Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 57

As the meeting unfolded, each captain presented their reports and concerns, addressing the various issues that had arisen within the Seireitei. The atmosphere remained tense as they discussed the recent attacks in several Rukongai districts.


Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto turned his attention to Yoruichi Shihōin, the captain of the 2nd Division. Her division had a reputation for efficient intelligence-gathering, and Yamamoto valued her insights.


"Yoruichi," Yamamoto spoke with his deep and commanding voice, "do you have any information regarding the recent attacks on the Rukongai districts?"


Yoruichi met Yamamoto's gaze and replied, "Yes, Head Captain. My division has been actively investigating the matter. It appears that the attacks were carried out by a powerful hollow. However, there's a concerning aspect to this situation."

She paused briefly, her expression troubled. "The fact that a hollow of this strength could evade our divisions and the patrols is perplexing. We regularly cull the stronger hollows to prevent them from growing, leaving the weaker ones for our students to handle. The emergence of a powerful hollow like this raises questions about how it managed to develop unnoticed."


Yamamoto's expression grew more serious as he processed the information. The presence of such a formidable and elusive hollow within their borders was indeed a matter of great concern. It hinted at potential vulnerabilities in the Seireitei's defenses.


"We shall need to address this issue promptly," Yamamoto declared with authority. "The safety of our residents is of utmost importance. Investigate further and report any significant findings to me."


With a clear plan of action, Yamamoto assigned specific tasks. He turned to Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake, both respected captains of the Gotei 13.


"Shunsui and Jūshirō," he commanded, "I want both of you to go to the forest and investigate if you can find any trace of this hollow. Yoruichi is right; either this hollow is stronger than we anticipate, or there is something more sinister at play. Kensei, until this situation is resolved, inform the academy to cancel all lessons involving the forest. If we cannot find a solution soon, we may need to relocate those lessons to the human world."


The four captains, Yoruichi, Kensei, Shunsui, and Jūshirō, responded with a resounding "Understood." The meeting concluded, and each captain departed, ready to fulfill their assigned tasks to protect the Seireitei from the looming threat.


As the captains filed out of the meeting room, each focused on their respective tasks and assignments, Yoruichi couldn't help but notice Urahara's subtle finger tapping at his side. She maintained her silence and continued walking along with the others. This was a sign they had developed when they were younger, to alert each other that they needed to talk. The urgency of the situation left no room for casual conversation here so she knew where she needed to go.


Yoruichi's destination was Sōkyoku Hill, a location known for its connection to the highest matters of the Gotei 13. With the state of emergency, she maintained a vigilant awareness, making sure no one was tailing her as she moved through the Seireitei. Her instincts were sharp, honed through years of training and experience.


Upon reaching the base of the hill, Yoruichi appeared to vanish from sight, but it was no mere disappearance. Urahara Kisuke had set up a concealed kido barrier, operated by a machine of his own invention. The illusion created by this barrier effectively hid the opening in the cliff, making it appear as if it were an ordinary part of the landscape. Only those possessing the unique token, held by Urahara and herself, could bypass this barrier.


Yoruichi stepped through the kido barrier and descended the ladder, leading to the hidden Study Chamber. It was a place they had established in their younger days, a sanctuary where they could train and play in privacy. Here, they could hone their abilities without the watchful eyes of the Gotei 13, allowing them to focus on their training, or simply enjoy the freedom of being away from the public eye.


The chamber was a dimly brightly lit space with the walls made to look like the sky, filled with the familiar scent of incense and the aura of old memories. It was an area where they had laughed, bickered, and grown stronger together. Yoruichi knew that whatever awaited her here, it was a matter of great importance.


She descended the ladder and waiting for her was her friend and ally, Urahara Kisuke. “What’s up Kisuke? Why the sudden need for a secret meeting?”


Urahara's expression was serious as he responded, "Thanks for coming quickly. This is important, but I think we need to stop meeting at each other's residences. It seems that someone is keeping a close eye on us."


Yoruichi's brows furrowed in concern. "Someone keeping an eye on us? Is it someone from the Tsunayashiro Clan?"


Urahara shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I believe we're dealing with a third-party observer who's watching all of this unfold while adding to the situation. As you mentioned, the appearance of a hollow of this caliber should have alerted the Soul Society. Unless it was created or raised by someone."


Yoruichi considered his words. "True, that seems plausible. But could the Tsunayashiro Clan be responsible in some way?"


Urahara's gaze turned contemplative. "It wouldn't make sense for them to do so directly. The Rukongai district is typically left alone by all the noble families, and that includes the Tsunayashiro Clan. It serves as a breeding ground for potential new soul reapers. Tampering with it is a move that no one would make unless they were sure that no other noble family would retaliate. In this situation, making such a large move in the Rukongai district would draw attention from Head Captain Yamamoto, and that would contradict the Tsunayashiro Clan's desire to keep their motives hidden. Now, Captain Yamamoto will be closely monitoring the situation within the Soul Society."


Urahara paused before adding, "I believe that whoever is orchestrating this isn't directly involved but wishes to escalate the situation, so no one pays attention to their own actions."


Yoruichi nodded in understanding. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, and the gravity of the situation became clearer. Whatever they were dealing with, it was a force with a hidden agenda, operating from the shadows.


She spoke with determination, "So, what's our next step, Kisuke? How do we uncover this observer and put a stop to their manipulation?"


Urahara leaned forward, a glint of enjoyment in his eyes. "Our next step is to dig deeper into this, Yoruichi. We need to uncover their identity, motives, and the extent of their influence. For now, focus on doing as Head Captain Yamamoto ordered, and I’ll work on something to give our little observer a headache. I've recently been working on something that will do just the trick."

This is why you don't mess with intelligent characters. They play 4D chess while we all play checkers.

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