Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 212: Fated Meeting (III)

“Captain Soi Fon.”

Soi Fon was about to follow Kazuya out of the assembly hall when Yamamoto called out her name. She inwardly grumbled at the prospect of losing another potential discussion time with Kazuya, but listening to her superior was her duty.

Duty couldn’t be neglected unless she wished to walk in the footsteps of her predecessor.

As she pivoted, her gaze swept across the remaining captains—Sajin, Tosen, and Gin—each standing in anticipation of Yamamoto’s directives. A sense of unease stirred within her at the sight of Captain Ichimaru, whose demeanor she found inherently disconcerting. The instinctual distrust she harbored for Gin required no further justification, as his very presence irritated her.

Gin’s gaze met hers, his infamous grin all but confirming her suspicions, yet she managed a nod of cursory respect.

‘Please, make it an order to kill Captain Ichimaru.’

Soi Fon clasped her hands behind her back, looking attentive and respectful in her disciplined pose. “I’m here, Captain Commander.”

“Everyone except Captain Soi Fon is dismissed,” Yamamoto said, his gaze drifting from Sajin to Tosen and finally landed on Gin. “Captains, was I not clear?”

“Yes, Commander!” Gin took the lead and headed out, followed by Tosen and Sajin.

Now alone with Soi Fon, Yamamoto addressed the 2nd Squad’s Captain with a stern gaze. “I want you to investigate Captain Sosuke. Be covert and prioritize caution.”

Soi Fon looked puzzled for a moment. If any Captain was to be investigated, it had to be Gin. Aizen, on the other hand, was as kind and gracious as they could come. What crime could he possibly commit to warrant an investigation—her thoughts circled back to recent events and Aizen’s questionable actions, prompting a reassessment of her assumptions.

“Are you suspicious because of his presence in the Living World?”

Yamamoto nodded. “There are many reasons except for the reason you just mentioned.”

“I’ll do my best,” she pledged with a bow. “There won’t be any mistakes.”

Momo, Shunsui, Nanao, Isshin, and Ukitake trailed behind Kazuya as they exited the assembly hall, with Yoruichi making herself comfortably perched atop Momo’s head. She exhibited the behavior one wouldn’t expect from a former assassin leader but from a domestic cat.

Shunsui grabbed Kazuya’s shoulder. “I usually don’t like having men in my squad, but I’m willing to make an exception for you. What do you say to that?”

Kazuya rolled his shoulders innocently. “Convince those two first.”

As Kazuya stepped aside, Shunsui found himself confronting the intimidating stares of the 4th and 10th squad captains. Without uttering a single word, Isshin and Unohana made their opposition to Kazuya’s recruitment crystal clear.

Nanao felt a chill from the overwhelming spiritual pressure of the two formidable captains and sought refuge behind Shunsui. “Captain, it’s best not to antagonize them…”

“I was joking,” Shunsui replied. “Or was I?”

Unohana’s narrow-eyed gaze took on a dangerous gleam, reminding Shunsui of the scary reputation of ‘Dai Senpai’. “Kazuya, come.”

{I—I have an uncontrollable urge to make dirty puns.}

‘You aren’t alone, Nami.’

As Kazuya and Nami bonded over their dark urges, Momo arrived by his side, trying to sneakily hold his hand amidst the commotion.

{Let her have it… She already lost in life by joining the cult.}


Momo tugged at his sleeve. “Kazuya-kun, should I come with you or return to the dorm?”

From the way she looked at him, she undoubtedly expected a follow-up to her confession in the Living World — a sweet rewardful event with him.

“What do you want?”

“I—I’ll do anything you want!”

{Awww, this sweet little bitch.}

Yoruichi leaped through the air, landing squarely on Kazuya’s shoulder. “I’m back,” she whispered. “Did you miss me?”

“A lot,” he whispered back and aggressively rubbed her chin, making her whimper from an overdose of sensations. “Are you hungry for some milk?”


Unohana noticed Yoruichi and smiled warmly. “How did you protect the cat during the battles?”

“Protect? This guy ditched me at the first signs of danger.”

Yoruichi bit his nape, hissing, as if refuting his accusations. She very much would’ve laid down her life to protect him if she didn’t have to refrain from revealing her true form.

Unohana’s gaze sharpened at Yoruichi’s unusual actions. “His name?”

“Yoruichi,” Momo eagerly answered. “In terms of cunningness, he takes after his master.”

“You chose an odd name.”

“It’s a combination of multiple names who were all dear to me.” Kazuya revealed a faint smile. “I’ll say it’s an odd name for this oddly intelligent cat.”

Unohana nodded in understanding. “Fair enough.”

