Blossoming Path

Chapter 55: Preparation & Providence

Chapter 55: Preparation & Providence

"No backing out now, Kai," I murmured to myself.

I glanced down at my hands, noticing the newly formed callouses along my knuckles. They had healed nicely after the events with Instructor Xia Ji in the training grounds. They were a testament to the rigorous training I had started to put myself through, even before any official training had begun. The sight of them brought a wry smile to my face.

Looks like I was becoming more of a warrior than I thought.

Tianyi, already awake and buzzing with energy, landed on my shoulder. Her presence was a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone in this. Windy, curled up at the foot of my bed, stirred awake at the sound of my voice, its eyes blinking open to greet the new day.

With the iron staff in hand, I stepped outside into the crisp morning air, leaving Windy to continue bathing in the sun. The sect was quiet at this early hour, a peaceful serenity that belied the intensity of the day ahead. I only had a few hours before classes to get some training in

"Let's start with some basic drills," I said, focusing on the weight and balance of the staff in my hands. I began with slow, deliberate movements, practicing the forms I was familiar with. Each motion was a dance of control and precision, a far cry from the wild swings I had started with.

As I moved, I let my mind drift to the upcoming trial. The thought of facing a third-class disciple was daunting, to say the least. Their skill in martial arts would undoubtedly surpass my own. But, I reminded myself, it wasn't just about brute strength or skill. It was about strategy, timing, and using what I had to my advantage.

So what if they had years of martial arts training under their belt? What did that matter in the face of unbridled talent? In front of I, who was blessed by the heavens, nothing could stand in my way!

I sighed, my shoulders drooping ever so slightly. That's enough of that. I'd better focus on the task at hand.

I shifted my focus to the Rooted Banyan Stance, planting my feet firmly on the ground as I moved through the forms. The stance was about stability, endurance, and weathering the storm.

Maybe I couldnt outmuscle them, but there was definitely a way for me to outsmart them. And for that, I needed the capability to survive at least one blow against a third-class disciple.

Perhaps I should try my utmost to level up the Rooted Bayan Stance? If I were to evolve it into the next stage, I was sure it'd be enough to grant me an edge against a third-class disciple. I brought up the Interface to see the skill's requirements to evolve to the next step.

Rooted Banyan Stance (Level 1): A foundational body cultivation technique that embodies the nature of the banyan tree: immovable and resilient. Through this skill, the cultivator hardens muscles and skin, creating an impenetrable defense and fostering deep-rooted stability. This cultivator also emits their Qi outward to provide an additional protective layer. As with the mighty banyan, this stance anchors the cultivator in place, grounding them against any form of disruption or attack.

Next Stage: Deep Rooted Banyan Stance


Rooted Banyan Stance Proficiency - Level 10

Accumulate 100 hours in the Rooted Banyan Stance.

Sustain the stance without breaking for a continuous period of 1 hour.

Develop a basic understanding of the principles of Qi defense.

It didn't seem likely. My skill was still at the first level. The idea of holding myself in that stance for even a minute was impossible in my mind. But an hour?

Perhaps levelling it up would be enough to strengthen my defenses.

As the sun rose higher, I could feel the sweat forming on my brow, the physical exertion a welcome distraction from the swirling thoughts in my head. Holding the stance and maintaining flawless form took significant effort, even after all this time of practicing it. My reserves of qi quickly diminished, unable to hold the stance for an extended period of time.

After my energy reached it's bottom, I switched to polishing my forms. If I couldn't throw a proper punch or kick, I'd stand no chance against a cultivator, after all.

"You've got this, Kai. Just keep moving, keep thinking, and keep pushing yourself."

After a couple of hours of training, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. My muscles ached, but it was a good ache, the kind that spoke of progress and hard work.

"Time for a break, I guess," I said to Tianyi.

Looking at the position of the sun, I would have enough time to rest and recover before my first class. I crossed my legs and began cultivating the Crimson Lotus Purification technique, circulating my qi throughout my body, and drawing in the surrounding energy with Tianyis support.

Compared to when I was at home, the innate qi here was plentiful. If I had to compare, the energy I was able to collect while cultivating was at least double of what I had previously.

As I settled into the familiar rhythm of the Crimson Lotus Purification technique, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be enveloped by the tranquility of the moment. The early morning air was crisp and refreshing, a stark contrast to the warmth that slowly began to build within me as I cultivated.

The sensation was always a unique one. There was a gentle warmth that started at the core of my being, spreading outwards like ripples in a pond. With each cycle of my qi, the warmth intensified, filling me with a sense of vitality and clarity. It was as if the energy of the world around me was converging, seeping into my pores, and melding with my own essence.

