Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 10: A Proposal

Kazuya's experiment unfolded as anticipated. The three Adjuchas' transformation into Arrancar culminated in disaster and their demise—a disheartening yet logical outcome. Expecting unnamed NPCs to subdue their primal instincts and then seal them into a weapon was just begging for disappointment. What he hadn't foreseen was Harribel's arrival, her attention piqued by the explosive surge in Reiatsu.

Nonetheless, he remained unfazed by her current formidable appearance.

‘A Vasto Lorde. Her Reiatsu is weaker than me?’

It seemed she had achieved her Vasto Lorde rank not long ago. Otherwise, her Reiatsu would surpass his by a big margin.

Putting on his most charming grin, he threw out a friendly wave. “Bonjour, Mademoiselle. Pardon me for disturbing your rest.”

In the presence of a withering Hollow, his formal greeting looked sinister. His melodious voice, like a choir of angelic bells, didn’t help his case either. His presence screamed red flags, but Harribel, caught in Adjuchas’ deaths, failed to recognize any.

“What happened to these Hollows?”

“They attacked us out of nowhere. When they couldn’t beat me, they started tearing their masks.” He rubbed the back of his head with a feigned, helpless smile. “The rest is history.”

"Why would a Hollow tear their mask?" Harribel wasn't swayed by his sweet voice and posed a valid question. She turned to Apacci, who seemed on edge. "Is that what happened?"

Her distrust in Kazuya and trust in Apacci couldn’t be more obvious. She’d rather believe Apacci whom she had observed for some time than believing a complete stranger.

Faced with Harribel’s question, Apacci found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Kazuya lied to Harribel without so much of a flinch as he was responsible for cracking the three Adjuchas’ masks with his fists. He did it without a change in his expression as if all the pleading those Adjuchas meant nothing to him.

He was ruthless and vicious like a devil, resembling the Hollows who wanted to devour her.

Her first impression of him couldn’t have been farther from his true face. She also understood the essence of his ‘experiments’: using others like a fodder to test the success of Arrancarization.

‘Are you willing to do anything for power?’

Stealing a glance at him, she noticed his neutral lips but gleaming eyes, urging her to act. He wanted her to take a stance—either lie for him or betray him and side with Harribel. The decision might dictate her life from here on out.

‘This jerk!’

She gritted her teeth, frustrated at his obvious attempt to back her into a corner. “Yes. They lost their minds to find a Vasto Lorde nearly as powerful as their master, King Barragan.”

Reading Harribel’s intention was much easier than predicting the intricate schemes brewing inside behind his sinister mind. In spite of it all, she refused to betray him! He had saved her life and helped her in recovering her Reiryoku. While she wouldn't say it out loud, the past day had been the most fun she had in her lonely life.

Getting Apacci’s confirmation, Harribel didn’t push the matter any further and regarded Kazuya with a composed gaze. “King Baraggan sees all Vasto Lorde as a threat to his authority. He will come after us, eventually to recruit us into his Espada ranks. You two should keep moving… stay away from Baraggan’s lackeys.”

Barragan saw all of Hueco Mundo as his playground, everyone a piece for him to use and discard. The Espada under him was just more tools to do his bidding. Harribel, on the other hand, loathed the very thought of sacrificing anyone. Two powerful people with contrasting beliefs were bound to clash, even if she harbored no intentions of challenging his authority.

“Why should we trust your words?” Apacci questioned Harribel’s goodwill with sharp eyes. “Fuck this King Barragan. Kazuya will slap his head off.”

"Cough. Cough." Kazuya tried not to laugh but ended up coughing. He cleared his throat and rubbed her head. "Excuse me, Apacci. I'm a day-old Vasto Lorde and King Baraggan has been in power for centuries. His army alone can drown me in their spit. By me, I mean us. We live and die together now, Apacci."

Apacci’s eyes widened at the thought of an army of Gillian, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lordes. Her vivid imagination set her head spinning. “You're right…”

“You’re so hot-headed. The quote ‘Think before act’ is to teach impulsive Hollows like you.” He sighed and smiled at Harribel. “King Baraggan will blame me for his subordinate’s deaths. I don’t think I can fight him and his looneys by my lonesome. What should I do? How do I protect Apacci now…?”

His Aspect of Death simply wasn’t efficient enough to fight Barragan at this stage. Besides, he needed an excuse to invade Harribel’s group and slowly bring them to his side.

Did he actually took King Baraggan as a threat, though?

Absolutely not.

He always had the option of jumping to the Living World and changing his race to human or going to Soul Society as a normal soul and hiding among weak souls like a little bitch. The vast amount of choices didn’t leave threats in Hueco Mundo… Except for Aizen who was fated to take over Hueco Mundo.

‘Fuck Aizen.’

Apacci’s throat produced a low, guttural growl reminiscent of an agitated canine. ‘This manipulative bastard! He is acting helpless now.’

Harribel's aqua green eyes widened ever so slightly, her gaze fixated on Kazuya. A kaleidoscope of emotions danced within her eyes, each one fleeting and impossible to decipher. She hesitated, then inquired in a soft voice, “Did you say you're one day old?”

