BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 63: Make the most of those 15 days

Upon leaving the café, Shino and Ryuko clung to Kai's arms as they walked toward a less crowded alley, displaying various expressions on their faces ranging from concern to slight annoyance.

"What was that all about earlier, Kai?" Shino asked in a slightly annoyed tone, to which Kai could only chuckle mischievously.


"Don't play dumb, start talking. Why do you suddenly want a duel with All Might?" Tightening her grip on Kai's arm, Shino questioned more sternly, to which the blue-eyed young man casually replied.

"Well, actually, I've been thinking for a while about how to test my current strength, and this opportunity fell into my lap, so I couldn't waste it. You see, even though I know I'm very strong, I don't know how strong exactly, and that's kind of dangerous, you know?"

"Seriously, sometimes I don't understand your train of thought, Kai," Shino commented after letting out an exasperated sigh, to which Ryuko quickly added while nodding her head.

"Yeah, Kai, sometimes you come up with some really crazy ideas."

"Hehehe, well, strength is vital for survival. Besides, didn't you notice? The fact that All Might is in such a critical state can only mean one thing: there are beings equal to or even stronger than All Might. That's why things are serious, and there's only one Symbol of Peace; the second place doesn't even come close to him.

"Moreover, did All Might really win that fight at the cost of his injuries? Or did he lose and barely manage to escape by the skin of his teeth? If it's the first one, that's fine, but if it's the second one, we practically have the sword of Damocles hanging over us. And even if it was really the first one, this event only shows that the Symbol of Peace is not invincible.

"That's why I need to improve as soon as possible, and the first step is to experience firsthand the true power of All Might, to get an idea of what I'm lacking. Also, that way, I could more clearly estimate the threat that could come knocking at our door."

With a slightly more serious tone, Kai explained as he stopped in a place without cameras or onlookers, which visibly darkened Shino and Ryuko's expressions. After all, they had thought about it too, although they tried not to dwell on the idea too much, since it was too terrifying that there could be a villain stronger than All Might who could attack at any moment.

"Did you also want to heal him to have an extra layer of defense against that possible villain?" After a moment, Ryuko asked as she clung to Kai's arm, almost as if seeking security.

"Well, that too."

Seeing Kai's smile, Shino couldn't help but squeeze his arm tighter, while asking with a sharp look and an accusatory tone.

"You didn't even think about that, did you?"

"Hehehe, well, heroes always arrive late; it's better to rely on oneself," Kai commented with an amused smile as the Accompany card appeared in his hand, to which Ryuko remarked somewhat dissatisfied.

"I've always wondered where you got that saying from. We heroes continuously patrol our areas and prevent many crimes and tragedies before they happen, you know?"

"Blame my mother; she always said, 'Heroes always arrive late, so it's better not to expose oneself unnecessarily'" Kai commented while remembering his mother, adding to himself.

(That was an iconic phrase from my mother, although in my past life she replaced 'heroes' with 'police'; the essence is the same...)

"So it was Alisa-san. That makes sense then; she always told others somewhat harsh truths," Shino commented after letting out a small sigh, to which Kai could only look away with a slight grin.

"Hehe, sorry."

"It's okay; we're human too, and we can't always arrive on time, so Alisa-san's advice isn't wrong. It's better to avoid putting oneself in danger deliberately," Ryuko said while watching Kai lift the Accompany card.

"By the way, Kai, how much of what you said at the meeting was true?" Before Kai activated the card, Shino asked while looking at his profile, to which the blue-eyed boy casually replied.

"Most of it, although I exaggerated the percentages a bit. Actually, it would be difficult for him to die at my hands, and the chances that I can't heal him are around 10%, but it was better to give myself some leeway."

"I see..."

As Shino muttered softly, Kai activated Accompany and then flew off to the Pussycats' base, where he left Ryuko and Shino. He then went to find the others so they could all have a small family chat about what had happened.

In the end, Kai had to endure scolding from Nemuri, Keiko, and Yumiko, who didn't agree at all with his idea of the duel. Meanwhile, Tomoko, Momo, and Nejire looked at him like an idol, while he simply remained silent, having a conversation with Sage through their mental connection.

[Sage, we need to prepare the plan very well and make the most of those 15 days I got to acquire all possible information about All Might's quirk.]

[Understood, Master. I've already prepared all the servers for that purpose, and I've also expanded the order for new clusters with the new chips; they should arrive in a few days] At her master's question, Sage answered while sitting on his shoulder.

