Bonded Summoner

Book 2. Chapter 2: Dinner with a Giant Snake-girl

All three girls were dressed like they were going to a mall instead of just hanging around the house. Jake was most surprised at just how different the lamia looked, but Fhesiah and Ophelia both looked too sexy to just be eating dinner. They were both wearing too-short skirts and cute camisoles. The lamia was wearing an Earth band tee shirt, and it was just straining to keep her massive chest inside. She seemed uncomfortable with the clothing, and was grabbing at the skin on her arms and almost trying to hide behind the valkyrie; an impossibility. She also wore spiked bracelets. He guessed Fhesiah set her up with a sort of punk look, though with her long layered white hair, it wasn’t quite right.

The lamia too wore a skirt, and Jake got to see the first sight of her human and snake body without armor: her skin was very pale, and her hair was bone white, the same as her snake tail. Jake realized that her so-called ‘curse’ might just be a case of albinism. He noticed that Ophelia and Fhesiah were wearing skirts, likely because that was all the snake girl could wear at all. For now, he definitely thought he had to say something, as he had stared for perhaps a tiny bit too long.

“You girls all look wonderful. Thokk’berri, is the shirt not comfortable? It looks good on you.”

The lamia blushed but said, “It feels nice, but I’m not used to this kind of clothes. I’m cursed, so I’m used to hiding, well, everything…” Ophelia then moved out of the way and patted the lamia reassuringly, then said “We told you that you don’t need to hide your skin or scales anymore. Just look, Fhesiah’s skin is very similar. Jake doesn’t think it’s disgusting at all.”

Jake smiled at that and said, “That’s right. Your white scales and hair look beautiful, too. Now, let’s eat dinner, and we’ll probably have some fun after that. Now, we weren’t sure what to do about a chair, or if you wanted a pillow, or… well, I’m sorry but you’ll have to help us out as to what would make you most comfortable here,” he said, as he motioned at the table that now had four table settings.

“I… You want me to eat with you? I… lamia don’t really use chairs to eat. The matriarchs might have used a divan of sorts, but for them, eating and drinking was entertainment that lasted for hours…” Jake just nodded at her and motioned for her to the place he had set aside for her. She was almost afraid that they were eating together, but they all sat at the rectangular table, with her now on the other end of the table because of her gigantic size across from Jake and Fhesiah and Ophelia to his sides. They had upgraded the table to fit up to six people after the goddess’ visit.

Jake plated their food: some barbecue boar ribs with some sides. He had used some beast of a boar, and the rib bones were quite large with a lot of meat on them. He wasn’t sure how much such a large person would eat, so he had made what he considered a lot extra: over double what he would normally make for just the three of them, and they often had plenty of leftovers that they took into the dungeon with them.

They sat to eat, and the lamia towered over the table, but her waist was lowered to the appropriate place, Jake supposed. Jake and the other girls dug in, and they made their usual sounds of enjoyment as they started to eat. This was interrupted shortly after by a loud crunching of bones. Everyone froze and looked at the lamia, as she chewed on the entire bone pushing it into her mouth like some sort of strange wood chipper like it was nothing. She had a smile on her face as she chewed and crunched, and her eyes were closed as she enjoyed it.

She went to grab another rib bone with a smile when she noticed everyone was looking at her. She was extremely embarrassed at the attention now, being afraid to even eat at the table in the first place. Jake just smiled at her and said, “I made plenty of meat. Unless you particularly like the bones, how about you have as much meat as you like? It’d help me out if you could eat it. I might have made too much.”

“I…of course, milord. I’m sorry…”

Jake said, “There’s nothing to be sorry about, we were just surprised is all. If you want to eat the bones, go for it. It just… might take some getting used to, is all. If you like to, we’ll be eating together, training together--“

Fhesiah interrupted with a grin, “Leveling up together.”

Jake continued, “And having fun together. We share the values of Hestia, and we’re a family. We’ll try hard and help each other be the best that we can be, and if you want to join us, you will be welcome. So long as you don’t go out of your way to hurt one of us, you’ll be welcome here.”

