Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 51

Yoruichi nodded in acknowledgment of Kira's response, her expression softening slightly. "It's clear that you were placed in a difficult situation, Kira. However, as a member of the Gotei 13, I must uphold certain standards and principles. The actions you have taken so far are quite drastic and I’m unsure if letting you loose is the correct action to take."


She leaned forward, fixing her gaze on Kira. "You will be held accountable for your actions, and there will be consequences. But I also believe in second chances, and your skills are quite valuable. From now on, until I decide on what to do with you; you will be under strict supervision, and your actions will be closely monitored."


Kira nodded in understanding, her determination clear. "I accept your decision, Captain Yoruichi. I will do whatever it takes to prove that I am harmless."


Very well, Kira," Yoruichi said, her tone firm, but not unkind. "Your cooperation and willingness to help make amends will be taken into account as we move forward. I trust that you understand the gravity of the situation. So for now, all I need you to do is simply place this scroll on your father’s desk, and fan the flames that start."


“What flames?” asked Kira


“Nothing you need worry about. Also don’t open that scroll.” said Yoruichi as she tossed Kira the scroll, stood, and left the room


Kira caught the scroll that Yoruichi had tossed to her, her curiosity piqued by Yoruichi's cryptic words about fanning flames. She nodded in acknowledgment of Yoruichi's instructions. "Understood, Captain Yoruichi. I'll deliver the scroll to my father as requested, without opening it."


As Yoruichi left the room, Kira was left alone to contemplate the task she had been given and the consequences of her actions. She knew that her actions would have far-reaching repercussions, and she had to prepare for the inevitability that Yourichi and Urahara might abandon her to her death. They now knew she wasn’t as innocent as they had believed.


Yoruichi then used Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash Steps) to speed to where the maid had led Yuichi. When she arrived she saw Mei flying and crashing into the ground hard as Yūshirō who was standing on the opposite side of the dojo said, “That's good you meet the standard, so you get a passing score barely.”


Mei who was breathing heavily with her zanpakuto released said, “Thank you, Young Master Yūshirō.”


Yūshirō then turned toward Yuichi and said, “You’re up next Yuichi. Take your stance and ready yourself. This session will be a bit more intense, so don’t hold back.”


Yuichi looked confused but Yourichi decided to clear up the confusion. “Things are about to become very hectic soon. So we need to evaluate your level of strength. That way, we can be sure that you’ll survive.”


Yuichi understanding the motive behind this sparring session took his stance. Yuichi stood ready, his zanpakuto in hand, as Mei's intense sparring session with Yūshirō came to an end. He had noticed the seriousness in their training, and Yoruichi's words about evaluating his strength had not gone unnoticed. He knew that the events in the forest and the revelations about Kira had made the situation within the Seireitei even more complex and potentially dangerous.


As Yūshirō turned his attention toward Yuichi, the latter braced himself for the sparring session. He took a deep breath calming his nerves as Kagami no Jotei had taught him. "Understood," Yuichi replied with a determined expression, his focus solely on the impending spar. He knew that his performance could very well determine his fate in the turbulent times ahead.


Yuichi was keenly aware of the difference in fighting styles between himself and Yūshirō. The Shihōin clan's expertise in Hohō and Hakuda meant that Yūshirō's speed and hand-to-hand combat skills were formidable. As Yūshirō vanished from sight, Yuichi's instincts kicked in, but it was already too late.


The sudden, excruciating pain in his stomach left him gasping for breath as he staggered back, struggling to regain his composure. Yūshirō's strike had been lightning-fast, and Yuichi had barely been able to react in time.


“Get up and retake your stance.” said Yūshirō


Gritting his teeth against the pain, Yuichi tried to assess the situation. He knew he had to adapt quickly if he wanted to hold his own against Yūshirō. He steadied his breathing, taking a defensive stance and preparing to counter the next move.


However, the result was the same as before he could realize what was going on, Yūshirō had swiped his feet and slammed him into the ground. Yūshirō returned to where he first stood and repeated his words for Yuichi to get up again.


Despite the pain and frustration of being taken down by Yūshirō's speed and technique, Yuichi knew that he couldn't afford to give up. He had to learn from each encounter, adapt, and do his best to hold his own in this spar.


Once again, he pushed himself up from the ground, his determination unwavering. He recognized that the gap in their combat abilities was substantial, but he was not one to back down easily. Taking Kagami no Jotei's lessons to heart, he tried to anticipate Yūshirō's movements, relying on his instincts and intuition.


As Yūshirō approached for another strike, Yuichi's anticipation allowed him to successfully sidestep Yūshirō's approach, and for a brief moment, he thought he had gained the upper hand. However, Yūshirō's incredible speed and reflexes proved to be insurmountable. Before Yuichi could fully capitalize on his opportunity, Yūshirō disappeared from view once again, leaving him vulnerable.


The excruciating pain returned as Yuichi found himself on the floor once more. He clenched his teeth in frustration and pushed himself up again, determined not to let this spar break his resolve. He knew that he had to find a way to counter Yūshirō's speed and technique.


Yūshirō reappeared at his spot and said, “You failed Yuichi. I’m impressed you were able to adapt and grow during the sparring session but your skills are severely lacking. You’ve got a bit more combat experience which is good, but the level of growth is less than what I’d hoped.”


Yoruichi walked up nodding as she said, “Yes I agree. Your study of Hohō is severely lacking. What good is power and sword skills, if you can hit an opponent who moves quickly.”

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