Blossoming Path

Chapter 60: Stiff Challenges & Softer Moments

Chapter 60: Stiff Challenges & Softer Moments

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Li Na's face was apologetic as she pulled on my arms. I bit my lip, letting out a low hiss of pain as my groin stretched just before the point of tearing.

"Five more seconds!"

Tears formed at the corner of my eyes. Was she pulling me even harder? Hey! HEY! If you keep going, I can't be called a man anymore!

But my mouth laid shut, knowing that letting out a single word while in this position was impossible. All I could let out were intakes of air, hisses so sharp that would leave even Windy proud.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Li Na released my arms. I collapsed forward, feeling like I'd just been in a battle with a particularly stubborn tree root. Instructor Xia Ji gave a nod, a hint of amusement in her stern gaze, and dismissed us from practice.

As I gingerly tried to stand, Li Na chuckled, her tone teasing. "You know, Kai, for someone who wants to be a cultivator, you're pretty stiff."

I shot her a small glare, stretching out my legs which felt like they were made of overcooked noodles. "Well, Li Na, not all of us have had the luxury of years of training to achieve such...elasticity."

Li Nas response was to demonstrate a perfect split, lowering herself effortlessly to the ground. "Actually, I've been able to do this since day one at the sect," she said, her smile widening.

I groaned, half in admiration and half in self-pity. "That's just unfair!" I tried to stand upright, only to wobble and grab onto a nearby tree for support.

I called myself the 'genius of hard work' last night, and here I am, gnashing my teeth at people's natural talent. It truly was a cruel world.

"Come on, Kai, don't be so hard on yourself," Li Na said, helping me up. "You're improving every day. And besides, you have your own strengths."

"Yeah, like being exceptionally good at complaining," I quipped, managing a weak grin. I straightened up, wincing slightly. "But you watch, Li Na. One day, Ill be just as flexible and then we'll see who has the last laugh."

Li Na laughed, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "I'll look forward to that day."

As we walked back, I couldnt help but feel a sense of camaraderie and motivation. Sure, life wasn't always fair with its distribution of talents, but that just meant I had to work a little harder, stretch a little further. And who knows? Maybe one day, Id surprise them all including myself.

As we made our way back from the training ground, Li Na's curiosity seemed piqued. "So, how are your advanced classes going, Kai?" she asked, her tone genuinely interested.

"Oh, the Advanced Herbology class has been a real eye-opener," I began, feeling a surge of enthusiasm as I talked about my passion. "We're learning a lot about handling and growing qi plants. It's fascinating, really, how these plants absorb and store qi. It's like they have their own little cultivation journey. Instructor Xiao-Hu's very knowledgeable."

Li Na nodded, her expression showing that she was following along. Encouraged, I continued, "And then there's my Array Formation class. That one's a bit more... let's say, challenging. It's mostly independent study for me right now since I can't generate arrays like the other second-class disciples yet. But Im getting closer to making a fully functional array. It's all about gaining more delicate control of my qi, which I hope will happen before the Grand Alchemy Gauntlet."

"Sounds like you're making great progress," Li Na complimented, and I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Yeah, well, you know me the genius of hard work!" I said, puffing up my chest. "I've even got a side project going on. I'm trying to make a hydrosol."

"Hydrosol?" Li Na's curiosity was clearly piqued, and I dove into an explanation.

"Yeah, it's like a distilled essence of plants. I've been learning how to use alchemical stills and making purified water. The idea is to soak gauze in this hydrosol, so it disinfects wounds and promotes healing. Im hoping it'll help us heal faster from conditioning exercises and spars."

As I talked about the technical aspects of creating the hydrosol, I could see Li Na's expression start to glaze over slightly. I was rambling, wasn't I? I chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. "Sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away there. Its just really exciting stuff, you know?"

Li Na smiled, a warm, amused smile that made her eyes crinkle. "It's cute how you get so engrossed when talking about the things you like, Kai."

My heat did a small flip. Was I going through Qi Deviation?

Did Li Na just call me cute? I felt a mix of embarrassment and a strange sense of accomplishment. I laughed, trying to play it cool. "Well, I guess when you're as brilliant as I am, it's hard not to get absorbed in your work."