The lamia was now in tears, but she looked happy. “I… your family? I can join it? Hestia… she told the truth?”

“Of course. You’ll be helping us with fighting the outsiders, right? If we’re fighting side-by-side, I think that makes us a family of sorts just from that, doesn’t it? We’ll take that a bit further than just that, though, with the [Summoner’s Bond] and all the other things that we do together besides fighting. Help protect us and others, and we’ll do everything we can to protect you, too.”

She cried some more, but the demoness and valkyrie all got up and wrapped their arms around the lamia in a hug from the sides. Even with them at her sides, there was plenty of space left for Jake to join, the lamia so large. It was just…

Fhesiah smirked at Jake, “C’mon Jake, family hug. Why don’t you join us? We’re all hugging this cute lamia. Don’t you want to?” Even the valkyrie was enjoying Jake’s plight. Jake did want to, but his head and much of his upper body were pretty much at the same level as her massive breasts. Because her torso was taller and larger than Jake’s entire body head to toe, while her breasts might be proportionally the same size as Fhesiah’s, they ended up being almost half the size of Jake’s torso each. The demoness was really teasing Jake, making him have no way out of this one.

He stepped forward to hug her, and the lamia herself had doubts that he would do it, but definitely did not seem against it. The bond was new and weak, so he couldn’t get anything about why this would be, but he reached his arms around her and gave her a hug. His face and most of his upper torso were completely buried, but she didn’t seem to mind this at all, and he could just feel her happiness through the bond. His arms wrapped easily around her lower back, which, while larger than his other girls, was still quite slim despite her size. She hugged him back, and they all enjoyed their group hug for a moment.

They broke off, and the meal continued with little fanfare. The Lamia did not crunch on any more bones, thankfully. Jake did, however, notice that her canines were quite exaggerated as she consciously ate the meat off the bones — that she had what looked similar to vampire fangs. Also, her tongue was very much mixed somewhere between a human and a snake’s, being able to extend out and easily lick off the barbecue sauce that ended up on her fingers. Jake realized that this woman differed from Ophelia and even Fhesiah. He would have to take care he didn’t get into another amusement park situation when they reached contested territory.

The food was enough for the lamia, and they decided to watch a movie. It would help her pick up on human culture, as there were many concepts foreign to her. Jake didn’t already forget about what happened at the amusement park, after all. Jake tried to pick a silly romantic comedy, but the plan backfired as it probably made the lamia more confused about humans. The other two girls were completely used to most Earth human customs and culture.

The lamia said, “I don’t understand. Do all these males want this Mary person? Why doesn’t she just accept them all and take them into her household?” Jake then explained that this rarely happens with Earth humans, that it’s usually just one man with one woman. She then asked, “Then why doesn’t the larger male just simply eat the other males? Especially the quirky one, which this story follows. He would be defeated within but a breath’s time.”

They would have a long way to go before she would understand humans at all, and Jake was surprised that she was able to go to the surface and help some at the behest of Hestia before her death. It had turned out there were in fact humans in her home world, and they were often captured for breeding and slavery purposes.

They also learned that Lamia usually bred true, their children always being lamia. In addition, their race experienced sexual dimorphism, and the males were usually much smaller than the females. Human or elven males were often preferred over the males of their own race for mating or breeding purposes.

Fhesiah said in his mind, [You hear that, Jake? It sounds like you both have the right equipment, after all. Isn’t that convenient? Now, let’s head to bed. I believe it was my night tonight unless you want the lamia to join?]

Jake just shook his head at her antics. Jake had a feeling if he offered the lamia to join him, she probably would. She would be under some sense of duty or such, but Jake much preferred to go the romantic route rather than the forced servant route, even if she might enjoy it all the same.

They learned that in the end, what made the lamia drawn to Hestia was simple. It was motherhood. As a cursed, or outcast: she was not allowed to breed, though they would allow her to care for the children as one of her duties, so long as she kept herself covered. She dreamed of having children and family, but the gods of the dark elves ignored her prayers, so she turned to another. She very much enjoyed her duties caring for the other [Dark Lamia] youth, though after she donned her armor as an adult and joined her unit, it was a rare occasion.

