BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 13: a scaredy-cat with water

The next morning, the first rays of the sun gently illuminated the hospital room, revealing Nemuri with a peaceful expression on her face, sleeping next to Kai. Her dark blue hair was loose and spread across the pillow, falling in cascading curls that framed her tranquil face.

Her long eyelashes rested on her cheeks, with her beautiful cherry-colored lips slightly parted, releasing a soft breath, while her white skin contrasted with her disheveled black silk pajamas, revealing the silhouette of her seductive and voluptuous body.

In Nemuri's arms was the small figure of a five-year-old boy with messy jet-black hair and a noticeable scar running across his forehead, adding a new dimension of depth to his angelic face, which was relaxed in sleep.

Amid this idyllic scene, Nemuri opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of Kai’s angelic face still asleep as he hugged her. She decided to stay lying down with him, gently stroking his hair as she waited for the boy to wake up.

After about half an hour, Kai slowly opened his eyes while rubbing them, trying to orient himself, still half asleep. But when he saw Nemuri’s face with a calm expression and softly smiling at him, he was stupefied. After all, he was seeing what was probably the greatest expression of beauty he had ever seen.

Nemuri’s face was an impressive spectacle of unparalleled perfection, with perfectly symmetrical and stylized features as if they had been sculpted by a master whose skill was beyond the human realm. Additionally, her eyes, large and bright like night stars, were of a blue so deep that they could be compared to the vast ocean.

In contrast, her nose was small and well-defined, and her skin seemed like porcelain, perfectly white and completely devoid of any blemishes, to the point where it could embarrass a baby with its softness and delicacy, while her pointed chin complemented her natural elegance.

It was precisely for this reason that Kai avoided looking at her. Nemuri's beauty was not something a human could possess; it went beyond what his memories from his past life could handle, making him feel as if she wasn’t human but something else, something that shouldn’t exist—the living representation of perfection.

Despite Kai himself being devilishly handsome, even for his age, and far surpassing what he was as Daniel in his past life, when it came to himself, the memories and sensations of this life were stronger, and he could only see himself as a slightly more handsome version of Daniel with different hair and eye colors, as if he had simply taken a photo with filters.

But with other people, it was different. In his mind, they seemed almost extraterrestrial due to their excessive beauty, which inevitably gave him an overwhelming feeling of the uncanny valley when he looked at them.

On her part, seeing Kai staring at her for so long with a stupefied expression, Nemuri laughed softly while hugging him tightly.

“What’s wrong? Is my little Kai so happy to wake up with his Onee-chan? Hehe, don’t worry, from now on, you’ll never sleep alone again. Onee-chan will always share the bed with Kai.”

In her happiness, Nemuri gave Kai a big kiss on the head and got out of bed with the little one in her arms, heading towards the bathroom.

“Well, little Kai, let’s take a nice bath to start the day. I talked to the doctor yesterday, and he said they’ll do the last checkups today, and you’ll most likely be discharged in the afternoon, so we need to be ready to go.”

“But Onee-chan, I don’t want to bathe. I want to train first, and besides, I’m big enough to bathe on my own.”

Kai tried to object, but Nemuri immediately silenced him with a strict tone.

“None of that. It’s good that you follow your father’s advice about training, but you can’t go around training half-naked in a hospital gown. So, no training until you have proper clothes. Besides, you’re still just a baby who doesn’t know how to bathe properly, so Onee-chan will bathe you, and that’s final.”


Nemuri entered the bathroom with a defeated Kai in her arms, but without paying attention to the boy's complicated expression, the stunningly beautiful woman quickly took off his hospital gown, then undressed herself and stepped into the shower.

Although, from the bottom of his heart, Kai wanted to close his eyes, curiosity proved to be greater. After all, if she was already inhumanly beautiful with clothes, how would she be without them? So, he quickly took a quick glance at Nemuri's sexy and voluptuous body.

But a naked Nemuri went beyond what Kai expected. Under the soft lights of the bathroom, Nemuri exuded an ethereal and sensual aura that seemed to emanate from her very essence. With her long, dark blue hair falling freely down her back, accentuating the curvature of her shoulders and the delicate fall of her arms.

Meanwhile, her breasts, large and round breasts remained firm and upright against gravity, giving the impression of being two ripe fruits ready to be consumed. A pair of small pink protuberances proudly stood erect at their center, provoking the primal desires of whoever gazed at them.

