Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 6

Now alone, Yuichi sat on the tatami floor and let out a sigh of relief, a rare moment of calm since arriving in this unfamiliar world. He couldn't help but feel a profound sense of uncertainty in this new environment, filled with dangers like the hollows and formidable enemies like Aizen and Yhwach, whose sinister plans could threaten his very existence.


Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his racing thoughts. Though he had been thrust into this world against his will, he knew that he had no choice but to adapt and make the best of this situation, even though the idea of leaving everything and everyone he knew behind was terrifying. Memories of his family, friends, and the familiar surroundings of his home flooded his mind.


As he stood there, Yuichi also realized that he was not truly alone. He had the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary for his survival. While other isekai protagonists might focus on returning home or pursuing personal desires, his singular goal was to survive, whatever the cost. In the world of Bleach, strength and alliances were the key to safety, and he was willing to use any means necessary to become powerful.


"So even if I have to feign weakness and humility, I'll befriend Yoruichi and her brother. I'll need to get close to others as well. The only cumbersome part is maintaining this facade of a weak character to stay under the radar. Aizen did it, so I can too," Yuichi thought, drawing inspiration from the former Bleach antagonist.


With his thoughts somewhat calmed, his eyes began to grow heavy. Yuichi walked over to his futon and laid down. His mental exhaustion washed over him, and as he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think of those he left behind – his family, friends, and even those he hadn't anticipated missing.


In his dreams, they all gathered around him, wearing smiles of happiness. They were reunited, just like old times, and a sense of joy and peace filled Yuichi. For a brief moment, he could forget the dangers and uncertainties of his new world. Although he knew his presence would inevitably alter the course of events, he decided to let his worries rest until he woke.


Abruptly, Yuichi was awakened by a knock on the door. When he inquired about the visitor, Mei's voice responded, "It's Mei. May I come in?"


"Of course, please come in," Yuichi replied.


Mei slid the door open and entered, carrying a sword with her. Yuichi's eyes widened as he recognized the blade – the same zanpakuto that had belonged to the soul reaper who had saved his life. He looked at Mei with surprise and asked, "Why did you bring that here?"


Mei placed the sword between them and took a step back before sitting down. She said, "Lady Yoruichi has instructed me to pass this on to you. As for her reasons, you may inquire in a few minutes. Dinner will be served in 20 minutes, so I'll allow you to prepare yourself. I'll return in 15 minutes to guide you to the dining area."


Mei stood up and left the room, leaving Yuichi alone with the zanpakuto. Yuichi picked up the weapon, holding it for a few seconds before placing it gently on the table. He then proceeded to the bathroom to wash his face, feeling the need to freshen up. After completing his brief washing, Yuichi returned to the room, placing himself in a seated position, patiently waiting for Mei's return.


'Were they testing me to see if I recognized this zanpakuto? Regardless, I must keep this with me at all times. If I can channel my spiritual energy through it, I may awaken my own personalized zanpakuto,' he contemplated.


As Yuichi waited, another knock echoed through the room. Mei's voice followed, "It's Mei. I've come to guide you."


Opening the sliding door, Yuichi followed Mei, who led him to the main building. She guided him to a room where Yoruichi and her brother, Yūshirō, were already seated on the floor at low tables, furnished with cushions and floor mats. Mei indicated for Yuichi to take a seat at a low table opposite Yoruichi.


Once Yuichi was comfortably seated, Yoruichi called over another maid whom he hadn't previously encountered. They exchanged a few words in hushed tones before the maid nodded and left the room alongside Mei. Yoruichi then inquired, "How is it? Are you adjusting okay?"


Yuichi nodded appreciatively and responded, "Yes, I've adjusted well. This house is truly wonderful. Thank you again for allowing me to stay here and train. You've all been exceptionally kind to me."


Yūshirō waved his hand dismissively, ready to offer more praise, but his sister's stern look silenced him.


Yoruichi continued, "Has Mei shown you around the entire property? Oh, and did she give you the sword?"


Yuichi, maintaining his facade of naivety, inquired further, "Yes, Mei has been very helpful and showed me around. But may I ask, why did you give me that sword? Doesn't it belong to the soul reaper who saved my life? Shouldn't it be returned to his family?"


Before Yoruichi could respond, Mei and two other maids entered the room, pushing carts filled with food. The meal, artistically presented in a visually stunning manner, featured a variety of dishes, including raw fish, grilled meats, tofu, soup, rice, as well as pickled and fermented foods.


"It appears it's time to eat. We can continue our conversation after the meal. Please enjoy your food," Yoruichi said gracefully.


Observing her transformation from the story he had read, Yuichi couldn't help but wonder if Yoruichi was putting on an act or if her time in the human world had somehow altered her personality.


“Yes, I will. Thank you for the hospitality,” Yoruichi said with a graceful head bow.


“Man, you’re stiff. You need to relax more, it’s a friendly meal so no need to behave so stiffly,” said Yūshirō with a chuckle.

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