I focused on my breathing, slow and steady, each inhalation drawing in more qi, each exhalation expelling the stale energy from my body. The technique required a delicate balance, a harmony between the internal and external energies. I couldn't afford to rush it. The dangers of Qi Deviation were all too real a misstep in cultivation could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Despite the urgency of my situation, the looming challenge with the Silent Moon sect disciple, I knew I had to maintain my discipline. The temptation to hasten the process was there, a nagging impatience in the back of my mind. But I quelled it, reminding myself of the importance of patience in cultivation. After all, the strongest trees were those that grew slowly, deeply rooting themselves into the earth.

As I continued to cultivate, I could feel the energy coursing through my meridians, a soothing ebb and flow that brought a sense of peace and focus. It was moments like these that I cherished, a brief respite from the chaos and uncertainty that seemed to permeate my life as of late.

The sun's rays began to peek through the foliage, casting dappled shadows around me. The warmth of the sun mingled with the warmth of my cultivation, creating a cocoon of energy that enveloped me. I could feel my qi growing stronger, more vibrant with each cycle. It was a gradual process, but the incremental gains were there, steady and reassuring.

Tianyi, sensing the calm energy, fluttered gently around me, her presence a subtle but constant reminder of the bond we shared. As a butterfly, her fragile body was but a mere touch on my shoulder, but her support, though silent, was an essential part of my ability to recover. It was as if her energy was in sync with mine, amplifying the effects of the Crimson Lotus Purification technique.

It was time for the second part of my cultivation technique - the purification process. I inhaled deeply, centering my thoughts, preparing to begin the delicate task of refining the qi I had accumulated.

With each breath, I envisioned the qi swirling within me, a vibrant energy tainted with specks of impurities. These were the remnants of my own exertions, the byproducts of the energy I had absorbed. The process was akin to sifting gold from sand; I had to carefully separate the pure qi from the dross.

I imagined a filter within me, a sieve through which I passed the gathered qi. It was a slow, meticulous process, requiring my utmost concentration. The impurities were stubborn, clinging to the qi like stubborn stains. But gradually, I managed to separate them, expelling the tainted energy with each exhalation.

Even though the rate at which I gathered energy was doubled, one grain of sand only amounted to two grains, after all.

The purified qi was different - lighter, cleaner, and more potent. It was a fraction of what I had started with, but its quality was far superior. I guided this refined energy towards my dantian, the core of my cultivation.

As the purified qi settled into my dantian, I felt a surge of clarity and rejuvenation. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, leaving me feeling lighter and more energetic. I opened my eyes, the world around me seeming sharper, more vivid.

I could see why cultivators would spend years in seclusion. If going cross-legged and closing their eyes for a while made thems stronger, it was no surprise. The longer I did it, the more I enjoyed the process.

"Thank you, Tianyi," I murmured, acknowledging her role in my cultivation. Her presence had been a stabilizing force, her energy aiding me even in the purification process.

With a gentle pat, I signaled to Tianyi that it was time to return. I stood up, feeling a newfound sense of vitality coursing through me.

I made my way back to my quarters, where Windy awaited. The little serpent perked up as I entered, its eyes following my every move. "Hey, Windy," I greeted, a smile spreading across my face. "Missed me?"

Windy slithered over, coiling around my ankle in a display of affection. I chuckled, bending down to gently stroke its scales. "Looks like you're doing well," I said, pleased to see it thriving.

As I watched Windy's playful behavior, a thought crossed my mind. "I wonder what gender Windy is," I mused aloud. My knowledge from the Interface flashed through my mind. Wind Serpents, like many mystical creatures, had their gender become clear only as they matured. For now, it remained a mystery, another layer to the enigmatic nature of my serpentine companion.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention to Tianyi. "You know how Instructor Xiao-Hu is about you fluttering around the class," I said, her wings vibrating slightly as if she understood every word. "Stay here with Windy, okay? You two keep each other company."

After bidding them both a brief farewell, I made a mental note to bring back whatever meal I could scrounge up from the dining hall for Windy. The little serpent didn't seem to show any signs of being hungry, but I wasn't about to wait before Windy did.

With that settled, I gathered my things and headed towards the alchemy pavilion. My footsteps were light, yet my heart felt heavy with apprehension. How would my classmates perceive me now? Would they see me as a reckless upstart for challenging a Silent Moon disciple, or as someone trying to rise above his station?

I cringed remembering my words. What was I acting so cool and righteous for?! If Wang Jun or Lan-Yin were here, they'd definitely poke fun of me.

As I neared the pavilion, I caught sight of a few older disciples milling around. Their glances felt like weights, each one adding to the burden of unease settling in my stomach. I quickened my pace, eager to escape their scrutinizing eyes.

