Blood Lily

39. Reputation

The more I looked at this stranger, the less it felt like I was looking at a mirror. Instead, I slowly realized it started to appear more like… a portrait. The oddly affirming happiness I felt from knowing that the reflection wasn’t me faded once I realized the person in this “portrait” was eerily similar to one I had seen before…

He looked like Tiger O’Sang.

Oh. I mean… that makes sense. I look like mother as a woman, and I look like her father as a man.

It made sense, but… I don’t know. It was unsettling to think that this is what I was supposed to become when mother first turned me. This is what she expected, and we still don’t know why I turned out differently in reality.

But you know what? I’m glad I am who I am.

“I’m Lily O’Sang,” I said with a genuine smile, and within an instant the mirror was once again showing my reflection.

With the weight of today held up by a newfound sense of identity, I slipped into my pink pajamas and retired to bed. It was impossible not to feel lingering stress and guilt, but with my family and friends, I think I definitely have a bright future ahead of me.

As I drifted into a calm slumber, I couldn’t help but wonder what tomorrow might bring…

I woke up the following morning feeling somewhat refreshed. No dreams or anything, just a peaceful sleep… thankfully.

Sitting up to yawn and stretch, I heard my phone’s chirpy notification go off! I may or may not have gone to sleep while messing around with it. Definitely not looking at random videos of cats, either. Definitely not. I definitely don’t kind of want one as a pet now, either…

W-Well! I knew the notification had to be Millie or Amber since they’re the only ones with my number. I checked it, and saw…?

Maximillian Louve: [I picked out a nice little pretzel shop for our date today. It’s at the Snetha Mall, 1:00 PM. I’m looking forward to meeting you again. Do try not to be late.]

Millie Louve: [Aaaaaaa!! I’m so sorry, Lily! I miiiiiight have accidentally given Max your number cause he kept bugging me about it when I accidentally mentioned you had a phone now and it kind of made sense to give him your number because of what happened with the bet and I know he’s like a total jerk but he’s still my brother and he’s not that bad it’s kind of complicated but like I’m still sorry!]

Magnolia O’Sang: [When you awake, please come down for breakfast. We need to speak.]

“Uhhhhhhhhh….” I stared, reading the texts. Ok. Ok…

It wasn’t one text, it was multiple. Millie gave Max my number. Right. Today is Friday. I had a date with him.

Ugh, ok, that’s really not what I wanted to spend my time doing today, but I don’t want to be the kind of person to go back on my word. The pretzel shop sounded interesting, though.

Also, it seems like mother has my number, too. Makes sense, but I’m dreading that conversation… Oh geez.

“Today is gonna be fun,” I said semi-sarcastically.

I was kind of tempted to wear the suit, but I was even more tempted to try on all the other kinds of clothes! I decided on something a bit different this time: a lightly ruffled scarlet blouse, white shorts (with pockets!) and sandals with a very slight wedge!

“Super cute!” I squealed, loving the look I picked out for myself! If I end up going back over to Snetha today, well, um… it was kind of warm, so these clothes make sense to me. I couldn’t go to the garden with them, but regular sunlight should be good since they’re made with at least a little bit of sunsilk.

Is it… really a good idea to go back over there? I mean, sure, it’s a big city but, well… I don’t know, feels like a bad idea.

Shoving those thoughts aside, I placed my blood lily snugly in my hair and headed down for breakfast all on my own!

The halls seemed lively enough, and I was happy to greet each servant I passed! They seemed happy to greet me, too! I reached the dining room’s door, pushing it to split the image of an old oaken tree down the middle and stepping inside.

“Good morning, mother,” I said as I saw her in her usual seat. I went ahead and sat in my usual spot directly across from her.

“Good morning, Lily,” she responded in a… not so enthusiastic manner. “Have you been getting used to your new phone?”

“Um, yes!” I answered, worry starting to twist around me. “I saw your message. You wanted to talk? I-I know that I… lost control… and-”

“No,” she interrupted with a straight face. “You did not lose control.”

“I know, I know! I’m sorry, I just-” I paused, blinking and staring at her. “Huh?”

She sighed. “You did not lose control, or rather… I am positive you were made to lose control and strictly in the emotional sense. Tell me, Lily… why did you choose to incinerate the body?”

“I… Well… Evander told me what my birth dad’s final words were…” I honestly said.

“And, I know this is difficult for you, but what were those words?” she asked with the slightest hesitation.

I bit down hard on my lip, anger threatening to resurface. “That… he wanted to apologize… to his son.”

Mother looked at me, or rather… it felt like she was gauging me. “Do you believe that to be true?”

“No,” I answered, jerking to lock eyes with her. “Absolutely not. He never even looked me in the eyes, he never saw me as a person. I don’t believe it at all, that’s why I just wanted him… gone. Forever.”

