Blossoming Path

Chapter 104: Breakthrough

I moved on to the next recipe, letting it unfurl before me. Titled as the "Sunfire Vitality Elixir," detailed a concoction said to enhance a cultivator's inner fire and resilience. However, the process was convoluted, requiring precise timing and a complex sequence of heating and cooling cycles.

As I meticulously examined the steps, I kept in mind what I needed to do.

Although the Heavenly Interface didn't have a specific idea in mind for refinement, it seemed to have a quantitative threshold for what constituted an "improvement". Based on my experience with the other recipes, it appeared that a modification needed to enhance the recipe's effectiveness or efficiency by at least ten percent to be recognized as a valid advancement.

With this in mind, I scrutinized the Sunfire Vitality Elixir recipe, searching for opportunities to optimize the process. The initial step involved simmering a mixture of Sunfire Blade Grass and Bamboo Viper Scale powder for three hours, a time-consuming process that could easily be disrupted by fluctuations in temperature.

Drawing upon my knowledge of modern techniques, I envisioned a modification: utilizing a specialized pill furnace with precise temperature control to reduce the simmering time by half. This would not only accelerate the preparation but also ensure greater consistency in the extraction of the herbs' essence. Furthermore, the recipe called for a specific type of alchemical water, drawn from a secluded spring deep within a volcanic mountain range. While this water was said to enhance the elixir's fire-enhancing properties, it was an unnecessary extravagance. By carefully purifying and distilling ordinary water, I could achieve a similar effect.

I glanced at the quest log in my mind's eye, eager to see if the Heavenly Interface recognized my efforts.

Quest: Mind Refinement (Breakthrough)

Revise one-hundred alchemical recipes and improve upon the processes within your Memory Palace. (83/100)

I couldn't hold back the smile forming on my face. At this rate, I'd be finished by tonight! With time to spare! If I were the sort to indulge, I would've kissed Feng Wu for that advice!

My pace hastened as I got closer to reaching my goal. I couldn't wait to show Zhi Ruo.

Time flowed like water as I as I dove into recipe after recipe, each one a puzzle waiting to be solved. I streamlined, substituted, innovated, and optimized, always with the goal of pushing the boundaries of efficiency and accessibility. The pages of ancient texts blurred before my eyes as I mentally dissected each process, my mind ablaze with a fervor I hadn't known before.

Looking at the last recipe, the Jade Skin Preservation Pill, a concoction said to maintain a youthful complexion and radiant skin. This was a product within Bai Hua's purview.

However, the process was convoluted, requiring a multi-day brewing process. While once popular among people seeking eternal beauty, the recipe had lost relevance over the centuries as more efficient and potent alternatives emerged.

But I was no longer the novice alchemist I once was. Armed with the wisdom of Feng Wu and the countless hours of study within my Memory Palace, I saw the recipe with fresh eyes. I identified bottlenecks in the process, unnecessary steps that could be consolidated, and substitutions for rare ingredients that would not compromise the elixir's efficacy.

With a final flourish, I completed my revision, my mind buzzing with the thrill of discovery. As I closed my eyes, the familiar chime of the Heavenly Interface resonated in my mind.

Quest: Mind Refinement (Breakthrough) has been completed.

Due to your status as Interface Manipulator, your rewards will be adjusted accordingly.


Zhi Ruo jumped, almost collapsing a pile of books as tall as he was in the process.

"Kai, please don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Nevermind that, Zhi! I finished my quest!"

His face changed from irritation to astonishment. "Already? But it's only been four hours!"

"I know, it's all because o-"

A surge of clarity washes over you. The intricacies of the world unfold before your inner eye.

Your Mind has advanced to Qi Initiation Realm - Rank 1

Your Mind is growing more powerful.

You could be reading stolen content. Head to Royal Road for the genuine story.

You can now utilize the skill, Refinement Simulation Technique.

Like the first time I completed the Mind Refinement quest, I was struck with an epiphany. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the intricacies of alchemical processes in a new, profound light. I felt my mind expand, the complexities of the recipes and their interactions becoming clearer and more intuitive. I blinked to allow myself some time to readjust.

“I’ve reached a breakthrough!” I exclaimed, barely able to contain my excitement.

Zhi Ruo blinked, trying to process my sudden outburst. “A breakthrough? You mean...”

“Yes! My mind has advanced to the first rank of the Qi Initiation stage! And I’ve unlocked a new skill, the Refinement Simulation Technique.”

His eyes widened in amazement. “That’s incredible, Kai! What does the Refinement Simulation Technique do?”

Refinement Simulation Technique (Level 1): A technique that activates instinctively when refining begins and heightening awareness. It enables visualization of the refining process, allowing the alchemist to predict ingredient interactions and furnace reactions. This technique provides adjustments, enabling reflexive corrections to prevent instability, and grants unparalleled control over the refining process.

“It allows me to simulate and test alchemical refinements mentally before I actually create them,” I said, my voice brimming with enthusiasm. “I need to test it out. Is there a place where we can practice alchemy?”

Zhi Ruo frowned thoughtfully. “There is a building near the Alchemy Association, but it’s closed right now.”

I felt a pang of frustration. I needed to see how it worked!

Then, a thought struck me. “Wait! What if I use recipes that don’t require anything more than simple tools? We don’t need a full alchemical lab for that, right?”

Zhi Ruo nodded slowly, a grin spreading across his face. “Yes, you’re right. We can use my study room. It has enough space and basic tools for simple alchemical practices. It's what I used to practice for the Gauntlet!”

“Perfect! Lead the way,” I said eagerly.

As we walked, I felt a surge of anticipation. This new skill could be a game-changer, and I was itching to put it to the test. Zhi Ruo guided me to his study, a spacious room lined with bookshelves and alchemical tools neatly arranged on wooden tables.

