Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 10: Tragedy Sparks Transformation

Jake headed to the medical tent drinking some mana water, passing many beastkin that looked quite happy. He could tell they were joyful about being healed, and there was a positive energy in the air from the food and the prospect of people getting ready for a fight. Jake would have to remember that these people all appreciated strength, and as such might be a bit of violent battle maniacs like his wives. Even if some of them might be a mixture of a herbivore and a human, it appeared the end result was: a potentially violent beast person.

Seeing a cute sheep woman sharpening her claws with a vicious smile on her face was an odd duality to him.

But when Jake entered the pavilion-styled tent, it was replaced with a sad atmosphere instead, and Jake could feel Bloodberri’s sadness peak. He looked over to Ophelia and found her drinking mana water as well. “What’s going on, Ophelia?”

She sighed. “Things were going great, and we healed many beastkin, including children that had gotten the disease from the blighted food. It seems even this village was assaulted by the undead near the rear, and they spread the blight even inside the walls somewhat, hitting their food stores. They held off eating any as long as they could, but it was almost time for their harvest just before they got hit.”

She continued, “But then this woman brought her…” Ophelia’s voice then wrung in his head instead, [Dead child inside. She thought that since we were using magic, that maybe we could do something. I overheard that goat beastkin healer, it appears this child was often sick before the blight, and despite being healed just yesterday: she died this morning. It’s been hours, and I told her there’s nothing we could do…but Bloodberri…]

Jake thought that these people were against deviating from the natural cycle, but he figured that like anywhere else, a mother losing a young child might be willing to break all traditions if it meant to bring them back. Jake approached, and overheard the mother, a rabbit beastkin, stricken with grief. “There has to be something you can do! Aren’t you a priestess of a Goddess? My baby is dead… Please!”

Jake watched as Bloodberri continued to fill the child with her Holy energy, even without a spell. Jake knew that in a sense, Berri didn’t really need a spell to heal, with her holy mana. It was simply more expedient, and more efficient if you weren’t overly skilled, to use a spell. From what he could tell, though, she was simply trying everything; grasping at straws. Jake did his best to search for the words to say to her. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn’t even notice his approach.

Jake knew that priestesses would eventually get this spell. If this were the game, she would already have it. But this was not a game, and their reality was that a priestess likely would not get this spell until their second Tier. Not only that, but Jake knew that normally such a spell could only target those that were initiated into the Framework. The Framework was what protected their soul and gave them the possibility that a spell could merely reconstitute their body, plus do a little extra working together with the Framework, to restore their damaged soul, and they’d be alive again.

The spell was simply too complex, and her mana was not of a high enough quality. Not only that, but the outsiders were likely now consuming the child’s soul, due to them being affected by the blight caused by them. Jake did not think it was possible to resurrect this child. The body was already healed, but the soul was gone, he thought.

“You! You’re the Champion of that Goddess, aren’t you? Please! Help my baby…” The mother entreated.

Bloodberri’s attention snapped to Jake, and she stopped her attempted healing of the child. “Jake! I…” She hesitated. “I really want to save this child, is there nothing we can do? She just looks so cute, just look at those fluffy ears! I was going to take all the kids and teach them to play baseball, and Blood was looking forward to seeing them train and fight one day! But now…” Tears filled her eyes, and she was sniffling. She gave Jake a pleading look, and he knew Blood was talking to Berri in their mind. “We even could have come last night, and this wouldn’t have happened. We were having fun, but this child… Please, Jake, just try. I know it’s unreasonable…”

Emotions really are a double-edged sword. Jake had taught her to care for others, and while she had always been partial to kids, it’s because of Jake’s choices for her that she was in such pain now. If he left the two girl’s mindset as that of a monster, she wouldn’t be so distraught right now, likely moving on to the next person that needed healing since he had asked her to heal. But while she was in pain now, Jake was proud of how far she had come. As early as next week, she could be playing ball with these kids, and he just couldn’t wait to see the smile on her face. But now, even his eyes were starting to tear up.

