Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

23. Guardian of the Garden

I watched him, my wings shimmering in the sunlight, perched on a leaf. His name was Kai, and he friend.

His movements flowed like water, his emotions - a kaleidoscope of radiant hues that I could sense, vibrant and ever-changing. It was him, always him, who filled my day with these colors.

I took to the skies, going higher until I could see home from a different angle - a burst of color and life, constantly in motion. His garden, our garden, was a haven of nectar-rich flowers and sunlit leaves, filled with the aroma of growth.

Qi Haven has reached level 11.

Something glowed and appeared before me, as mysterious as the night sky, its foreign rhythms weaving into my existence. The patterns on the blue shape before my body imparted an understanding to me that I had grown stronger. The aura I exuded into my surroundings became slightly denser, further enriching the environment. It was the least I could do for the home I was provided with.

I fluttered to another plant, my wings dusting the petals with an invisible, calming essence. I didn't quite understand the pulsing, blue shape or its cryptic echoes, but I knew it had something to do with the strange new vigor in me. Before I met Kai, I was less. But ever since I met him, flickers of understanding came and went, becoming more and more pronounced until it became a default state of existence.

It was thanks to Kai, and this...Interface. It was thanks to them I could live comfortably, growing and becoming something more than what I once was.

A moment of tranquility passed. I found peace in the gentle rustling of the leaves, the familiar hum of the insects, the harmonious symphony of the garden. Then, in the midst of the serenity, a dissonant note struck, a ripple disturbing the calm waters of my existence.

As a silhouette cast a shadow over our garden, an ominous feeling built up in my thorax like a desperate drum. Its massive form was adorned with a tapestry of feathers, each meticulously designed for its dance with the wind. Like blades of grass fluttering in a breeze, these appendages rippled and flowed, painting a hypnotic portrait against the sapphire backdrop of the sky. Its beady eyes scanned the foliage, its presence a storm on the horizon of my emotions. Panic welled within me, a crippling force, a vivid flashback to talons, pain, and a brush with death. Yet beneath the surging fear, a spark of defiance flared up. This was our garden, our sanctuary, and I wouldn't let it be defiled.

Bracing myself, I took flight, the wind whistling past my wings as I confronted the interloper and readied myself. My proboscis was no match for the pointed beak and sharp talons. The bird dwarfed me in size, its wingspan a canopy of feathers against the sun. The realization chilled me to the bone. I was a butterfly, a creature of nectar and light, unversed in the harsh dance of predator and prey.

I had come here unprepared.

Dread seeped into my heart as the reality of my predicament hit me. I was weaponless, hopelessly outmatched. The scales that armored my body were nothing more than fragile, gossamer shields against the feathered menace. I felt a pang of helplessness, of frustration. How could I protect our home, our sanctuary, if I couldn't even protect myself?

No. I wouldn't let myself give up so easily. I would not allow Kai's garden to be defiled by intruders!

Desperation fueled my mind, whipping up a frenzy of thoughts. And then, a faint memory, a thread of hope wove its way through the despair. I remembered Kai. How diligently he trained every day, how he harnessed his qi, focusing it throughout his body and protecting him from harm's way.

An idea sparked, like a stray sunbeam piercing through a canopy. Could I do the same? Could I channel my qi and become a weapon to strike down my opponent?

There was no time to ponder. The beast swooped, its beak a gleaming spear aimed at my frail form. It was a scene from my nightmares, yet with the promise of pain all too real. I summoned every ounce of qi, focusing it into my wings, pouring every drop of energy I could muster. The residual qi from my surroundings grew thinner and thinner, coalescing into my body. It was unfamiliar, it felt clumsy. I was not used to storing it within my body like this.

My wings hummed, pulsing with a newfound vitality. I was fast. Faster than I had ever been. Faster than the wind, faster than the bird's strike. I dodged, my wings a blur of blue and white. The bird cawed in surprise, its lethal strike evaded so easily.

I didn't have the luxury of relief. I needed to strike. A voice in me screamed to flee, to run and gain Kai's support, but I steeled myself. I could not rely on him for everything. Channeling the qi, I soared straight at the bird. It cawed, flapping its wings to escape, but I was too fast, too desperate.

In a rush of adrenaline and mana, I sliced through the air. The edges of my wings imbued with the power of qi, met the bird's surprised form. There was resistance, a fleeting moment of shock. Then, with a heartbreaking screech, the bird split into two, a shower of feathers cascading down to the earth.

You have learned a new skill:

Qi Infusion: Infuse your body with qi, strengthening and making it faster.

In the aftermath of the brutal clash, I hovered, the world around me eerily silent. The echo of the battle reverberated in the air, a grim testament to the predator that dared to encroach upon our sanctuary. The Interface pulsed within me, acknowledging my victory, acknowledging my courage.

The surge of triumph was short-lived, overshadowed by a wealth of emotions; confusion, pride, and fear. In the cruel world of the natural order, the butterfly should be the prey. We should flutter by flowers and avoid the talons and beaks of our predators. But I was different. I was more. I had done the unthinkable, defied the norms of the natural world. The corpse of my defeated enemy fell to the ground, beside Kai as he tended to the garden and elicited a shriek of terror.

