Blossoming Path

Chapter 36: Beast Core

Chapter 36: Beast Core

I woke up feeling like I'd been trampled by an army of ogres. My body was sore, my muscles crying out in protest with every breath I took. Memories of the battle were still fresh in my mind, and my chest tightened as I recalled the chaos of the fight.

I chastised myself mentally.

The fight is over. We won, hopefully.

My eyelids felt heavy as I tried to pry them open. The room was dark, save for the soft blue glow of the Heavenly Interface. I squinted at the projection, my mind spinning as I tried to decipher the text.

Quest: Spirit Beast Subjugation has been completed.

You completed the quest with additional challenges. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.

I snorted. I barely escaped with my life, I hope it created a suitable reward for me.

The interface shimmered, and then, the unexpected. My mind was suddenly filled with detailed information about Wind Serpents. Everything from their dietary habits to their optimal environments for growth, and even their abilities flooded into my head. It was as if I'd spent years studying these creatures, the knowledge was so extensive, so precise.

Confusion washed over me, quickly followed by a wave of understanding. This was my reward. For all the pain, for all the struggles, I was granted the knowledge of Wind Serpents. Was this the interface's idea of a helpful tool for the future?

An image of a Wind Serpent, coiled and ready to strike, came to mind. With newfound understanding, I could tell it was a young one, the shimmering scales a clear sign of its youth. And those bright, venomous eyes; they were hungry, always on the lookout for the next meal. Small birds, rodents, and even insects were on its menu.

A shiver ran down my spine as I realized how they thrived in highly oxygenated areas, their metabolism adapting incredibly to such environments. And their abilities... lightning-fast reflexes, unparalleled flight speed, and the eerie capacity to control gusts of wind, make them formidable predators.

"Great. Just great," I muttered to myself. More danger. More challenges.

I fell back against my bed, letting the information sink in. There was so much to learn, to adapt to. But if this was what it took to survive in this twisted world, I would do it.

As the initial surprise wore off, a glimmer of excitement began to take its place. Yes, it was daunting, but also... intriguing. This was a chance to grow stronger, to become more than what I was.

I closed my eyes, the image of the Wind Serpent etched into my memory. I'd won today, and tomorrow, I'd be ready for whatever came my way. I just had to keep pushing, keep learning. Perhaps with this knowledge, I could incorporate it into my training somehow? Visualizing a Wind Serpent when I practice my swings, how it would coil and dodge...

The moment of silence was punctured by a rustling sound to my right. Startled, I shot up, wincing at the pain that ricocheted through my body. A figure detached itself from the shadows, walking over until it stood in the faint glow of the Heavenly Interface.

"Feng Wu?" I stuttered, squinting in the dim light. The familiar silhouette was a welcome sight, yet his uncharacteristic silence unnerved me.

"Yes, it's me, Kai." His voice was soft, as if he was trying not to startle me.

"I..." I croaked, the pain in my body momentarily forgotten, "did we... did we really win? The Wind Serpent...?"

A sigh, audible even in the quiet room. "Yes, we won. Thanks to you, there were no casualties."

His words lifted a weight off my chest. We had survived. All of us. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I... I'm sorry, Kai," Feng Wu's voice wavered in the darkness. "It was my responsibility to ensure your safety on the way to the Verdant Lotus sect. I failed you."

The sincerity in his words hit me harder than any physical blow ever could. Feng Wu was a seasoned warrior, a protector. And here he was, blaming himself for my recklessness.

"Stop." My voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. "I knew what I was getting myself into. It wasn't your fault. I chose to take the risk, to fight. My foolishness led to this, not you."

Silence filled the room again, and I wondered if my words had made any impact.

"You're too hard on yourself," I said, breaking the silence. "We won, didn't we? No one died. That's all that matters to me."

Feng Wu remained silent for a while longer before finally responding, "You're a braver man than I gave you credit for, Kai."

His words held a note of respect, of admiration. It made the throbbing pain a little more bearable. I allowed myself a small smile, settling back into my bed. "Well, we can't all be cowards, can we?"

