Boiling Gems (The Owl House x Steven Universe)

Chapter 119: Chapter 109: What We do for Love


The crazy things we do for it

"Five minutes…that's all I wanted." Pearl heard St-Lucifer complain as he held out a corrupted gemstone. "I can't even sit on the beach for five minutes. It completely destroyed today's haul too." He bubbled it. "Away you-"

"Wait!" Pearl shouted.

"Oh don't tell me you have a problem with me bubbling gems." He complained.

"No, not at all." Especially when they made Rose's bubbles. "I'm asking you to hand it over to me. We have a better place to put them." Given that they grew up on the boiling isles, wherever the gemstone would end up, it wouldn't be anywhere on earth.

"Speaking of, where did we put all the crystal devil's we fought?" Augustus asked.

"After I gave them to mom, she usually gave them to Hooty, who kept them safe in his stomach." 

"Didn't Hooty's stomach get destroyed with your house?" Willow asked.

"Yes…yes it did….so they're mostly likely free or in the hands of the collector…just another item to the list of fuck ups." Luz laughed brokenly.

Pearl ignored the disaster, taking the bubble and walking inside of the temple. "I'll put them up myself."

"Hold up, we should come along too. We have a history of fighting crystal devils." The Hunter boy, who looked strangely like Caleb when she thought about it, brought up. "If there's a space to keep them contained, we should know."

"I would like for you to refrain from using 'crystal devil'. The term is so…derogatory." Pearl moaned.

"I don't mind when you use it on me. Sounds rad." Amethyst proceeded to grow horns. "Behold, I am the ruler of the purple underworld! Fear the color of royalty and mud!"

"You know, maybe I should just revert back to saying devil. I feel like it's more appropriate." The Caleb look-a-like nodded.

"Do it and I'm calling you Golden Tool again." Well…at least Lucifer wasn't infatuated with the look-a-like as Rose was.

She raised her hand, opening the door to the temple as she walked into the room. "This is where we keep corrupted gems." Pearl gestured to the hundreds of bubbles floating around. "Please, refrain from threats while you're inside, a single pop could start a chain reaction if one of them ran wild in here."

"...Okay, this is by far the scariest place in the Human realm bar none." Amity observed.

"Nah, the Kindergarten is still a nightmare zone." Willow spoke bluntly. "No offense Amethyst."

"It's cool, I know it's a disaster." The purple gem took it in stride.

"What …" She turned to Luz, looking at them all. "What happened?"

Pearl gazed at them, then at the corrupted gem in her hands. "You said it wasn't enough, right Lucifer?" She asked. "This is what happened when we tried to win a war against Homeworld." She brought him closer. "When Rose had finally won, when she had tricked Homeworld into believing Pink Diamond was shattered, the other diamonds, Yellow, Blue, and White, retaliated with their own direct assault on the planet." She let the bubble float in the air. "A beam of light that destroyed the minds of every gem on the planet, to the point where no force that existed, in here or the Boiling Isles, could cure them … she even tried Titan's Blood once."

"She did!?" Luz beamed. "Is..Is there any…"

"No…not as far as I'm aware…" Even if she knew the location, she'd be hesitant to tell them. "We don't know how to help them…so this is all we can do. There's no cure after all." Pearl said. "They may be our friends, but right now they're nothing more than rampaging monsters running off of broken instincts."

"Oh…so…so it is pointless…" Luz's expression grew dark. "Centi was shattered…because I thought I could help her eventually…I doomed her from the start…"

"Luz, don't-" Amity tried to comfort the human.

"I need to walk." She moved away from the girl's hands and walked out of the temple.

"... What's a Centi?" Amethyst asked.

"Her friend…the first friend she made in the human world…" Lucifer explained. "A centipeetle crystal devil she managed to tame…who died saving her."

"She tamed one of those rampaging beasts!?" Pearl shouted.

"Oh that is so cool!" Amethyst exclaimed. "Let's tame one of these guys and have them go on adventures!"

"This isn't a joke! Centi's death really hurt Luz!" Amity yelled. "The girl is hurting like you wouldn't believe and your first thought is to treat it like a game!? What's wrong with you people!?"

"More just … shock. They're so mentally damaged … we've tried for centuries but … why-" Everything in Pearl's mind was being thrown for a loop.

"Ah … my bad …" Amethyst looked away guiltily. "Just…even Rose couldn't do that. If Luz did it…then she's done something no human or gem has ever done before."

"So what you're saying is Luz is better than my Womb donor." Lucifer concluded for himself. "I already knew that, so thanks for the confirmation." He began walking out. "I'm gonna go find her-"

"Lucci!" Spinel jumped onto the boy from the other side of the door. "You weren't there when I woke up, so I spent the whole day looking for you! What are we gonna play?"


"Oh, so you want to play the laughter game! Gotcha! First one to make her smile wins!" 

"Wait, I-" The boy was dragged out before he could get another word in.

"..I take it that taking care of Luz is going to be our job today?" Augustus asked.

"You loser's job, maybe, but I have my own to go to today." Boscha rolled her eyes. "I am getting that raise." Pearl really needed to fix Ste-Lucifer's friend group sooner or later.


Jenny stretched as she entered the door with Willow. "Seriously, you had five times my deliveries, how do you get done before me?"

"I've been on an exercise kick for a while." Willow smirked. "Back home I had my own personal obstacle course I trained with everyday. And each day I'd learn how to jump a little higher, run a little faster, or lift a little heavier."

Kiki looked her over from the counter. "Huh, I've mainly just been focusing on the running, not so much everything else. Maybe I can add a full body workout every once in a while."

"And when you do, you'll get muscles like these." The girl flexed her arm and Jenny could actually see some bulk under the shirt.

"Whoa, your bicep game is strong girl." Jenny whistles.

"Pfft, bulk isn't everything." Boscha scoffed as she tossed a pizza in the air without even looking. "I keep my muscles lean and compact. Precision of brains over just pure and unbound brawn."

