Blossoming Path

Chapter 14: Body Refinement

Chapter 14: Body Refinement

I celebrated at Lan-Yin's family-owned tea house, The Soaring Swallow. It was one of the oldest establishments here, run by her family for generations.

The interior of the Soaring Swallow Tea House is a perfect blend of traditional charm and homely warmth. As soon as I step inside, I'm greeted by the rich aroma of freshly brewed tea, accompanied by the soft chatter of villagers and the occasional tinkling laughter. Whenever I felt like treating myself, this was the place to go.

The tea house is furnished with low, sturdy wooden tables and comfortable cushions, allowing patrons to sit cross-legged on the floor in a traditional manner. The tables are spaced out evenly, providing ample room for quiet conversations and lively debates alike. At the center of the tea house, there is a small stage where talented musicians and storytellers occasionally performed.

Behind a beautifully carved wooden counter, Lan-Yin's family members can be seen skillfully preparing a wide variety of teas, from fragrant jasmine and calming chamomile to robust oolong and earthy pu-erh. They occasionally purchased my herbs, but due to the amount they require they usually sourced them from Huan in bulk.

"Look at Kai, now he's moving up in life! Any plans on going to the big city?"

Wang Jun clashed his cup with mine and we drank the rice wine. Lan-Yin was out in the back, helping prepare the food and beverages while I chatted amicably with her betrothed. I held myself back, knowing I'd have to go and train later with the Village Head. It wouldn't do to show up inebriated!

"Perhaps, but maybe further along in the future. I'd like to take it one step at a time, y'know? Patience is key." I said, grabbing a steamed dumpling and stuffing it into my mouth. Delicious!

"Indeed, indeed. When you go out there and make a name for yourself, don't forget us! We'll be cheering you on, Kowtow Kai!"

I gave him a playful shove, looking over to the corner of the table where Tianyi was sitting. I requested a small cup of sugar water for her, and the butterfly sat there celebrating with us in her own way.

Our little feast came to a quick end, with both of us extremely satisfied. As I hungrily reached for the last plate of steamed dumplings, I couldn't help but notice how my appetite had grown recently. Keeping up with the much larger Wang Jun, I found myself devouring almost the same amount of food as he did. It was a stark contrast to my usual modest diet. I covered my mouth and burped quietly, slapping my stomach in satisfaction. Lan-Yin strolled towards us carrying a small tray, collecting the empty dishes with a small smile on her face.

"Looks like you boys enjoyed the food."

"Incredibly so! Thank you again for the meal. How much will it be, Lan-Yin?" I replied, whipping out my coin purse and collecting the silver coins.

"It's on the house, Kai. Don't worry about it."

"Ah, come on~You don't think this young master can pay for his meal? At least take this much."

I tried to hand over a handful of coins but she sternly refused. Lan-Yin was always stubborn when it came to this. I rolled my eyes and pocketed it, although I left several of the coins behind on the table as I got up from my seated position.

"Well, thanks again, guys. I'll have to go train with the Village Head now. I did tell him I was going to come in the afternoon."

Wang Jun's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "You're going to train? Right after eating? You're going to puke your guts out!"

"Yeah, shouldn't you sit down and wait for a bit?" Lan-Yin asked.

I smirked at them, letting Tianyi perch on my shoulder. "Greatness waits for no one! I will seize it with my own two hands."

I bade them farewell and whistled as I made my way to Elder Ming's home. He'll probably celebrate with me as well! I quickened the pace and got to his front door within minutes. Today, I was going to complete my body refinement quest!

Quest: Body Refinement

- Run the perimeter of Gentle Wind Village without stopping to rest. (2/5)

- Commit to the horse stance for ten minutes without stopping to rest. (1/5)

- Squat 250 times without stopping to rest. (2/5)

I found myself overflowing with energy, feeling better than I ever had before. As I assessed the tasks ahead, I grew confident that I could complete them before the sun set. Had my Invigorating Dawn Tonic been more effective than I anticipated? I had taken one of my concoctions as a result of working late into the night and sacrificing sleep, but it seemed to have imbued my body with an extraordinary vitality.

I knocked on Elder Ming's door, eager to begin my training. After a few moments, the door creaked open, and Elder Ming appeared, his warm smile greeting me. He inclined his head to Tianyi, and she returned the greeting with a wave of her wings.

"Ah, Kai! How was your presentation?" he said, clapping me on the shoulder.

"They're interested! I'm going to negotiate the contract with them tomorrow. Thank you for helping me, Elder Ming."

Elder Ming chuckled and waved off my modesty. "You have the talent and determination, Kai. I just gave you a nudge in the right direction."

I grinned and took a deep breath, feeling the energy coursing through my body. As we walked into his house, I began my request. "Elder Ming, I was wondering if I could try to complete the body refinement quests today. I feel stronger than ever, and I believe completing is more important than ever."

Elder Ming raised an eyebrow, asking me what I had left to complete. "Those aren't easy to do with your level of training, Kai. How do you know it's going to help you?"

I nodded firmly. "Yes, Elder Ming. I can do this. I completed the mind refinement quests just yesterday, and now I unlocked the ability to create a memory palace."

His eyebrows shot up once he heard that. Elder Ming looked at me in disbelief.

"A memory palace? Are you sure?"

"Certain, Elder Ming! The Interface told me it was the reward for completing my quest. I spent the past few nights constructing them into the shape of trees!"