Of course, there was no way that he would say no to trying, no way he’d say no to her pleading eyes like that. “I’ll try my best.”

Jake had doubts he could do anything, of course, but he would give his all. His best was pretty good, in his opinion. He looked over the child with [Arcane Eye]. The child couldn’t have been any older than four or five years old, and Bloodberri’s assessment was entirely correct: this child was very cute. She had cute white rabbit ears atop her head, and bobbed cut short white hair. Even if her nose was like that of a human’s, it was still a small button nose that almost looked like a rabbit’s somehow.

And Jake could tell that she had a fluffy rabbit tail, even though she was lying on her back, thanks to his [Arcane Eye]. Jake inspected her Auril Heart, which was where the beastkin’s metaphysical doorway to their soul lay. There, it was a bit murkier than he expected, and he almost thought the details looked similar to Alisara’s, where it was being obscured. He inspected it closer than he ever did a corpse, but really, he couldn’t find any hints or details that he thought could help him.

Jake knew that if there was really anything he could do, it was with the Divine Energy, welled up inside his vessel. But there were some problems: first, he spent nearly all of it. To some extent he lamented using it, but he knew that was a foolish thought.

By showing the power of the Goddess in front of those tens of thousands of people at Kenwodi, he probably saved dozens, if not hundreds of people. This was not even including the people that Hestia directly healed on the brink of death, but by people being inspired and integrating into the Framework, or joining Jake’s guild that wouldn’t have otherwise.

The flames of the goddess stirred the beastkin’s hearts, literally, and he knew after meeting with the elders, that hundreds were already sending their prayers and thanks over to the goddess herself.

This one child could not compare, but he still thought him and his girls could have defeated that bone dragon along with the Necromancer without using it. Now, he had less than ten percent of the energy left, and performing such a major miracle he knew cost a lot more than that.

The second issue was, even if he had a lot, just what could he do with it? He had practiced a lot with the Divine Energy back at their Refuge, and he could barely push with brute force in a meaningful way. Just how could he resurrect someone with it? Jake decided that gaining information was the best way to start.

He reached into his core, and latched on to where this Divine energy was kept. Like when he did the daring shield as he was teleported, he formed a path of Hearthfire up from his core, to his eyes. He did his best to focus and move the Divine energy to this area, monitoring the beastkin girl at the same time. Really, when moving the divine energy, he felt like he was back at Mana Control level 1. The movement of the energy was sluggish, and he felt like a child clumsily playing with molding clay.

For a brief moment, he saw a glimpse of something, perhaps something he shouldn’t have been able to see at all, before the small amount of Divine Energy he set in his eyes ran out. He saw what he thought was the child’s soul, and it was wrapped by a wicked looking tentacle, leading up into the sky. It was the outsiders, and they had a hold on her soul.

Of course, Jake had only seen it for a brief moment, but he guessed that her soul was sort of still present in the body, otherwise, just what were the eldritch beings grabbing? This meant that he just now learned that there are two problems: the spell that would actually heal the body and soul, but also beating off the outsiders. Was the latter even possible?

“Any help from you, Ira? Can you do anything?”

Ira stirred, and Jake thought he got nothing but a blank stare from the creature. Apparently, this was way out of Ira’s league, and even asking the Tier 0 creature was silly.

[Divine Energy Manipulation Lv. 1]

Jake had finally received a level of Divine energy manipulation, when he had tried nearly everything the past several weeks to earn it, so if nothing else, there was something good gained from this. He had thought Champion magic should cover this, but understood that this special energy sat in a class of its own. While champion magic used divine energy, it was like a watered down version of mana mixed with a tiny amount of the energy of the gods, and Hestia’s was flavored more towards holy flames. The divine energy was the energy of the gods in its purest form, that was available to Jake at this tier.

