Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 21

Yuichi and his group, consisting of himself, Kira, Mei, and Hanatarō, were deep in the hollow-infested forest, taking a practical lesson taught by the Soul Reaper Academy. The objective was to survive a week in the forest while battling and defeating hollows. Due to this, they were told to combine their groups of two into groups of four for this lesson. They would put everything they had learned to the test under the watchful eyes of the instructors observing the forest ready to rescue anyone in danger.


As they walked, they quickly encountered their first hollow, a massive beast with razor-sharp claws and glowing red eyes. Without hesitation, Yuichi and Kira stepped forward, their swords at the ready. The hollow let out a roar and charged at them, but the two were more than prepared. They dodged its attacks and delivered precise strikes to its exposed points, working together somewhat in harmony.


With the stealth and agility of an assassin, Mei carefully observed the hollow's movements, looking for an opening to strike. As the hollow turned its back, Mei struck, her weapon flashing in the dim light of the forest. The hollow roared in pain as Mei's attack found its mark, but it quickly regained its footing and prepared to attack.


Kira and Yuichi stepped forward to assist Mei, and the three of them formed a cohesive team, striking at the hollow from different angles. The hollow was strong, but their combined efforts began to wear it down.


As the hollow stumbled, Mei saw her opportunity and struck again, her weapon finding its mark in the hollow's weak spot. Hanatarō, meanwhile, hung back, supporting his teammates from a safe distance. He was able to use his abilities to heal the wounds that their partners sustained during the fight. It was a grueling battle, but the hollow let out a final roar and vanished into the air, defeated by the group.


The group continued on, facing off against several more hollows along the way. Hanatarō proved to be a valuable asset, using his healing abilities to keep the group in fighting shape. Yuichi was reminded of that video game logic he always used to hear that the healer is the most important member of any group.


The group continued on, encountering more hollows along the way. Each time, they worked together, using their unique skills and abilities to overcome their enemies. They fought through the night, using their training and instincts to outmaneuver their enemies.


One particularly challenging fight took place against a group of five small hollows. The hollows surrounded them, their glowing eyes reflecting the moonlight. Mei, ever the assassin, sprang into action, her strikes precise and deadly. She moved with grace, quickly taking down one of the hollows before slipping back into the shadows.


Yuichi and Kira were locked in a heated battle with two more hollows, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks. Hanatarō hung back, supporting them with his healing abilities.


Mei saw her chance and struck again, taking down another hollow with a well-placed strike. The group was outnumbered, but their teamwork and determination carried them through the fight. They continued to work together, striking at their enemies from different angles and using their abilities to their fullest.


In the end, the group emerged victorious, having defeated all five hollows. They were tired and covered in bruises, but they were proud of their accomplishment. They continued on through the forest, facing off against more hollows along the way and honing their skills as they went.


As the group found a suitable spot to make camp, they all sat down, exhausted from the day's battles. Hanatarō began to set up a fire, and the others helped to gather firewood.


"We did it," Kira said, a small hint of pride in her voice. "We made it through the first day, and we're all still in one piece."


Mei nodded, "We make a great team. Each of us brings our own unique fighting style to the table, and together, we were able to defeat even a mid-size hollow."


Yuichi chuckled, "I'm just glad we made it through the first day. I don't think I could handle much more of this today."


Hanatarō smiled, "We should all get some rest. We need to be ready for tomorrow, in case we encounter any more hollows."


They chatted about their experiences and the battles they had faced. They laughed and shared stories, bonding over their shared experiences. As night began to set in they took turns keeping watch throughout the night.


The next day the group was making their way through the forest when they suddenly came across a massive hollow. It was unlike any they had ever faced before, towering over them and exuding an aura of overwhelming power.


Yuichi stepped forward cautiously, his sword at the ready. The massive hollow let out a roar and charged towards him. Yuichi swung his sword, and the hollow deflected it with ease. Yuichi stumbled, and the hollow seized the opportunity, striking him with a powerful blow that sent him flying across the clearing.


Mei rushed to Yuichi's side, checking to see if he was alright. Yuichi at the last moment had used his zanpakuto to shield himself reducing the amount of damage. She was relieved to see that he was still breathing, but he was badly wounded and unable to continue the fight.