Jake was a long way away from being ready to be a father, he thought. They would need a place to truly call home, complete with an actual community before they would be ready to take the plunge. At the talk of children, both of his girls were giving him doe-eyed looks, like it was something that they desired someday as well.

The night came and went, and Jake made everyone breakfast. The lamia was much more relaxed and actually looked quite happy as they ate and made small talk. After the meal, Fhesiah and Ophelia went to get dressed for their training, leaving Jake and the lamia alone together. Her voice was upbeat and happy sounding before, but now it was like she had removed her reservations about the situation. “Milord, did you not want me to help with cooking? I was allowed to cook on occasion…”

Jake just smiled at her and said, “If you enjoy it, I wouldn’t stop you from helping from time to time. As I’ve said, we’re a family here, and everyone contributes in their own way. Fhesiah often uses her cleaning spell to do most of the dishes and the living areas, then Ophelia is mostly in charge of keeping the training area clean and operational. I cook most of the meals and take care of most of the dungeon preparation and planning. How you want to contribute is up to you. We’ll give you some time to figure out how. Just get used to living here with us for now; I know it’s a major change for you on its own.

One more thing. Just call me Jake. If it makes you feel more comfortable calling me Milord, that’s fine, but just like you saw in that movie last night, people like myself are much more used to just using our first names.”

“I could never…” the lamia hesitated, and Jake spoke once again, “I know you’ve been cursed all of your life, but we won’t ever treat you like you are. At a minimum, you are a valuable member of our party, and so you deserve to be treated as such, cursed or not. Now, let’s show you what we get up to in the training area. When it’s time for lunch, I’ll show you where everything is in the kitchen and we can make lunch together. How does that sound?”

When he finished the last sentence, large mounds of soft flesh surrounded his head and much of his upper body in a t-shirt, and arms wrapped around him. He could hear, but not see, the lamia crying. She said, “You really don’t care about my curse? You’ll… treat me like the other girls?”

Jake was a little conflicted because while he should clarify that the other girls were his lovers, and he didn’t see himself at that stage with her yet, he felt she was particularly vulnerable at the moment and might take him saying so as a rejection. “I… yes, of course. I’m happy to have you here. I’m sure we’ll all be very close in no time at all.”

Jake wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but she went from crying to breathing heavily. He felt her embrace tighten, and her snake tail coiling around him, starting from his feet. He tried to look at her face and was pulled away slightly. When he saw her face, he thought he was going to be eaten- well, he supposed that his first thought was technically right. He was starting to feel no small amount of distress, as this was definitely not how he had wanted things to go down.

It was at this moment that Fhesiah returned. “Oh, is this happening already? Ah, but I think Jake’s not quite ready for that yet. You should let him go, Thokk’Berri. You will both enjoy things a lot more when he’s as excited for it as you are.”

The albino lamia’s eyes snapped to Fhesiah, and she did actually let go. But Jake was not feeling good about where this was going. Her eyes narrowed, and her demeanor completely changed. Instead of the happy, upbeat snake girl, it was now a cold, almost malicious being in front of him and Fhesiah. She raised her body up into the air, and strangely enough, Fhesiah with a smile on her face floated up into the air with her to keep them eye to eye.

The lamia spoke, “You would get between me and my mate? I can smell him on you, sex demon. Shouldn’t you be somewhere else getting all of your holes filled, instead of getting between us?”

“Oh my. I’m not that kind of demon: my grandmother is a dark kitsune, but don’t you think that was a little much? Don’t you see that your ‘mate’ is a little reluctant? Why, wouldn’t it be like a toothpick in a cave-type situation anyway?”

“So, you were a mutt instead. Is that supposed to be better? And you should worry about your own tightness, demon whore. I’ll have you know that despite our size, humans and elves never want to go back to their kind.”

“Isn’t that because they are not allowed to go back, their captors never letting them leave?”