"And if you ever choose to actually use those brains every once in a while, the sun will explode." Willow countered back.

"That'll happen on the day you become competent in sports."

"Didn't you lose your entire team by the end of the season?"

"Didn't you get your butt whooped by Terra?"

"Whoa, easy girls, cool the fire." Jenny got in the way before punches could be thrown. "You two have a school rivalry or something?"

"Rivalry implies I see her as an equal." Boscha responded as she placed some pepperoni on the pizza. "I've been kicking her butt ever sense ma-ever since kindergarten."

"You mean you were born an unrelenting cliched mean girl, yes, yes you were." Willow huffed, turning her head around. "She's just super bitter because now I can kick her butt."

"You? Please, you beat me like, one time, over the hundreds of wins I have over you."

"Have you ever had a contest?" Jenny asked. "Like, some way to actually prove who's better."

"Jenny, do not give them eighties sitcom suggestions." Kiki sighed.

"That actually doesn't sound like a halfway bad idea." Boscha nodded.

"Agreed…though given our…circumstances, we aren't exactly…at our peak at the moment." Willow said. 

"True, and if I'm going to kick you butt, I want it to be irrefutable." Boscha answered.

"If you want a contest, make it about your jobs!" Dad shouted from the back. "Employee of the month is the fourth most superior position in this store!"

"Fourth?" Willow asked.

"That's just how he labels it. There's Employee of the month, Employee of the year, Owner, and Nana." Jenny clarified. "As you've probably noticed, only one person has the last one."

"Yeah, not shooting for that anytime soon." Boscha agreed. "But Employee of the month does sound like a nice victory …"

"Nu uh, I'm getting that first!" Willow shouted. "Kiki, another round of orders! I got a record to break!"

"Can't exactly hand out orders when no one's ordering." Her sister deadpanned. 

"Sundays aren't known as pizza day, we're more of a Friday and Saturday group." Jenny added. "Days like today, most kids are getting ready to go back to school tomorrow…then of course there's those that like to get only the last part in. Sour Cream's throwing a rave later tonight to launch his dj career."

"Oh, you think it'll kick off?" Kiki asked. "This town already had its one moment of tourist attraction for music, and even then it wasn't that big…though I have to say I never pegged Steven for the musical type. Figured he didn't want to be like his dad at all."

"He's all over the spectrum lately. He apparently carried us out of some gas leak at deadman's mouth." Jenny still had fuzzy memories from that day. "It feels less like he's a different person and more like there's more than one-" She heard the bell ring from the front of the shop. "Guess we got a customer. Welcome to Fish Stew Piz-" She paused, getting a look at the guy that came in. "..Oh, it's you."

"The Kevin is here for fuel." Spoke the only boy in town that made her wish Lars or Mr Universe walked through the door.

"The Kevin should learn to not speak in the third person to stop sounding so pretentious and stuck up." Jenny replied.

"Then maybe you should actually step up and get on my level." The jackass moved past her and to the counter. "One Pizza with mushrooms and salami."

"Didn't we kick you out of here already?" Her sister glared.

"I figured it was merely a friendly suggestion. Besides, what place isn't better once Kevin comes in?" The creep smirked

"If he's kicked out, should we do something?" Willow asked, causing the creep's attention to turn to her.

Kevin blinked, before turning back to Kiki. "... Why do you guys have a fatty on deliveries?"

The anger the girl emanated almost looked visible, like a green glow forming into her eyes. "You …."

"Hey, blowhard, why don't you read the room and scram, or do you need us to light your ass on fire to get a clue?" Boscha spoke up, twirling a knife in her hands.

Like before, Kevin's eye's were turned to Boscha, only this time the creep creepiness seemed to increase tenfold. "Well, what do we have here? A girl with all the right assets, well, aside from the skin, but I'm not that picky."

Boscha froze, gripping the knife. "What…did you just say to me?"

"I said you're almost pretty enough to be on Kevin's level, and he's giving you a shot. There's a party tonight if you're interested." The creep's glare created an aura that was physically uncomfortable to witness. 

"As if I'd go out with some pathetic nobody like you." The new girl fired back.

"Aw baby, don't be like that, I promise I don't bite…much." This guy….what a sick fuck. "You, me, a couple friends, we can have a great time.." He got far too close to the pink girl.

"Okay, that's enough." Kiki slammed her fists on the counter. "Get out of here before I call the police for trespassing and harassment."

"Aww come on." They grabbed Boscha's hand. "No need to-"


… Everyone slowly turned to Nana, who fired off a shotgun at the ceiling, before cocking it again. "Leave."

"Pfft, fine, whatever. This place is a dump anyway." The bastard made his way out the door, but not before giving one last look to Boscha. "See ya in my dreams." The sicko made a kissing motion, before leaving.

"... Can I take the next hour off?" Willow asked, her hands twitching constantly, almost looking like a circular motion.

"Yeah..I think we all need a break." Kiki took a deep breath, before looking at Boscha, who seemed frozen in place. " alright…"

"I..i.." She stuttered, before shaking her head. "I can't work anymore." Faster then they could blink, Boscha ran out the door.

"Boscha, wait!" Willow called out, but it was too late. "Who was that creep?"

"Kevin. Eighteen years old, just graduated..and the biggest creep in Gravesfield." Jenny crossed her arms in frustration. "There's…stories..shall we say… about him, and he never gets in trouble because he's rich."

"I see …" Willow nodded. "Would you happen to … know where he lives?"

"Willow, as much as I hate him, I won't let you go and murder him." Kiki said.

"No no, I won't hurt him … physically . " She replied not so subtly, before looking out the door.

"Is Boscha going to be okay?" Jenny asked.

"She usually is…but I never seen her this scared of something before."


Boscha ran underneath the boardwalk catching her breath. "What the fuck was that…what the fuck was that…?" She was breathing heavily, constantly repeating herself to the point of hyperventilation. "What the fuck was that…what the fuck was that…"

"Snap." Maya comforted her.