As we reached the sect's dining hall, I felt a sense of light-heartedness envelop me. Li Na's presence had a way of making everything seem a little brighter, a little more fun. And her interest in my classes and projects? It was more motivating than any lecture or practice session. Han Wei wasn't here today, so we ate quietly together.

"Thanks for listening to me ramble, Li Na," I said as we parted ways, my steps feeling lighter despite the earlier grueling training session. "One day, I'll show you just how amazing my hydrosol is!"

Leaving the dining hall with a skip in my step, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to Li Na. The way she had listened to me ramble about my classes, her smile... it was enough to make anyone's heart flutter.


No, not perhaps! I was so tall and handsome, who wouldn't fall for me?

I put my hand on my head, feeling my face heat up.

'Who am I kidding?' I thought to myself. It was unlikely Li Na liked me in that way. She was always friendly and kind, sure, but that was just her nature. She was like that with everyone.

I sighed, feeling a small twinge of disappointment, but quickly quashed it. 'It's best to not expect anything more. Just treasure the friendship as it is, Kai,' I reminded myself. After all, Li Na was a cherished friend, and that was more than enough. Besides, I had plenty of other things to focus on cultivation, classes, and my hydrosol project.

Yet, deep down, a small seed of hope or doubt lingered, refusing to be completely uprooted. It was a foolish thing, really, but there it was a tiny, stubborn part of me that wouldn't let go of the 'what ifs.'

Shaking my head to clear these thoughts, I became acutely aware of the stares from the people around. It felt as if everyone in the sect could read my mind. Embarrassed, I quickened my pace, eager to retreat to the sanctuary of my guest quarters.

As I walked, I mulled over my conversation with Li Na. Her genuine interest in my studies, her encouragement, and that smile... 'Stop it, Kai,' I chastised myself. 'Don't read too much into it. She's just being nice.'

Reaching my quarters, I took a deep breath, trying to settle the flurry of emotions that had unexpectedly bubbled up. I needed to refocus, to get back on track with my cultivation journey. That was my priority.

'Besides,' I thought as I opened the door to my room, 'I've got Tianyi and Windy waiting for me. Who needs romance when you have a mystical butterfly and a spirit beast snake hatchling as your companions?'

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it.

Maybe one day, in the midst of all this cultivation and hard work, something more might just happen naturally.

For now, though, I had to prepare to leave for Crescent Bay City while there was daylight. They said I'd have someone escorting me, but Elder Zhu didn't really specify who it was. I'd find out when I met them at the entrance!

Master Qiang's rice wine, which I used as a treat for Tianyi, was starting to bottom out. Windy needed a ton of meat! I'd take this chance to grab everything I needed, and maybe a bite to eat. I'll treat whichever disciple is coming with me. The dining hall's food wasn't bad by any means, but it certainly got...dull, after a while.

"Tianyi, stay here! Windy, keep sleeping! No wandering, okay?"

My faithful butterfly companion acknowledged my request, and Windy, as per usual, ignored me.

Aside from my bag and coin pouch, I don't think I needed anything. The trip would be short, to avoid inconveniencing the disciple escorting me.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

I opened the bedside drawer and took out a small, jade amulet. Elder Ming's parting gift for me, and a good-luck charm. I was too afraid to bring it with me on my daily routine, but it wouldn't hurt to wear it today, right?

Stepping out of the dining hall, my mind still replaying the conversation with Li Na, I made my way back to the guest quarters. The morning air was crisp, the sect alive with the sounds of disciples beginning their day. As I walked, I found myself deep in thought, mulling over the upcoming trip to Crescent Bay City.

'Really, who could Elder Zhu have arranged to escort me?' I pondered, the question nagging at me. 'Han Wei, perhaps? Or maybe even Li Na?' The thought of Li Na accompanying me brought a foolish, shy giggle to my lips. The idea was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Reaching the guest quarters, I quickly tidied myself up, my thoughts still circling around the possible escort. I glanced at my iron staff, considering whether to bring it along. After a moments deliberation, I decided against it. I don't expect a fight, and most of my training has been focused on hand-to-hand combat anyway. 'The staff wouldnt be of much use.

