. On their way back to the academy, Yuichi tried to initiate a conversation, but Kira remained distant, and it became clear that she wasn't open to sharing more about her abilities or experiences.


As they walked back to the academy, Yuichi couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. He sensed that he had missed an opportunity to connect with Kira on a deeper level. Her emotional distance seemed impenetrable, and his efforts to build a friendship felt thwarted.


Taking a chance, Yuichi decided to break the silence. "Kira," he began, "can I ask you something?"


Kira raised an eyebrow but remained silent, prompting him to continue.


Yuichi continued, feigning a hint of frustration, "Why do you keep your distance? It's like you're not interested in forming a friendship or engaging in conversation."


Kira let out a sigh, her expression carrying a touch of sadness. "It's not that I don't want to be friends or talk, Yuichi. There are reasons for my guardedness. Besides, I see a bit of myself in you, and that's not necessarily a good thing," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.


Yuichi saw a mixture of pain and something elusive in her eyes, evoking empathy within him. "I understand," he responded, choosing not to press her further. "If you ever want to talk or share, know that I'm here."


Kira offered a faint smile, and for a brief moment, Yuichi detected a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you for the offer, Yuichi," she murmured softly.


As they continued their journey back to the academy, Yuichi's curiosity about Kira intensified. Questions about her past, her abilities, and her enigmatic demeanor filled his mind.


Kira also started showing a more profound interest in Yuichi. She seemed curious about his progress and how he was improving his skills. Although she kept her personal life guarded, her willingness to engage in conversation with Yuichi grew.


After Kensei's announcement about the weekly practical lessons and the importance of building strong partnerships, Yuichi and Kira continued to train and fight together. Their camaraderie deepened, and they began to trust each other more.


Over time, Yuichi noticed changes in Kira's combat style. She became more aggressive and started dispatching hollows with single, powerful strikes. Intrigued by this shift, he decided to ask her about it during one of their training sessions.


"Kira," he inquired, "I've noticed a change in your approach to fighting. You've become more aggressive. What prompted this change?"


Kira revealed, "I've seen your progress lately, Yuichi. It's inspired me to push myself harder than I have in a while. At this rate, you might surpass me in 200 years if I let my guard down."


Yuichi responded with a chuckle, "Only 200 years? I have faith it won't take that long, but who knows what the future holds? Perhaps in 200 years, we'll both be captains. Although I believe I can catch up sooner than that."


Kira, her smile genuine, teased him, "Is that so? Why wait for the distant future? How about a friendly match between us right now?"

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