Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 18: End of Despair

Kazuya observed Cirucci with a look of admiration. By altering her physical form without deactivating her Resurrección, Cirucci had permanently damaged her Zanpakutō. She could never wield her bladed wings and claws again, and more crucially, she would never assume her previous human form again. The lengths she will go to defeat him were both shocking and admirable.

Her unwavering pride as an Espada refused to let her back down, regardless of the challenge.

"Cirucci, no matter how much of a bitch you are," he said. "I can't help but admire you."

“I don't need your pity or respect,” Cirucci spat lowered her gaze, her wild silver mane casting a shadow over her sweat-drenched face. “I’m a soldier. A warrior. I’ll defeat you and drag you to Baraggan, even if it kills me.”

Cirucci's life had always been a whirlwind of stolen moments and borrowed time. She had once roamed the desolate landscapes of Hueco Mundo, an aimless Adjuchas who tore her mask off in a futile attempt to escape her despair. But she survived, even evolving further into an Arrancar. It was the biggest mistake of her life as Baraggan learned of her power and forced her into submission as one of his Espada.

She was shackled to his cruel reign, a puppet dancing to his every whim.

The alternative was becoming a husk of a soul within a madman’s lab.

"I’ll liberate you from Baraggan’s oppression," Kazuya said, his voice tinged with both empathy and conviction. “—With death."

As much as he sympathized with her helplessness, they stood on opposite ends of roads as enemies. He couldn’t afford to show her any mercy.

Cirucci's laughter rang out, harsh and defiant, as she turned to Dordoni. "Dordoni, handle the other Vasto Lorde over there. I won't have much energy left after dealing with this guy. That one is also strong."

It was rare for her to put down her pride and seek assistance, even from fellow soldiers under the same ruler. Yet today, she made an exception, believing that her battle with Kazuya could very well be her last. She was determined to fulfill her duty as an Espada to the bitter end, just to avoid the same fate as the other Barragan’s subordinates who failed him.

Dordoni nodded at her request. “I can do that, Cirucci.”

“I’ll focus my Reiryoku into one attack.”

Cirucci didn’t stop a second to despair. She still had hope in wrecking Kazuya — the menacing tail looming behind her could finally use the Reiryoku she had previously channeled to maintain control over her wings.

Her standing tail had projected an enormous pink fan at its end. A sharp fan of Reiatsu that could slice through physical matters with ease.

“I won’t hold back either then.”

Kazuya closed his eyes, feeling every fiber of Reishi making up his Hollow body. Channeling his Aspect of Death, he slipped wisps of his Reiatsu within his Reishi, causing it to integrate and intermingle with his body. A technique he had refined endlessly in the past month to raise the density of his muscles, leading to more explosive power and durability at the cost of lowered mobility.

Could he outmatch an Adjuchas Arrancar in terms of durability? Probably not. But he felt like honoring Cirucci for once and taking her head-on. It was a rare chance to engage in a bloody fight with an Espada.

A pissed off, slightly depressed Espada, but an Espada nevertheless.

Cirucci grinned at his resolve. “Come. I’ll show you the despair of being a weak worm in Hueco Mundo. The despair of groveling at the feet of those stronger than you.”

The two charged at each other. Cirucci touched the ground as her tail extended at him, the massive fan swinging down at him. He kicked the fan away and charged at Cirucci, his wings aiding his mobility greatly.

Cirucci leaped back, narrowly avoiding Kazuya's fist, and retaliated by swatting him with the flat side of her fan. He barely raised his arms to block the impact. Yet he was sent careening through the air, his body momentarily stunned by the blow.

Cirucci rubbed her sweaty face with the back of her hand and breathed heavily. “Blast you. You think I’ll fight you with honor now? After all the bullshit you pulled.”

She had felt death when Kazuya’s fist nearly grazed her. Her Hierro, once thought to be impenetrable, now seemed vulnerable against his crushing power of Oppression. She saw the same fear mirrored in his eyes — he, too, would not survive many a direct hit from her lethal tail.

Whoever landed a clean hit would emerge victorious.

“Ahaha, Karma is a bitch.” Kazuya chuckled as he dusted his shirt. “Not a bigger bitch than you.”

With those final words, the two warriors charged towards one another, their speed and power intensified by the knowledge that everything rested on this final exchange. The ground rumbled beneath their feet as they collided, a dazzling explosion of Reiatsu erupting around them.

They were in Kazuya’s most comfortable fighting spot — closed range. He had trained his fighting skills with Harribel, another melee fighter. Even with reduced speed, he could avoid her attacks by his intuition.

Cirucci was a little exhausted after casting her Resurrección form — a problem every natural Arrancar had to deal with due to their unstable powers. Her exhaustion was further intensified by the burden that came with permanently damaging her Zanpakutō. She grew slower with each exchange, the battle showing its effect on her.

Sidestepping her fan, Kazuya lunged into her zone and smashed his fist in her belly. The enhanced fist instantly broke through her Hierro and sent her a few steps back. She collapsed to her knees, blood spewing from her mouth.

“Cough. Cough. Cough. You… You bastard.” She wiped the crimson stains with her white dress and glared at him. While she was worse for wear, he looked energetic, as if he hadn’t been battling her all this time. “You are disgusting.”

“But I love you, sweetheart.”

Gritting her teeth, Cirucci poured the last of her Reiryoku to seal her wound. She had sacrificed the high-level regeneration one would need to heal internal wounds but she could still close those wounds so they won’t impact her performance.

She forced herself back to her feet, her fan morphing into a long spear. With its extended reach and increased difficulty to evade, the weapon demanded more precision than ever before.

“Just give up, Cirucci. You are in no condition to use that.”

The way she looked, it was hard to say she could bring out its full power.

“Shut up!”

Growling like a cornered beast, she lunged at him once more. Though her physical reserves were all but depleted, her indomitable spirit refused to yield. Armed with nothing more than a spear and a weary body, she clung to the desperate hope that somehow, she would breach his defenses and deliver a decisive strike.

Kazuya parried her spear strikes with precision, each deflection seemingly effortless. Despite appearing unscathed, he struggled internally — enhancing his body with Oppression raised his fatigue like no tomorrow.

‘Dordoni is eyeing me… I have to end this fast.’

Dordoni remained an unpredictable variable, his intentions a mystery to Kazuya. Evading a barrage of spear thrusts, Kazuya utilized Sonído to maneuver behind Cirucci. He tightened his fist and struck. His heavy fist split open the back of her head.

Cirucci couldn’t react in time, and crumpled to her knees before collapsing onto the white sands. Blood seeped from her wound, staining her silver mane and the pristine sands with its deep crimson hue.

“Farewell… my first opponent. You will not be missed.”

A hint of sadness washed over Kazuya as he gazed at the fallen Cirucci. In different circumstances, she might have become a cherished friend or even a passionate lover.

'Not in this timeline.'

It was an anticlimactic yet fitting end for the prideful Cirucci.

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