[Perfect. We'll need as much computational power as possible to maximize the information we gather] Kai replied, pleased, which inevitably led Sage to ask somewhat confused.

[But Master, is it really necessary to risk revealing your powers to the government just to obtain information about his quirk? Not to mention the duel you requested.]

[Well, although it's certainly a risk, the truth is that the gains far outweigh it. Even though I don't remember the details of his quirk very well, I do recall two very important aspects: first, it can be passed on to others at will, and second, it becomes stronger over time by accumulating energy.

If we manage to replicate those two characteristics with Aura, not only could I massively increase my raw power, but I could also give Aura to the girls. So it's extremely important to do, and it's worth the risk on its own.

As for the duel, the reality is that it's really important to measure myself against All Might. Also, if they were able to find out that I healed Shino's cousin, others might be able to as well. So it's important to set a precedent that it's not a good idea to mess with me, and facing All Might head-on is a good way to do it.]

In response to her master's words, Sage nodded in understanding, then added through their mental connection in a thoughtful tone.

[I understand, Master. I'll make sure to structure the corresponding research projects, and I'll also start fine-tuning your abilities for the confrontation with All Might.]

[I trust you then] Kai replied with a satisfied smile on his face, which sent the wrong message to the women around him.

"What are you laughing at, Kai?! Do you think it's funny to face All Might?!" Nemuri exclaimed angrily in front of him, to which Keiko added with her hands on her hips.

"This isn't a game, Kai. You could really get hurt in that 'duel'."

"Yes, Kai-chan, I understand that it's important to heal All Might, but you can't face him; it's very dangerous," Yumiko scolded with a worried expression while crossing her arms under her voluptuous chest. Kai commented in a calm tone.

"Relax, All Might is the Symbol of Peace, so I won't die. It's a great opportunity to test my limits; I've never been able to use all my strength before, and not knowing my limits can be dangerous. Besides, it's important for my goals."

Upon hearing Kai's words, a complicated expression appeared on everyone's faces, leaving them in a silence that was broken when Keiko sat next to the blue-eyed young man, commenting in a worried voice.

"That may be true, but we can't help worrying. All Might is an unbeatable force, and an accident could happen in a confrontation."

"Yes, Kai, I can't help feeling that this is an unnecessary risk you're taking," Nemuri added, equally concerned, while sitting on the other side of Kai, who responded with a slight smile.

"As I told Shino and Ryuko earlier, the fact that All Might is in such a critical state is a very important warning sign that we can't ignore, so it's important to prepare ourselves."


Kai's words couldn't help but deepen the worried expressions on their faces. But at that moment, Nejire energetically jumped up and cheerfully asked.

"But it's really impressive that you can heal All Might, Kai. When are you going to heal him?"

"We agreed to start next month since we have to prepare the facilities and ensure confidentiality." Kai replied casually as the jealous Salem jumped up and settled on his head. Momo then added with evident pride on her face.

"Hehehe, you're going to be the hero of the number one hero, Kai! You're the best!"

"More like his doctor, but whatever makes you happier," Kai commented amusedly while looking at Momo's cheerful expression. He then turned to Nejire and asked.

"By the way, did you finally decide to enter UA this year, Nejire?"

"Fufufu, actually, the recommended students' exam is next week!" Nejire replied cheerfully, which immediately caught Momo's attention. She asked with sparkling eyes.

"Really, Nejire Onee-chan? You're entering UA?"

"Yes, I'll be a great heroine! Fufufu."

"Then I suppose I'll prepare a couple of gifts for when you get in," Kai commented with a smile, which made Nejire's eyes light up brightly. She quickly asked excitedly.

"Really? Really? What are you going to give me?! A Sentinel?!"

"Hehehe, it'll be a surprise." Kai replied with a mischievous smile on his face, which made Nejire pout in annoyance as she exclaimed.

"You're stingy!"

"Yes, Kai, you're stingy, and I also want something when I get into UA." Momo quickly joined Nejire's protest, demanding, with a smile on her face. Kai commented with a grin.

"Yes, there will be something for you too."


Evidently happy, Momo smiled excitedly, then pulled Nejire aside to ask her everything she could think of about entering UA. Meanwhile, the adults gathered around Kai to talk about all the details of the mission to heal All Might and the subsequent duel.

After the excitement settled down, they all ordered a sumptuous meal, during which everyone ate happily while chatting about random topics. Afterwards, they watched a movie together in the small theater that had been set up at the Pussycats' base, spending a pleasant and peaceful time together as a family.

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