Bondage and Other Tales

Reverie – Bonus Chapter (2/2)

Anyway. Marisa, please, keep making those videos. I think I’m going to send a few people over your way to watch them, too.”

Um, thanks,” Marisa said. “I’m not going to stop, but there’s kind of a big rebranding thing coming up in the very near future, as soon as the two I made in advance run out. That should be, well, interesting.”

I hope it turns out to be the positive kind of interesting.”

I didn’t see any tackling medical apps,” Ben said. “No interest?”

I’ve been asked a few times to review specific ones,” Marisa said. “I tend to avoid them. I mean, I can assess how usable a reminder to take meds is, or something to keep track of periods or toilet visits or whatever... um, sorry, we’re supposed to eat soon...”

We live with a nurse,” Sky said, passing Ben a plate of sliced cheese on his way to a round patio table with a tray of glasses. “And have one small kid and a horde of rescued animals. Don’t sweat it. I missed the beginning of this, but Ben mentioned medical-app reviews and a lack thereof.”

Marisa nodded. “Trackers and reminders, I can evaluate, or a simple calorie counter, that kind of thing. But when it comes to apps giving active advice on anything from what a particular symptom means to how to exercise for a specific goal, well... I am just not going to risk recommending something to my audience and then finding out that it contains advice that was bad for them. Some are pretty obvious. Even I know that no exercise routine in the world is going to make you taller. But some are less obvious.”

Then what you need,” Sky said brightly, handing Harley a glass of lemonade and getting a smile in return, “is, say, a registered nurse with an extremely pragmatic attitude and a lot of serious medical training that he’s careful to keep current and is edging up on expanding once the frequent childcare becomes less of an issue, who might be persuaded to help you do what I bet he just asked you to do.”

Subtle hint, there,” Ben laughed.

Aria,” Tavi called. “That’s enough treats, honey. Give Wolf and Fox one or two each and then put them away.”

But Mom...!”

Now, Ari.”

The little girl heaved a martyred sigh. “Fine.”

That would be amazing,” Marisa said to Ben. “I’m hoping that the new-and-improved channel will include more collaborations, way before I get to talk about Reverie, but I bet you’re way too busy.”

I can make time,” Ben said, more seriously. “Or, more accurately, the three of us can juggle some stuff around and make time. I’d say Sky already agrees on that one. Tavi?”

Absolutely,” Tavi said promptly. “I don’t need that one, I just ask my own nurse, but it’s valuable information to have out there, and we can figure something out. Like I said, thank goodness for grandparents and Ben’s sister and my brother and Sky’s brother.”

It’s all new to me, though,” Ben said, “and I have no idea what you need me to do, specifically.”

Assess them for medical safety,” Sky said, while handing him a full glass.

Ben wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him in close for a kiss, then released him and turned his attention back to the barbecue. “Yeah, I did figure that. Smartass.”

Sky grinned. “Or something.” With a flirt of that foxy tail, he went back to distributing drinks.

Ideally,” Marisa said, trying to focus on practicalities, “I’d rather people got to hear both of us talk about them. It’s easier to trust an actual source, not just me saying, ‘hey, kids, I talked to someone who says...’ or whatever.”

Makes sense,” Ben said. “Always verify sources.”

So... I can ask my followers, whatever’s left of them after the rebranding thing, if they have apps they’d like to see evaluated, and suggestions can come from anyone—friends, family, whoever. We install them, test them out, figure out how well they work, do a lot of email or phone calls or whatever back and forth to decide what we want to say about it and make sure it’ll come across right in a video. That’s the longest part for you. Then either I come out here with my gear or you can stop by our place where I have everything set up already...”

You’re right in the city? I’m there and around the outskirts most days. Home care means getting around a lot. Probably easier for me to come to you some day after work.”

We record it, which I promise isn’t as scary as some people find it. I edit it, hard to say how long that will take because it depends on how long the video is and how much I need to do, and then upload it.”

You do all your own editing?” Sky asked, handing Tavi a glass with one black hand, Claudia one with the other.

Marisa rolled her eyes. “Did you see my older videos? The content is okay but the editing is a disaster. I can’t afford to get someone to do it for me. I’d like to, eventually, so I can put more time into producing new stuff. Gotta start somewhere, though.”

Definitely,” Tavi said. “When I hit neoarcane, I was working in a coffee shop and Sky was stocking shelves and neither of us had a clue what to do or what direction to move in. It sort of got dumped on us, although I think it’s safe to say we’re both happy with where it went. I gotta admire the ability to decide what you want and go for it without being pushed—goes for all three of you, really.”

