Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 28

Yuichi quickly gathered his thoughts and tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for the state of his room. He couldn't let Kira know about the artificial human they had created.


"Umm, we were just experimenting with some new scientific techniques and we needed some space to work in. We’re all tired so we thought to take a quick nap in my room," said Yuichi, trying to sound as convincing as possible.


Kira raised an eyebrow, "Really? So why don’t those 3 have any reishi in their bodies? From what I’ve read only soulless bodies like gigais don’t have any reishi. Why do have three gigais in your room?"


Yuichi's mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. He could just lie to Kira, but she was a valuable ally and he didn't want to jeopardize that. Also, Kira was pretty smart so she would probably see through most lies.


"Alright, I'll tell you the truth," said Yuichi with a sigh, "Niko and I were working on a project to create an artificial human. We managed to get our hands on some gikons and gigais in a less than legal way, and we spent all night working on synchronizing one of them to create our artificial human."


Kira's expression softened, "Hmm so that's what you were doing. So am I to assume you managed to succeed? Can I see the artificial human you created?"


Yuichi nodded, "Yes he's sleeping over there," he said, pointing to the nameless boy who was still snuggled up with Niko.


Kira walked over to the boy, looking at him with a mixture of amazement and curiosity. "This is incredible. You and Niko have done something truly remarkable here. But you should probably keep it a secret. You might not get in trouble but you’ll definitely end up on the radar of people you’d normally want to avoid like some heads of noble houses."


Yuichi sighed, "We wanted to keep it a secret for a while until we were sure that our creation was stable and safe. We didn't want to get in trouble or face any consequences if something went wrong. I’m acquainted with Urahara Kisuke so I figured if we showed him the results he could protect us from all that."


Kira nodded understandingly, "That makes sense. Captain Urahara is known for his unconventional methods and he’s definitely a person you can trust. But for now, you should be careful about who you show your creation to. The fewer people who know about it, the better it is for you and Niko. But if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask."


Yuichi nodded, "You're right. We'll talk to him as soon as possible. But for now, let's just keep this between us. I don't want anyone else to find out until we're ready to share it."


Kira nodded, "I understand. But you need to be careful. You can't just keep things like this a secret for too long. You should talk to Captain Urahara about it as soon as possible. He needs to know about this, it could have significant implications for the future of the science and technology department."


Yuichi smiled, grateful for Kira's understanding and support, "Thanks Kira, I really appreciate it. I'll keep your advice in mind."


Kira smiled, "Okay, I won't say a word. But don't wait too long, things you can’t predict could happen."


Kira's words weighed heavily on Yuichi's mind as he watched her leave. He knew she was right, they couldn't keep the artificial human a secret forever. They needed to find a way to make sure their creation was protected and that they wouldn't be punished for their actions. Yuichi walked over and lightly shook Niko awake.


He said to Niko, "I think we need to talk to Captain Urahara as soon as possible. We can't keep this a secret forever, we need to make sure both ourselves and our creation are protected. "


Niko nodded, "I agree. He's our best bet for protecting us. Let's go see him tomorrow."


Yuichi nodded, "Okay. I'll make arrangements to see him tomorrow. We need to make sure we're prepared for what's to come. Keep an eye on the kid I have to take care of something I’ll be right back."


‘I better go see Mei and have her arrange a meeting with Urahara. She might ask how I know about him so I’ll just say Kira or Niko mentioned him to me. Now how do I go about explaining this?’


As these thoughts raced in Yuichi's mind he walked over to Mei’s dorm room. It then dawned on him that while everyone has been in his dorm he had never really visited any of theirs. Reaching Mei's dorm Yuichi knocked and soon Mei opened the door in a light robe with her hair still wet from her bath. As she noticed that it was Yuichi at her door she quickly closed her door and from the sound coming from her room proceeded to quickly get dressed.


Yuichi waited patiently as he heard Mei getting dressed and soon she opened the door again, fully dressed this time. "What can I help you with Yuichi?" she asked with a friendly but threatening smile.


Yuichi reading the atmosphere smiled back and said, “Well I need to talk to you about something. I can’t really say it out here so may I come in?”


Mei opened the door and allowed Yuichi to enter. As he entered Yuichi saw that Mei's dorm room was a reflection of her personality, simple yet elegant. The furniture was minimal and consisted of a single bed, a small desk and chair, and a chest of drawers. The bed had a white coverlet while her desk was cluttered with textbooks and notes, but everything was organized neatly. On the walls hung a few framed paintings and prints, adding a touch of personal style to the room. Overall, the room was cozy and comfortable, perfect for studying or relaxing after a long day.


Mei sat at the desk and motioned for Yuichi to also sit. When he did Mei asked, “So what did you wish to ask of me?”


Yuichi took a deep breath, "Mei, I need your help. Niko and I might have done something illegal that might get us executed.”


Mei’s eyes widened and she stopped breathing when she heard Yuichi’s words. After a while, she let out a long sigh and asked, “What did the two of you do exactly and why will you be executed? ”


Yuichi continued, "Niko and I may have illegally obtained a few gikons and gigais. With those, we may have created an artificial human and we're afraid we might get into trouble for it. We need to find a way to protect ourselves and the artificial human. Kira suggested that we talk to Captain Urahara and so I was hoping that you would ask Lady Yoruichi if she could possibly arrange a meeting with him for us."


Mei's eyes widened in surprise, "An artificial human? That's an amazing scientific discovery but such extermination was banned by the head captain. You're right, you need to be careful this is big news so for now take me to where you’ve hidden this artificial human. I need to see it before I can accurately report this to Lady Yoruichi and ask for her help."


Yuichi wasted no time and led Mei back to his dorm room. As they entered the room, Mei immediately spotted the artificial human sleeping on the bed. She walked over and examined it closely, her eyes wide with amazement and curiosity.


"This is truly amazing," she said, "I've never seen anything like this before. This is a breakthrough, but it's also very dangerous. You two have put yourselves in a very precarious situation. I'll report this to Lady Yoruichi and see if she can help us. But for now, I think it's best if you keep it here and a secret from everyone else. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention."


Yuichi nodded in agreement, "Thank you, Mei. I appreciate your help.”


Mei gave Yuichi a comforting smile, "Don't worry, we'll get through this together. Just leave everything to me. I'll make sure Lady Yoruichi knows about this and that we have a plan in place to protect you, Niko, and the artificial human."

For those wishing to read more, you're welcome to check out my Patreon where the next 5 chapters are available to read for free.

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