Blood Lily

20. Curtain

Cracking my eyes open just a sliver, I witnessed the golden rays of morning shining bright, filling the room with a soothing warmth. Sitting up, I felt a few strands of silver hair tickle my face. I swept the stray hair to the side and yawned loudly before looking towards the light switch. After pausing for a moment, I clapped my hands three times and my eyes went wide open.

"Huh... it's still real."

The lights were on, effectively confirming yesterday's events. It felt easier to believe than yesterday, but what was even more surprising was the lack of a nightmare. I almost expected to have one, but instead... nothing.

My lips formed a grin.


I didn't have a nightmare! No strangers spitting on me, no insults and mockery, no chains dragging me into the dark, not... not even their faces!

I hopped out of bed and took a deep, fresh breath of air. I couldn't deny I was in a good mood. In fact, I had a feeling today would be extra special! After all, what could possibly go wrong on a day like this?

I happily marched towards the window and lifted it open so I could really, truly greet the day.

Gazing outwards, I realized what a beautiful view this room had. While I couldn't see the manor itself, I saw a gorgeous fountain on each side of the main walkway leading to the manor's entrance. The whole frontal area's floor was made of a chiseled, grandiose concrete. There were many well-trimmed hedges, too. Marbled walls surrounded the whole area until they converged into the main gate, which, unlike the marvelous white of the walls, were a deep black and had the symbol of a bat perched on top.

Beyond the gates led a trail deep into the forest, making me wonder how far away we even were from where I had spent my life before that fateful night. The forest though, was beautiful. There were countless maples, all lush and green and full of vibrant energy. The skies were clear too, not a cloud in sight. The soft azure stretched all the way to the horizon, hidden beyond the tops of the trees.

The sun, too, felt full of life as it caressed every leaf in sight. I could feel it's gentle glow on my arm, and-

W-wait, isn't this supposed to hurt...? I thought the sun would... but if it doesn't, then...!

I felt a flicker of hope spark to life.

Maybe Amber was wrong, maybe sunlight doesn't affect me because I'm a greater vampire and she just didn't know, maybe-


"Greetings, Lord O'Sang," a stern voice came from behind.

With a startled turn-around, I saw an older man in an appropriately sized tuxedo and top hat holding a tray of food.

"Mister Batl-" I began to say before noticing his intense glare. "B-Birch. Mister Birch," I nervously smiled.

His glare remained intense but I could feel it lessen. I think.

"Breakfast, my Lord," he said laying the tray down on the nearby desk.

"O-Oh. Thank you," I said. I did appreciate it, even if he was a bit of a grouch.

He took a moment to scan the room before elegantly pulling the newly added chair forth and graciously unfolding a cloth before moving the tray on top of it. With a few swift but precise movements, he laid out several silver utensils.

"At your behest, sir," he said with a timeless bow.

"Uh, okay..." I said before taking my seat.

The return to such high class honorifics was a bit unsettling.

"Y-you can just call me Lil'," I said not expecting much as I prepared to eat my personally served breakfast.

"As you wish, Lil'," he said without hesitation, catching me off guard. 

That was surprisingly easy, but maybe it shouldn't be considering he's willing to turn into that cute bat form on command. I think just hearing him, of all people, lessen himself to use a nickname was what's so jarring.

Picking up a fork, I poked at the yellow, sponge-like food. It certainly smelt familiar (and oh so tantalizing), but I didn't know the name of it.

"What food is this?" I asked before taking my first flavor packed bite, realizing both what it was made of and just how truly delicious it was.

"An omelette," he responded. "My specialty."

"Ohhh!" I said with my mouth still half full. "It's delicious!"

Though he didn't respond, I continued my meal.

"So, where's Amber and Millie?" I asked. I expected them to be here when I heard the door open, to be honest.

"They are attending our guests, the members of House A'ketsueki," he said. "Along with several others, of course. Lady Magnolia bid me attend to your morning needs before returning to her."

"Oh," I said. Didn't think that meeting would consume so much attention or happen this early.

"It's a very, very busy day," he started, "so busy, in fact, that I'm sure not a single one of us will be out in the halls for a while. Many of us are out doing shopping, and the few that are still here are in the dining hall serving Lady Magnolia and her guests."

"Huh," I said as the conversation went silent.

As I finished up my breakfast meal, he collected the tray, cloth, and utensils and headed towards the door. Not much of a talker, I guess.

Before exiting however, he posed a single question.

"Do you know how omelettes are made?"

"Uhhh..." I said, unsure of where he was going with this. "How?"

"You have to break a few eggs."