From Nemuri's provocative breasts, her flat and stylized abdomen continued, a testament to her training, which served as a prelude to her delicate and immaculate pussy. It was softly colored with an attractive pink tone, while a few dark blue hairs occupied the upper part, as if they were a crown destined to ornament an exquisite landscape.

But the work of art known as Nemuri still had more to boast, with long and elegant legs that were a hypnotic display of smooth and firm curves that seemed sculpted in marble. These rose from her small, delicate feet to end in a pair of large, attractive, and juicy buttocks, perfectly round and upright. This highlighted her mature beauty even more, giving her the sensation of being able to dissipate any amount of stress just by squeezing them a little.

The scene was so overwhelming that Kai could only take a quick glance before tightly closing his eyes, immediately trying to chant in his mind all the mantras, prayers, or anything that could calm him. After all, Nemuri's beauty and sensuality were no longer within the realm of humanity and seemed to fully enter the divine.

"Look at you, talking so much about training when you can't even keep your eyes open because you're sleepy. Hahaha, you can't fool Nemuri Onee-chan. I know perfectly well that my Kai-chan has always been a scaredy-cat with water, hehehe," Nemuri commented amusedly as she saw Kai with his eyes closed, making him look incredibly cute in her eyes.


Kai simply turned his back and leaned against the bathroom wall, hoping the cold wall against his chest would drive away all his inappropriate thoughts. But suddenly, a warm sensation enveloped him, while a pair of firm and elastic mounds rested on his shoulders, causing his mind to short-circuit.

"Don't be like that, Kai-chan. Don't be mad at Onee-chan. A cute boy like you can't go around without bathing. You must bathe every day, but don't worry, your Onee-chan will teach you the pleasures of a good bath, fufufu," Nemuri commented with a loving and somewhat amused voice after giving the boy a warm kiss on the head.

Nemuri's voice close to his ear caused Kai's completely blank mind to restart, allowing him to respond with a somewhat strange tone, which to the beautiful naked woman sounded like a mix of sleepiness and resignation.

"I'm not mad, Onee-chan."

"Hehehe, that's my little Kai-chan. That's why I love you so much, sweetie."

Nemuri gave Kai a big kiss on the cheek, then lifted him and turned on the shower, letting the hot water flow freely over them for a while as they kept their eyes closed and allowed the peaceful moment to linger.

"You know, Kai, I know this is a very difficult time, but we both need to be very strong to move forward and live happily, as I'm sure Jiro-san and Alisa-san would want for us."

The idyllic moment of peace under the shower's water came to an end when Nemuri suddenly spoke in a soft voice filled with all kinds of emotions, to which Kai responded with a firm and determined tone.

"Don't worry, Onee-chan. I'll make sure something like this never happens again. I'll make sure to protect you."

An enchanting smile formed on Nemuri's face, who commented in a cheerful tone full of love, leaving behind all the melancholy that had overwhelmed her just moments ago.

"Ohh, my Kai-chan is such a reliable boy. Onee-chan feels very safe now that Kai-chan will protect me. And tell me, Kai-chan, what will you do to protect Onee-chan?"

"For now, I'll train with all my might to become strong enough to ensure no one can hurt you, Onee-chan."

"Oh." Kai's serious response caused some tears that combined melancholy and happiness to slide down Nemuri's face as she continued, "My Kai is the best boy in the world. I'll make sure to support you with all my heart so you can achieve that."

Kai let Nemuri hug him while she cried softly and let out small sighs occasionally, doing his best to ignore the pair of tempting mounds on his back until, after a while, Nemuri calmed down. After a loving kiss on the cheek, she began to bathe him.

Nemuri quickly washed Kai and then herself, dressing him in clothes she had bought the previous day. The cute boy ended up wearing simple black pants and an elegant long-sleeved black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, along with a brown belt and stylish brown leather slip-on shoes.

For her part, Nemuri wore a long-sleeved black dress that hugged her body and had an elegant neckline, reaching slightly below her knees, along with a fine leather belt at her waist, which highlighted her voluptuous and curvy figure.

After checking both her appearance and Kai's, Nemuri nodded in satisfaction and then left the room to take Kai to a small consultation room, where they performed some routine tests before signing his discharge.

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