"I…I froze…I don't freeze…I never freeze!" She shouted, grabbing her hair. "That human is nobody, he's a nobody, just a random, powerless nobody! Why…why did I feel so weak against him!?"


"I could crush him, I could set him ablaze, break his arm, it would have been easier than it would have been against Luz." If she wanted to, she could've gone on a killing spree and murder all the humans in the city, maybe in this whole country! Why the hell did this one human freak her out so much! He wasn't even threatening…but his voice….the way he talked…what he said….it dug deep…it made her lose her guard….and…he….she let him grab her.

"Snap." You didn't let him, he grabbed you without consent. It wasn't your fault.

"He…he humiliated me….he made me feel weak….useless….I'm pathetic." She didn't … she didn't have potions anymore. The one thing she was good at was stuck back at the Boiling Isles, without any means to interact with it. It would take decades, maybe centuries to figure out how to use earth ingredients. All she had was fire, something that was easily countered if any idiot thought about it for two seconds. She wasn't on Brefana's level, where she was strong enough in elemental magic to win without even moving.

She was useless here. Everyone else has something. Willow commanded all plants, which covered the whole damn planet, Gus could fuck people's minds with illusions, not to mention that prism thing. Hunter fucking teleported on top of being a skilled member of the Emperor's Coven, who used ANY magic. Even Amity proved to be good with her limited Abominations along with fire.

What has she done to get better? Nothing..zilch…Even Luz…for as weak as she was…she had sword lessons to fall on without that paper magic. And Lucci….her sweet…sweet Lucci…he was a freaking space demon prince….she was nothing to him… what the hell did he see in someone as pathetic as her-

"Boscha, is that you?" The voice of her Crystal came up from behind her.

"Lucci?" She looked up, seeing the boy stand there with confusion. "Weren't you supposed to be cheering up Luz with that pink gem?" Boscha asked, getting rid of the tears.

"I left her in charge of the 'cheering up Luz' game, saying I was going to give her a special prize if she won…question is what I'm going to give her."

"Just give her a piece of cake. She has your sense of taste." She responded, turning back to the ocean.

"Boscha, what's wrong?" He asked. "I don't want to assume anything, but you look more upset than usual."

"I'm that easy to read, huh?" Boscha sniffed, hugging her legs. "There was…there was this human creep….he tried hitting on me….he grabbed me…"


A crater was formed as her crystal was glowing pink. "Where can I kill him?"

"Don't know … never got an address." She said, putting her head back down. "Nana scared him off … I just … did nothing."

"It's okay.."

"It's NOT okay, he got in my head!" Boscha yelled. "I froze and got scared….I'm not suppose to get scared, but he was just…AAGGGGGGGGGGH!" She let out a few tears as she tried to bury her head. "…I hate it here." Boscha grumbled.

"I know Angel; I do too.." He hugged her from behind.

"I'm a freak, an even bigger one than when I was back home."

"..Who at home called you a freak?" Lucci asked.

Boscha cried again. "It…It happened when I was little, before I met any of you guys. There were these kids…these…stupid…stupid kids. No matter what I did, every day they called me out for my three eyes, shaming me for being part demon…"

"... In a world where demons roam the street and have giant mouths for faces, they called you out for having three eyes?" He asked in confusion.

"Like I said, they were stupid kids. I tried to ignore it…but then they insulted Mama…calling mom a dirty beast type…and I lost it." She sniffed. "I know it's pathetic…but back then it hit me hard…and it still does."

"Hey, it's fine to feel bad." He said. "I can't even be myself, I'm stuck as someone else who used my name. It sucks and I just start feeling angry every second." Lucci laughed hollowly. "Everyone is trying to decide who I am based on someone else, only this time I can't even get mad at the source….I'm just…stuck…It probably doesn't compare to your problem…"

"I'd prefer an identity crisis over what I'm feeling right now." She gave a broken chuckle. "I can't show off my third eye…I can't be myself either…not fully." She leaned against him. "This planet is terrible … how do they live with themselves?"

"I don't know…I half expect them to kill each other in a fiery blaze." He hugged her. "At least we're here to suffer together." He grabbed her by the face, and kissed her third eye. "No matter what happens….know that I will ALWAYS know the real you…I will always see the real you, Boscha, never doubt that."

"Lucci.." She kissed him back, and laid him down on the sand. "I love you."

"I love you too, my Angel." He kissed her lips, caressing her back as they rolled around. This was what she needed…this…Lucci…was her everything. That was her thought as the entire world glowed pink.


Amity watched as Spinel threw Luz from tree to tree. "Are you having fun yet!?"

"NO! I have bark in my teeth!"

"Then let's speed up!" This may have been too extreme, but at least Luz was too angry to focus on being sad at the moment. 

"Okay, Luz is distracted, Boscha and Willow are at work, and I couldn't find out where Lucci ran off too, so it looks like to us to get Luz out of her funk." She expressed to the group consisting of Gus, Hunter, Vee, and of course, herself. "We need ideas, so start spitballing, people."

"Vee, do you have any experience with funks?" Hunter asked. "As someone who's lived with humans their whole life?"

"Well the normal routine is to meddle where we don't belong, get discouraged, then have an emotionally filled conversation as we hug it out." The girl explained. "Either that or we mess with random gem technology that puts our lives in danger to help bond us further."

"Hugging it out sounds good, except we've already had an intervention in the Boiling Isles after the Rainbow Devil assault." Gus pointed out.

"Then you do it again." Vee declared. "It's not like you're going to magically fix a deep problem in one event after all, and trying to do so is just ridiculous and only happens in very badly written tv shows and books."

"Well there goes half of my knowledge on the subject." Amity threw down the books she had read for reference. "Hunter, you have anything?"

