Blood Lily

9. Color

Their eyes darted towards each other as their professional shells were instantly stripped away again.

They both broke into a nervous sweat, Millie being the first to speak up.

"How much did you hear?" she asked with a hint of hesitation.

"Um... I heard one of you say 'Right?!' pretty excitedly and... I heard everything after that," I admitted in a small, guilty voice.

"Even Lady Magnolia's words?" she asked with increased worry.

"No, I couldn't make out much of what she was saying..."

"What did you hear?" she asked with a quick snap.

"Just that there was good news, something to tell me, and something about business," I said in hopes of it not being too much.

She paused, exhaling a drawn-out sigh, and turned towards Amber.

"We're fine Amber, he didn't hear-"

"Did you hear what we talked about after Lady Magnolia left?" Amber asked me, interrupting Millie.

I was afraid that answering her truthfully would hurt her, based on her reaction. I didn't fully understand what the conversation was about, but she did admit jealousy towards me, for some reason. Even so, I decided against lying.

"I... did."

I was right in thinking it would hurt her. She seemed scared, wounded even. Speechless.

Millie stepped towards me.

"Please don't tell anyone about Amber," she begged, "I'll do anything, just don't out her."

I was overwhelmed with guilt, hating that I heard something I wasn't supposed to hear. I was willing to make amends in any way possible, but I didn't understand her request any more than I understood why they were both upset.

"O-ok," I stuttered, "but what do you mean? I don't want to cause any problems, but I don't really understand what the problem is..."

"As in, don't tell anyone that Amber is tra-"

With incredible swiftness, Amber covered Millie's mouth with both hands, muting her before she could finish.

"Don't say it out loud if he didn't realize, you dummy!" she whispered to Millie in a not so whispery tone.

"Sorry," Millie said with eyes wide after removing the restraints on her speech. "Jumped to conclusions."

"It's fine, sis..." she sighed, turning her head towards me, "and, if you didn't figure it out, then it's not a problem."

Amber nudged Millie in the side.

"Forgive us for the panic," just Amber said as they both bowed.

I felt relieved that things seemed fine again, but...

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have listened in. I don't know what it is that I didn't figure out, but it wouldn't have mattered if I wasn't selfishly curious. It's my fault, neither of you have any blame."

Their surprise was easily readable as they looked at each other, then back to me. Amber gave Millie some not as easily readable glances and odd gestures. Millie returned them in a just as confusing manner, her fuzzy eyebrows lifting slightly every now and then, perhaps showing a bit of concern.

"Thank you," Amber said, "and, honestly, I don't think you would have told anyone."

"Sis..." Millie said as she tugged on the hem of Amber's maid outfit.

"It's fine Millie," she said, "Lady Magnolia never betrayed my trust. I don't think he will either."

Amber straightened herself up, directing her attention towards me.

"I'll tell you. Tomorrow. It's getting too late for that conversation tonight, as I believe you'll agree," she said with a smile as I held a hand over my mouth, yawning instinctually.

Embarrassed, I jerked my hand to my side and mouth shut, which justified their following giggles.

"We'll be showing you around the mansion tomorrow, so we'll have plenty of time to talk," Millie said, seemingly no longer worried of Amber's decision.

"Okay," I nodded.

"For now, I believe it's time to show you back to your room," Amber said, returning to a more professional tone of voice.

They walked around me, back into the hallway, and, in unison, they spoke.

"If you would follow us."

I couldn't help but lightly giggle at them.

Once again, they gave each other a confused look.

"What?" they said in a monotonous convergence.

"Neither of you need to keep the emotionless twin maid act up anymore, it's hard to keep a straight face after seeing you both out of it," I said. "You can be yourselves."

They had a perplexed look and then a bit of an embarrassed one.

"R-right, well..." Amber said as she made gestures towards Millie again.

"If Lady Magnolia gives us permission to be casual during our time serving you, then it is as you wish," Millie said in a neutral voice, yet with a light smile.

"I'll ask her the next time I see her, then," I said, smiling.

"For now though, please come with us. It is getting rather late," Millie said, nudging Amber.

"Yes, please come with us," Amber said, returning to her maid persona.

I happily nodded and finally exited the bathroom, the towel still snug around my nude frame as I followed them towards my room.

I felt weird thinking that. I had a room. Not a random bench in the middle of a park, a room. With my own bed and pillows and blankets... without fear of it raining or snowing, or my least favorite, hailing. No more worry about the cold or heat, no worrying whether it might be the last time I ever wake up, no more wishing I wouldn't wake up...

I felt happy.

I was lost in thought until I heard a ker-chunk as the door to my room opened.

With Amber on the left and Millie on the right, they bowed a final time for the night and spoke.

"You may enter."

As I did so, I thought for sure this couldn't be the same room.

"Is this my room?" I asked without turning around, unable to pry my eyes away.

"Yes," they both said. I could feel their smiles without seeing it on their faces.

"Oh, and before we go, you'll find a pair of pajamas to sleep in on the desk. Unisex ones," Millie said.

I glanced to my left and I saw them, as expected but...

"Goodnight," they both said. "We'll see you tomorrow, Lil' O'Sang."

"Ah, uh, goodni-" I attempted to say, quickly turning around.


The door shut, leaving me alone in my room.

I turned my attention back towards the room as a whole. Everything was different. Everything was... pink?! The walls were still a magnificent white, but the portraits of roses were replaced with all kinds of different flowers, but all in a similar light shade of pink. The blankets and pillows had been replaced with equally as snuggly looking pink versions. The carpet was pink now, too, unlike how it was before. Err, how was it before? I couldn't really remember, but it was soft and fluffy. I would be happy for the rest of my life if I was allowed to sleep on this floor, let alone the bed.

I looked back towards the pajamas. Even they were a soft pink.

I don't know how she did it so fast, but she had everything recolored for me in-between dinner and while I was in the bath. I felt a warmth in my chest. I was in love with my room, and this whole day, to be honest.

I almost leapt straight into bed, but realized I still had to switch into the pajamas and out of the towel. So, without really thinking about it, I slipped the towel off and quickly put the pajamas on, including the unisex looking underwear. I also realized my hair had been untied at some point. I could only guess Amber was as sneaky at untying hair as she was at tying it.

These weren't proper clothes, but they still felt amazing. Fresh and clean, and durable too. I would have given anything to have something like this over the ragged pieces of cloth I was wearing before.

Before laying down, however, I walked back over towards the weird dark rippling mirror to give myself another lookover. I didn't have to poke it for my reflection to show this time, either.

And there she stood. Deep, scarlet eyes and long, silver hair. Smooth, flawless, and pale skin. Two tiny, sharp fangs. She didn't seem so out of place anymore as she wore the cute, pink pajamas. She felt warm and bubbly.

And this time, she had a smile.

She was someone who had many things to be grateful for.


The sound of the doorknob startled me, and as I turned around, there she stood.

Our deep, scarlet eyes locked.

"Mind if I come in?"


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