Yet, a hint of skepticism remained in her eyes, though she chose not to directly confront him over the minor issue of naming his cat after a figure long gone. In doing so, Kazuya avoided raising suspicion; being forthright about Yoruichi’s name lessened the likelihood of Unohana harboring doubts, especially when she could easily verify the name through Toshiro or another student.

{I wish you’d seduce her faster…}

‘What’s the rush, young lady?’

{Nothing. I just want to see Yoruichi and Kisuke back in their home.}


Unohana escorted Kazuya and Momo to the Coordinated Relief Station, the central medical hub within the 4th Squad’s barracks.

He could conclude Isane’s well-being from the way her Reiatsu drifted all over the facility.

Ultimately, he found her providing routine Kaido on Aizen to speed up his natural regeneration.

Yoruichi was rattled upon seeing Aizen but she didn’t let it affect her Reiatsu. “Kazuya, I’ll return ahead.”

After a gentle scratch on her neck, he allowed her to depart. As a former inhabitant of the Soul Society, she would navigate her way back to his dormitory with ease.

Aizen glanced in his direction and showed a well-crafted genuine smile. “Look there, Kotetsu-san. Captain Unohana came to meet you with your friends.”

Isane turned around with a skeptical frown, only to become surprised by Unohana. The icing on the cake was Kazuya and Momo by Unohana’s side, making her break into a wide smile.

“Captain! Kazuya and Momo too—” She suddenly paused, assuming a solemn expression. “Captain recovered Rangiku from the Living World. Did you manage to find Nanao?”

Her attempt to appear undaunted was betrayed by her eyes, shimmering with the dread of possibly losing her friend. Although she wasn’t as close to Nanao as she was with Rangiku, losing a member of the Shinigami Women’s Association would greatly hurt her.

“We have,” Kazuya answered, ending her worries for good. “She is back to her Captain’s side.”

“Oh thank goodness…” Isane took a big sigh of relief. “Kazuya, are you alright though? You haven’t rested since it all started.”

Unohana grabbed Kazuya’s wrist and checked his pulse. “He is as healthy as one can be.”

Isane laughed softly. “I meant his mental state, Captain. This experience must have been taxing.”

Unohana looked straight into eyes, smiling. “He is fine.”

Kazuya smiled and glanced at Momo, who seemed to be staring at Aizen since she came here. Aizen also hadn’t looked away from Momo the entire time.

{Aizen and his puppet Momo — Fate came full circle... Partner, something doesn’t seem right. Could Momo be under an illusion?}

‘We broke that damn thing.’

{Ah… maybe he repaired it with some magic.}

Kazuya was skeptical but he didn’t rule out the possibility. Nothing was impossible when it came to Aizen.

He lightly nudged Momo, breaking her out of her trance. “Momo?”

Stepping closer, she positioned herself out of Aizen’s line of sight. “Kazuya-kun, something about him makes me uncomfortable.”

Perhaps it was Yoruichi’s teaching or his company that made her sharper and more mature. She could see through Aizen’s mask.

“You must be Kazuya Ishihara from the academy,” Aizen interjected with a smile, eyes gleaming with interest. “I’ve heard a lot about you from my peers and Vice-Captain Isane.”

Smiling, Kazuya blocked Momo from Aizen’s sight since she seemed uncomfortable under his gaze. “I’m pretty sure Isane was just fangirling over me. She is so fond of me.”

Isane’s face flushed from his teasing. “I-I didn’t say anything weird!”

Unohana crossed her arms, unamused. “Flirting with my Vice-Captain when you have a girlfriend — you are quite the shameless man, Kazuya.”

“One can never have enough love, Captain,” he whispered with a faint smile. “Besides, polygamy is a thing in Soul Society, right?”

“It is,” Aizen answered. “Though many refrain from such measures… Shinigami seldomly falls in love. When a Shinigami does become enamored, they’ll never find the drive to love someone else. Hence, polygamy is mostly practiced within the aristocrats for ensuring worthy heirs.”

“I don’t like the way you phrased the answer.”

Aizen chuckled softly. “I said mostly. There are still some Shinigami who are in multiple relationships, some consensual and some non-consensual.”

{No one would believe you two were trying to kill each other just a few hours ago.}

‘I can’t either.’

Kazuya shook his head. “Anyway, Captain Sosuke. It’s getting late. I better take Momo back to her room, or she’ll pass out on me.”

Aizen waved his hand. “It was nice exchanging romantic wisdom with you, young man. Come, visit my company whenever you’re free.”

“I will.” Kazuya nodded politely and turned to Unohana. “I’m off then.”

“Hold on, I have one last matter to address with you.” Unohana took him and Momo away from Isane. “Come with me to visit Vice-Captain Rangiku.”

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