I second that,” Sky said, giving Marisa her glass. Watch your tail, Marisa.”

Hm? Oh!” It had slipped out the side of the surprisingly-comfortable metal-framed chair. She reached down with one hand and pulled it in against her. “Thanks. And sorry.”

Yes, because tripping over tails is unusual around here,” Ben laughed. “It has never happened and Sky absolutely does not know from experience about learning to keep track of extra appendages or what accidents can happen. Okay, not just Sky, but most frequently.”

Who, me?” Sky retrieved his own drink and settled on the chaise longue, bare feet tucked up beside him with his weight on one hip so he could face them, that fluffy tail taking up the rest of the seat. “How could that possibly happen? Seriously, for some of us, getting used to it takes no time at all and just feels like the most right and natural thing in the world. Probably a good sign. Some people just can’t seem to get their heads around it, no matter how hard or how long they try. Everyone’s different. Some people love having a tail but feel wrong if their skin changes, or vice versa.”

I can tell you,” Marisa said, thinking it through as she said it, “that Reverie’s sensations are weaker than reality and aren’t entirely accurate—I think so, anyway, because I’m still figuring out what I’m feeling. And Reverie didn’t include having to learn any kind of motor controls. Things just moved because I wanted them to, I didn’t have to try to figure out how to do it. I’m pretty sure this is better, but I’m not sure I would have realized how much I wanted it without Reverie.”

Marisa’s the most like her avatar,” Harley said, much of her attention apparently still on the tabby on her lap. “And I think that’s the best answer you’re likely to get. I skipped the wings for obvious practical reasons and the rest of mine is, despite what I’m sure a lot of people would claim, more subtle in most ways. Mostly I’m just getting a sense of, Yes, that’s right, now, much more strongly than in Reverie. Which is saying something, believe me, since even that was strong enough to shatter how many years of denial and rationalization?

Strictly physically, and strictly in and of itself,” Sky said, “I agree, swapping between male and female is relatively subtle from inside. Half of it can be done with clothes and makeup, no witch required. Outside of very specific and generally private situations, that is, when it becomes extremely dramatically different. It’s still hugely powerful despite that and enormously important on other levels. It isn’t relevant for me, but we have a ton of evidence that for some people, a long-term morph makes an awful lot just snap properly into place and creates a deep sense over time of, essentially, rightness. Greater happiness and confidence, reduced mental health issues. Not always gender morphs, but that’s a big category.”

That doesn’t surprise me at all,” Harley said.

As near as Marisa could tell, that had in fact just happened—three times over, even though they were reacting to it in different ways. Possibly they wouldn’t appreciate the full extent of it for a while, but it was wonderful right now.

What might surprise you is how small the changes sometimes are, that someone needs for that effect.”

Like silver skin?” Claudia said.

We’ve seen smaller.”

I wish,” Tavi said, “that there were enough strong morph-witches, and enough cultural acceptance, that absolutely everyone could express who they are inside, and change that when or if that evolves. Sadly, the best I can do is short-term fantasies, spiritual quests, and a minority that can get away with essentially-permanent changes. But if Reverie can really do what Darin says it can, then along with being a brilliant training tool, maybe it can help more people figure out who they are.”

Preferably with some warning that there is a chance of that,” Harley said drily. “Even with the new modifications.”

From the bit I’ve heard,” Ben said, “it definitely sounds like it rattled you two around.”

It did, although it ended up being a positive thing in the end.”

It won’t anymore,” Claudia said fervently. “Honestly, it’s bad enough that it was rough on three of my partners, although Reverie’s definitely not the only way people figure out things about themselves. Incidentally, I’m betting that Aearil’s going to take one look at the three of us and start plotting ways she can come see you, Tavi.”

I think,” Tavi said thoughtfully, “all things considered, we could just declare a major blanket discount-and-credit for WyrdTech. I know money’s been tight while working on Reverie, and I think that’s going to be good for the world in general, ultimately. Sky?”

Sure,” Sky said. He didn’t sound remotely surprised. “I already do discounts or let someone pay later or both whenever the Native Friendship Centre asks, no questions, and I mean, it’s nine people plus maybe the odd partner and I doubt they’re going to abuse it. Not going to exactly break the budget.”

Oh, seriously?” Claudia said in delight. “Oh, man, that is going to make them so happy! I felt kind of bad about letting Darin include me with Ris and Harley, when I’m not the only one.”

I, ah...” Tavi said, “I believe Darin said something about a tendency to fall asleep on the couch at the office and how many times he found you there the next morning?”