Still, he would try. He formed runes out of his Hearthfire, creating the largest runic healing spell that he could, while also focusing on the [Advanced Purifying Flames] passive skill, which could carry the purifying flames of the goddess into heals. He even tried to push the more pure divine energy to the ability, but he really couldn’t tell if he was successful. Moving the energy, while it was easier now that he had the skill, it still moved sluggishly and didn’t appear to move to his desires.

The runes lit up the air, and brilliant healing energy in a bright light cascaded onto the girl, causing the surrounding people to gasp. Jake had even targeted where he saw the tentacle as best he could.

He took a look at it again using the same method he had previously, and it took him a while to even reproduce his feat. Eventually, though, he spotted a glimpse of what he had seen previously: and if anything, it looked worse now. Perhaps, he had just given the outsiders a meal, or maybe it was redoubling its efforts as his spell had some sort of effect. He didn’t know, but still, he knew he had used enough of the energy that not enough would be left to do anything meaningful.

“I’m sorry, Bloodberri. I think it’s beyond us at our Tier. If anyone could do it, though, it’s supposed to be you.”


Jake once again put his theory-crafting hat on and said, “Well, yeah. Priestesses or Cleric types get the ability first. Even though I’m a Champion, my base class is a Summoner. I doubt I will get this ability until we’re in the third Tier, except for the version that’s able to resurrect my bonded, I could receive that at almost any time. Even where I summoned the Goddess, the type of things she could do were likely limited by my class.

I’m sure you could ask the Fhesiah and Ophelia, each champion could only do certain things, more prone to their class. But you should be able to pray to the goddess and resurrect someone, eventually, even if you’re not a Champion. Come to think of it, you might be able to do it once you become one, too.”

She nodded, and looked thoughtful, but kept her thoughts closed off from him. But then, she took on a serious look, and Jake wanted to stop whatever line of thinking she had cut off. She filled herself with holy energy, drawing everything from Jake she could, drawing everything from Ophelia, and even Fhesiah back at Kenwodi. Then, she prayed.

Jake felt a presence descend, almost like the times he met Hestia or had the Framework intervene when it appeared she wanted to warn them about Alisara in some way. Jake froze, and his thoughts stopped, along with everyone’s in the tent.

But Blood and Berri heard a voice. “Are you sure, child? Resurrecting that little beastkin will have a Price. You and your husband might not like all of them.”

Berri nearly shouted that she would, but her sister stopped her. Blood spoke, “But you already gave your Oath, right? What is the Price?”

“It is good that you are there to watch your sister, Blood. Berri is a little too driven by her emotions, and I feel she would have agreed, even when it might not be very smart. I definitely want my champion to be intelligent, and between the two of you together, I know you won’t let me down.”

Blood and Berri felt a tug on their minds, and suddenly, it was like they were standing in a giant clearing in front of an enormous mountain. They could both tell, that this mountain was somehow larger than all of Highlands combined, the size of an entire world itself.

They were in a massive paradise filled with verdant greenery, the trees reaching high in the sky, further than their enhanced eyes could even see. There were cascading waterfalls, a river flowing nearby. Plants and trees lined the river and mountain, and Bloodberri was awed at the size and variety of the fruits growing on them, along with all the colors present in the valley.

There were creatures everywhere, and many of them had the features of various animals on them. Some were even fighting, but Bloodberri could tell that while fierce, it was not the struggle of beasts, but that of sparring or testing themselves. Some were even much larger than Bloodberri, and their roars were brimming with power and ferocity. In front of Bloodberri though, was the biggest creature of all.

Bloodberri could hardly comprehend the size as far away as they were near a massive mountain, but she had a snake body like Bloodberri, but scales the color of gold. There were other colors mixed in, making a beautiful mosaic of wilderness, of the struggle of beasts. Beasts clawed at each other, a mother bear defended her cubs. A deer drank at a pond, while an alligator loomed. Many depictions of the ferocity of nature continued up her large snake body, and where the snake body ended: A beautiful naked woman. While her skin was pale like Bloodberri’s, they felt that she was not ugly at all. She radiated beauty, and they hoped that one day they could be as beautiful as her.

