BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 28: Protect me? Me?

On a seldom-traveled road, a beautiful gray five-door truck could be seen, moving along the pavement at a constant speed that was neither too fast nor too slow, allowing the occupants to enjoy a comfortable and relaxing ride.

In the passenger seat of the truck sat Kai, lost in his thoughts as he gazed out the window, his mind wandering between training methods for his quirk and the most effective way he could unleash a power comparable to the monstrous punch All Might had demonstrated.

The problem with matching the monstrous All Might wasn't really the power of the punch itself, even if it was a 100% punch, something he doubted after all, as he could recall impressive feats done with Nen, like Uvogin's ‘Big Bang Impact’.

The real issue was the speed with which All Might had delivered that punch—no need to charge up, no time to react, nothing. He simply wanted to throw an apocalyptic punch, and he did. This only showed that if the Symbol of Peace wanted to, he could release several punches of that level in quick succession and still maintain a prolonged fight.

(Maybe the best way will be to combine advanced Armament Haki with Nen Enhancement. That way, I might not need to 'charge' the attack. Though if I had Conqueror's Haki…)

Kai's thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he suddenly felt two presences, one significantly larger than the other, approaching rapidly from the sky in what seemed to be a free fall. This led him to mentally calculate the trajectory, concluding moments later that a collision was inevitable.

With a swift movement, Kai grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and turned it sharply, taking the driver, Nemuri, completely by surprise. She turned to look at the blue-eyed boy, her eyes wide with panic.

“Kai?! What do you think you’re…?”

Nemuri couldn’t finish her sentence when suddenly a loud impact sounded just a few meters from the truck, and the abrupt movement it caused made it easy to assume that if Kai hadn't moved the truck in time, they would have undoubtedly been crushed.

“Onee-chan, accelerate!!! They're coming for us!!!”

Without giving Nemuri time to process the chaotic events, Kai pressed one of Nemuri's legs down forcefully, causing the truck to accelerate abruptly while he tried to maintain the direction with his other hand on the wheel.

But shortly after, Nemuri showed her years of experience as a hero, taking control of the wheel again while exclaiming in a serious and focused tone.

“I got it, Kai. Let me know if they attack!”

Kai quickly nodded and released Nemuri's leg and the wheel, but moments later he shouted in alarm.

“Turn left, it jumped up!!!”

Skillfully, Nemuri turned left at Kai’s warning, just before a powerful blow struck the road to the right of the truck, raising a large cloud of dust, while a grotesque and distorted voice shouted with evident rage.


As Nemuri sped down the road, leaving the unknown attacker behind, Kai quickly tried to look at the attackers, managing to see through the dust a gigantic humanoid figure holding something that looked like a human in one of its hands, the other presence.

“It’s going to throw itself to the left!!!”

Sensing the intentions of the enormous figure, Kai quickly warned, simultaneously 'intensifying' his brain and eyes with all he could, allowing Nemuri to narrowly dodge the figure that shot out at extreme speed, leaving only a simple blurred stain in sight.

Thanks to intensifying his eyes and brain, Kai managed to clearly see the attacker, who appeared to be a strange female ogre, with an exaggeratedly muscular and grotesque body that must have been at least three meters tall.

She had pale green skin, protruding fangs from her enormous mouth, and long, messy, light brown hair. She was wearing what seemed to be a dark sweatshirt set, torn in several places, leaving one of her enormous breasts completely exposed.

On the other hand, the second presence was a man who seemed to be around 40 years old, with ashen red hair. He appeared to be unconscious and on the brink of death, covered in blood with obvious fractures in several limbs, as he was held like a doll in one of the female ogre's hands.

After missing the truck, the female ogre stumbled a few meters away, crashing heavily onto the pavement and destroying a good part of the road. Then she went flying, tumbling through the air, greatly worsening the already precarious situation of the man in her hand.

At the same time, Nemuri reacted quickly, demonstrating incredible driving skills as she made the truck skid, spinning it 180 degrees before speeding off in the opposite direction from the female ogre, leaving a cloud of white smoke in her wake.

As she executed the complex maneuver, Nemuri skillfully pressed the truck's touchscreen, sending an emergency signal to the nearest hero agency and the police. Meanwhile, a guttural scream filled with rage could be heard from behind.


“Kai, don’t be afraid, the heroes are already on their way!!!”

“Damn it..!!”

As she opened the truck window in an attempt to spread her sleep-inducing aroma to subdue the ogre, Nemuri shouted, trying to calm the little Kai. But at that precise moment, the blue-eyed boy cut his seatbelt with a ghostly scalpel in his hand, then hugged her tightly and shot out of the truck, destroying the door in the process.

While in the air in Kai's arms, Nemuri could hear a brutal impact against the ground. At the same time, a powerful green light began to shine from the road, quickly followed by a loud explosion, which ended up destroying a good stretch of the road, including the part beneath the truck.

