BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 52: Battle Mode

"As you already know, this is the Accomplice you are all familiar with and have lived with for the past few months, but now they will function as follows."

Kai explained as though he were giving a lecture, fully capturing the attention of everyone present. After all, everyone had greatly enjoyed what the Accomplices could offer, especially in their line of work. Not only had Nemuri experienced an incredible streak of case resolutions, but the Pussycats had also seen a significant increase in this area, as they enjoyed the same benefits she did.

For his part, Sage dramatically changed the hologram the moment Kai finished speaking, mimicking the way certain digital monsters evolve in an anime she had randomly found online. With impressive special effects, and a digital cocoon enveloped the small cat.

The Digivolution of the Accomplice was so cool that Kai could almost hear electric guitar riffs and felt the urge to start singing, but he quickly held back. After a moment, the hologram transitioned to show an imposing panther the size of a tiger, now with a title that read "Accomplice Battle Mode."

"Once your Accomplices are updated, they can take on this form, which I’ve simply named [Battle Mode]. In this mode, they have super strength, enhanced speed, and reflexes, and they can double in size if necessary. However, keep in mind that this doesn’t increase their strength and only gives a slight boost to their speed, allowing you to use them as mounts or for similar purposes.

That said, remember that Accomplices feed on your energy, and this 'Battle Mode' significantly increases their consumption. So, you can't overdo it, or you'll be out of combat from exhaustion. Also, the updates will take 7 hours each, so it's best to follow the schedule we used to create them."

As everyone present examined the hologram of the Accomplice with surprise, Kai explained seriously, causing everyone to summon their own Accomplices while looking at him with bright eyes. These were cats with the same eye and fur color as their hosts, leading Kai to comment playfully.

"I already told you we’d use the same schedule we used to create them, so I’ll update Onee-chan’s first, and then Shino, Chatora, Ryuko, and Tomoko will follow."

"That’s not fair! I’m last; let's redo the order! Nemuri, you should join in too." Tomoko quickly replied with a pout on her face as she looked at the others. After a moment of consideration, they nodded and took their positions, ready to start their important contest.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

After several rounds of rock-paper-scissors, the new order was decided: Ryuko, Nemuri, Tomoko, Chatora, and Shino, leaving different expressions on the competitors’ faces—a thrilled Ryuko and a reluctant Shino trying to hide her reluctance.

"Then it’s settled; I’ll go first, hehe." Ryuko commented excitedly as she handed her Accomplice, a beautiful cat with golden fur and blue eyes, to Kai.

"Well, even though you’re going first, I can only perform the update at home since I need some special things to do it, so it’ll have to be another day," Kai replied, somewhat amused as he received the golden cat.

"Huh? Then what are we doing here? Let’s go!" Tomoko exclaimed happily, even before anyone else could react, causing everyone to smile cheerfully as they approached Kai, who could only ask, somewhat surprised.

"Weren’t we planning to spend the holidays here?"

"Fufufu, that was before. You can’t expect us to sit still after finding out that the Accomplices can be updated." Shino responded with a playful smile.

"Shino’s right. If you had told me this from the beginning, I would’ve called the girls to go to the house instead of us coming here, hehe." Nemuri added with a small smile, feeling truly happy to enjoy this moment she thought she might lose forever.

"Hurry up, Kai! I’m dying to see my Komugi super big!" Ryuko added excitedly as she hooked one of Kai's arms.

"I told you it wasn’t a good idea to name them..." Kai commented while shaking his head, then quickly added, "But alright, let’s go. Although, aren’t you taking anything with you?"

"You’re right! We forgot in all the excitement. Let’s grab our things quickly!" Chatora exclaimed, both excited and surprised at the oversight, before running toward the base, quickly followed by the others.

"Fufufu, they’re really excited."

Seeing everyone run toward the base, Nemuri commented with a beautiful smile on her face as she hooked one of Kai’s arms, just as Ryuko had done moments earlier, which made the blue-eyed boy smile as well. He then added while looking into the distance.

"Certainly, although I really feel like I was about to lose all of this."

"I feel the same way."

In the midst of a pleasant silence, Nemuri and Kai waited in the garden, while Sage settled back on Kai’s shoulder and Salem finally poked his head out from Kai’s clothes. He looked around nervously, but, noticing that no one else was there, he meowed softly as if letting out a sigh of relief.

After a while, the Pussycats returned, running with several suitcases in hand, and surrounded Kai with smiles on their faces. This prompted the blue-eyed boy to conjure the Accompany card in his hands once again, before happily saying.