Her body had some differences, though: She had four arms. At around the elbow, her human arms switched to scales, and she had wicked looking claws on her hands. On her back and a little on her upper snake body, she had six giant wings like that of a golden hawk. While the wings appeared somewhat small compared to the rest of her body, they could tell that this giant of a woman could fly with ease. The extra arms were a little smaller than the original two, and came out of her extra wide shoulder blades on top of the other arms.

On the woman’s head was flowing golden hair, but some of it ended with snake heads that were clearly alive. She even had massive horns, and they didn’t look very different from Fhesiah’s draconic ones. The woman’s piercing golden eyes were staring at Bloodberri, and waiting patiently as the sisters took her in: the Goddess Echidna, the Mother of Monsters.

She spoke, and despite them being very far from the goddess, they could hear her clearly. “The Oath was merely not to assign you or my other champions or servants a Task that was against Jake’s and Hestia’s interests. This deal today would not apply. However, I think you’ll find that our deal will be mutually beneficial. Much of it I was going to offer at our meeting, but your call for my help today has me happy to offer it now.”

Blood replied, “While you have leverage, isn’t it?”

“It is. Now, I will just go out and say what I want, in addition to you becoming my Champion, the Price: I want to influence your Racial Evolution.”

Both Blood and Berri were confused. Blood spoke, “That’s it? Will you say how?”

Echidna smiled. “It is, and I will. The Framework would take you in a different direction, probably making you more humanlike. I want you to be, well, more like me, instead.”

Berri thought Echidna was one of the most beautiful women she ever saw, but unlike Berri’s body which was ‘convenient’ according to the demoness, this woman’s lower half began at a less ‘convenient’ area. Berri spoke, “Um, will Jake still want to mate with me?”

Echidna laughed, but she ignored the rudeness of Berri’s question as she answered. “I didn’t mean ‘exactly’ like me. Besides, that sister of yours could probably at least change ‘that’ if it were a problem. He will desire you just as much as he does now, if not more. No, the real concession here does matter, I wouldn’t call it a Price if it didn’t. Take a look around, and look at my children. Just how many do you see with many human-like features, despite me having them?”

Bloodberri had already looked around, but looked around some more. Very few had any humanlike features, and instead looked like several creatures molded together.

“Now, none of my children where I mated with a human or similar are currently here. But I can tell you that after this change, well, let’s just say that most of your children won’t be able to play baseball without a very loose interpretation of the rules?”

Bloodberri started at the revelation, and Berri was very much opposing this idea.

Echidna laughed again. “Perhaps that was a little too blunt? The same goes for you, you know. The rule is that both feet must remain in the batters box. Where are your feet, girl?” She chuckled.

Echidna continued, “What I mean is that they will definitely be more monster than they are human-like, though it’s not as if they will be as much a beast as all the children you see here. You are not mating with beasts or monsters, but with a human. Perhaps, the demoness can ensure that they are more acceptable if anything too strange or dangerous crops up, but I can assure you Jake will love them just the same.”

Blood and Berri looked at her with doubt. Echidna continued, “Jake has a heart that encompasses many things, but he really loves beasts, did you know it? That if the demoness didn’t talk him out of it, he would have a party full of beasts now, instead of you girls? I might have even tried putting one of my children in his party.”

Berri did know that, as Jake had often talked fondly of his favorite summons from the game he played, and both Fhesiah and Jake wouldn’t shut up about that dillobadger thing. Perhaps, he would enjoy having his children be unique and interesting, as well as be very strong.

