Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 59

Yuichi's realization of the ability to manipulate reishi was nothing short of groundbreaking. He grasped the significance of what he had discovered. This unique control over reishi, acting like a magnet that could both attract and manipulate the spirit particles in the environment, opened up a world of possibilities that extended beyond shunpo.


With this newfound skill, he could explore and develop techniques that were not traditionally available to Soul Reapers. The potential applications were vast, from creating defensive barriers and diversions to enhancing his combat capabilities. Yuichi couldn't help but think of the many ways he could incorporate this ability into his training and future battles.


This was the secret to the Quincy power. They could use reishi, in ways that the Soul Reapers had never considered, such as blut vene and blut arterie. These techniques required a Quincy to flood their blood vessels with reishi, with blut vene hardening the skin against enemy attacks and blut arterie boosting offensive power. Their trump card Vollstandig also worked on the same principle of pulling reishi from all around keeping them at full power indefinitely making them difficult opponents.


As he sat in his dorm room, cross-legged, he continued to experiment with his reishi manipulation. He practiced drawing in reishi, harnessing it, and then releasing it, honing his control over the magnet-like effect. He could feel the subtle shifts in reishi as they responded to his commands.


Yuichi had unwittingly improved upon his previous training of moving his reiryoku from his body into his zanpakuto and back. He understood that mastering this skill would require dedicated training and refinement. But he was exhilarated by the possibilities that lay ahead, with this technique he could actively pull reishi into his body and increase his reiryoku. With this, he could rapidly increase his strength while using the previous training to improve upon his control of reiryoku.


Yuichi delved headfirst into his new training method, eager to further refine his unique ability. He began by carefully releasing small drops of his reiryoku into the surrounding reishi-filled air. As he watched, the reishi responded to his reiryoku, drawn toward it by the magnet-like effect he had discovered.


He observed the reishi in the environment coalesce with his released reiryoku, forming a blend of energy that felt different from either of its individual components. The mixture seemed to carry a potent, unified force.


Without hesitation, Yuichi practiced absorbing this blend of reishi and reiryoku, allowing it to flow into his being. He focused on the sensation, attempting to familiarize himself with the unique energy he was harnessing.


Each repetition brought him closer to mastering this new aspect of his abilities. Yuichi's aim was to make this newfound ability as natural and reflexive as breathing. He continued to repeat the process of releasing, absorbing, and merging reishi and reiryoku, each repetition bringing him closer to his goal.


As he persisted, Yuichi reached a point where he began to feel a sense of discomfort. It was as if he had overindulged in a large meal, and his body needed time to process and assimilate the energy he had absorbed. Recognizing this limitation, he decided to pause his training, allowing his body to digest the newfound reishi-rich energy he had accumulated.



Yuichi devised a rigorous and comprehensive training regimen that leveraged his unique abilities. The fusion of external reishi manipulation, reiryoku absorption, and intensive training within his inner world was a well-rounded approach to honing his skills as a Soul Reaper.


He would begin each session by diligently absorbing reishi from the environment until he reached his limits, pushing the boundaries of his reishi absorption capacity. The absorbed reishi became the raw material for his reiryoku. His body's natural process transformed the collected reishi into reiryoku, gradually increasing his overall spiritual energy reserves.


The culmination of this phase involved his visits to Kagami no Jotei, his zanpakuto's inner world. There, he would engage in intensive training sessions that encompassed various aspects of combat and spiritual growth. With each visit, he could delve deeper into the abilities of his zanpakuto, refining his combat techniques and gaining a deeper understanding of his inner world.


Taking advantage of this break, he grabbed his zanpakuto from the table. With unwavering focus, he began the process of transferring his reiryoku from his body to his zanpakuto and back. This exercise was akin to a rigorous workout, pushing the limits of his spiritual energy. It aimed to increase his maximum reiryoku levels, enhancing his overall strength. Yuichi knew that this dual-pronged training approach would help him develop his skills in a balanced manner. By mastering the external manipulation of reishi and expanding his reiryoku capacity, he was charting a path to become a formidable and versatile.


After shifting his reiryoku as much as he could Yuichi then focused his mind on his zanpakuto and entered his inner world. He found Kagami no Jotei looking up at the grey-colored sky when she saw Yuichi she asked, “It’s been a while I see you’ve grown stronger than before. So what brings you here today?”


Yuichi, with a determined expression, responded, "I've come to continue my training, Kagami no Jotei. I want to push my limits further and refine my abilities. Things are looking more dire as time goes on and I need to be stronger to survive. If I don’t unlock more of my potential I’m afraid I’ll die at this rate."


“So it is due to that the sky is once again grey and cloudy. I expect rain soon, should you fall into despair. I know what you’re worried about. I can train you and I can fight alongside you, but what you truly need is an ally. Someone in the  outside world to share your worries with.” said Kagami no Jotei


Yuichi absorbed Kagami no Jotei's words, her wisdom striking a chord deep within him. Her mention of the grey and cloudy sky, a reflection of his inner turmoil, resonated with his growing concerns about the challenges he faced.


"I know," Yuichi acknowledged, "I've been pushing myself too hard, trying to become stronger. But I also understand that strength alone might not be enough. You're right; I need an ally, someone to share my worries with, and to stand by my side. I was considering Mei at first but her allegiance to Yoruichi would work against me at this stage. I need to sneak into Urahara’s lab and I doubt Yoruichi would allow that to happen if Mei told her. Kira wouldn’t work because she’s out for herself in the end."


Kagami no Jotei continued to observe Yuichi, her gaze steady and understanding. She listened to his thoughts and concerns, recognizing that he was facing a difficult dilemma in choosing an ally who could both support him and align with his goals.


"You're making a wise choice in your considerations," she replied. "Mei and Kira both have their loyalties, which might not align with your path. Finding an ally who shares your objectives and values is essential. But keep in mind that trust takes time to build. Be patient, and when the right ally crosses your path, seize the opportunity. Now prepare yourself, I’ll go a bit harder than usual this time."

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