Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 226: New Mission

Basking in the pale, silvery moonlight that bathed the tranquil garden and enjoying the smooth, high-quality sake from their delicate ceramic cups, the Captain and Vice-Captain duo of the 4th Squad savored a rare moment of respite after a long, arduous day. This moonlit sake ritual had been their weekly tradition for as long as Isane had agreed to become Unohana’s loyal drinking companion, as it offered them a sacred time to unwind from the stresses while bonding with each other.

But tonight was different — tonight wasn’t meant to be just another weekly gathering.

Unohana sipped the fragrant rice wine and smiled softly, drinking to celebrate her dear lieutenant Isane’s successful return from her most dangerous mission.

And Isane…

“Captain, why? Why did they have to become like that?!” Isane slurred, her words thick with the haze of alcohol as shimmering tears pooled in her eyes. Raw emotion caused her voice to tremble. “This isn’t fair! It’s just not fair!”

The silver-haired woman gulped down the sake, the burning liquid searing her throat as she desperately drank to drown the heart-wrenching sorrow that consumed her. The pain of losing so many of her fellow Shinigami to the cruel fate of Hollowification was almost too much to bear, their agonized faces vividly carved in her mind.

“Isane, don’t cry. Some—some things in life are simply unavoidable.”

Unohana tried to comfort Isane, but her attempt fell short, unable to penetrate the shame and regret consuming Isane.

Isane hiccupped, her shoulders shaking with each uneven breath. “There must be something we can do to save them. Like some Zanpakutō…”

Unohana's eyes flickered with a hint of inspiration, a sudden realization dawning upon her. “There is a way. Kazuya’s Shikai.”

Isane’s eyes widened, the revelation cutting through the fog of alcohol and sobering her up. “Why didn’t I think about that?! Anyways, Captain. Stay here. I’ll go get him.”

Unohana rolled her eyes at Isane’s impulsiveness, reaching out to grab her lieutenant before she could run off to Kazuya’s house in her intoxicated state. “It’s not that simple. Captain Kurotsuchi took the Hollowfied Shinigami. He will not part with his ‘experiment subjects’ without a fight.”

“Those men… they went out there with the confidence that the Vice-Captain of the 4th Squad would not let them die. I let them down, Captain… I let them die on my watch.”

“I want to say it wasn’t your fault, but your stubbornness won’t accept that.”

It didn’t take a detective to know how thoroughly Unohana understood Isane.

“I want to help them regardless,” Isane spoke with unwavering conviction, her eyes blazing with resolve. “I’ll do everything to make things right.”

Unohana nodded, her expression pensive yet approving. “I’ll get Kazuya to cooperate with you. It’ll be his first task here.”

“You shouldn’t—”

“Isane, don’t be overly concerned. Even if he is more powerful than most captains, he is still a lower seat member in the 4th Squad. You're to order him on missions as you see fit, and he will follow your lead.”

Isane still looked unconvinced. After all, Kazuya simply had far more value to the Gotei 13 than a healer like her. Going from his charisma, he’d become a better leader than her. “I’ll try...”

Unohana gulped another sip of sake, yet the alcohol had zero effect on her. “Put away this meekness, or our new mischievous friend won’t stop bullying you.”

“Mou, Captain. How do I look meek with this large stature of mine?” Isane protested, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips, the heaviness in her heart momentarily lifted by Unohana’s gentle teasing.

Unohana closed her eyes and smiled. “I was not.”


Two hours after drifting off into a deep slumber, Kazuya was roused from his peaceful sleep by a firm knock on his door. Despite his relentless battle within Momo and Rukia's room, Kazuya wasn’t the least bit fatigued.

With a yawn, he stretched his limbs and rose from the bed and quickly donned his clothes, before making his way to the door. As he opened it, he was greeted by the sight of Toshiro standing outside, holding a pristine envelope with a neat label that read, ‘From Byakuyu Kuchiki to Kazuya Ishihara.’

“Nii-san, a servant from the Kuchiki Clan handed it to me,” Toshiro explained, his eyes glancing at the envelope’s label. “It’s a gift from… Vice-Captain.”

A smirk tugged at the corner of Kazuya’s lips. “Must be my welcome gift in the Gotei 13. He’s probably too embarrassed to give it to me on his own.”

{He must be proud to hear your deeds.}

‘Will that pride remain after he hears about last night?’

{Depends on Hisana’s reaction… If she is fine, he won’t go against you.}

‘Guessed as much.’

Toshiro stared at Kazuya’s face, his brow furrowed slightly. “I can’t imagine Vice-Captain Kuchiki getting flustered.”

“You haven’t seen the real Byakuya then.” Kazuya chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes as he took the package from Toshiro. “Alright, I'll see you later at the dorm.”

Toshiro nodded, his expression unreadable as he turned and headed off without uttering a word about Momo or Rukia, leaving Kazuya to his own devices.

Closing the door behind him, Kazuya tore open the package. What emerged from within was a neatly ironed Shinigami uniform, the black fabric crisp and unblemished. Alongside it was a pristine white scarf, and a pair of Kenseikan — the hair ornaments worn by nobles like Byakuya. These ornate accessories were worth more than multiple annual salaries of higher seated Shinigami but he had casually gifted them to Kazuya.

“Nah, I don't need this,” Kazuya muttered, casually placing the Kenseikan back into the envelope, deeming them useless. However, his attention was drawn to the bundled uniform, its unique appearance setting it apart from the standard Shinigami attire. With a single touch, he could feel the high-quality fabric used to weave the uniform, its texture smooth and luxurious. The white haori that accompanied it gave the ensemble a striking resemblance to a Captain’s Shihakushō.

{Irregular uniform for the irregular you.}

‘Can’t argue against that.’

Kazuya tossed the uniform aside and made his way to the bathroom, which, like every other room in the Shinō Academy, was fully functional and well-maintained. The Gotei 13 spared no expense when it came to the academy, knowing that the future of their organization depended on the quality of the students they produced.

As he scrubbed himself thoroughly, his thoughts drifted to last night. He had sensed her presence during his intimate moments with Momo and Rukia, but approaching her at that time had been impossible. Then, just as suddenly as she had appeared, she vanished, leaving no trace of her Reiatsu behind.

‘Geez, what will I do with her?’

{Some punishment is needed to put her back in her place.}

He shook his head, the droplets of water cascading from his hair. “Let her be. She knows what she is doing.”

After drying himself off and donning his new uniform, Kazuya cast a final glance at the sleeping beauties, their faces serene and peaceful in their slumber. They most likely wouldn’t wake up before afternoon. Leaving them to enjoy their rest, he walked out of the room.

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