BNHA: Spiritual Aura

Chapter 65: The fight is about to start

Several months later, an elegant yacht with sleek lines and a gleaming white hull could be seen in the middle of the sea. It featured a beautiful main deck made of wood with steel accents, highlighted by an infinity pool with glass edges, giving the sensation that the water merged with the sea. The pool was surrounded by elegant loungers with white cushions, inviting relaxation under the sun.

Around the stunning infinity pool were five beautiful women sunbathing on the loungers. They wore elegant and sexy bikinis of different colors, which greatly accentuated their lush and voluptuous figures.

Meanwhile, inside the pool were two lovely teenagers, accompanied by a beautiful woman with turquoise-green skin. They swam cheerfully, engaging in casual conversations with smiles on their faces and playing with a small cat that meowed pleadingly for help.

Away from the captivating pool scene and inside the yacht's impressive bar stood Kai. Dressed only in waterproof shorts, he was preparing various drinks with the help of Chatora, who wore similar shorts and a white sweater.

After some time, Kai and Chatora finished all the drinks and placed them on two trays to take to the pool. As they did so, Kai commented while looking at the only ally he had had in these difficult times.

"Thanks for the help, Chatora."

"Don't worry about it" Chatora replied with a smile while picking up one of the trays. Kai then remarked with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Seriously, thanks. Those darn women are going to be the end of me one of these days. They only know how to take advantage of me with the excuse of 'the great emotional stress' caused by my duel with All Might, and they've turned me into their slave."

"Hahaha, well, that's their way of punishing you for doing something so reckless." Chatora said cheerfully as he accompanied Kai out of the bar. The blue-eyed boy responded with a mischievous expression.

"Heh, you'll see. Revenge is a dish best served cold; they'll beg for forgiveness when this is over."


At Kai's comment, Chatora could only smile amused as they headed to the main deck to deliver the drinks to the girls. All the while, Kai secretly delighted in plotting his 'terrible and vicious' revenge against his 'cruel tormentors.'

"Oh no! All this worry about my Kai facing the Symbol of Peace has left my shoulders so stiff that I might not be able to get up from this chair. Who will help me in this terrible situation?"

With a mischievous expression on her face, Nemuri exclaimed in an overly dramatic performance, sending mocking glances at Kai. He could only respond with a venomous look before obediently approaching to give her a massage.

Once he finished, Kai stretched audibly, ignoring the laughter-filled kiss Nemuri blew him as thanks. Just then, he heard a cheerful, sing-song voice laughing elegantly while pretending to be in pain, which was none other than Yumiko.

"Oh no, all this stress has left my legs so sore. Could Kai-chan perhaps be moved to help me?"

With a less-than-pleased expression, Kai spent the rest of the trip fulfilling the girls' 'irrational' demands until they reached an island. At that point, everyone changed into summer clothes, while Kai donned a black sports outfit before disembarking with the whole group.

Because Kai wanted a duel against All Might—who was practically a walking calamity—it was decided that the duel would take place on an uninhabited island to avoid any concerns about the surroundings. This location was where the guests could safely watch through the countless screens located in a control room.

(All Might sure has resources. But if I had to guess, I'd say this was arranged by Principal Nezu over there.)

"Hello, everyone! We've been expecting you!"

With his iconic, powerful voice, now evidently full of vitality and energy, All Might greeted them, accompanied by his close associates—the same ones they had seen quite frequently several months ago. But now there was someone extra: Principal Nezu of the prestigious U.A. High School, where Nejire was now a student.

"Hello everyone, although I didn't expect to see you here, Director Nezu." Kai greeted cordially before looking at the curious rat/bear, who raised his paw cheerfully while greeting with his peculiar voice.

"Hey, it's the little animal loved by all—the Director Nezu! Long time no see, Saito-kun."

"Indeed, it's been a while." Kai responded casually. However, inside, he was incredibly excited to be able to use all his strength for the first time. He quickly turned to look at All Might and commented with a smile.

"What do you say we get started right away, All Might? It's the first time I'll be able to test all my power, and I suppose you must feel something similar, since I've noticed you haven't increased your hero activities much."

"So you noticed, Kai-shonen. On the recommendation of my associates, I decided to increase them little by little due to certain circumstances. But you're right; I also want to test my strength now that I've recovered." All Might responded with his characteristic smile, to which Kai quickly replied excitedly.

"Then let's go! Where is the duel location?"

"About 50 kilometers to the west. Do you think you can keep up with me?"

All Might commented in a challenging tone, wanting to test Kai's speed a bit. He had already experienced one of Kai's 'casual' punches after he healed him completely and realized he truly had the ability to fight him.