"I've actually been…dealing with my own know…figuring out I was fighting on the wrong side and my uncle is a genocidal maniac that's killed practically every golden guard except the last one…so…"

"... Do you need a hug?" Vee asked.

"Yes please…could you change into a wolf?" Hunter pleaded. Vee nodded and jumped into his lap, becoming a fluffy blue canine. "I feel better already."

"Too bad it's not like we can just give Luz a wild animal to make her feel better." Gus brought up.

It hit her like a lightning bolt. "That's it!" Amity shouted. "We could get her a new gem!"

"Mraw!" Ghost hissed in disagreement.

"Tweet!" Flapjack called out.

Emelia stared off into space, before slapping their own tongue against their face. She was starting to get concerned about its health.

"A new want us to find her a new crystal devil?" Hunter asked.

"Corrupted Gem." Vee said from his lap.

"Yes on both accounts. Luz kept Centi tamed due to a combination of both her kind heart and Chaaps, and she had to bubble her because she ran out of the latter. We just have to find a corrupted gem that likes to eat chaaps, and we get Luz to tame them!"

"Mew." Bad idea, bad idea deep to its darkest core.

"I know it's risky Ghost, and I wouldn't initially put you in danger, but Luz deserves this. She's helped us ten times over and she refuses to see it. I want to do at least ONE good thing for her in return." Amity stated firmly.

"Mew." You're already doing enough good as it is by repairing the mother daughter relationship considering your own life, being a rock to support when she needs it, and not questioning what Ms Noceda meant by magazines in the girl's room.

"..Well I want to do one MORE good thing for her." Amity nodded. "All we need to do is go to places where we can find some. Vee, think you can convince Amethyst and Lapis to take us on the warp pad?"

"I could convince Amethyst maybe, but Lapis might be a bit … overprotective." She stated. "She tends to be overzealous and poofs gems on sight if they get too close."

"Meeeooow!" Bring her along, we need her! If we're close to death, might as well bring the biggest safety net.

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!"

"I think we need to bring them either way. We don't know much about the planet as it is, so we could use the extra protection." Hunter said.

"Okay … do you still want the therapy wolf form or are you good for now?" How were the other Basilisks so genocidal compared to this ray of sunshine? Now she saw why Lucci was so protective of her.


Kevin laid against the wall, watching as the trash flocked around without care. "Here comes DJ Sourcream, laying down some beats from the next age!" The DJ spoke, playing yet another track of mildly decent music. Gravesfield wasn't exactly the type of town to get wild in. Most of the people were either sticks in the muds or just plain sucked…though there were one or two hotties that caught his eye every once in a while.

Kevin didn't know why he bothered coming to parties when his own were obviously superior … mostly on the account that he had more money then most of these dunces and could afford better quality equipment. Though one reason that came to mind was the need to scope out any hidden gems. Part of being top of the social ladder was surrounding yourself with the coolest and best looking people. A partner to match his perfection … sadly, the theoretical woman has yet to be seen.

He scoped the scenery, there was hardly a glimmer of that perfection, mainly just 'decent' looking people that he'd forget about in a week. Maybe one or two would be good enough for a night of 'fun', but that was about it. Maybe tonight he'd have a few quickies before broadening his horizon outside of town.

"Jenny, seriously, why did you even bring me here?" He heard a familiar voice ask.

"Because we had the night off, and you need to get your mind off that creep." The other one spoke. "Just party, have a blast, take a small sip of something we need to wait a year to drink, then we get you a buddy to talk with." Oooh, he might get some of that double twin action after all today. They weren't that hot, but why waste a perfectly good opportunity? "I made it my mission to get you a friend, and I will."

"I do have a friend, actually, one I made all on my own, thank you very much." The twin with the better legs smirked.

"And you didn't think to invite them on the drive here?" The twin with the better face raised an eyebrow.

"I never got their number." Perfect line to come in on.

"Don't worry baby, I'm more than happy to provide some digits, and then some, if you know what I mean." He danced his way over there, smoothing sliding himself into the conversation.

"Ugh, do I need to call you out for stalking, because I will." Better Face growled. "I will get the shotgun."

"Relax baby, you can't hide behind your little grandma forever, and I'm not the bad guy here." He smirked.

"Dude, my sister dragged me here to forget about you, not interact with you." Legs deadpanned. "Come on Jenny, we're leaving."

"Whoa, hey, don't go, the party is just getting started." He got in front of them. "Then again, we can go back to my place and have some real fun."

"You are the worst. You trespassed my family's restaurant, you insult WIllow, assault Boscha, and now you're stalking both of us like a desperate creep? What the hell is wrong with you?" Face gagged.

"Give me five minutes, and I can show you everything right about me." He smirked

"Why I oughta..." Legs reeled her hand back.

"You oughta what?" He glared. "Punch me, kick me, assault me? Lay one finger on me, and I call the cops and sue you and you're pathetic pizza shop for everything it's worth." He laughed. "So your choice, baby. We gonna do this the easy way, or the fun way?"

"Oh wow, if it isn't Kiki." A new, melodious voice said as two hands popped up, grabbing the sisters. "It's been a while, how's it been?" They asked, pulling away to reveal … the most gorgeous sight Kevin's ever seen.

His first thought about their appearance was tall. Like, Kevin came up to their shoulders tall. Already a ten out of ten on that front. Legs for days, looking toned but not overly buff, a kind of compact muscle he saw earlier on that pink girl. Then there was the curves, accentuated yet not drawing too much attention away from the rest of the body. Finally, and most importantly was the face…and boy was it a face. The perfect amount of round and slender, with eyes that looked outright predatory, eyes that displayed hunger and passion . On top of the most perfect lightly tanned skin ever seen…and as he saw it…he saw perfection.

"Cherry?" Legs asked with surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Blowing off steam." The perfect girl responded off handedly. "What about you?"

"Sister dragged me here." Legs groaned.

"I know what that's like." Perfection laughed, glaring at the face. "You giving your sis a hard time?"