Mother took in my words, her gaze dropping to the table. She went silent for a minute, clearly thinking and considering before speaking her mind. “Lily, there… is more than one way to lose control. Those who know of this incident believe you had yet to gain a grasp over your magic. This is not true, for you have demonstrated exceptional control over your abilities already. I knew this to be true as early as when you defeated me in our little video game match. I was not simply playing with you… I was also teaching you – testing you.”

I was a little bit surprised yet more confused than anything. “So, what does that have to do with everything else…?”

She continued. “Given that, as O’Sangs, we have a reputation for turning strangers, the Ab’Haimas are aware of the fact that you yourself should have no personal motive for destroying the body. The other houses are aware of this as well, so trying to suggest you intentionally destroyed evidence would be a weak claim… or at least weaker than the alternative.”

I felt a cold shiver run through my blood, her line of words beginning to imply some… really bad things. “What’s the alternative?”

“The alternative,” she started bluntly, “is that they make the claim I either purposefully or negligently failed to teach you any form of control and thus set you up to destroy the body. While this is certainly false, it is a conclusion one could jump to with the facts at hand. This is what the Ab’Haimas will use to attack our reputation.”

I stared at her, completely dumbfounded and terrified at the same time. “W-What do you mean they’re attacking our reputation?”

“Lily,” she frowned, “you were lied to and manipulated. I… cannot be sure if both Evander and Evangeline are working together or not, but given what you have told me, Evander most certainly goaded you into committing the act.”

“I-I… what…?” I fumbled, speechless. “But… he seemed nice, and…”

“I know, Lily. The worst people always appear nice,” she explained.

“But… But why?!” I asked, clearly upset. “Why would they do that?!”

“The houses have not always been on the most peaceful terms. There are a number of reasons as to why they might try and tarnish our reputation, however-”

“Wait,” I interrupted, a sudden realization piercing my heart like a dagger of ice, “How… How did he know, mother? How did he know the way to make me that upset?! H-He had to know who I was!! He had to know what my life was like before you found me!”

“Lily, I understand your fears, and I know what you must be thinking. For now, please… you must remain calm. We cannot be sure how he knew that. Remember, he had an encounter with your previous shackler, so he could have learned a number of things. He may simply be taking an opportunity to use what he learned to lower our standing and improve his own. He may-”

“But mother!! How did he know I was him?! My birth parents shouldn’t even know that, right?” I interrupted in a panic.

Mother sighed deeply. “I… am not completely sure, but it could be inferred. They would likely have felt it when I removed your shackle mark, and given you were freed the day this generation of royals all would have awoken, then, as long as they were aware of that fact… they could potentially surmise you had somehow become a royal. And… O’Sangs are the only ones to turn strangers, meaning it could only be you, Lily.”

“So… the… t-the Ab’Haimas learned about my past and want to use that against us to… hurt our reputation?” I said in pained disbelief.

Mother’s hesitant silence compounded my worry. It was clear she had other, more fearsome explanations… but she dared not speak them. Not to me. “Yes, at least that much is true, I’m afraid…”

I just sank in my seat, staring at the breakfast I had half eaten by now. “Will we be okay…?”

I suddenly found myself embraced in a warm hug with mother. “Yes, Lily… I promise you we will both be okay. We absolutely must not let them succeed in their attempts to throw our house’s name into the dirt. While their motives and ambitions are unclear, it is safe to say they are too afraid to confront me with open hostility… and they are wise to feel that way. While I will do what I can on my side of things, Lily, I regret to ask that I will need your help.”

I was startled by her hug and words, but I listened deeply, worriedly hugging her back. “You… need my help?”

She lightly nodded, smiling. “I do. If they seek to damage our reputation, then we must ensure it remains strong. Tomorrow, I… have something special planned for you. Today, however, I would have you meet Veronica B’Krov, the new B’Krov heir, to hopefully form a positive relationship with her. Perhaps you could make a friend as well. She is about your age.”

“Okay!” I said, determined to do my best. Though, some of her words just then made me curious. “Um… Do you know how old I-”

I was interrupted by a chirpy notification coming from my phone.

“Uhh… Guess I’ll check that…?” I awkwardly said as mother lifted her brow. I went ahead and pulled out my phone from my short’s pockets. I love pockets.

Maximillian Louve: [You are still available for the date, right? I would hate to see you back out at the last minute.]

Oh. Right. Date. I forgot about that. Again.

“What is it?” mother asked.

“Uhh… I can’t meet Veronica today because I, um… kind of lost a bet against Millie’s brother, Max, and so I kind of have a date with him at the Snetha Mall at 1:00 PM…”

Mother broke away from the hug, crossing her arms. “Excuse me?”

I gulped. Uh oh.

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