He told me I had been unconscious for a whole day, explaining in hushed tones how Tianyi, my butterfly Spirit Beast, never left my side. Her presence was an iridescent shimmer in the bleakness, a beacon of hope. I could almost imagine the soft flutter of her wings against my hand, the comforting weight of her presence. At some point, Feng Wu had moved her to the windowsill, the moonlight spilling over her and offering her the sustenance she needed to recover.

Listening to Feng Wu, my heart was filled with warm gratitude for my steadfast companion. My eyelids felt heavy, the exhaustion creeping back into my bones. But I fought to stay awake, fought to hear more about Tianyi.

"Tianyi, she..." Feng Wu began, his voice a whisper in the darkness, "...she never left your side, Kai. Even when her own energy was dwindling, she stayed. She was there when we couldn't be."

Feng Wu gave me the rundown of what happened after the battle. How the Silent Moon sect went ahead with harvesting any and all materials they could gain from the Spirit Beast's bodies. They were quite large, so it didn't strike me as odd that the snakes would hold a lot of valued items within themselves.

"And your contribution in the battle was crucial. With that, I'd like for you to check your pocket."

I stumbled around, patting down my lower half. My upper body was covered in bandages and laid bare, but my clothes had been replaced with a clean set of pants. I wondered who changed me while I was unconscious. Hopefully not Feng Wu. That'd be humiliating.

As I felt through the deep pocket, the sensation of a round object brushed my fingertips. It was hard and cold, but from a simple touch I could feel an incredible amount of qi bearing down on me like a waterfall.

It looked like a crystal. An intricate, swirling pattern glowing dimly as I held it in my hand.

"What is this? Some kind of jewel?"

"It's a beast core. Specifically, the Wind Serpent's. The Silent Moon sect deliberated... and ultimately decided it was what you merited for your valor in battle."

"A beast core?" My voice was no more than a whisper, grappling with the enormity of what Feng Wu just revealed. I could feel his gaze upon me, reading the shock that I was barely managing to hide.

As I held the core, I could feel the faint thrumming of power within it, almost like a heartbeat. A shiver of recognition passed through me. This was the same sensation I'd felt when my mind had been flooded with knowledge about Wind Serpents. It was as if the essence of the Wind Serpent was held within this core, alive and humming with potential.

"Yes. The Silent Moon sect saw fit to award it to you, considering the risk you took." Feng Wu explained. "It is said to be the essence of a Spirit Beast's strength and wisdom. A testament to its life."

"But this..." I trailed off, "Isn't this too valuable? Isn't it something the sect elders would covet for their own cultivation?"

Feng Wu seemed to understand my trepidation. His eyes softened, his voice took on a firm, determined edge, "Yes, it is a valuable resource. But it is a sign of respect, to grant you the beast core. I cannot in good conscience take it for myself."

He paused, considering his words, "If you were to reject this, it would bring dishonor upon the sect and myself. This is your victory, your contribution. And it is fitting that you receive a reward in kind. It is not only valuable, Kai, but it will also greatly aid in your recovery and cultivation."

I was quiet for a moment, the weight of Feng Wu's words settling over me. The Beast Core felt heavy in my hand, the thrum of energy within it pulsating against my palm. It felt wrong, somehow, to accept it when Feng Wu was the one who had done the lion's share of the fighting.

"Feng Wu," I began, my voice wavering slightly. "This... it should be yours. You're the one who defeated the Wind Serpent, not me. I just... I just helped."

Feng Wu shook his head, a grim line setting his mouth. "No, Kai. You risked your life out there. You fought alongside me, not behind me. This Beast Core, this victory, it is yours as much as it is mine. Do not sell yourself short."

Tension filled the air between us, a silence stretching on as I grappled with the gravity of his words. I didn't want to dishonor Feng Wu or his sect, but the guilt gnawed at my insides. I was untrained and unprepared. Yet I was being handed a treasure that others would kill for.

The guilt was threatening to consume me when Feng Wu spoke again. "Kai," he began, his voice quieter now. "In this world, strength is respected, courage is admired, and wisdom is sought after. You have displayed all three. Do not let guilt cloud your judgment. It is not a sign of weakness to accept a reward when it is deserved.'"