“Alright, let’s see what this Refinement Simulation Technique can do,” I said, taking a deep breath.

Looking at the available ingredients, I could only practice with the most basic of recipes. A certain one came to mind, triggering memories of my challenge against the Silent Moon sect.

"I'll be making the Spirit Soothing Pill."

Zhi Ruo nodded, helping me collect the ingredients to create it.

As soon as I began, the Refinement Simulation Technique activated reflexively. I felt a heightened awareness of my surroundings, as if I could see an overlay of myself moving, preparing the ingredients, and placing them in the pill furnace. It was an almost surreal experience, like watching a premonition unfold.

In this mental simulation, I was drawn to a peculiar detail: the poor quality of the pill furnace. It made it harder to infuse qi and maintain a constant heat, causing fluctuations that could ruin the entire process. This realization struck me within a split-second, and I slowly came out of my trance.

"Zhi Ruo," I began, turning to him, "have you had difficulties maintaining the temperature of your pill furnace?"

He looked at me, surprised. "Yes, I have. It's because I couldn't afford a high-quality one for training and got this one at a discount. How did you know?"

I explained how the Refinement Simulation Technique worked, how it maximized my focus, combined my alchemical knowledge and visualization ability to predict how my refinement would go, and pinpointed a mistake there, allowing me to catch it before it even happened.

"That’s incredible, Kai," Zhi Ruo said, admiration in his voice. "I've never heard of such a technique before."

I smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Let's see if my prediction is right."

I started the process, carefully preparing the ingredients and placing them into the furnace. I adjusted the temperature as needed, compensating for the furnace's flaws and the simple tools. The simulation had shown me the pitfalls, and I navigated around them with ease. As the ingredients began to combine, I felt the process flowing smoothly. The temperature remained stable, and the qi infusion was precise. It seemed that with my breakthrough, my qi manipulation abilities had only gotten sharper.

The furnace, despite its flaws, was no match for the clarity and control the technique provided.

Finally, the Spirit Soothing Pill was complete. I held it up, marveling at its perfection. The pill radiated a soft, calming energy, its surface smooth and flawless.

"This is the most perfect one I've created yet," I said, handing it to Zhi Ruo.

He examined it, his eyes wide with amazement. "Kai, this is incredible. The quality is exceptional. Your new technique is truly powerful!"

I puffed up my chest, raising my sleeves with an exaggerated flourish. "Oh, this is just the beginning, Zhi Ruo! With this new technique, my alchemical prowess will reach unparalleled heights. Just imagine what I'll be able to achieve!"

Zhi Ruo grinned, catching onto my exaggerated tone. "Oh, do tell, Master Kai. Enlighten this humble scholar with your boundless wisdom."

I struck a pose, mimicking the arrogant young masters from stories. I channeled my inner 'Duan Jian'. "Behold! With my newfound Refinement Simulation Technique, even the heavens will tremble at my alchemical genius! No furnace too flawed, no ingredient too stubborn! All will bend to my will!"

The man chuckled, playing along. "Truly, Master Kai, you are destined for greatness. Perhaps the next elixir should be one of immortality, so we can bask in your brilliance for all eternity!"

I laughed, the playful banter lifting the remaining tension from the room. "Indeed, my dear Zhi Ruo. But first, let us test the limits of this technique. What other recipes shall we conquer tonight?"

Zhi Ruo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, what if we try with..."

We spent the rest of the night testing various recipes, each one a new adventure. The Refinement Simulation Technique proved invaluable, turning even the most complex concoctions into manageable tasks. Our laughter and banter filled the study, making the hours fly by.


"Ugh, my head..." i moaned, nursing a light headache from all our shenanigans last night.

I sipped on tea, the last product of my Refinement Simulation technique before we concluded our experiments. It was nice to know it could work in many different scenarios. The blend of oolong and pu-erh served to keep me alert and energized, despite the lack of sleep. As I sipped, I took a moment to reflect on the discoveries we had made with the Refinement Simulation Technique.

We spent the better part of the night documenting our findings, figuring out the technique was reliant on my existing knowledge of alchemy and ingredients. If I don't know a certain technique or ingredient, the simulation doesn't work and can't show the full picture. It only works with what I already know.

Together, we compiled notes on how the technique worked, its limitations, and the various recipes we had successfully refined. I shared all this knowledge with Zhi Ruo freely, as thanks for helping me and knowing he wouldn't use it against me.

"You know," Zhi Ruo said as we finished writing, "since we share many similar skills, I might be able to trigger the same conditions which allowed for the quest upon reaching the same cultivation rank for my mind."

"You definitely should. Just after the Gauntlet, once I've already won. I don't need you making things more difficult for me." I said, my lips curling into a mischievous smirk.

We shared a laugh, basking in the comfortable silence afterward. I could hear the Million Books Pavilion slowly filling in with people. It was faint, however, as only scholars, scholar-officials, or students could access the Million Books Pavilion. It was only through sheer luck I managed to befriend Zhi Ruo and gain access to it.

The librarian looked at me, eyes bright with curiosity. "So, what are your plans for this afternoon, Kai?"

I stretched, feeling the fatigue in my muscles. "I'll take a quick nap to energize myself, then come back here to train and practice my new skill as much as I can. Since the Refinement Simulation Technique is limited by my knowledge, I need to understand it better. I'll take a break on the final day tomorrow to be ready for the finals."

He nodded in agreement but then his expression shifted to one of concern. "Just make sure you don't oversleep and miss the meeting this afternoon at the Alchemy Association."

I frowned, my mind going blank for a moment. "...What meeting?"

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