
Chapter 278: Twelve Apostles

“Good morning, Mrs. Davis!” A passerby called out as they walked in front of a house with a women standing on the porch having just closed the front door.

The woman paid no attention until the friendly walker addressed her again, “Mrs. Davis? Lauren? How are you this fine day?”

Having assumed the appearance of her dead boyfriend’s mother, Constance suddenly realized Mrs. Davis was Lauren, and she was Mrs. Lauren Davis.

Constance turned around with a charismatic smile on her face as she waved, “The sun is shining, and the sky is blue. I haven’t seen a finer morning in weeks!”

“Ah hah! Right you are, Mrs. Davis! Are you headed to the market this morning? The Duke’s liaison is said to have a big announcement.”

Constance had assumed the appearance of Lauren in order to establish an alibi and confuse the timeline of the Davis family deaths, and showing up to a large gathering at the central market fit right into her plans perfectly.

“Why yes, I am headed there now actually. May I walk with you?” Constance said as she walked down the steps of the porch.

“I’d be happy to have you as company. Is Nathan around this morning?”

“I’m afraid David and Nathan are busy fixing a leaky sink all morning, so they won’t be making it.”

Constance and the neighborly man began walking towards the market making small talk as the man said, “It’s about that time of the year you know.”

Constance keenly looked to her companion, “What time of the year is that?”

“Well, it’s about that time for the Duke to throw his annual party for the upper echelon of Castell. Which means it’s time for us to collect a savory bonus in earnings!”

Constance pretended to play along as if she knew what the man spoke of, “Ah yes, the market will be benefit greatly from the Duke’s large magnitude of purchases.”

The man eyed Constance with a smile, “Don’t be so modest, Mrs. Davis. The only thing better than being a merchant this time of the year is being in the service industry. Last year, Nathan tells me the Duke paid very well for you to serve as lead attendant at the party.”

Constance smiled to herself, “That he did. I’ll have to make sure he allows me to reprise my role this year!”

As they neared the central forum within the market, a man stood at a podium atop a stage in front of a crowd gathered to hear the announcement.

The man at the podium cleared his throat and commenced, “The honorable and gracious Duke Raven hereby announces his intent to hold his annual dinner party one week from this day.” The-”

Although the Duke’s liaison had more to relay, the crowd began to cheer in unison drowning out anything the man had to say.

The merchants and other market participants knew this was a guaranteed opportunity to offload stock at great prices as the Duke never haggled on prices. He was a man who knew his generosity bought more than just the goods he paid for amongst the common citizens.

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The cheering turned into an all-out celebration, and the Duke’s liaison admitted to himself that his speech could no longer continue to relay the details as he receded from the podium after waiting for nearly five minutes for the crowd to quiet with no luck.

Amidst the chaos, Constance weaved her way through the crowd and up the stage to find the liaison.

“Excuse me, sir. I am Mrs. Lauren Davis. I would quite like to inquire if I may reprise my role as lead attendant this year?”

The liaison nodded, “Ah yes, Mrs. Davis. I quite appreciate your tame approach and respectful manner of asking. The Duke Raven specifically asked for your flawless services. We would be honored.”

Constance smiled from ear-to-ear, “Consider it done. Might I come a day early to ensure the setup is, as you say, flawless?”

“But of course. Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated. The Duke will be over the moon to hear you are returning this year to provide an experience his guests have come to expect from you.”

Constance laughed to herself before exclaiming, “Then an experience they shall have!”


Meanwhile, across the Great Divide, within the Holy Light Empire on the Western Continent, twelve men sat at a round table within a dark church.

These twelve men represented the twelve apostles who ran the Holy Light Empire. They convened at night within a large church. The cavernous chambers were lit by numerous candles with flames flickering off the wall with dancing shadows.

“The capital city has sent us a most interesting report if not infuriating as well.” One apostle said. “Apparently one of the mana stones under our protection along the coast of the eastern continent has been moved. Not stolen, just moved.” The man shook his head with frustration, “So what? An overwhelmingly powerful individual got their hands on this stone and then just… left it there?! This is preposterous and a waste of capital resources. A waste of our time!”

Another scoffed as he nodded in agreement, “A flagrantly errant report. We are more likely to investigate the internal chain of reporting within the capital than this status of this stone.” The man then snarled, “But now that it is in our hands, I am afraid we must act.”

An elderly apostle then leaned forward to speak across the table, “Such matters would usually call for dispatch of the Masters of this empire, St. Augustus and St. Helena; however, I fear they would lose trust in the power they have delegated to us to run the empire if we trouble them with this matter.”

A comfortably overweight middle-aged man nodded his head, “Agreed, the twins dare not be pulled from their combat trials with one another less this matter involves a powerful foe.”

An apostle yet to have spoken interjected, “An official report regarding a mana stone should yet also be taken seriously regardless of its potential to be errant. If an enemy exists in the east who can access this stone, it would be appropriate to send the Masters, both wielders of the light.”

“What are you recommending then, Philip?”

“I am simply recommending that we have to show both facets of our discussion in our response. On the one hand, this is a serious report. On the other hand, it is a faulty report. We send the only other wielder of light within our empire. The younger sibling of the Master twins, St Mary.”

The other men nodded with one saying, “Unlike the Master twins St Augustus and St Helena, we do have the authority to instruct St. Mary on potentially wasteful missions without fear of retribution.”

“Indeed, and as a wielder of the light, she possesses the fortitude to protect herself in the East from the warlord annoyances. I suspect she will prefer to travel alone rather than with a compliment.”

The decision was soon unanimous as all apostles agreed, “Then it is decided. We will send St. Mary to investigate and confirm the mana stone is still safely positioned.”

“This is too inconvenient gentleman. On her journey, we can send St. Mary through the port city of Castell to check in with the church while she passes through. Kill two birds with one stone. Maybe we won’t be needing to raise hell in the capital city after all.”

“Now, on to the next order of business…”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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