Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 40: The meeting of old comrades

Sometime earlier.

A lanky blonde man in a blazing orange shirt and obsidian-black trousers swaggered down the street, one hand nonchalantly buried in his pocket, while the other effortlessly balanced a plain katana on his shoulder.


Strutting by his side was a short woman cloaked in a red jogging suit over a white shirt. Her short, golden hair, styled into spiky pigtails, was tamed by ruby-red clips that matched her fiery temper.

The katana strapped to her back and the one held by the blonde man seemed completely out of place on the streets of Karakura Town.


Her freckled face twisted in disgust. “Shinji, I’m pissed.”

“Remind me of one time you weren't pissed.”

“It’s different this time,” she groaned. “This Hollow smell… It makes my stomach turn. I wanna stab these mother—”

In a swift motion, Shinji's hand covered Hiyori's mouth, silencing her before she could curse. He flashed a grin at the elementary school students innocently passing by, making them flee for their lives. "Don't curse in front of the young ones."

Hiyori retaliated with a vicious kick to Shinji's shin, causing him to stumble. "You better hope Urahara has answers for this, or I'll make you wish you were dead."

“What the hell does it have to do with me, snaggletooth?!”

Hiyori's leg shot up again, her foot connecting with Shinji's side and sending him crashing into a wall. Their supernatural resilience ensured that such impacts left no mark on them.


Their relentless bickering continued, akin to siblings locked in a never-ending feud, until they reached a deceptively ordinary-looking establishment — Urahara Shop. Kisuke Urahara had opened this unassuming storefront as a cover for his shady activities, selling wares from the Soul Society to Shinigami stationed in the Living World for missions.

The ever-so-violent Hiyori raised her leg with a pissed face. However, the sliding door opened just in time, and Kisuke elegantly sidestepped her incoming kick.

“I was expecting your visit, Hiyori-san and Shinji-san.”


Hiyori venomously spat on the side and walked past Urahara, welcoming herself as if she was entering a friend’s house. Shinji waved at Urahara, his friendly smile coming off as sinister because of his upper teeth.

Moments later, they all sat around a low table, now joined by Tessai, Kisuke’s childhood friend and assistant in Urahara Shop. Hiyori’s face remained a scowl of irritation from Kisuke’s teasing.

With a resounding clap, Shinji seized the attention of both. "What was that last night, Urahara? What happened to those Hollows?"

Kisuke took out a stack of papers from his sleeve and lazily tossed them on the table before he laid on the floor, leaning his head using elbow. From another sleeve, he pulled out a paper fan and smugly fanned himself.

“Go on, read them.”

Shinji, who was used to Kisuke’s antics, grabbed the reports and read through them.

“We have sensed a garganta opening in Western Karakura Town near the Shopping District,” Shinji said, eyes scanning the paper. He flipped to the second report. “Twelfth company arrived at the scene ten minutes after the incident and found nothing in their search.”

“Get to the point!” Hiyori snarled.

Shinji frowned and flipped to the last page. “Investigation results based on our observations of the scene: Two powerful Hollows emerged from garganta. Judging from their dual-natured Reiatsu, we have concluded that they are Arrancar. One of them has Spirit Class between Rank 4 and Rank 5 and the other one…”

Shinji widened his eyes as he looked at Kisuke, Hiyori, and Tessai. The Soul Society determined one’s density of Reiatsu through a ranking called Spirit Class. Spirit Class Rank 1 was the highest density while Rank 20 was the lowest one could have. Rank 4 and 5 belonged to Vice-Captains of a squad.

“Spit it out,” Hiyori snarled, impatient.

“Spirit Class between Rank 2 and 3… which equals Captain-Class.”

“What?!” Hiyori slammed the table, her voice filled with disbelief. “A Vasto Lorde Arrancar in Karakura Town? Are you fucking kidding with me?”

She was barely close to Rank 5 after augmenting herself with her Hollow Mask. The Arrancar in question could outright kill a Captain-Class Shinigami, even giving a hard time to the Senior Captains.

Urahara playfully waved his fan at Hiyori’s face. “Cool down, Hiyori-san. Take these reports with a grain of salt. It’s impossible to accurately measure someone’s Spirit Class from their Reiatsu imprints. They could be an Adjuchas Arrancar with exceptionally gifted Reiatsu and an innate ability that boosts their Reiatsu like your Hollow Mask. Don’t jump to conclusions.”

Shinji tossed the reports back on the table. “Okay, then what should we do?”

He was the leader of the Visored and Karakura Town was their new home after they built an underground training space with Kisuke’s help. A Vasto Lorde would absolutely bring massive attention to the place, increasing their chances of being discovered by Soul Society.

“Nothing for now.” Kisuke shook his head. “The Arrancars retreated to Garganta within minutes as though they came here by mistake.”

Shinji frowned. “They came and returned just like that? Ne, you think he is behind these Arrancars?”

Kisuke looked at Shinji, eyes glowing with mischief. “He who betrayed his Captain — the madman we shan't name at any cost. Yeah, it could be him trying to probe Karakura Town’s security or… he is using this as a bait for your group.”

Shinji’s face darkened when Kisuke mentioned Aizen’s betrayal. “Nothing will come out of guessing stars here.”

Hiyori got up from her seat. “Shinji, let this guy deal with this mess. He can take down a Vasto Lorde or two by himself.”

The Visored were labeled ‘Hollows’ by the Soul Society standards, even if they once held respectable positions within Gotei 13. There was also the threat of Aizen who might still be searching for them. Making communication with Kisuke wasn’t a good move but the emergency last night forced them to seek his assistance.

“You overestimate my abilities, Hiyori-san.” Kisuke tipped his down hat with his cane, his lips forming a sly grin. “The Hollow is unknown with inexplicable abilities. While I am your lowly but handsome merchant.”

“Yeah, Kisuke can deal with them.” Shinji laughed as he gulped down the cold drink. “By the way, Urahara. How long will Lisa play around in that maid costume? I am not complaining since she looks pretty in there… but I don’t like her being alone at times like these.”

Urahara Kisuke stroked his stubble thoughtfully. “Her job is technically done—”

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room shifted as everyone froze in place. Their Reiraku (Spiritual Sense) detected an immense Reiatsu presence. Though it lasted only a brief second, the powerful souls and keen senses of everyone present picked up on it. After all, even the weakest among them, Hiyori, once held a Vice-Captain position in the Soul Society.

“Another Captain-Level?” Hiyori muttered in shock. “Are people with Great-Level Reiryoku growing on trees now, huh?”

Shinji crossed his arms. “This one is human.”

Kisuke rarely forgot an individual’s Reiatsu, especially the ones he found intriguing. He had sensed this same Reiatsu last night. Chuckling, he spread the fan to its full length and covered his face.

‘The guy who pisses from his roof.’

His instincts about that man were right. He was no ordinary individual. In fact, Kisuke believed his presence near the garganta opening wasn’t just a coincidence.

“If you guys aren’t buying anything, leave. I have more important matters than entertaining customers who won’t buy even one item!”

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