Upon hearing All Might's little challenge, Kai laughed with disdain in his eyes. At the same time, electric sparks began to crackle around his body, lifting his hair, and then he shot into the air before anyone—except the Symbol of Peace—could perceive what was happening.

Seeing Kai disappear from the spot, leaving only a powerful sonic boom behind, All Might could only smile wryly. He then turned to look at the others and bid them farewell with his powerful voice while raising a hand in a goodbye gesture.

"Well, it seems Kai-shonen is really excited, so we'll see each other later."

After saying goodbye, All Might crouched slightly and then shot into the sky, leaving a powerful sonic boom in his wake, possibly even more potent than Kai's. This left the others looking at each other with ironic smiles on their faces.

"His speed is truly incredible..." After a moment, Nighteye couldn't help but comment, genuinely curious to know the details of the boy's quirk, which he guarded very carefully.

"Indeed, that boy is a monster," Gran Torino added, equally surprised. He then turned to look at Nemuri and Shino, who were closest, and bowed his head in apology.

"I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's okay; you're right after all..." Nemuri commented with an ironic smile on her face as she looked in the direction where Kai had disappeared.

"Well, why don't we head to the observation room?" Nezu suggested cheerfully, feeling a bit surprised inside by the boy's terrifying potential. Everyone nodded and followed him as he led the way.

Before long, the group arrived at an imposing, almost futuristic-style building constructed in the middle of the deserted island. It had a facade of glass and polished steel that blended harmoniously with the natural surroundings, reflecting the golden rays of the sun.

Upon entering the building, the first thing that caught the visitors' attention was an immense hyper-realistic hologram located in the center of the room, which showed a real-time 3D image of a platform where Kai and All Might stood.

Around the enormous hologram were elegant and comfortable leather seats equipped with electronic tablets that emitted small holograms with different perspectives of the platform.

"They really went all out with this room; it's truly impressive," Ryuko commented, somewhat surprised as she looked around. Director Nezu responded with an 'arrogant' attitude, although with his appearance, he could only come across as adorable.

"Well, you don't see someone capable of giving All Might a fight every day, so I couldn't afford to overlook any details."

"Although we are fully aware of Kai's capabilities and understand what you're saying, why are you so sure that Kai is telling the truth, to the point that you even built something like this?" While sitting in her chair, Yumiko asked somewhat curiously, to which Nighteye casually replied.

"Well, we didn't believe him, but we believe in All Might, and he told us that the boy could back up his words."

"I see." Yumiko nodded in understanding. At that moment, Tomoko commented excitedly while looking at the hologram in the center.

"The fight is about to start!"

"Oh, that's right! Come on, we can't miss Kai's fight!"

Realizing that Tomoko was right, Nejire exclaimed full of excitement and then dragged Momo with her to a couple of seats, which gave Salem the opportunity to escape from her arms. He then ran and hid behind Keiko, looking evidently frightened.

Meanwhile, the others quickly settled into their seats to stare intently at the hologram, where they could see All Might and Kai stretching as if they were actually there. They locked eyes for a moment before launching toward each other at blinding speeds. Thanks to the impressive technology of the room, the image slowed down enough for them to see in great detail what was happening.

As imposing electric bolts surrounded Kai's body, his right fist collided head-on with All Might's, generating a powerful shockwave that culminated in a potent gust of wind that swept the area, leaving a significant crater on the reinforced platform.

The first impact was followed by a flurry of high-speed blows, giving the impression that the pair of opponents had multiple arms. This exchange ended after a powerful strike that sent them a few meters backward, at which point Kai commented cheerfully.

"What do you think, All Might? Did I pass the test?"

"You're really strong, Kai-shonen," All Might remarked with a smile full of meaning as he stared intently at Kai. Kai laughed joyfully and then replied with a challenging smile on his face.

"Hehe, then let's get serious."

When Kai's words ceased, the spectators could see how the lightning surrounding him changed from its former pale blue color to an ominous dark violet, increasing in power and quantity. Simultaneously, his blue eyes lit up with an electric glow similar to his lightning, and a jet-black Jian sword appeared in his hand, adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to combine electronic circuits with tribal runes.

Moments after the incredible light display, Kai vanished for an instant, then reappeared beside All Might, delivering a diagonal slash starting from Kai's left hip upwards, causing a slight expression of surprise on the Symbol of Peace.

With great calm and composure, All Might dodged the attack by jumping to his left. At the same time, a diagonal line of black light shot out from Kai's sword, leaving a deep cut in the ground as it passed and even managing to split the clouds in the sky—creating a scene that widened the eyes of all the spectators.

Immediately after the slash, Kai sent various cuts in All Might's direction at great speed, initiating a striking exchange of shockwaves and flying slashes that shot out in all directions, ravaging the island.

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