"N-No…" Face blushed, turning to her lesser twin. "Kiki, THIS is the friend you told me about?! This…This goddess of beauty is your 'friend'."

"Nah, I'm not a goddess, that's another friend. I'm a Punk." Perfect laughed while she shifted her curly, almost fire-like hair, showing off those marvelous curves. "For even mere deities can't hope to stand under my boot. Now how about we rock out to some tunes?"

"Exactly what I was thinking." Forget the twins, THIS babe was coming home with him tonight. "Sup Baby. I see you're crashing the party. I like your style."

"And I like yours, except for your clothes, your face, your personality, basically everything that makes up a person I don't like about you." They laughed. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go dancing, in an opposite section from you."

Playing hard to get, oh this was going to be fun. "Come on baby, don't be like that. You're clearly not like everyone else here. There's a fire in your soul that's constantly burning, and I'm like a moth to a flame. I'm just so drawn to you.

They stared at him for a moment, before gaining a sadistic grin. "Would you like me to step on you?"

"Cherry, what are you doing?" Legs asked.

"He's clearly a lively type, a guy who loves living on the wild side, so I'm just indulging in him, you know, like how a cat plays with their prey."

"I like the way you think, baby." He smirked.

"So, you want it, do you really want it?" She rubbed her hand on his face, caressing his cheek.

"I can't believe this is your friend." Face sighed.


"I want to hear you say it." Perfect smiled with excitement. "Say those words, baby."

"I would like for you to step on me." He grinned.

"Well, you asked for it." She picked up the two girls, putting them on her shoulders … before kicking Kevin to the ground.

"Gah, what the-AAAAHHHHH!!" He screamed on the account of the high heelsentering his stomach. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?"

"You're the one that said yes. I'm just giving you what you want." She said, moving over every inch of his body as she carried the two twins, adding the weight on every step.

"Okay, now I believe this is your friend." Face laughed. "Go Cherry!"

"You…You bitch!"

"Keep talking dirty, and I'll continue to step on the dirt." She pressed those heels against his windpipe. "You must be an absolute masochist if you're willing to beg for this."

"... So how long is this going to go on for?" Legs asked.

"Until I feel like the need to wash my feet outweighs the need to give him just desserts." They responded. "Or I feel tired of carrying you both, whichever comes first." The bitch looked up. "So, Kiki, catch me up. What's new in your world?"

"... Well you for starters." Just get off him already!


Lapis looked over the group. "So let me get this straight." She said. "You're all going to do the very thing Amethyst suggested in the temple, but shouted at for being insensitive?" Lapis was fine with many personality flaws, but drew the line at hypocrisy.

"In retrospect, I see where I crossed the line, but she was getting all happy when Luz was clearly depressed, I acted irrationally." The purple haired witch nodded. "It's like how you get murderous if Mr. Universe gets too close to Vee, some things are just instinctual."

She stared at her for a few moments, before nodding. "Alright … So we're going to be catching a corrupted gem and try to make peace with it to act as a replacement pet?"

"More like a companion." The blond witch bluntly stated. "From what I gathered, Luz treats them more or less as equals."

"Uh huh, and you're to do this even though none of you know how to tame one, and banking on your chances on one being tamed based on if they eat a bag of chips?"

"Not just a bag of chips." The short witch proudly stated. "Me and Amethyst have a large selection of human entertainment options. From food, to music, to visual lights."

"I've eaten and seen just about everything human, so I can spot a kindred spirit when I see one." The purple one nodded. "So we are all on board here?"

"Every single palisman may be in disagreement, but opinions of others haven't stopped us before." Purple witch firmly nodded. "So, where should we start?"

"Oh, let's try and find Atlantis and see if there's any there." Vee said excitedly.

"Vee, we told you that Alantis is deader than a dead fish, ever since that weird black cat sneezed." Amethyst pointed out. "Weirdly enough, it was the same one that sneezed during Pompeii, strange coincidence."

"Okay then … what about El Dorado?" She asked. "City of gold?"

"Closed off after these two weirdo's pretended to be gods." Amethyst answered.

"Then what about the secret island of Blackbeard the Pirate?"

"Not secret, and barren."

"Are there any fantastical locations left?" Vee asked.

"There's I thing Shang…shang lalallalal, but I have no idea where that is."

"Then we shall start wherever that is, and work our way to find Corrupted Gems along the way!"

"...Or we can just go to one of the gem sites that already have corrupted gems in them." Purple hair said.

"Well we could, but where's the fun in that?" Vee asked in her adorably curious manner.

"I get you want to have a fun adventure, but I don't want to leave Luz this depressed for so long." Purple hair groaned. "She's constantly blaming herself, and I don't want her to keep doing so."

"If that's the case, then I might know a place." Amethyst got on the warp pad. "There's this whole area where a bunch of old broken down gem ships lay over the place. I'm pretty sure one or two corrupted gems made a nest there."

"Then to the ship area we go!" Purple hair jumped on.

"Just give me a sec." The short one lifted a massive bag, slowly making his way on. "Gonna, be..prepared for anything. The last time we went to something like this, we landed in a death temple and fought a giant mech."

"Did you have a giant robot fight?" Vee asked.

"We wish." Purple rolled her eyes as they warped. "Luz and Lucci formed Glyphon while the rest of us tried not to die."

"So do all you guys have your own crazy fusions with Lucci?" Amethyst asked.

"Yes, everyone except for Hunter, they hate each other, so that's not going to happen anytime soon." The short one pointed out.

"Like, ever." The boy shivered. "I'm surprised you gems don't use it more often given the power boost."

"Not everyone is comfortable fusing." Lapis said. "We already had the discussion with Vee."

"It's basically the Dragons and the fairies talk, huh?" Purple hair asked.

"As in doing the deed, yep." Amethyst nodded. "Which is a little weird to compare honestly, it's not like we're making babies when we do it."