I turned the beast core in my hand, its weight substantial despite its small size. A part of me felt guilt, wondering if I really deserved this. But another part of me, the part that ached with the need to grow stronger, to not be a burden, clung desperately to this gift.

"I... I see," I finally managed, swallowing hard. "Thank you, Feng Wu. I... I don't know what to say."

I looked down at the core in my hand, turning it over as I considered the best course of action. A fitting reward. One that I've seen in multiple stories, as a result of a daring victory against Spirit Beasts of legend.

"So, do I just... eat it?" I asked, uncertainty lacing my voice.

The stories I read had some conflicting information on how cultivators used the cores of Spirit Beasts. In 'Chronicles of Zhen Lu', he just absorbed it into his body using mysterious magic. I had no clue on how to go about that. The other stories had the cultivators eating cores like how they would pills.

Feng Wu blinked at me, the surprise etched on his face almost comical. "Well, yes, you could," he admitted. "Though it might be a bit hard on the stomach."

"Hard on the stomach?" I echoed, looking down at the beast core in my hand with newfound apprehension. I don't think my body had reached the level where it could digest crystals. the thought of it going out through the other end made me shudder.

Feng Wu chuckled, shaking his head. "I was joking, Kai. The process is slightly more refined than that. You absorb the energy within the beast core, using your cultivation technique to incorporate it into your body. Eating is not necessary. "

"Understood," I said, relieved. I studied the core, my mind swirling with possibilities. "Might there be an optimal method for this? Could we, perhaps, incorporate it into a medicinal pill or concoction?"

Feng Wu looked thoughtful. "It's possible," he said slowly. "But such a procedure necessitates an in-depth understanding of alchemy and a precise concoction of ingredients. It's beyond our capabilities here."

"I'll hold out until then. My injuries...they're there, but it doesn't seem so bad. All thanks to Tianyi. I'll probably try to make something with what I have in my cart in the meantime."

Feng Wu nodded his head. "As you wish. You can rest for now, Kai. The Qingmu residents are holding a feast tomorrow. I'll be keeping watch tonight."

I nodded. My eyes were beginning to get heavy again. It seemed my body wasn't fully recovered after all.

"But...What about you, Feng Wu? Are you okay?"

The cultivator smiled. "Our battle with the Wind Serpents have allowed me to gain insight on a new ability. I have been taking this time to acclimate myself to it's capabilities."

"Oh, what's it called?" I leaned in closer to hear. I was interested in what sort of ability Feng Wu gained as a result from his battle. Perhaps he unfolded a new technique while I was unconscious?

"Although it might be too complicated to explain in full, it's called a Memory Palace."

"Oh, I have that too!"

Feng Wu's soft expression turned to that of incredulity. It was the first time I'd seen the man caught so flat-footed.


His astonishment sent a brief chuckle rippling through me. I shrugged, a slow smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me, Feng Wu. But don't worry, I'll reveal my secrets one at a time."

Feng Wu floundered for a moment, before closing his eyes and releasing a deep sigh. "...You truly are an enigma, Kai."

His words hung in the air, a new understanding blooming between us. I was an enigma, even to myself. A cool, mysterious and chivalrous cultivator who doesn't hesitate to put his body on the line to save civilians. That's me.

"Perhaps," I said, my smile fading into a contemplative expression, "but aren't we all? There's so much we don't know, so much left to discover. It's all a part of this journey."

Feng Wu nodded, an understanding look crossing his features. He didn't say anything else, but he didn't need to. His silence said more than words ever could.

As Feng Wu moved to the other side of the room, taking up his watchful position, I reclined in my bed, the beast core cool and comforting in my hand. It was a reminder of what we had accomplished, and of what was to come.

The pain was still there, a constant, dull throb that was quickly becoming a familiar sensation. But despite the discomfort, despite the looming uncertainty, I felt a profound sense of peace. Giving one last glance to the resting butterfly on the windowsill, I closed my eyes, ready to face whatever the next day would bring.

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