The massive hollow turned its attention to the rest of the group, and they formed a defensive circle around Yuichi. The hollow let out another roar, and they braced themselves for the attack.


The battle was intense and lasted for several minutes, with each member of the group working together to fend off the hollow's relentless attacks. They struck at it from different angles, trying to find a weakness, but the hollow was too powerful and seemed to be getting stronger with each passing moment.


Mei saw that their situation was dire and she knew they needed to end the battle quickly. She took a deep breath and unleashed her Zanpakuto, Shiro no Shikaku. She tossed her sword upward, shouting "Freeze, Shiro no Shikaku!" the sword transformed into its Shikai form.


Mei's weapon changed from a traditional wakizashi to a shorter, dagger-like weapon, with a blue-hued blade. As she grabbed the dagger she felt the power of her Zanpakuto coursing through her as she took a stance and readied herself for battle.


Mei began to imbue it with freezing energy. The hollow roared in anger, sensing the new threat. Mei swung her sword, using her ability "Fuyu no kōtō" (Winter Cut). Mei swung her sword, imbuing it with the freezing energy of her Winter Cut ability. The blue energy of the sword met the hollow's body and quickly took hold. The hollow was caught off guard, and the freezing energy seeped into its body. Its movements became more rigid with each cut, and its energy leaked out of its body. The more Mei cut, the more ridged the hollow became, and the more energy it lost.


Within a few short minutes, the hollow was frozen solid, unable to move or fight. Mei breathed a sigh of relief and went to check on Yuichi, who was being tended to by Hanatarō.


"You did it," Kira said, a hint of awe in her voice. "We actually managed to defeat such a massive hollow. Although it was mostly thanks to Mei."


Mei shook her head, "No It's thanks to our teamwork and our individual skills that we were able to come out on top. If you hadn’t distracted it then I might not have been able to release my zanpakuto."


“However we must still say our thanks, especially me. I was useless in that fight,” said Yuichi to which Hanatarō as he placed his hand on Yuichi’s shoulder as a way to cheer him up.


Finally, the grueling week in the hollow-infested forest was up and the group emerged from the forest, triumphant and exhausted. They had faced many challenges and fought countless battles, but they had made it through the week with their lives and their spirits intact. They returned to the Soul Reaper Academy.


As they arrived back at the academy, they were greeted with applause and cheers from their fellow students and instructors. The group beamed with pride, grateful for the support of their friends and peers.


"You all did an excellent job," their instructor Kensei praised. "You worked well together and demonstrated great teamwork and strategy in the face of danger. You have all grown stronger and more skilled in just this one week, and I am proud of each and every one of you. Especially your group the only one that managed to take down such a large hollow. Good work."



Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut) - Mei can imbue her sword with freezing energy that can cause her opponents' bodies to become more rigid with each cut. This makes it increasingly difficult for them to move, and also causes their energy to leak out of their body. The more Mei cuts an opponent, the more ridged their body becomes, and the more energy they lose. Eventually, the opponent's body may become so frozen that they are unable to move or fight, and they will be left with very little energy. This ability can be used to quickly incapacitate an opponent and make them an easy target.



Zanpakuto Name: Shiro no Shikaku (白の刺客 White Assassin)


Release Command: Freeze


Sealed Appearance: In its sealed form, Mei's sword is a wakizashi with a white body and a silver blade edge. It has a hexagonal tsuba with snowflake designs and a white sheath. Mei typically carries her Zanpakutō at her waist.


Shikai Form: Shiro no Shikaku (白の刺客 White Assassin) – To release this form Mei tosses her blade upward as she says ‘Freeze Shiro no Shikaku’. Shiro no Shikaku in its shikai state the sword becomes slightly shorter, gaining a dagger-like appearance, and the blade edge becomes a blue color.


Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut) - Mei can imbue her sword with freezing energy that can cause her opponents' bodies to become more rigid with each cut. This makes it increasingly difficult for them to move, and also causes their energy to leak out of their body. The more Mei cuts an opponent, the more ridged their body becomes, and the more energy they lose. Eventually, the opponent's body may become so frozen that they are unable to move or fight, and they will be left with very little energy. This ability can be used to quickly incapacitate an opponent and make them an easy target.

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