The more I explained, the higher his eyebrows went up. I feared it would disappear into his hairline and never come back. I chuckled nervously, I don't think I've seen the Village Head this floored in quite a long time, so I asked him what was wrong.

"Er, is that something I shouldn't have done?"

"No, no." He waved off my worries. "It's just...rare for an ability like that to manifest. Especially when you're at the fledgling stages of cultivation."

"Ah! So I'm a genius, is that what you're saying? I'm exceptional among the disciples in the Qi Initiation stage! HAHAHA-"

Elder Ming chopped me on the head and I rubbed the spot and quieted down immediately. He scratched at his beard and was thinking deeply.

"A memory palace isn't a requirement for all cultivators to have. But the higher you go, and the more knowledge you accumulate, it becomes something less unusual. But at the Qi Initiation stage? Unless it was an ability from birth, this is unheard of."

"When does the memory palace become an ability that is commonplace?"

"...Around the Essence Awakening stage? At that point, it basically becomes a requirement."

Essence Awakening stage?! That's an entire rank ahead of where I was! Even the elders of the Whispering Winds Sect rarely reached that level of strength! Even if they did, there were almost none residing in the province!

As far as I knew, there were only a handful of people who reached that cultivation rank, including the WInd Sage, still in the Tranquil Breeze Coast. And only those of that rank could use the memory palace?

I didn't know the memory palace was such a powerful thing! Although my body may not have the greatest talent in martial arts history, my mind will! I was never one for brawls in the first place! I would conquer the world using my cleverness, and then become God Emperor of-

Before my daydreams could continue, Elder Ming chopped me on the head once again, in the same spot he did just a few moments ago.

"Elder Ming, please! This is the most important part of my body as a cultivator! What was that for?"

"I could see you conjuring up some nonsense in your head." He said gruffly. "Well, I'll put that aside for now. You want to finish your body refinement quests? I'll be there to guide you through it. Let's go!"

We moved to the outskirts of the village, and I began my first task: running the perimeter of Gentle Wind Village without stopping to rest. My legs felt strong, and my breath was steady as I completed the laps, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each one. Tianyi floated ahead of me, keeping pace as I ran along the boundaries of the village. I barely broke a sweat.

"Come on, pick up the rocks! You're not struggling with these tasks! Push yourself and overcome your limits!"

Next, I committed to the horse stance, my legs trembling slightly as I pushed past the ten-minute mark. Elder Ming watched me closely, offering words of encouragement and advice as I struggled to maintain my form. I got a ten-minute break in between each set, and I was forced to disrobe due to how much I was sweating. Tianyi perched herself on my shoulder once more, and I felt my body recovering a bit faster than usual. A thin stream of energy was entering my circulatory system. An idea sparked in my head.

Crossing my legs, I began meditating and circulated my qi alongside Tianyi. What I could retain from my surroundings, although small, was enough to freshen myself before Elder Ming shouted for me to continue. I grabbed the rocks and assumed the stance, gritting my teeth.

I am rooted in the earth, unyielding as the trees.

With each breath, I draw strength from the natural world around me.

The pain I feel now is a testament to the power I will gain.

I repeated a variety of phrases in my head, keeping myself focused on the task at hand without wavering. Journey Through the Elements by Zi Chen was full of fantastical lines like that. I should reread it. Perhaps later tonight? As a treat to cele-

"Focus! Strength is not just in the body, but also in the mind and spirit."

Elder Ming tapped my backside and forced it upright, snapping me out of my idling thoughts.

It took me almost an hour and a half to finish. I failed to accomplish the horse stance set once, and required an even longer break or risk injury. That extra time to meditate gave me just what I needed to push through. Now it was time for the last set of tasks; squats.

I approached the last set of tasks with determination, my legs already feeling heavy from the previous challenges. But I knew I couldn't give up now. Elder Ming stood by my side, offering words of encouragement and guidance as I began my squats. Tianyi remained perched on my shoulder, her presence providing me with additional strength and motivation.

As I lowered myself down and then pushed back up, I counted each squat in my head. I could feel the strain in my leg muscles, but I refused to give in. My breathing grew heavier, and sweat poured down my face, but I continued to push through the pain and fatigue. The Invigorating Dawn's effects had disappeared a long time ago. I've been operating on persistence and sheer will.

"One hundred... two hundred... just fifty more to go," I muttered under my breath, my voice barely audible. Elder Ming nodded in approval, seeing the determination in my eyes.

As I approached the final ten squats, my body screamed for me to stop. But I gritted my teeth and pushed through the pain, reminding myself of my goal to complete my body refinement quest. With a final burst of energy, I completed the last squat and collapsed onto the ground, completely exhausted.

Elder Ming smiled at me, a look of pride in his eyes. "Well done, Kai. I knew you could do it."

I lay on the ground, panting heavily, my body aching all over. But despite the pain, I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. I had completed my body refinement quest, and I knew that this would only make me stronger in the long run.

Quest: Body Refinement has been completed.

Due to your status as Interface Manipulator, your rewards will be adjusted accordingly.

You completed the quest with additional challenges. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

Your Body is growing more powerful.

You can now infuse portions of your body with qi, strengthening them temporarily.

You can now utilize the skill, Rooted Banyan Stance.

And just like that, everything in my mind clicked.

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