With the sound of the explosion, Nemuri quickly hugged Kai, trying to protect him from the flying debris. Only to notice soon after that, although she did feel some impacts, they were very soft—nothing like what you'd expect from debris propelled by an explosion.

Meanwhile, Kai, showcasing his great agility and superhuman reflexes, managed to maneuver his body in the air, while using [Ken] with all his strength to protect himself and Nemuri. He imagined it to be an application of Shu, which basically involves enveloping something with aura. Then he managed to land on his feet, then shot off in another direction, wanting to flee the area as quickly as possible.


The horrendous guttural voice exclaimed with delight, while powerful stomps made the ground tremble. But soon after, the imposing ogre seemed to notice Kai fleeing, and shouted maniacally as she launched herself in his direction.


Having sensed the orca's intentions in advance, Kai quickly dodged the ogre's charge, while Nemuri tore apart the blouse she was wearing, revealing a sexy black bra barely able to hold her voluptuous breasts, and immediately instructed.

“Kai, hold your breath!”

Imagining what Nemuri was trying to do, Kai quickly intensified his lungs and then took a deep breath. But to his surprise, along with the deep inhalation, his aura seemed to explode with power, greatly enhancing the intensity in his legs, allowing him to almost double his speed.

Though quite surprised by the sudden increase in speed, Nemuri quickly began emitting her sleep-inducing aroma with all her strength from all the exposed parts of her body, causing a pink mist to quickly fill the surroundings.

(It works better with men, but I hope it can at least stop her long enough for us to escape.)


Upon seeing the ogre for the first time, Nemuri couldn't help but reflect apprehensively. But at that moment, a monstrous roar resonated through the area, causing the very air to vibrate and somehow destabilizing Kai. Who, feeling a bit dizzy and losing balance, quickly used the emitter abilities of his aura in his feet, managing to shoot out of the place.

At the same time, Kai felt short of breath, very likely due to the roar, so he urgently patted Nemuri’s thigh. She immediately understood the message and stopped emitting her sleep aura, allowing the blue-eyed boy to move away from the pink mist to take another deep breath.

Curiously, although Kai could feel a slight increase in his aura, it was much less than the first time, which confused him a bit. However, due to the tense situation, he had no choice but to put it aside and focus on escaping. As, even though the ogre seemed lethargic thanks to Nemuri's quirk, she was still demonically fast and destructive.

After repeating the same process where Nemuri would stop her quirk to allow Kai to catch his breath, the blue-eyed boy finally felt far enough from the ogre to rest on the ground for a bit. He was utterly exhausted, both in physical energy and aura.

“Kai, recover your strength, we still have to flee”

Nemuri said with a grave expression as she took the little one in her arms and started running, holding her phone in her hands, which showed a screen indicating an urgent help signal had been sent.

“Give me a few moments, Onee-chan… I’ll recover soon”

 Kai said between heavy breaths, using the little aura he had left to intensify his lungs, absorbing large amounts of air. He noticed that breathing this way seemed to speed up his physical recovery, especially the recovery of his aura.

Seeing Kai's tired state, Nemuri couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat. After all, the blue-eyed boy had just survived a tragedy and was now going through another one, doing everything he could to survive. This filled her with a deep sense of injustice for the boy.

But quickly, Nemuri gritted her teeth, and with a determined expression forming on her face, she exclaimed as she hugged the boy tightly against her chest.

“Don’t worry, Kai. Your Onee-chan will protect you!!”

Hearing Nemuri's words, Kai opened his eyes, surprised, only to be consumed moments later by a maddening rage that seemed to want to burn him from the inside out.


With an agile leap, Kai broke free from Nemuri's embrace, greatly surprising her. But his next words left her completely shocked.

“Keep running, Onee-chan. It’s my job to protect you.”

“KAI, NOOOOO!!!!!”

Without giving Nemuri a second to react, Kai shot off in the direction of the approaching ogre, quickly leaving behind the woman who watched him with a look of desperation on her face as she tried to catch up to him, though unsuccessfully.

On the way, Kai began rapidly trying various ways of breathing while intensifying his lungs, quickly determining a style that consistently allowed those explosive aura increases.

With sharp eyes and a heart burning with rage and murderous intent, Kai quickly circled the ogre's position, simultaneously gathering almost all the aura in his body into his right hand, along with his Armament Haki, causing his fist to glow with a powerful blue light.

When he felt ready, Kai took a deep breath, then jumped with all his strength onto the ogre's back, causing the light in his fist to intensify greatly. But, perhaps thanks to her beastly instincts, the ogre noticed him.

With a sudden movement, the ogre used the man in her hand as a kind of club, wanting to smash the elusive rat that was ruining her fun. Besides, if she did not kill him, it would most likely damage the story the media would tell about her, which would undoubtedly affect her future fame—something she could never forgive that little shit for.

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