Blossoming Path

Chapter 117: Surprise, I Leveled Up!

Their reactions were priceless.

After pulling out the Golden Bamboo seeds from my storage ring, I could barely contain my grin as Han Wei and Li Na tilted their heads at the small, unassuming seeds in their glass display. I explained my quest to revive the long-lost species, and how I’d been entrusted with their cultivation. The way their eyes widened told me all I needed to know—they were impressed.

But the real fun began when I brought out the Two-Star Pagoda Pill Furnace. The moment it appeared, I could see the curiosity in their expressions, but that curiosity quickly shifted to something else as I tried to explain the nuances of its operation.

“See, the furnace is designed with a dual-layer qi compression system that allows for more precise temperature control during refinement,” I began, my enthusiasm barely contained. “And the thousand-page manual it came with is crucial for understanding the full range of its capabilities—”

Their eyes glazed over almost immediately.

I tried not to laugh as they nodded along, clearly lost somewhere around the mention of “dual-layer qi compression.”

Li Na shot Han Wei a glance and he just shrugged, looking just as bewildered.

I sighed, deciding to spare them further details. “Basically, it’s a really advanced pill furnace. Way more efficient than anything I’ve used before.”

“That’s…nice, Kai,” She managed, though I could tell she was still trying to process everything I’d said. Han Wei just gave me a thumbs up, clearly out of his depth.

But it wasn’t until I suggested we spar that I saw their biggest surprise yet.

"Are you sure, Kai? You just got back from... well, everything. Maybe sparring after a long trip and all that isn't the best idea?"

I flashed him a confident grin. "Nonsense! I'm feeling invigorated. Besides," I added with a wink, "I've got a few new tricks up my sleeve."

We moved to a clearing in the bamboo forest, the crisp winter air biting at our cheeks. After a few light jabs and parries, I decided to unleash the surprise.

“Rooted Banyan Stance!”

His palm strike landed with a resounding thud, but I stood firm, rooted like an ancient tree. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, but he didn't hesitate, launching a swift kick aimed at my legs.

Again, I held my ground, the impact barely registering. Then another strike, and another. With each blow, their astonishment grew.

Each time, I could see their shock growing as they realized I wasn’t tiring out. I kept using the Rooted Banyan Stance, demonstrating the sheer increase in my qi reserves.

“Wait a minute,” Li Na said, rising from where she sat. “How are you not exhausted by now? You’ve used that stance so many times…”

I let the stance dissipate, a smug grin replacing my earlier concentration. "My qi reserves have expanded a bit," I said, trying to sound casual. "Fourth rank of Qi Initiation Stage, to be precise."

Their jaws practically hit the floor. For a moment, they just stared at me, completely speechless. Then Han Wei burst out laughing, shaking his head in disbelief.

Han Wei’s laughter rang out across the training grounds, a genuine, hearty sound that was contagious. "Kai, did you find some legendary pill lying on the ground during the Gauntlet? Because this is insane!"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Nothing so dramatic. I just refined a potent elixir from a couple of Wind Serpent beast cores. Split it with Tianyi and Windy, too."

Li Na's eyes widened. "Wait, you said cores? Plural?"

I nodded, a smug grin spreading across my face. "Yep, two of them. The first from the wager, and the other was a... gift from the Silent Moon Sect. Guess they wanted to rub in how I lost during the Gauntlet. I can show you guys the letter Elder—no, Sect Leader Jun, sent with it."

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The mention of the rival sect sucked the air out of the clearing. Their earlier excitement evaporated, replaced by a tense silence.

“Two beast cores,” Han Wei muttered, as if trying to wrap his head around it. He rubbed the back of his neck. “And you made an elixir out of them? That explains so much.”

I nodded, with a cheeky grin on my face "Yeah, but that's not even the craziest part. Come on, I want to show you something."

We reached my guest quarters, and I carefully pushed open the door. The room was quiet, save for the soft sounds of birds chirping outside. I motioned for them to keep their voices down as I led them inside.

I turned to the two third-class disciples with a whisper. "Alright, take a guess. What ranks do you think they’re at now, after ingesting the elixir?"

Han Wei squinted at the two sleeping creatures, scratching his head. "Windy’s got to be at least the same rank as you, right? Fourth rank?"

Li Na seemed more hesitant, glancing at the butterfly resting atop the serpent's head. "And Tianyi… maybe the third rank? She’s always been a bit more delicate, so maybe she didn’t absorb as much."

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Close, but not quite. Han Wei's right, but...Tianyi? She’s in the Essence Awakening Stage."

For a moment, the room was dead silent. Then, as if on cue, their jaws dropped in unison, their expressions a perfect blend of disbelief and awe.

"Essence Awakening?" She whispered as if saying it too loud might wake Tianyi. "But... that's..."

"Impossible?" I finished for her, grinning like a proud parent. "I know, right? And now, you must bow before your superior!" I added, puffing out my chest and pointing down at them.

Li Na looked between us, her expression serious. “That’s… that’s big. There’s been so much happening lately, especially with Sect Leader Shaotian Ye entering seclusion. Things are getting hectic.”

I blinked, my focus narrowing in on her words. “Wait, what? What did you just say about Sect Leader Shaotian Ye?”

