Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 150

Yuichi drifted off to sleep, enjoying the rare moment of quiet in the mansion. His body, still not fully recovered from the early start, sank deeper into the futon, his limbs heavy with the comfort of rest. The subtle sounds of the estate—the rustle of distant footsteps, the occasional breeze rattling the paper walls—lulled him further into relaxation. He was in that pleasant space between sleep and wakefulness when a gentle nudge pulled him back to reality.


"Yuichi," Mei's voice broke through the haze of his light slumber, calm but insistent. "Breakfast should be ready by now."


Yuichi blinked his eyes open, still half-asleep, and turned his head toward Mei, who remained seated on the cushion in her usual seiza position. Her eyes were now open, focused on him with her characteristic calm demeanor. Even though she had been watching over Byakuya the entire time, she showed no signs of fatigue.


"Already?" Yuichi muttered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He sat up slowly, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms above his head, feeling the satisfying pull of his muscles loosening. He glanced at the door across the hall where Byakuya was staying. His Kido spell hadn't been triggered, which meant there hadn’t been any unexpected activity while he slept.


"Yes," Mei said as she stood, smoothing out her uniform. "It’s time to escort the young master to breakfast."


"Right," Yuichi sighed, pushing himself off the futon and stretching once more before moving toward the door. Despite the short nap, he felt better—more alert and ready for the day. Together, they walked to the room across the hall, their footsteps soft against the wooden floor.


Mei stopped just in front of the door and gave a light knock. "Lord Byakuya," she called in her clear, composed voice. "Breakfast is ready. We’ve come to escort you."


A moment of silence passed before they heard the faint sound of movement within. Mei slid the door open with quiet grace, revealing the room within. Byakuya was seated on the futon, legs folded beneath him, in what appeared to be a meditative state. His hands rested gently on his lap, and held within was a zanpakuto. Its blade was sleek and polished, with an air of quiet lethality, much like its young master.


Byakuya opened his eyes slowly at their entrance, his expression calm and impassive as always. His gaze shifted from Mei to Yuichi, acknowledging their presence with a subtle nod. Without a word, he placed his zanpakuto down gently on the futon, stood up, and made his way toward them. Yuichi couldn’t help but notice how even his movements carried the same composed grace and control that he would notice from Mei.


"Shall we?" Byakuya said quietly, his voice measured.


"Of course, young master," Mei replied with a bow, stepping aside to allow Byakuya to pass through the door first. Yuichi and Mei followed closely behind him, making their way down the hall toward the dining area.


As they walked, Yuichi couldn’t help but reflect on the young noble. For someone who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen, Byakuya carried himself with a level of maturity and poise that far exceeded his years. It was a sharp contrast to most of the students Yuichi had encountered during his training at the Academy. Then again, the Kuchiki heir had likely been trained in the ways of nobility, combat, and leadership since he could walk.


When they arrived at the dining room, Yuichi’s eyes immediately landed on the four figures already seated and waiting for them. Lady Yoruichi sat at the head of the low dining table, her golden eyes flickering with an unusual calm. To her right sat Byakuya’s grandfather, Ginrei Kuchiki, and his father, Sojun Kuchiki. The dignified air of the Kuchiki clan heads filled the room, their composed expressions radiating the weight of tradition and nobility. Yoruichi, in contrast, seemed uncharacteristically reserved in their presence. To her left was an unusally behaved Yūshirō.


Despite knowing Yoruichi as a more laid-back and lively individual, her demeanor now matched the formal atmosphere of the gathering. Yuichi exchanged a brief glance with Mei as they came to a stop by the door. It was rare to see Lady Yoruichi so subdued, but in the presence of such high-ranking nobles, it made sense that even she would follow proper decorum.


As custom dictated, Yuichi and Mei didn’t take a seat but instead stood at attention near the door, ready to serve or respond if needed. From their vantage point, they could observe the entire meal without intruding on the formal setting.


Shortly after, Hui arrived—followed by a group of servants trained in the noble traditions of the estate—and began serving breakfast to the five seated individuals. The meal was simple but exquisitely prepared, a traditional Japanese breakfast consisting of grilled salmon, rice, miso soup, and an assortment of pickled vegetables. The presentation was immaculate, each dish arranged with care and precision.


The room fell into a quiet, controlled atmosphere as the meal began. Yuichi watched as each member of the table ate with flawless etiquette, moving in silence, their expressions unchanged. Even Yoruichi, who normally would have made lively conversation or teased those around her, remained unusually formal. She and her younger brother, Yūshirō, both adhered to the rigid decorum of the meal, a stark departure from their usual playful interactions.


Yuichi, though accustomed to the relaxed meals that Lady Yoruichi and Yūshirō typically enjoyed, found the solemnity of this breakfast strange. He much preferred the lively banter and lighthearted atmosphere he was used to during meals at the mansion. However, in the presence of Ginrei and Sojun Kuchiki, it was clear that this was not the time for casual conversation.


As the meal went on in silence, Yuichi’s mind wandered briefly to the task at hand. Though the estate felt secure and the chance of any disruption seemed low, there was always a sense of tension when political matters were involved.


When the meal finally drew to a close, Ginrei and Sojun set down their chopsticks in unison, signaling the end of the formal breakfast. Byakuya followed their lead, placing his utensils down with the same precision and grace. The Kuchiki family members exchanged a few quiet words before Ginrei and Sojun turned their attention to Byakuya.


Ginrei, his voice calm but filled with the weight of authority, addressed his grandson. "Byakuya, we will be taking our leave now. Continue to uphold the dignity of the Kuchiki name in all that you do."


Sojun offered a more gentle parting, his gaze softening as he looked at his son. "Take care of yourself, Byakuya. We’ll see you when our work here is finished."


Byakuya gave a formal nod in response, his expression as composed as ever. "Yes, Grandfather. Yes, Father."


With that, Ginrei and Sojun stood, offering polite nods to Yoruichi and Yūshirō before making their way toward the exit. As they left, Yoruichi turned her attention to Yuichi and Mei, her golden eyes sharpening with her usual commanding presence.


"Stay alert and remain within the mansion grounds," Yoruichi instructed, her tone firm but not unkind. "We don’t expect any trouble, but keep an eye on things until we return."


Yūshirō, standing beside her, gave Yuichi a playful wink, though he, too, seemed more subdued than usual. "We’ll be back soon enough. Just don’t let anything blow up while we’re gone."


Yuichi and Mei bowed respectfully as Yoruichi and Yūshirō departed, leaving the two of them alone with Byakuya once more.

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