“I tire of this.” The lamia then quickly snaked her tail around Fhesiah, faster and stronger than even she could react to stop it, floating in the air as she was. The tail wrapped tightly around her arms, and the tip even wrapped around her neck. Jake would be a little worried, but he knew that she didn’t really need to breathe, at least for several minutes… how he knew that he was not very proud of. Also, if he understood what he was feeling over the bond correctly, and the look on her face…

“Wha– are you getting off on this? I can smell it– you really are a whore!” Jake could see the blush on Fhesiah’s face, and she was both horny and embarrassed at the same time. From her thoughts, she was especially aroused by being embarrassed and dominated in front of Jake, the context of sexy times starting this whole encounter continuing. She had wanted a threesome for quite a while, after all, and she wasn’t overly concerned about the lamia’s strength harming her. There was a small chance, no matter how miniscule, that she thought this encounter could end in sexy times going into it.

Jake tried to pull at Berri’s tail to try to loosen it for Fhesiah, but her strength was just too much. Jake wondered what was going on, the girl being so nice and friendly before, but suddenly becoming so malicious when Fhesiah interrupted her. Was there more than one personality inside, or was this how Berri really felt?

Ophelia now showed up, and she just had an amused look on her face as she watched the two girls. Jake looked at her in question as he tried to wrestle Fhesiah out of the snake’s grip, couldn’t she do something to stop this? Someone, probably Fhesiah, could get very hurt. She said, “What, why would I interrupt their battle? A duel between women over a man is sacred. Hey, were there any more of those chips you made left?” Jake just stared at her blankly.

He had thought that the valkyrie was “almost human” to where it functionally didn’t matter; she was just a human that had wings, right? But it turned out that thinking was flawed, and he was really saddled up with three monster women that simply didn’t have the same way of thinking as humans now. Ophelia might now understand Earth's humans and culture, but that didn’t make her one.

Jake saw that the lamia started to get a little more upset and was about to try harming the demoness in earnest; wrapping her up fully and bringing them both closer to the ground so that she could get the stronger portions of her tail wrapped around the demoness, instead of just the skinnier, near the tip portion, to bring more force to bear. So, he decided that enough was enough.

Jake allowed as much disappointment as he could to seep over his bond with the lamia, and shouted “Berri!” just as he thought that she might tighten the demoness to where a few of her bones might break, and started preparing his barrier spell to surround Fhesiah. The lamia reacted like she was struck, and the vicious gleam in her eyes disappeared. Her tail immediately slackened, and Fhesiah was dumped onto the floor, breathing heavily. Jake canceled his spell preparations, no longer needing it.

The malicious snake woman was now gone, and the usually happy-sounding snake girl had returned. “I… oh no! I’m so sorry, mistress! I had just gotten so excited, that when you got in the way, I sort of…channeled my inner…[Dark Lamia], I guess. Please, forgive me…” She looked at Fhesiah with upturned eyes, and Fhesiah just dusted herself off.

“You’re forgiven, Berri- you’re ok with us calling you that, right?” The lamia nodded and blushed at this, but Fhesiah continued, “You gave me some ideas for fun things Jake and I can now do, so no apology is needed, so long as you control yourself in the future. I’m not against you being with Jake as long as he’s shared with us, but there’s a time, place, and occasion for everything, right Jake? Don’t worry, I’ll help her understand these things going forward.”

Jake had a wry smile on his face. While he mostly trusted her to do just that, he couldn’t help but feel this would come back to bite him in some way like how she corrupted his loving valkyrie. At the same time, their relationship with one another is at least as or almost as important as her relationship with Jake, and he couldn’t help but feel she was best equipped to help Berri with understanding humans; being one of a similar mindset who ‘immigrated’ semi-recently to Jake’s life.

Really, the whole interaction was strange. He thought that those under the framework weren’t really allowed to harm one another. They were able to duel and spar, but their intent to harm did actually matter. As far as Jake knew, the same compulsion that made him unable to communicate with people of Earth would stop her from harming Fhesiah.

Perhaps, despite the malicious Berri taking the wheel, so to speak, she did not really mean Fhesiah harm? But Jake could see the malice in their eyes; They really wanted to harm her. Unfortunately, the emotions were cut off, until the ‘good Berri’ returned, so he couldn’t use that as a hint either.

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