Kazuya was momentarily perplexed by Harribel’s unexpected question. He glanced at Apacci for reassurance before refocusing on Harribel. “I am. You can ask Apacci.”

Apacci nodded in his support, confirming his lifespan. “I found him half buried like a day ago. He didn’t even know how to control his Reiatsu or that he is a freakin’ Vasto Lorde!”

As Apacci confirmed Kazuya's statement, Harribel’s eyes took on a soft glow. “You can come with me…”

His hand flew to cover his gaping jaw. Harribel’s open offer dictated two choices — agree or disagree. Yet the spark of hope in her eyes desperately pleaded for him to agree. Even the always calm Kazuya felt a shiver. Harribel’s behavior wasn’t natural, not by a long shot. She looked way too eager to invite him as if it wasn’t their first time meeting.

Something was extremely wrong, an unease gnawed at his mind. Yet he couldn’t point out the reason for this feeling.

‘She changed after I said I’m one day old. That’s extremely sus.’

Taking a deep breath, he nodded and smiled. “The more the merrier, they say. Us weak ones gotta stick together.”

Apacci nearly choked on his ridiculous claim. “You and weak, ptui. If you’re weak, then everyone in Hueco Mundo is an ant.”

“Little Apacci learned to be sarcastic. What a terrifying development.”

“All thanks to you, rascal. All thanks to you…”

He chuckled and saw Harribel staring at him. “I am Kazuya, by the way. This is Apacci. What about you?”

“...Tier Harribel.”

“That’s a unique name if I ever saw one. Mind if I call you Harribel?”

Harribel shook her head. “Follow me.”


Kazuya and Apacci followed Harribel to her base, their footsteps silent like shadows on the moonlit ground. As expected, two Adjuchas were sitting in the cave, staring at him. The snake's slitted eyes flickered with curiosity and amusement, while the lioness growled, openly expressing her hostility. Her reaction was as if Kazuya was the malevolent being that killed her loved ones.

Cyan Sung-Sun giggled. “Oh no, Harribel-sama brought a man home.”

“That’s all you have to say?!” Mila Rose roared at her friend for being too nonchalant. They recently alluded to Kazuya being a bad guy who would attack them on sight. Now he and his companion stood before them as Harribel’s guests. “Why aren’t you asking anything about him?”

The snake ignored Mila Rose’s yells and waved her tail at Kazuya and Apacci. “Hello there, newcomers.”

Apacci pointed at Sung-Sun then Mila Rose with her feet. “Hey, it’s Harribel’s full squad. I’m Apacci.”

Sung-Sun’s tongue darted out of her mouth for a fleeting second. “I’m Cyan Sung-Sun. This ill-tempered puppy is Franceska Mila Rose.”

“They got first and last names?” Apacci whispered to Kazuya. “We’re the only ones without it.”

“Sorry, it’s just you.” Kazuya smiled at Sung-Sun. “I’m Kazuya Ishihara.”

Sung-Sun nodded, eyes crinkling as though she was pleased. “Your voice is soothing. You’ll be an excellent singer or storyteller.”

“I don’t have memories to derive any story from,” he said with a sigh, fully taking the role of an adolescent. He could feel an oppressive air settling in the cave, so he laughed. “I have a few amusing tales about Apacci. Would you be interested?”

“I’d love to hear them!”

“Don’t sell me out!” Apacci cut in with a fiery retort. “Wait, I don’t have any embarrassing moments. Do I?”

He crossed his arms and grinned. “You just made one.”

Sung-Sun laughed. “You fell for it.”

Harribel watched over the three with a stern look. Kazuya and Apacci meshed well with Sung-Sun. Then again, Sung-Sun was cunning enough to act friendly to anyone regardless of their personality.

Meanwhile, Mila Rose blinked her eyes as the rest of the party interacted like they were old acquaintances. The new members adapted to their group like they belonged there, while she felt like a complete outcast as if she was a fish out of water.

She despised this feeling.

Kazuya glanced at Mila Rose, clearly understanding the reason for her silence. He disturbed their group dynamic with his presence. “If I make you anxious… should I leave?”

Mila Rose stared at him in barely concealed surprise. The one who hadn’t forgotten her was also the source of her chaotic emotions. His polite apology certainly caught her by surprise, its effect further enhanced by his soft voice.

Mila Rose released a tame roar before looking away. “I’m not berating Harribel-sama’s decision. She won’t do anything that will harm us.”

Kazuya responded with a nod and a soft smile. Mila Rose seemed like another tsundere Hollow, but with more ferocity than Apacci.

“I legit forgot she existed,” Sung-Sun whispered. “Geez, Mila Rose. Be more refined. Let’s start with a simple introduction.”

“I-Introduction?” Mila Rose stuttered for a second and sat down like an obedient puppy. “I’m Franceska Mila Rose. My hobbies are tearing Hollows and kicking heads around. I also like sharpening my claws!”

Her introduction left everyone speechless. Mila Rose’s gaze drifted from face to face as she wondered about the effectiveness of her introduction.

He clapped with an innocent smile, breaking the silence. “That was wonderful.”


Group invasion successful.

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