With everything ready, I made my way to the stable where Elder Wen's horses were kept. The stable hands greeted me warmly, helping me get the cart and horses ready. Their efficiency and helpfulness made the task much easier, and soon, I was leading the cart toward the sect's entrance.

"Hope you're doing well there. It's not too stuffy, is it?" I asked the pair. They whinnied in response. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand them like I did with Tianyi, so I had to assume it was a yes.

As I approached the entrance to the sect, a familiar silhouette became visible, leaning casually by the entrance. My heart skipped a beat, curiosity piqued. Who could it be? The silhouette was too far to make out clearly, but there was something about the way they stood, an air of familiarity that tugged at my memory.

'Could it be Li Na? Or Han Wei? Or someone I haven't interacted with before?' I wondered, the possibilities sending a wave of anticipation through me. Whoever it was, Elder Zhu had his reasons for choosing them, and I trusted his judgment.

The person from far away turned. It was clearly a male, his broad shoulders showing through the green and white robes synonymous with second-class disciples.

As I drew closer, the details of the figure standing by the entrance became clearer. The unmistakable ponytail, a few stray strands of hair falling rebelliously, caught my attention immediately. A smile tugged at my lips. It was none other than my friend, Feng Wu.

They never told me he was back!

However, something was slightly off. Feng Wus usual relaxed smile, with his eyes often merrily shut, was there but with a subtle undercurrent of frostiness. His posture was the same, yet the air around him felt different less welcoming, more reserved. It was a slight shift, but noticeable enough to pique my curiosity.

Shrugging off the slight unease, I quickened my pace, my eagerness to greet my friend overriding any lingering doubts. Feng Wu! I called out, a wide grin spreading across my face as I closed the distance between us.

Feng Wu inclined his head towards me, his expression unchanging, that same upturned smile with eyes closed. Yet, the frostiness lingered, like a thin veil masking his usual warmth. It was an odd sight, seeing him so... unchanged.

Hey, Feng Wu, its been a while! I exclaimed, reaching him with an enthusiasm that contrasted sharply with his reserved demeanor. I didnt expect you to be my escort. How was your mission?

He opened his eyes slowly, the frostiness in his expression melting into a more familiar warmth, but it wasnt as radiant as it used to be. My mission went well, he replied, his tone clipped. "Elder Zhu's orders, as you may already know. Just got back and here I am, playing your chaperone to Crescent Bay City.

The change in Feng Wu's demeanor was subtle yet distinct, like a familiar tune played in a different key. As we began walking towards the sect's entrance, the atmosphere between us felt oddly strained, a far cry from our usual easy camaraderie.

"Haha," I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. "Sorry about that, you didn't even get the chance to rest at all."

"it's okay, I don't mind catching up. Are you ready to go?"

There was an awkward silence for a few moments as we walked out of the Verdant Lotus sect. I was unsure what to say. But before I could speak, he turned to me once more.

His gaze locked onto mine, piercing and inscrutable. "Kai," Feng Wu began slowly, his tone casual yet laced with something unreadable. "It seems a lot has happened at the sect while I was away."

I swallowed hard, my mind racing. Was he referring to the Silent Moon incident? My pulse quickened as I tried to gauge his thoughts behind those half-closed eyes. The way he studied me, it felt like he was sifting through my very soul.

"Yeah, you know, just the usual stuff," I stammered, attempting to sound nonchalant, but my voice betrayed a hint of nervousness. My palms felt clammy, and I resisted the urge to wipe them on my robes. "Training, and what not."

Feng Wu's smile lingered, but there was an edge to it now, a sharpness that wasn't there before. He took a slow, deliberate step closer, reducing the distance between us. "The usual stuff, huh?" he echoed, his voice low and teasing, yet something in his tone sent a shiver down my spine.

"So, Kai," he finally said, his voice smooth as silk yet with an underlying tone that made my stomach knot, "about you picking a fight with the Silent Moon sect?" His words hung in the air like a guillotine, ready to drop.

With Feng Wu's question hanging in the air, unanswered, a sense of dread settled in the pit of my stomach. My eyes darted back to look at him, and there was still a pleasant expression fixed on his face, but it didn't feel that way to me at all. The smile brought shivers down my spine.

As the realization set in, I could only think one thing.

I've really screwed up this time.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by (f)reew𝒆b(n)ov𝒆

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