Blood Lily

2. Mirror

It was dark. So terrifyingly dark and empty. I tried to speak, but not a single sound parted from my lips. I grasped for something, anything. Nothing. How long had it felt like this? To be shrouded in a veil of nothing, to be nothing?

Was it really always like this? I tried to remember even the tiniest sliver of light.

I failed.

And I failed again. Over and over and over again, until… until I just gave up.

But then, I felt a warmth emanate from my neck. It pulsed and ached, and soon began to spread like wildfire. I was like an apple being dipped in boiling hot caramel, unbearably hot yet… sweet. My entire body pulsed and glowed a scarlet light, melting enough of the shadow away for me to make out the image of… a flower?

It was pure white and oh so tiny and delicate. I couldn’t resist staring at it as the warmth continued to engulf me.

Comfortable. That’s all I could think.



My body felt a bit stiff though, so I turned and curled into a more relaxing position, hugging and cuddling the extra-large pillow my head was resting on. I felt a slight chill on my shoulder, so I tugged the fluffy blanket further up.

“Mmmm… comfy…”

I’ve never slept on a bed before, so this was without a doubt the best morning I had ever had, at least until I return home.

…Wait, a bed?

My eyes slipped open as I started to wake. I was clinging to a floral-patterned pillow and there was a satisfyingly heavy blanket over me.

I sat up and got a good view of the room I was in. It was a pretty spacious and unmistakably luxurious bedroom. The bed I was growing to be quite fond of was massive and had many more pillows of similar flower patterns. The walls were painted a marvelous white and decorated with portraits of roses.

To my right, there was a dark brown desk; magnificent and very obviously ridiculously expensive. Dawn seeped in through the window next to it. The scarlet curtains caught my eye, they shone and sparkled in a way I didn’t think curtains could. Must be made from some mythical silkworm creature, I joked to myself.

Trailing my eyes back across the room, to the center, I saw an intricately designed door with a knob of… solid gold? I mean, I would think it’s just gold paint, but I wouldn’t be surprised with how this place seems fit for a princess.

To my left, there’s some drawers with an odd-looking lamp and some fancy vases. All the way to the corner is some kind of weird art. It kind of looks like a body mirror, but the glass is pure black with no reflection at all. What really makes it stand out is the fiery red scales embedded in the rim of it. I imagined the consequences of breaking something priceless like that and shuddered, I’d better be careful not to upset anyone.

Now that I think about it, where the hell am I and why am I here?

The memories of the shooting star, my wish, and the mysteriously fanged woman came back to me at once.

So, I passed out from the shock of being hugged at the cost of being… bitten in the neck? Weird kink, I guess? She probably felt bad and carried me to her home.

I don’t know where she is and, well… I need to leave. I've only upset my "parents" once and I'd rather never do that again.

I slid off the bed and stood up. I still had the same dilapidated hand-me-down clothing on, though they felt oddly baggy. I felt guilty realizing I, utter filth, slept in such a pristine bed. Relying on rain to bathe means I'm not always the cleanest, after all. I also sensed a slight restlessness within me, making it slightly difficult to focus.

I turned the doorknob and… it wouldn’t open. Great. I’ll have to try the window instead. I pushed the curtains apart and lifted the window open. The fresh air caressed my cheeks as the morning sun warmed my soul. How pleasant. What wasn’t pleasant was the fact the window was probably at least on the third floor.

Well… I guess there’s no leaving for now. I plopped back on the edge of the bed and just sat there for a bit, waiting patiently.

I was used to just sitting and doing nothing, it’s usually what I did anyway. A few hours passed, and as my stomach growled, I realized it was probably around noon. I hit the jackpot yesterday and found leftover pizza crust in the trash, so I was hoping I wouldn’t he hungry already. I was also feeling pretty thirsty. Actually, really thirsty.

Another hour or so passed and I began to become irritated by the restlessness, so, sick of staring at the walls, I figured I would at least walk around a bit.

It only took minutes for my restlessness to grow further, so I decided to inspect the black glass in the corner some out of curiosity.

Standing before it, I inspected each of the fiery red scales decorating the rim. Are these real scales? What in the world would they even be from…? It's probably just carved in, I would imagine. The glass itself was pretty weird too. It felt like it could suck me in just staring at it. I really shouldn’t but…

With a single finger, I lightly poked it in the center, and, like a stagnant pond, it rippled.

I should have turned away, but, horrified from the idea of having just accidentally broke it, I just froze and stared as the ripple seemed to make the glass itself disappear.

The ripple stopped and I found myself staring at a beautiful girl with silver hair and scarlet eyes.

She seemed shocked, and realizing it was the mysterious lady, I began to apologize for touching things not mine, “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

But as the words came out, I froze once again. I didn’t speak very often, but that definitely wasn’t my voice, it was angelic and petite.

I looked at the girl with silver hair and scarlet eyes again, realizing she’s wearing my clothes.


The same cute voice came out as her lips moved in sync with mine.

It must just be some magic mirror or something right? I-I mean, mirrors don’t just ripple like that.

I reached for my hair and lightly tugged on it. I felt the slight pain and knew it was real. The girl mirrored my actions, both she and I gently clutching a handful of hair. It was silky smooth, silver, and went nearly halfway down my back. My hands were soft and delicate, too. In fact, my skin was tender and silk-like from head to toe. Glancing back at the mirror, I could see that I had… breasts…

They seemed on the small side, but I didn’t have the courage to feel them for a better idea. My hands went over the last spot I needed to check and… there was no hope.

While I was asleep, I had somehow completely transformed into a girl and was too restless to even notice until now.

I stared at my ridiculously pretty face in shock, with my mouth slightly open, revealing two cute… fangs?

I took a big gulp, slowly realizing the impossible truth behind this reality.

Before I could finish the thought, the door swung open and our scarlet eyes met.

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