"It's the romantic aspect, like Garnet explained." Vee said as they arrived. "Wow … so this is why people think UFOs are round."

"Probably." Lapis shrugged. "Alright, let's find your gem."


Cherry smirked as that bitch Keven gasped for air. They were feeling thirsty, so they got off and enjoyed some drinks with the twins.   Huh, I know two sets of twins now.  Just don't fall in love with them. Relax Angel, I'm way beyond that now. "Wow, the punch here rules." They said, taking a sip.

"Yeah…punch." Jenny laughed for some reason.. "For a girl so cool you don't seem to have a lot of worldly experience."

"I'm not from around the city … or country." They said. "It's a miracle we got language down so fast." It kinda is. Why do two worlds speak the exact same language with no accent change? I'm baffled that we even share similar concepts and context. It's like someone put easy mode on for dimensional travel. "I just like going at my own pace and moving however I want."

"Well, I'm glad you came here today, that creep was so insufferable." Kiki smiled. "It's like we couldn't ditch him all day."

"Hey, if the world didn't have creeps, we wouldn't have cool kids like you." The fusion shrugged. "Here he goes, trying to treat you like some kind of prize, like you belong to him. Bastard all around." Like Bria and her obsessiveness. Now you know why I hate when I'm in the middle of competition. Yeah I can see it. Doesn't stop her from being an annoying bitch who deserves it. Aww, lovers spat.

"Wow, you hear that Kiki." Jenny smirked. "You got promoted to 'cool kid'."

"Shut up, I'm not cool." Kiki waved off.

"What are you talking about? You're plenty cool. You don't give a crap about what people say, and may I just point out your leg game is on point." Cherry complimented. "You'll be running circles around everyone soon enough.

"Oh, thanks, wow." The girl looked flustered for some reason … wait.

"We are drinking punch, right?" They were poison resistant, but that also meant they couldn't tell if this drink was altered in any way.

"Umm … oh, look, creeps coming back." Jenny tried to wave off.

"Be lucky, that's a more poignant concern." They glared, before turning to the bastard himself. "What's wrong, baby , you want some more?" They laughed.

"Listen, Lady-"

"Punk, not lady." They pointed at his chest.

"Whatever, I don't know what your deal is or what that was all about.."

"It was about putting a sucker in his place, was that not clear?" Cherry interrupted. "I'm more than happy to elaborate."

"You're very, very lucky you're so hot." Flattery…disgusting. "You're probably new around this dump, but I'm a pretty big deal around-what the heck.."

They reached forward and began patting his body. "Let's see … the clothes are a bit baggy …"

"What are you-"

"Judging to see how heavy you are." They said, before grabbing him by the arm. "Barely any muscle, so sad. So much bark, very little bite."

"You can't do this to me!"

"Oh, I can't? But you can? You think you can grab whoever you want, whenever you want, because you think you're tough shit?" Cherry twisted their arm even further, throwing him into the ground. "New flash, bastard, the world owes you nothing. You're a pathetic, spineless bitch, and whatever power you have means bupkis to me."

"I can buy and sell you three times over!"

"Can you…you really want to put your money where your mouth is?" Cherry grinned wildly. "Because let me warn you, I have a really good aim, and those windows look mighty bitch sized to me." Jenny began snickering behind them.

"You can' can't threaten me!"

"Did you forget our earlier stepping match? I can smash you like a bug anytime I want….but that's too easy for scum like you…I'm going to utterly humiliate you , not like you had much dignity to begin with." They turned to Kiki. "Mind if I stick around with the loser for a bit?"

"Just don't fall for him, and you can do whatever you want."

"Gross, and thanks." Cherry smiled, before stomping their foot on the ground, and sending up a colorful pink smoke cloud that cleared the dance floor and got the dj's attention. "Yo, DJ! Mind if you give the music a little more pep? Slight techno pop beat if you can."

"Ah, sure." Sour Cream nodded as the new song started to play. Oooh, we're doing a dance off. Less of a dance off, and more of a demonstration to never fuck with me. The crowd began circling them.

"What…what are you doing?" The bastard asked.

"Weren't you listening…I'm going to humiliate you . You're not tough shit..and everyone here is going to see just how pathetic you are." They grinned savagely, as they did a backflip, and landed right in front of the bastard. This…this is going to be sweet.

"Always chasin' the thrills, Gettin' in fights, gettin' kills." Cherry strutted around, circling the wimp like a shark. "I play around real rough, On the court with my skills." They took their cup, tossing it into the trash without looking. "I'm running all through the streets, Some call me one of the freaks. And I have had just enough, I won't let your cycle repeat." They snatched him by the shirt as he tried to leave, shoving him back onto the ground.

"So I'm gonna let it all go On camera with this little show."  They let more smoke fill the area, smoke of blue, red, green, getting them lost in a flashy barrage. "You're just a sinner and a monster and they're all gonna know."

"Show-show yourself, you bitch!" Wow, he can't even come up with an original insult. So sad I almost feel sorry for him…not.

"I don't take walks of shame, When everyone knows my name!" They called out. "It's Cherry, by the way." The fusion spun around, displaying legs for all to see. "I've been around here long enough, To know the rules of the game." The human world may be weird and messed up, but socially, they were the same. 

"Whooa! Go Cherry!" Kiki cheered them on as the crowd followed her lead, the DJ flashing light, adding to the vibe. Hah, now this was their kind of party.

"I've fought my INNER DEMONS every which way!" Trying to hide themselves, trying to conceal the real them. " "But they're not interested in leavin' me!"Emotions always clawing out and rampaging. "S o in me they'll stay!" They wouldn't change who they were. I'm like a fire that can BURN this fuckin' town to the ground!" It would be so easy to, just one day, just one bad day and it would all go away in a flash. And there'll be nothin' left but ashes If you let me come down." They set off a small flame in front of his face. 

"Ahh!" The bastard back, falling on his ass like a child, making the crowd laugh at his expense. Can't even take a little fire? Man he just gets more pathetic by the minute.