"Alright, let’s go!, [Accompany] on, [Home]!"

After returning home, Kai was obliged to enter the room where the [Aura Script] pattern was on the floor due to Ryuko’s insistence. Her eyes were shining, practically radiating excitement. After boosting his aura, he proceeded to place a drop of his blood and all of his aura into the pattern, causing the Accomplice to be enveloped by a sphere of light, which soon transformed into an egg.

"Is it ready?!" Ryuko asked excitedly when she saw Kai return to the living carrying the egg, immediately drawing everyone’s attention as they started eyeing Kai almost predatorily.

"Yes, now we just have to wait 7 hours for it to hatch, and it’ll be ready. Although I’m pretty tired, so I’ll be resting a bit." Kai responded, his voice clearly sounding drained, which caused everyone’s excitement to diminish noticeably as Nemuri approached him with a hint of concern.

"Are you okay, Kai? If this is too much for you, take a break from updating the Accomplices; we can do it later."

"I’m fine, just a little tired. I’ll recover in a while, and by the time this one is ready, I can continue with yours, Onee-chan." Kai replied casually as he collapsed onto one of the sofas, while Shino and Ryuko approached, equally concerned.

"I’m sorry, Kai, I got too excited." Ryuko apologized, feeling a bit guilty for her earlier insistence, but Kai quickly waved his free hand to signal that it was no big deal.

"Don’t worry, I’m just tired. Besides, it’s better to update the Accomplices sooner rather than later."

"Do you want us to bring you something?" Shino asked in a soft and warm voice, something Kai didn’t hesitate to take advantage of, and he quickly responded with a smile.

"Some lemonade and fries would be great."

"Sure, give me a moment; I’ll go prepare it," Shino replied happily, quickly followed by Nemuri, who added.

"Let me help you."

"Of course."

As Nemuri and Shino went into the kitchen, Tomoko and Chatora approached Kai, where Chatora commented in a serious tone.

"If it’s really a burden for you, it’s better to do it at a slower pace. There’s no need to overexert yourself. We were just a bit excited, but we didn’t want to overwork you."

"You don’t have to worry, Chatora. I’m really fine, just a little tired. I’ll recover soon." Kai responded with a smile while using his optimized breathing technique to regain his aura, to which Tomoko asked while placing her hands on his shoulders from behind.

"Would you like a massage, Kai?"

"Well, since you’re offering, it would be rude not to accept, hehe." Kai replied playfully, bringing a cheerful smile to Tomoko’s face. She quickly began to massage Kai’s shoulders with impressive technique, while commenting.

"Fufu, you’re going to be surprised. I’ve been studying how to give good massages, so just relax and enjoy."

"Then that's what I'll do." Kai commented, amused and pleased with the luxurious treatment. At that moment, Ryuko took his feet and quickly removed his shoes, smiling as she said.

"Then I’ll give you a foot massage. I’m pretty good at it."

"Well, then I’ll be in your care." Kai replied with a smile as he looked at Ryuko, who quickly raised her arm while touching her bicep with her other hand, cheerfully saying.

"Leave it to me!"

"Then I’ll make you one of my famous cakes as a thank you." Chatora commented with a smile, to which Kai quickly responded with gratitude.

"Thanks, Chatora; I’ve really been craving one for a while."

"Haha, leave it to me."

As Chatora headed to the kitchen, Kai fully relaxed on the sofa, feeling quite satisfied as he was treated like a king. He spent the rest of the day laughing and chatting happily until, seven hours later, in the middle of the night, the egg began to glow and floated into the air. It then cracked open to reveal the Accomplice, who quickly ran towards Ryuko.

"Is it ready? It doesn’t look very different..." Ryuko remarked as she examined her Accomplice, holding it in her hands, prompting Kai to casually suggest.

"Give it the command to enter battle mode."

Filled with curiosity, Ryuko mentally ordered the Accomplice to enter battle mode. The golden cat quickly jumped from her arms to the ground, where it grew to a size comparable to a tiger, giving it a fierce and powerful appearance. Its golden fur made it look like a mighty panther made of gold.

"Komugi!!" Seeing her Accomplice transform, Ryuko exclaimed in delight, then jumped onto it, hugging it tightly while profusely thanking Kai.

"Thank you, Kai! You’re really the best. I love you—let’s get married when you turn 18, haha!"

"Haha, let’s go to the garden so you can test out your Accomplice," Kai responded, completely ignoring Ryuko’s ‘proposal,’ which made everyone present light up with excitement, especially the beautiful golden-haired woman, who was the first to run out with Komugi in tow.

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