I lose track of time when I’m concentrating on something. I don’t think I’m going to be doing that much any more, but it wasn’t a big deal and I’m not the only one.”

Apparently the rest of WyrdTech feel differently. Don’t worry about it, it’s not really a big deal from this side. If I could never ask anyone to pay me, I would, but we have some substantial expenses just to keep the doors open, and a family, and it’s nice to be able to afford a few little donations and things when we see a good cause. So believe me, it actually makes me feel better when we can break the rules now and then. As for Reverie... if it can do what Darin says, I’d love to see it available as widely as possible, within physical and emotional safety conditions obviously. Not making any decisions until we see it in action, but I admit, I’m curious as hell.”

I’m looking forward to trying it out,” Ben said. “Aria’s spending tomorrow night with my parents, so we’ll have some privacy. I don’t think any of us are likely to hit anything traumatic at this point, but if so, between us we can handle it. If it’s too personal to talk about, that’s absolutely fine, but I’d love to hear what happened. Whatever you’re okay sharing about it, at least.”

I think we were all expecting that,” Harley said. “I doubt you invite everyone to hang around for supper.”

That was part of it,” Sky said. “But it was also just a friendly social kind of thing. We do have friends, but the number is limited to the ones without ulterior motives and who don’t disapprove of our household dynamics. I can only stomach so much fetishization from people refusing to figure out that the reason I’m fine with Tavi stealth-morphing me at odd moments is because I trust her absolutely not to do exactly what they’re fantasizing about and, oh yeah, I’m happily freakin’ married.”

Figures,” Claudia muttered. “Trust? Consent? Boundaries? Who needs anything worthless like that?”


Not making any assumptions,” Tavi added. “But the odd thing Darin said suggested that you were actually pretty cool and open-minded people, and nothing Sky or I has heard since contradicts that, so...” She shrugged, and smiled. “But we are curious about Reverie. As Ben said, to whatever extent you’re okay with that.”

The most personal aspect,” Harley said, “was me figuring out I’m a girl, and Ris coming to grips with a broad submissive streak plus her love of cats taking a twist. And I think you already know about that bit.”

Ben shrugged. “I heard the basics, but not in as much detail as you might think. Sky and Tavi are dealing with some very private stuff, just like I do when I’m seeing home-care patients. That sounds like a lot to cope with, and it explains Darin feeling bad enough to ask for help making it right. Supper’s not conditional on baring your souls, regardless of our curiosity.”

I think we’re fine talking about...” Marisa began, but paused when Aria approached, Easter trailing at her heels. She came straight to Claudia, in fact.

Can I ask you something?” the girl asked.

Sure,” Claudia said. “Bet I know what it’s about.”

What happened to your leg? I don’t think that’s something my mom did.”

Nope. I was in a bad car accident when I was eighteen. Someone was driving after he’d been drinking and he hit us. My friend hurt her head and neck pretty badly. I got hurt so bad I almost died. They had to take my lower leg off because it was too messed up to fix.”

And my mom can’t fix it?”

You mean make it like it used to be? Nobody can do that. But it’s already fixed. That’s why I have my metal leg. It’s actually pretty cool. And I’m a tech-witch, do you know what we do?”

Stuff with computers?”

Not just computers. Other kinds of complicated technology too, like I can open mechanical locks. So it seems sort of neat for a tech-witch to have a leg that’s complicated technology, right?”

I guess. Did it hurt?”

A lot. It still does, sometimes, but I’ve kinda gotten used to that and most days I can keep thinking about other things. Some days I just want to hide in bed and not face the world because I’m tired and it hurts, but it helps having people around me who understand. And it’s a lot better than using crutches or a wheelchair. Sometimes tough things just happen, and you have to look for the good part of it and not let the bad part make you give up. Honestly, people being rude or acting like it means I can’t do things can hurt worse sometimes.”

Mean people suck. I’m sorry you got hurt.”

Me too. But you should see my pirate costume.”

Aria giggled at that. “You have a peg leg?”

Yep, and a stuffed parrot that I put electronics into so it’ll talk when I want it to. I can trigger it just by thinking at it.”

That sounds wicked.” Aria wandered over to Sky and snuggled against him on the chaise, burrowing into that fluffy fox-tail; Sky shifted to the side to make more room for her, and ran a hand over her hair affectionately. Easter sniffed at her briefly, then flopped onto his side next to the chaise.

Thanks,” Ben said. “For just telling her the truth, no bullshit.”