" Oh you'll never USE ME UP, You're just wasting your time! And I can guarantee you won't ever come out of this fine!" She flipped over his head and sent a little kick to his ass, making him fall on his face. " So get your money and your buddies.." Not like this guy had friends. " And a drink or three! No backin' out or you'll see, why you shouldn't mess with me!"

With the bastard struggling to get back up, they took the time to dance literal circles around them, show off their stuff to the cheering crowd. This freedom…this adulation…even if they had to shapeshift the extra limbs away….Cherry felt free…unrestrained…like they didn't have to hide themselves anymore.

"Oh you'll never USE ME UP! Knock back a couple o' shots! Feelin' all worked up and hot! I'll drop it down real low, and tie your stomachs in knots!" They spun him around like a ballroom partner … by his feet instead of his arms. " I know they're all watchin' me, I'm what they came here to see, but.." They picked him up until he was face thing eye to eye. " GIVE ME SHIT, I'LL FUCK YOU UP UNTIL YOU FALL AT MY FEET!"

Cherry tossed him onto the ground. "How you feeling, little man. And I mean height wise, status wise, how low you are to the floor, and how much you're notpacking." They snickered.

"I…hack.." They coughed in pain. "It…It hurts."

"How many people did you make feel this way….how many did you make f eel small and worthless." They glared. " You want to pin me down on my back. You think you're on the attack. Don't give a damn 'bout how. You wanna do me, its fact."


"But I got a quota to fill, You're small on my list of kills." They kicked his feet out from under him. "Messing with you barely gives me pleasure that … I can no longer feel." How worthless was he at this point? " I've fought against the system every day…" They fought Empires, aliens, demons. " But it ain't interested in Leavin' me alone anyway." Masters of magic, crazy psychos.." It's like a fire that keeps burning me, but gets me "well".." They were preparing to fight a literal God. " And someday I'll burn the locks off of.This damn prison cell." The most important thing was getting home….this bastard…he wasn't worth their attention. He isn't worth…MY attention.

"You think you can use me up, Well your wasting your time! You'll just a tool, a playa, Hardly even worth a dime." They grabbed him by the arm, looking into his eyes. "You're so fucked in the head, It's all you know how to do. No second chances down here, Let me spell it out for you~~~!"  

Cherry reeled her arm back…and let the bastard go. "Run."


"Run, right now, or I'm going to kick you in the nuts out the window." She warned. "Five, for, three.."

"I'm out of here!" The bastard ran off like a chicken.

Why couldn't we just toss him? He's not worth the air to inhale, and I got what I wanted…he's humiliated, I don't need to prove anything to him. "CHERRY! CHERRY! CHERRY! CHERRY!" Looks like the rest of the crowd agrees.

Time for another chorus. "I've fought my INNER DEMONS every which way! But they're not interested in leavin' me, so in me they'll stay!" They jumped on a table, strutting their stuff. "I'm like a fire that can BURN this fuckin' town to the ground! And there'll be nothin' left but ashes If you let me come down!" They rocked on, letting out a flip. "I'm just gonna go USE YOU UP!"

The crowd began carrying them, allowing them to ride the wave in style. Wow…this is what it's like to be popular? Yes…except it feels a little better than I remember it. "Except it's a waste of time! And I can guarantee you'll Never cross that line!"

They did another flip, and landed right in front of the twins. "So get your money and your buddies, And a drink or three. No backin' out or you'll see, Why you shouldn't mess with me." They did it…they made the bastard back off and they had a blast doing it…and they did it together…as Lucci…as Boscha…and as Cherry. "So back off, I'm done using you up!"

They gave one final bow as another round of applause was made. "Girl…Dude..Punk, that was amazing!" Jenny shook them in giddy excitement. "You totally owned that bastard's ass! He was crawling all over the floor like a baby!"

"Duh, because he knows he's nothing but a chump." Cherry smirked. "So, which of you two is gonna take the stage now?"

"After that show, no one's going to top that." Kiki laughed with a pretty cute snort.... who's thought was that? I'm not sure. It is pretty cute. Cherry. What, just stating the obvious. "In fact, I'm pretty sure the crowd wants an encore."

"Well, I'm hardly one to disappoint a lovely and grateful audience…but I could make it a duet this time." They sent a look to Kiki. "Come one, let's do this one together."

"Nah, nah, I can run but singing isn't my forte."

"Cute …" They flushed as she grabbed the girl's hand. "You think I'm taking no for an answer."

"Cherry…!" Kiki laughed as they got on the stage.

Tonight was great…probably the best night they've had in the human realm, and it was all thanks to Cherry. Oh yeah, Cherry was gonna be a mainstay for earth fun … for everyone's sake.


Luz spat out leaves from her mouth for what felt like the millionth time today. "Spinel…for the last time…STOP swinging me from the trees!"

"Are you happy now?"


"Then I'm going to keep goin!" Why was she doing this!? She wasn't Lucci, she wasn't strong enough to keep up with Spinel's craziness!

"Would you just stop!" Luz shouted in a bit of rage. "I don't want to be happy!"

"Oh don't be like that. Everyone wants to be happy, that's why I was made." Spinel laughed.

"That's not all you have to do!" She argued.

"Yes it is." Spinel nodded. "If you don't do your purpose, homeworld Shatters you." The gem said, like that was normal. 

"Well we're not on Homeworld! We're on earth! Where you don't die for not being happy! In fact, I guarantee that there's a hundred people right now that have gone their entire lives without being happy even once!"

"Oh … well I'm already playing the 'make Luz happy' game and I'm gonna win it." She said. "Now come on, let's try yoga if the trees aren't working."

"Lucci, if you don't come back here soon, I'm going to kill you!"

That made Spinel pause. "You…you want to kill my second bestest best friend?"

Luz rolled her eyes at the literacy. "I-" She was cut off by the fingers wrapping around her neck like a vice.