She glanced at Han Wei before answering. “Sect Leader Shaotian Ye's been in seclusion for a week now. It’s likely because he’s preparing to breakthrough to the Spirit Ascension Stage.”

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt my thoughts racing. The Spirit Ascension Stage?

The sect leaders I knew were like towering mountains, their strength a natural barrier that no ordinary person could cross. At the peak of Essence Awakening, they were like dragons perched on clouds, capable of feats that defied the mortal realm—running faster than the wind, lifting boulders as if they were mere pebbles. They were the pinnacle of what our province had to offer, the guardians of our world.

But the next realm after... I only knew one person that was rumored to be there.

The Wind Sage. A man rumored to equal the power of a sect just by himself, and the one who could claim to be the strongest of our region.

“Spirit Ascension Stage,” I murmured, the words almost foreign on my tongue. It was a stage that seemed more myth than reality, a level of power that belonged to the stories of the ancient cultivators, not something within reach of the present generation. Yet, here we were, with Sect Leader Shaotian Ye on the cusp of such an achievement.

The Verdant Lotus Sect, already one of the most prestigious in the province, could rise to even greater heights. But that wasn’t all. With the ambient qi in the environment was rising, and the Heavenly interface's existence making breakthroughs easier, meant that others would be attempting to rise along with us. It was both an opportunity and a challenge.

“And what about the other sects?” I asked, voicing my concern. “If we’re seeing such rapid advancements here, they must be experiencing similar phenomena, right? The balance of power could tip in any direction.”

I remembered Feng Wu's words. The new elders of the Silent Moon, powerful, unknown cultivators serving under Sect Leader Jun.

Han Wei shrugged. “That’s true, but we're strong. We won't fall short against the other sects!”

His confidence was like a bonfire on a cold night, bright and reassuring, but I knew better than to let its warmth lull me into complacency. The Verdant Lotus was strong, yes, but I had seen the rising stars of other sects—their potential as vast as the heavens.

The Silent Moon was a storm gathering on the horizon, its power undeniable. Ping Hai, several years younger than me, yet with a physique that seemed carved from divine stone. Xu Ziqing, the blade that had cut through the Wind Serpents in Qingmu like a scythe through wheat. And then there was Tian Zhan, the genius whose light eclipsed all others in the Whispering Wind Sect. I rubbed my arm, the memory of his strength still fresh, a reminder that the path ahead was fraught with challenges.

Even as I grew, so did they. The river of time flowed ever forward, and I couldn’t afford to be a pebble swept away in its current. I had to be a boulder, unmoving, resolute.

Li Na’s voice pulled me from my thoughts, her tone almost reverent. “We’re really fortunate, you know? To start cultivating in a time when growth is… well, easier than it’s ever been.”

She was right—this was a time of opportunity, but with opportunity came uncertainty. The status quo, long held in place like ancient stone, was now crumbling, its pieces falling into an abyss of unknown depth. The province, the sects, the very balance of power—all of it was shifting like sand in the wind, and there was no telling where it would land.

A sense of resolve settled over me. I couldn’t just sit back and let this moment pass. I had to do something to ensure we, the Verdant Lotus Sect, and my friends could not just survive but thrive in this changing world.

I straightened, my decision made. “I’m going back to the Pavilion,” I said, the determination clear in my voice.

They both looked at me, their curiosity piqued.

“What for?” Han Wei asked.

“Healing hydrosol. It's not all-powerful like the beast core elixir, but it'll accelerate your training and hopefully help the sect maintain their position during these times.”

His brows furrowed in confusion. “Healing hydrosol?”

Li Na, on the other hand, nodded in understanding. “You mean the one you made before the Gauntlet, right? The one that worked wonders on wounds?”

“Exactly,” I confirmed. “But this time, I’m going to refine it further, make it even better. If the sect has something like this, it could make a real difference, especially if things get as hectic as they seem to be.”

Han Wei’s expression cleared as he grasped the importance. “That’s a good idea, Kai. With everything that’s happening, we’re going to need every advantage we can get.”

Li Na’s eyes softened as she looked at me, a small smile playing on her lips. “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you? You’re not just thinking about yourself—you’re thinking about all of us.”

I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed under her gaze. “We’re all in this together, right? Besides, it’s not just about making something useful. It’s about being ready for whatever comes next.”

Han Wei thumped me on the back, his usual exuberance returning. “Well, if you’re going to be in the Pavilion, then maybe I’ll stop by and see if I can learn a thing or two! And who knows, maybe I’ll get inspired and create something amazing myself!”

Li Na rolled her eyes, but there was affection in her teasing. “Sure, Han Wei. Just don’t blow up the Pavilion while you’re at it.”

I chuckled at their banter, feeling a warmth in my chest. These were my friends, my comrades. And amid all this uncertainty, it was good to know I wasn’t alone.

“Alright,” I said, turning to leave. “I’ll see you two later. And don’t worry—I’ll make sure this hydrosol is something worth bragging about.”

As I walked away, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. The future was uncertain, yes, but that didn’t mean it was out of my control. There were things I could do, steps I could take to prepare.

And if the world was going to change, then I would make sure I was ready to change with it.

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