Claudia shrugged. “Really wish more people were that matter-of-fact instead of the sideways looks and patronizing crap and the anxious walking-on-eggshells thing. I was in an accident. That can happen to anyone. I survived, which is more than some people get. It was horrible for a while. I lost a foot and a finger and gained some scars and some ongoing pain that’s reasonably controlled most of the time. And I have sympathetic people around me who help with the bad days. The rest of me is just fine and loves being alive.”

Glad to hear it. I always have patients who are still at other points on that particular journey. Seeing that much anger and confusion and grief and despair and not being able to offer much except sympathy and making sure they’re talking to a specialist about it gets hard some days.”

Trust me, sympathy and still being treated like a person matter a lot more than you might think. I was... I didn’t always appreciate that at the time and said some things I regret, and unfortunately it was probably the nurses who got the worse of it even though I desperately needed them. And they were, pretty much universally, incredibly kind and patient anyway.”

That kinda goes with the territory, when you’re dealing with people who are going through the seriously bad and trying to cope with the fact that they do need you. If you can’t accept that people can have good reasons to rage at the world and lash out at any target in reach, and avoid taking it personally, then switch to a different kind of nursing. God knows, there are never enough of us in any specialty. Pretty sure they understood. I bet they’d be thrilled to see you now.”

Hope so.” Claudia shrugged again. “Not a subject anyone really wants to dwell on, including me, especially with a seven-year-old in hearing. Speaking of whom, considering what Ris figured out, are you sure you want to talk about Reverie now?”

As long as there’s nothing explicit, it should be fine,” Sky said, with an affectionate glance down at the girl half-hidden by rust-red and white fur. “But if you aren’t in a hurry to leave, she’ll be off to bed at eight.”

It’s almost six now,” Harley said. “And we don’t have any other plans for the evening. The biggest thing on the schedule was some quiet time to get used to ourselves again before facing the rest of the world, and I’m not seeing any conflict.”

Besides,” Marisa said, “Claudia wants to experiment with tech-witchery and cyber-morphs. We have a foster-cat at home but she’s fine—she came two days ago, someone rescued her and she promptly had a litter of kittens, so her only priority is them. She has lots of food and water and a clean litter box and a nest box for the babies—and they are just so bloody cute!”

Pictures,” Claudia said, and pulled out her phone. “Must show pictures. Judging by the animals around us, you like animals.”

Absolutely,” Tavi said. “Ours are all rescues. And if you have kitten baby pics, then gimme.”

They’re safe and sound in my room,” Marisa said. “And she’s not quite comfortable with human contact just yet, she’s pretty scared. So we’re just giving her space.”

Claudia handed Tavi her phone, and the pictures and video they’d all taken, all on a shared cloud server, dominated the next few minutes. Aria was delighted and immediately began pelting Marisa with questions—including whether she could come see them.

Give them a while,” Marisa said. “Let the mom-cat feel like she’s safe and she doesn’t have to be scared, okay? Then if your parents say it’s okay, you can come see them. By then they’ll be all fluffy and playful and active. Right now, all they do is eat and sleep. But your parents know how to see my videos online—did you find my private channel, not the tech one?”

I did,” Sky confirmed. “Not exactly hard to find, since you linked to it off your regular one. I didn’t get time to watch much, unfortunately. Cats react in interesting ways to purring humans, by the way. Mostly it’s positive, in my experience. It certainly is with these two. Mom or the kittens or both might respond well if you purr at them. Just think happy thoughts until you get the hang of doing it deliberately.”

Huh. Didn’t think of that. I’ll give it a try, ‘cause anything that helps her relax is a good thing. Watch on the personal channel, and I’ll post videos of them as they grow up. That seems to help our fosters find good forever-homes, because people watch them and start to feel like they know them. I posted videos almost every day last year of a litter of kittens, they’re on that channel, and they had a whole fan club. People even donated money to help them get fixed and adopted, because they’d watched them grow up. The rescue I foster for loved that. Until then, you can watch the videos from last year’s kittens.”

I’ll find them for you,” Tavi said, already busy on her own phone. “As for the current kittens, sure, we can go visit, once Marisa thinks that the mom won’t be upset. It’s a cross-species parent thing, first priority being making sure that your kids aren’t in any danger.”

Meanwhile,” Ben said, “food will be ready soon, and by the time we eat we’ll probably want to head indoors, since it’s hard to relax and talk while shivering once the sun sets this time of year, and as far as we’re concerned, there’s really no hurry about anything.”

No,” Harley said, trading glances and smiles with Marisa, while Claudia moved over to show Aria pictures of the WyrdTech office cat, who technically lived with one of the devs but loved being at the office and accepting due appreciation. “No hurry about anything.”

That's it - for now! So... thoughts on this kind of slice-of-life casual scene?

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