"I am not letting someone hurt my friend." She spoke, turning her free hand into a spiked one, aiming it right at Luz's skull. She tried to get a word out, but her windpipe was too closed off. "I guess I'm losing the game."

Maybe this was for the best. She would've preferred to die in a blaze of glory, or of old age, resting next to Amity as they enjoy retirement, but strangled by a gem was fitting…given how she got Centi killed by one. Maybe…maybe she'd see her in the next life.

"Luz, you wouldn't believe what we-LUZ!" Her sweet potato yelled as she sent out her abomination fist, knocking Spinel into a tree and letting go of Luz. "Luz! I'm glad you're alright! How long has she been doing that!?"

"Stay out of this Amity!" Spinel shouted. "I need to rip Luz's throat out!" Looks like they needed to bust out the sword.

"Hey Spinel, I got something for-hey, wait, Spinel, don't kill anyone!" Lucci appared, jumping in front of the crazy lanky gem.

"She said she wanted to kill you! I can't let that happen!"

"She was joking! We all make jokes like that!" Lucci paused. "Ah…you WERE joking, right?"

"I said if you didn't come back soon I was going to kill you, which means I was basically just going to hit you until you actually felt something like a non durable person would." Luz said after regaining her breath.

Spinel blinked at that. "Ooooh, I see then." She nodded, laughing. "Alright then. Just don't actually hurt him, or I'll break your arms."

"I think I can come around to like this gem." Boscha came in and laughed. "Oh, we got you this." She handed over a slice of pink cake. "They made a cake model after Cherry, and we saved you a slice."

"So what you're saying is that both of you are giving me a piece of each of you to keep inside of me?" Spinel wiped a tear. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Glad … you're happy." Luz spoke up. "If you don't mind now, I'm going to go back inside. The game's off Lucci."

"Wait, you didn't hear what my surprise is for you." Amity brought up.

"If you're going to hold another intervention and get my mom involved in a hug fest, I'm not feeling up to it today…I just…I just need to feel sad right now." Luz groaned. "I get you guys are concerned, but…there's days where I just need to mourn…me and mom go through the same thing when it comes to dad."

"Actually we met some friends." Her girlfriend smiled, turning to the forest. "Bring em in boys!" There was a moment of silence. "I said bring em in boys!" Another moment of silence. "What's taking so long!?"



"..Right, I forgot about the acid spit. You'd think I'd remember that." Amity muttered.

"Acid spit…what are you talking about?" Luz had to ask. "The only person I knew that had acid spit was …"


"I had that Lucci." Luz groaned. "And it's Centi, you know singular.

"No, there's multiple Centi's right in front of us!" There was WHAT!?


"Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!"



The Palisman panicked as two … Centipeetles … ran into the area, Gus and Hunter running ahead of them with burnt off close. "WHY DID WE UNBUBBLE THEM?!" Gus shouted.

"Because I wanted to have the perfect presentation, and you guy's are ruining it!" Amity pouted. "Sorry Luz, I wanted this to be perfect."

"Centi's…there's….centi's…." Luz repeated.

"I noticed how bummed you still were about Centi, so we thought that we could help you move on if we got you another corrupted gem for you to tame, so Amethyst took us to this…space ship…ruin place, and in them we found these guys! They like eating chaps too, so it's perfect!"

One of the Centipeetles shot a glob of acid at the cabin. "... Perfect, you say." Boscha deadpanned.

"Snap! Snap!" Maya clicked her claws aggressively.

"There's….more…centi's…" Luz repeated. "Is…Is this a dream?"

"NO! IT VERY MUCH ISN'T!" Hunter shouted as he was flying away on Flapjack. "IT'S A NIGHTMARE! A LIVING NIGHTMARE!""

"Krraaaa!" The two of them screamed, chasing him around … before stopping, turning their gaze to Luz.

"Krkrkrkr." There was the familiar rumble she had memorized.

They reached into her bag knocking it over as the contents rolled out … including the egg. " Krkrkrkkr…" They seemed to sniff it, almost recognizing it.

"Shit." Lucci muttered. "Centi's shards …"

Right….Luz had placed Centi's shards on her egg….and these…these were mostly likely her friends…maybe the closest thing Centi had to family before she went monster. "Yes…your friend….this is her….what's left of her…" Luz cried. "She….she was the first and best friend I could ever ask for….loyal…brave…a great listener…extra fluffy…and she gave everything up for me…" She got on her knees. "I'm sorry….I'm sorry I exist…I'm sorry I got her killed…."

They turned to her, moving closer with their mouths open, acid dripping down as the eyes on them narrowed, circling Luz like sharks. "We need to get her out of there!" Gus shouted.

"No…I'm fine…..This needs to happen….I'm sorry guys." She'd finally pay for her mistake. Luz closed her eyes, waiting for the biting to begin…

" Gkgkgkgkgkgkgk." Only for them to rub their manes against her face, just like Centi used to do. " gkgkgkgkgkgkgkgk."

Luz froze at that. "But …" She could feel the tears. "But …"

"Rrrrk." The other one placed its mane on her back, acting like a pillow. "Rkrkrkrk."

"But…But I killed…"

"Luz…I think they can tell Centi cared about you." Amity brought up. "You brought her back to them." She pointed to the egg. "You're an amazing person, and they recognize that."

Luz … broke down, reaching forward and grasping one. "I'm sorry … I'm sorry …" She cried out, clutching the hard skin with almost instinctual scratches.

" KRKRKKRKRK." They gave her that comforting chatter, that chatter she didn't deserve…but these amazing people gave to her anyways….she was so blessed.

"Guys….thank you…thank you…" Luz cried harder as Amity hugged her in the massive pile. "I..I don't deserve this."

"I don't care if you do or you don't….I love you Luz." Amity kissed her as the tears ran down her face. "And I always will." She … she could never repay this in a million lifetimes…the only thing that could come close was five words.

"I…I love you too, Amity."

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