Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 156

"Miel," Yuichi breathed once more, his voice barely audible as he lay slumped against the wall. The small buzz of Miel's wings vibrated faintly through his clothes as she shifted, positioning herself just above his heart.


"Use the technique," Yuichi whispered under his breath. Though hollows and Soul Reapers operated on different wavelengths of spiritual energy, Yuichi had taught Miel how to channel her reiryoku into others in a manner similar to the healing art of Kaidō. The conversion wasn't perfect, and while it wouldn’t heal him completely, it would buy him enough time and strength to cast a few more Kido spells.


She began channeling her hollow reiryoku into him, a process that always felt strange, a dark and heavy pulse of energy filling him. The sensation was raw and unrefined, much different from the structured flow of a Soul Reaper's Kaidō. Hollow reiryoku was primal, instinctual, but effective enough for what Yuichi needed right now—just enough strength to keep moving and fight a little longer.


The pulsing energy seeped into his wounds, dulling the pain and stabilizing him, though the healing was far from complete. He could feel the crude mending of his flesh beneath his tattered uniform, the injuries knitting together just enough for him to function. It was a temporary fix, but one that gave him the time and strength to press on. Miel's buzzing faded as she returned to her usual resting state, hidden under his clothes.


As they moved down the corridor, the flickering light from the paper lanterns cast long shadows over their path. Yuichi kept a slow but steady pace. Behind him, Byakuya and Hui carried Mei, her breathing shallow but stable. The young lord's expression remained stoic as he helped Hui, not showing any signs of strain despite his involvement in the battle moments ago.


When they finally reached Yoruichi's study, Yuichi slid open the door and motioned for them to enter. The room was spacious yet intimate, tucked away in a secluded part of the compound, far from prying eyes. The air inside was thick with the scent of incense and old parchment, a mixture of Yoruichi’s personal touches.


Once everyone was inside, Yuichi shut the door behind them with a quiet thud, immediately raising his hand to cast Bakudō #73: Kyōmon. A shimmering, transparent barrier materialized, sealing the entrance with a faint ripple of spiritual energy. It would keep them safe for now, giving them the time they needed to regroup and recover.

The moment the barrier solidified, Yuichi felt his body give way to exhaustion. He slid down the wall, his back against the cold surface, and collapsed into a sitting position. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he gasped for air, sweat pouring down his face. His vision swam for a moment, but he forced his focus inward, drawing on the reishi in the air. The atmosphere in Yoruichi's study was rich with spiritual energy, a perfect place for using Kaidō. He slowly began to heal his wounds, the green glow of reiryoku flowing over his injuries, closing them as best as he could manage in his weakened state.


Meanwhile, Hui had knelt beside Mei, her hands already glowing with the familiar light of Kaidō. Like all members of the Onmitsukidō, she had been trained in the basics of healing—enough to administer first aid in dire situations. She worked methodically, her brow furrowed in concentration as she closed the worst of Mei’s wounds, stopping the bleeding and stabilizing her. Mei stirred weakly, letting out a soft groan, but her body remained too drained to fully wake.


Yuichi opened his eyes, blinking away the fatigue as he scanned the room. Hui’s hands moved quickly as she worked, her skill efficient but limited by the severity of Mei’s injuries. Byakuya standing by looking with a composed expression.


Yuichi’s thoughts churned as he watched them. This battle had taken a toll on them all, and the forces they faced were stronger than anyone he'd encountered before. Even with Byakuya’s aid, it had been a close call, and the situation felt far from over. He needed to think, to strategize, to figure out a way to survive the inevitable fallout.


But first, he needed time. Time to recover, time to plan, and he needed to figure out how many more enemies were out there. The ambush had been too well-timed, too precise to have been a random attack. Someone had been watching them, calculating their movements, and even knew the route they were most likely to take. If they didn’t act quickly, there could be more waiting for the right moment to strike.


"Young lord Byakuya," Yuichi called out, his voice hoarse but urgent. Byakuya’s eyes shifted toward him, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them.


"We need intel... on how many more are out there. This was planned." Yuichi's words were slow but measured. "I have a way to scout... but it will take time. I’ll need to recover first."


Byakuya remained silent for a moment, his sharp gaze scanning Yuichi before offering a nod. "Rest then. Lady Yoruichi placed you and that young lady in charge of my safety so do as you please." It was both an order and an acknowledgment that Yuichi’s proposal was sound.


Hui, who had finished closing Mei’s more critical wounds, glanced up, her face lined with concern. "Sir Yuichi, you’re still too weak and injured. If more enemies find you in this state while you’re still recovering, you won’t be able to fend them off.”


Yuichi didn’t disagree, but they had few options. The enemy had already proven their strength, and Mei was barely holding on. They couldn’t afford to be caught off guard again.


He exhaled slowly, leaning his head back against the wall, feeling the cold surface press into his scalp. "We don’t have much choice, Hui." He closed his eyes briefly, gathering his thoughts. "Miel can scout for us... but it’s risky. If the attackers are able to sense her reiatsu, they could track her. So I need to give them a more obvious target until she’s done."

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