Thoughts whirled through me, a whirlwind of introspection. I had defied my nature, broken the shackles of my existence as a mere butterfly, and emerged victorious. I contemplated the price of this power, the weight of this responsibility.

Quest: Butterfly Guardian

- Successfully defend Kai's home from intruders 5 times.

In the aftermath, an ethereal echo resounded within me, the Interface stirring. I was given a quest, a command, and a purpose. Protect home. The resounding intention was as clear as the sunlit sky. The notion filled me with newfound confidence, intertwining with my instinctual love for this sanctuary.

Kai's terror and confusion echoed through our bond. His familiar presence soothed me, washing away the remnants of the fierce battle. I approached from above, his gaze going between me and the slain beast.

He would no longer have to carry the burden of being this land's sole guardian. I would become his aide, even if it meant shattering the natural order and defying what the heavens willed.

With that declaration, something stirred within me.

The feeling of urgency, helplessness, and anxiety washed over me for nearly half a minute, and I didn't know if it was instinct warning me of danger like when Feng Wu came to my house, or something else. My nerves were frayed and I immediately stopped watering my plants and searched around the area, to see nothing amiss.

I almost pissed my pants when the bisected corpse of a bird dropped beside me. I was already jumpy as it is.

Tianyi came down from the sky, pushing away the feelings of urgency and replacing it with pride and determination. Our emotional bond was the source of those negative feelings just a minute ago.

But that didn't explain how she managed to kill a fucking bird! She managed to cut it clean in half!

The aura around her had gotten stronger, and I could see drops of blood forming at the tip of her wing. There was no doubt she was the one responsible for it.

"Tianyi, are you okay?" I asked, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. She didn’t seem hurt, but the lingering traces of desperation and fear still echoed in our bond.

Tianyi fluttered a moment longer before landing softly on my shoulder. Her wings were less vibrant, almost translucent from exertion. I breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay.

"Let's go," I said, gently picking her up and placing her on my palm.

Her minuscule weight was nothing to me, but the significance of what she had done today was enormous. Never would I have expected her to take on a bird and win. She had always been frail, especially after that crow attack in the forest. But today, she had proven me wrong. TIanyi was a powerful Spirit Beast and deserved recognition!

I brought her to a secluded part of my garden, where a single Moonlit Grace Lily plant flourished. Its petals glowed with an ethereal light, their calming aura spreading tranquility in the vicinity. It was almost fully mature, and soon I'd be able to harvest it and plant more of them. But it would be Tianyi's bed for now.

"This will help," I said, placing her on one of the blossoming lilies. "Rest, Tianyi."

She gave a slight nod before her wings started to shimmer, exuding an almost imperceptible glow. I watched as the healing essence of the Moonlit Grace Lily flowed into her, reinvigorating her worn-out form.

"You did well today, Tianyi," I spoke, my voice low but full of admiration. Her wings shone a bit brighter at my words. I didn’t understand it all, but her feelings were clear as day to me. She was exhausted, but proud, proud of protecting our home.

"Never thought I'd see the day when my little butterfly would turn into a fierce warrior," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. I was still in shock.

She fluttered her wings, a butterfly's equivalent of a shrug, but there was a sense of humor in her response.

"And don't think I didn't notice your new trick. Qi infusion, huh? Where did you learn that?" I questioned, a playful smirk on my face. Was it from me? Although I wasn't half-bad at Qi Infusion, there was no way I could use it in a combat setting yet. But Tianyi used it to defeat a bird twice her size? Maybe I wasn't the genius in this village.

Tianyi didn’t respond, only tilting her head at me. Of course, she couldn't verbally reply, but the sensation of curiosity and amusement flowed through our bond. It seemed she was quite pleased with her new trick.

"We'll make a true warrior out of you yet," I mused, reaching out to lightly stroke her wings. She didn't shy away, instead leaning into the touch. It was comforting, familiar.

"Rest up, Tianyi. We've had quite the day. And from the looks of it," I said, pointing towards the Interface that was still blinking with her new quest, "there's more to come."

She gave another slight flutter of her wings, this time a confirmation.

"Yes, more to come indeed," I murmured, glancing at the fallen bird again. I would bury it in the garden. Its body would be nutrient for my plants, and to continue the cycle of nature.

As I walked away, leaving Tianyi to rest and recover, I couldn't help but wonder at the unexpected turn of events.

A warrior butterfly. Who would've thought?

As if in response to my thoughts, a soft breeze rustled the leaves around us, carrying with it a gentle, yet determined flutter. My guardian butterfly, standing her ground.

I thought it'd be a good time to take the day off, but now I have to worry about Tianyi becoming stronger than I am. I should review my knowledge in my memory palace. See if there's anything I can glean about the Azure Moonlight Flutter. There were so many things we didn't know about them because unlike other Spirit Beasts, they didn't have anything noteworthy to harvest, aside from the aesthetic beauty of their wings.

But Tianyi was living proof they were gems hidden in broad daylight. Qi Haven and Qi Infusion, she was shaping up to be an incredible creature in her own right.

I had a legendary Spirit Beast as my companion! The Chronicles of Kai and Tianyi! The heroes of the Tranquil Breeze Coast!

Our journey had just begun.

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