Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1428

“Thank you for your majesty’s concern, Lin has completely recovered now.” The silver-gray-haired girl lowered her head slightly. “The previous matter has caused trouble to Her Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, Miss Lin’s body was liberated the moment Evening Star died.” At this time, Tina explained to the dazed Bai Ji. “The ray of consciousness that controlled Miss Linlin was finally erased, and Miss Lin’s own consciousness naturally recovered.”

“That’s it.” Bai Jiyu said again. After all, a lot of things happened after Lin’s main consciousness fell asleep, um, a lot of things, and most of them are inseparable from Lin herself, although everything is a fake Twilight Star. yin seeks.

“It’s fine if you recover.” Bai Ji nodded, deliberately not mentioning the previous events, she was afraid Lin would blame herself for it.

There were only a few of her blood relatives left, and Bai Ji didn’t want anyone to hurt them.

Let it pass the past.

Lilena in her arms tilted her head, looking curiously at this girl who had a slightly similar face but was completely inconsistent with her body.

“My mother, who is she.”

“Don’t be rude, Lilena, she is your auntie cousin, come on, call auntie cousin.”

“Oh, Auntie Cousin.” Lirina nodded and screamed after walking around Lin’s body.

Listening to the little Lilena calling her cousin with a childish accent, Lin raised her head slightly, and subconsciously reached out and touched Lilena’s head.

It seemed that she felt the pure goodwill of the other party, Lirina did not reject it, but rubbed Lin’s palm like a cat.

Seeing the interaction of the three, Yana heartily sketched out a smile.

The warm scene between the family members lasted for a while. Gordon cleared his throat and began to take care of business. He had to amplify his voice, otherwise his voice would be directly overwhelmed by the sound of the meteorite bàozhà outside.

“In terms of the situation, I have replaced it in the previous meeting, your opinion”

“Then you need to say? Of course he hit him!” Huo Lei raised his fist.

“I haven’t finished talking, Mr. Horley, I still saved some private goods and haven’t shaken it out.” Gordon said mysteriously. “The creator of Barland stays in the realm of Gods. It is not a place outside of Barland. It cannot be said that there is no way to enter, but it requires some hardware conditions to enter.”

“What conditions?”

Gordon looked around, his eyes fell on Bai Ji, and then he sighed, and Bai Ji seemed to have expected it a long time ago, showing a helpless smile.

“Mr. Gordon, don’t tell us, only we meet the conditions for entry.”

“I don’t want to say that, but as you guessed, yes, only your Majesty the Queen has the conditions to enter it.”

“Have a certain God Xing, and have been approved by the main God organs, personally seized the organs, entered the ultimate black” For more wonderful books, please visit.

“You are the only person who meets these conditions, Your Majesty Bai Ji.”

“In other words, the only person who can stop the gods is us, and only us, isn’t it?” Bai Ji gently pushed Lilena into Yana’s arms, as if she had already realized her consciousness.

Chapter 49 ~ No Use (Part 1)

“I understand, how do I enter the realm of gods?”

“Emperor Sister, you, you won’t really go to challenge the gods alone?” Even Yana, who has always supported and trusted Bai Ji, couldn’t agree with this idea.

“No! To challenge the creator of Barland alone, this is just a mess, no one can do it!”

“Mr. Gordon, please don’t say these irresponsible things, okay, my sister has lost most of the gods now, and can’t even activate the awakening curse. How can you defeat the gods? You are asking your sister to die! “

“Okay Yana, Mr. Gordon is just seeking truth from facts.” Bai Ji stopped Yana who wanted to continue to say something.

“Sorry, Your Majesty, I know this is a bit unkind. You have your own choice and we can’t interfere. After all, you also have your own family and your own.” Gordon glanced at the silent Lilena.

“Looking forward and afterwards, you do have scruples in your actions, so still”

“It’s okay, isn’t Mr. Gordon deliberately saying this because he is expecting us to come to the rescue.” Bai Ji spread his hands. Update.

“Sorry, you will have to bother you to make sacrifices in the end. Obviously you have done enough for this continent.” After a long silence, Gordon bowed his head.

“Wait for me a female wizard! Why do you sacrifice my sister every time? To find out, my sister has no obligation to save those who eat and drink!” Before Bai Ji could say anything, Yana stood up and raised it. Outcry.

“Yana, don’t talk about it, don’t you think the ultimate black is not the same as it claims to be ten dead and no life? We are back, right?”

“This is different… Sister, then you have to face the true **** of this world, how can this be won…” Yana’s voice became lower and lower, and finally she cried out.

“We will go if we win or not, we just don’t want to go, we must go…” Bai Ji stood on tiptoe, rubbed Yana’s hair like she did when she was a child, and then turned to the silent Lirina.

“Lirina, listen to what the auntie and cousin say, don’t be naughty, let them care less.”

“Don’t say it seems to be goodbye to life and death, okay.” Lirina said every word, this feeling of being separated from her closest family is the most annoying for her.

“We’ll be back.” Bai Ji crouched down and rubbed Lirina Rou’s little face. “We haven’t been educated to be a qualified vampire queen, we won’t leave.”

“Sister, you really don’t need to do these things for those mainland survivors who don’t know good or bad.”

“Of course not for them, Yana.” Bai Ji smiled. “We have never been a saint. The reason for doing this is to provide you with a good living environment so that you can live without worries.”

“No, no! How can I let my sister go alone? I want to follow!”

“His Royal Highness Yana, you do not have a god, and you have not been approved by your organs. If you trespass into the realm of gods, you will be annihilated on the spot.”

“You shut up! It’s all because of your nonsense that you make troubles like this!” Gordon kindly persuaded Yana not to listen. No matter what she said, Yana refused to let Bai Ji go.

“Xiaoya, stop messing around, we’re not going on an outing.”

“Sister, you can’t go, you must go anyway, I don’t agree! I definitely don’t agree!” Yana clamored and said that she didn’t want to let Bai Ji leave.

The bào cracking outside the window became more and more intense, which means that the destruction of the world has intensified, which can be seen from the larger and larger traces of the cracks above the palace.

“Observe.” Bai Ji rarely said tough in front of Yana, she threw Yana’s hand away and pushed it away. “Mr. Gordon, what is the solution, let’s start.”

“His Majesty Bai Ji, this” looked at Yana and then Bai Ji. This family drama made Gordon feel very guilty, as if he had become a villain.

“Mr. Gordon, we want you to know that no matter when, we will keep 100% trust in you.” Bai Ji stared at Gordon quietly.

“I understand.” Gordon exhaled deeply.

“It’s not too late, let’s start.”

“Sister! You”

“Tina, Yana is a little uncomfortable, you take her out and let her calm down.”

“Miss Yana, let’s go.” Tina hesitated, and had to use means to freeze Yana and force her to follow her out of the room.

“What are you doing, Tina?! Let go of me!”

“This is your majesty’s decision, your majesty, we can’t help, so we don’t need to hand your majesty’s decision, okay?”

“What do you know about you?! Let go of me, you flat ice cube!” Yana’s voice got further and further away, as the door closed heavily, calm again in the room.

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