…W-Was I supposed to laugh at that? That was a joke, right? I couldn't help but feel it was a bit ominous though, I mean-

"Eep!" I squealed as I felt something press against the back of my legs.

Springing forward and twisting around, I found that the cause was simply the box I had kicked under the bed.

"Oh, that's all it was..." I said, sighing relief and calming down.


Why is the box not under the bed?

My panic returned. Did Birch see it? How long has it been like that? I know I definitely kicked it far under the bed, so how did-

It slid closer to me.

Wha- How is it...? Magic, of course.

I put on a grumpy frown.

"Back under the bed, I'm not bothering with you, shoo," I said before sliding it back under the bed with a few firm kicks.

I waited a few moments to see if it would slide back out, and fortunately, it didn't. Good.

I sat back on my bed, sighing.

Now, what was I doing? Ah, right, wondering why the sun had no effect on me. My eyes drifted towards the window once again. Why...?

It hit me as soon as I noticed the scarlet curtains dancing with the wind. Of course! They must be made of sunsilk. I think... I wasn't 100% sure. But there was a way I could test it.

I hopped back up and made my way towards them, looking up at the top where they drape down from. With a sizable mix of guilt and hesitation, I tugged on them just enough to make them fall down.

Oh god, the window looks terrible and naked without them... I hope I can explain this later.

Folding the curtains as best I could, I slid them under the blanket on my bed. That should work.

Now to actually test it... I couldn't help but anxiously worry what this must feel like.

Stepping to the side of the window, I took another look at the golden rays of light, now feeling oddly intimidating.

Slowly, I stretched my hand forward, granting the sun permission to touch my skin and...

"AH!" I screamed in pain, jerking my hand back. It felt like I had stuck my hand in a scorching hot fire, sizzling the flesh! My hand however, looked completely fine and the pain quickly dissipated.

Well... that confirms that...definitely can't see the garden without sunsilk.

I sighed yet another sigh and felt something press against the back of my legs once again, though less startlingly.

"Fine," I said, beginning to feel anger. "Want me to open you so bad? I'll open it and tear the stupid thing the pieces, that should make you stop!"

Planning to deliver on my words, I opened the dumb, magically enchanted box and lifted the dress up, staring at it for a moment.

"It's not like I could enjoy something like this..." I said, pitying myself. I did try to, but that ended with a bloodied hand and a shattered mirror.

Preparing myself to do the deed, I paused. Not because I lost the determination to do it, but because the box was floating in front of me, to my amazement.

"What is it..." I wondered aloud as it backed away so slightly, as if it was going to...

I glanced behind my shoulder at the torturous beams of light. Oh no. OH NO.

"W-WAIT!" I begged to no avail as it slammed into me, bumping me towards the light.

My eyes shut tight, bracing myself for the waves of pain that were about to rack my body, but no pain ever came.

Peeking one eye open, I saw the dazzling light all around me, touching me, but not harming me. It felt pleasant again, actually.

"H-How..." I asked myself.

I glanced down at the box on the floor, it seemed to be filled with less murderous intent and more regular box feelings, though slightly dented now. It seemed too far away to consider it was made of sunsilk...

I looked at the one other factor that could have saved my skin, holding it in front of me. It couldn't be... but... it had to be.

Realizing the dress was made of sunsilk, I suddenly lost the urge to tear it to pieces.

A few gears in my head started to turn as well. If I had sunsilk clothing, then I could see the garden without issue! This is great, I just have to wear it!

Oh. I'd have to wear it.

Setting aside personal feelings, I also have to consider that I would need to explain how I even obtained this dress to anyone that sees me in it, which someone definitely would see me in it and I definitely wouldn't be able to explain how I got it. This means that, even if I tried to wear it, I would have to go unseen, which would be unlikely unless everyone was suddenly occupied, like how they're currently all busy with the A'Ketsueki meeting. So, basically, impossible.

I took another good look at the dress in my hands.

Oh. Oh no.


Hiya, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Lil' appears to be in quite the predicament as an opportunity presents itself! That aside, I would just like to say that I have set up a paypal, patreon, and ko-fi that you can access with the "tip" button on either my profile page, the main page for Blood Lily, or just below, in case anyone wishes to support me. Outside of greatly motivating me, there is no benefit in doing so at the moment, but I would genuinely appreciate any and all donations. Blood Lily and all future stories will continue to be and will always be free, so worry not in that regard. No matter if you decide that you're willing to financially support me or not, I appreciate you for simply reading, I never believed I could have a few dozen readers let alone the hundreds and hundreds that continue to read every new chapter. Thank you, that is all. Have a good day!

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