"Elixir Synthesis," I reminded myself, trying to focus on the upcoming class rather than the whispers and stares. This was my chance to improve, to gain knowledge that could be vital for the trial and beyond. My steps became more determined, each one echoing my resolve to not let external opinions sway my path.

I entered the pavilion, the familiar scent of herbs and potions greeting me like an old friend. It was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where I could immerse myself in the art of alchemy, leaving the complexities of sect politics and looming challenges at the door.

Taking a deep breath, I found my seat, arranging my materials with practiced ease. The classroom slowly filled, each absorbed in their own pre-class rituals. None of them came forward to talk to me, which I was somewhat thankful for.

My mind wandered briefly to Windy and Tianyi. I hoped they were getting along, the formers playful nature meshing well with Tianyi's gentle demeanor. It brought a small smile to my face, a brief respite from the nervous anticipation of the class ahead.

As Instructor Xiao-Hu entered, his eyes met mine. The events of yesterday were still fresh within my mind. After lingering on me for a few moments, he surveyed the rest of the class and walked to the front. The room fell silent, every disciple ready to begin. I sat up straighter, my focus shifting entirely to the lesson. Elixir Synthesis was more than just a class to me; it was a critical step in my journey. And if things worked in my favor, it could even be key to the development of my arsenal against the Silent Moon sect.

Instructor Xiao-Hu's voice broke through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. "Today, we'll be continuing where we left off, exploring the delicate balance of ingredients and the precise control of qi necessary to create potent concoctions. Prepare your cauldrons!"

When the class ended, there was a collective sigh of relief mixed with the clinking of glassware and the shuffle of feet. I began packing up my materials, my hands moving automatically while my mind was still occupied with the nuances of today's lesson.

That's when Instructor Xiao-Hu approached me, his expression unreadable. "Kai, I need to see you after class. The sect leader wishes to meet with you."

My heart skipped a beat. The sect leader? Why would someone so important want to meet with me? I tried to keep my face calm, but I could feel the color drain from it.

Around me, the whispers started, low and curious. My classmates' eyes flicked between Instructor Xiao-Hu and me, their murmurs becoming a buzzing in my ears that made my stomach churn. I wanted to sink into the floor, vanish into thin air anything to escape their scrutiny.

"Sure, no problem," I managed to choke out, though my voice sounded far from confident.

Instructor Xiao-Hu nodded and walked away, leaving me to gather the rest of my belongings with trembling hands. The whispers around me seemed to grow louder, feeding my anxiety. I tried to steady my breathing, but it felt like I was trying to calm a storm with a whisper.

Alright, Kai, peerless genius, right? You shouldn't be afraid of anyone or anything. Yeah, right. The thought was meant to be empowering, but it sounded hollow in my mind. If I were truly a peerless genius, I wouldn't feel like vomiting right now.

I followed Instructor Xiao-Hu out of the alchemy pavilion, my feet dragging slightly. As we walked, the scenery changed, the familiar paths and buildings of the sect giving way to an area I hadn't been to before. The architecture here was grander, yet it still maintained the sect's aesthetic of bamboo and wood. It felt like stepping into a different world, one that was both awe-inspiring and intimidating.

"What is this place?" I asked, my curiosity momentarily overtaking my nervousness.

"This is the Sect Leader, Ye Shaotian's pavilion," Instructor Xiao-Hu replied, his voice reverberating with a respect that mirrored the grandeur of our surroundings.

The pavilion was majestic, its towering structure exuding an air of solemnity and power. The intricate designs carved into the wood, the gentle swaying of the bamboo in the breeze, and the serene atmosphere all contributed to its majestic presence. It was a stark reminder of the hierarchy within the sect and the respect accorded to those at the top. I wondered where the elders lived. Was a sect truly this wealthy? To have this sort of accommodation for all their elders?

As we approached the entrance, I couldn't help but feel small in comparison.

I paused for a moment, taking in the sight. The pavilion was not just a building; it was a symbol of the legacy and strength of the Verdant Lotus Sect. The realization that I was about to meet the person at the heart of this legacy sent another wave of nerves through me.

Gathering my courage, I stepped forward, following Instructor Xiao-Hu into the pavilion. The interior was as impressive as the exterior, with elegant furnishings and subtle touches of nature blending seamlessly into the design. It was a place of both beauty and authority, and as I walked through it, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me at the end of this journey.

Instructor Xiao-Hu led me down a long corridor, the sound of our footsteps echoing softly. The deeper we went, the more my apprehension grew. Meeting the Sect Leader was an honor, but under these circumstances, it felt more like walking into the lion's den.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering in my stomach. Whatever the reason for this meeting, I would face it head-on. After all, wasn't facing challenges what cultivation was all about? With that thought, I steeled myself for the encounter that lay ahead.

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