“He will love your children either way, very much. Most importantly, yes: they will be very strong and magnificent, should you allow me to influence your racial evolution. There are many challenges to come, and powerful children will reduce the burden on your own family. Jake cannot be everywhere at once, can he? Berri might enjoy that they will also be much more numerous– it would take much less time to birth children after your racial evolution.”

Blood asked, “What’s in it for you? Even this conversation has some cost to you, right? And you said it yourself, you were simply going to offer during our meeting, this seems a little fishy to me.”

“What’s in it for me, is that Jake Hart and his children are going to be special, or are going to become exceptional should he continue to rise. I’m the Mother of Monsters, and even if I never have his child, I’m sure I will eventually talk one of his many descendants into it: I am Eternal, after all. As to why I would pay this larger price, it’s because I would rather pay more now to ensure what I want comes to pass.

There are many possible futures, and there are many things that could come to pass that can influence yours, and most importantly, Jake’s decision. He doesn’t trust me. I would say that he only barely trusts Hestia. I’m sure some random thoughts have crept in about why Hestia didn’t send him immediately to Highlands, did she let them suffer so that his recruitment for her would be more successful? Even if he didn’t entertain them, I’m sure that goes ten times for me due to the information being lacking, for better or for worse. Ultimately, he might say no, even if he’s told by Hestia herself that it’s in his best interests.

Finally, is it wrong for me to want to help my future Champion? I may be a Mother of Monsters, but I can see your desires are strong and pure. Saving this child might have little profit, but making you happy makes me pleased as well. Highlands represents many opportunities, for you as my champion, and even the inhabitants as potential worshipers, as well as moving forward earnestly with the other gods and goddesses in this pantheon Hestia and Odin are forming.”

Blood and Berri both checked their bond with Jake, and found him to be unresponsive, even if it was present.

Blood asked, “Why can’t we reach Jake? Even the Champion before couldn’t stop our bond.”

Echidna said, “Your bond is truly special, and it is there. But for Jake, his time is frozen.”

Blood didn’t like this. It was like she was forcing them to accept this deal, and while it would save this child, it would be a foolish trade.

Blood asked, “So to be clear, you’ll answer our prayer to become your Champion and resurrect this child, as long as we accept your influence over our Racial Evolution?”

“To be more clear, I will give you the ability to resurrect this child, and others including that husband of yours, should you accept. It is only barely possible, thanks to your husband being so…persistent in his preparations. He crammed you so full of spells and training, that there is barely enough room in your minds and monstrous twin-souls. Just why do you have [Drain]? That’s simply overkill, you can already heal by hitting people with your mace and wicked armor, healing yourself directly with holy magic, using runic magic, or once again hitting people with your mace in a holy explosion. What need do you have for draining the life force from enemies in order to heal yourself? Have you even used it?”

Blood was relieved that there was some utility to be gained, being able to resurrect their sisters or their husband as well. Blood blushed at Echidna’s implication. “I wanted a ranged attack at that time, so I had Berri ask him for a ranged spell that allowed me to heal us too… Also, he said something about a ‘life tap’ ability…”

Echidna stared at them blankly. “A sacrificial spell? Tell him that less is more, if he keeps adding every spell under the sun, there won’t be any room for us Goddesses to add anything. The spell will be quite unconventional, and it’s only because of your unique status as a twin-souled, monstrous being of holy light and dark that this is even possible. Not only that, but it will lock in your level twenty specialization now, granting it a little early. This is a one in a trillion spell here. Will you take it?”

Blood asked, “What specialization?”

“All Framework classes receive a specialization choice at level 20, preparing them for their Class Advancement at level 25. It both limits and specializes the choices. Your choices were going to be to specialize your class, though others could get different choices, such as for their spells or melee abilities, rather than just class focuses, depending. Your choices were going to be to specialize your Priestess class towards: [Monstrous], [Holy Light], [Dark], or [Duality]. This would lock in [Duality], which focuses on your both light and dark nature, and their ability to be combined for more power. While I might enjoy the first choice, I think we can all agree that this was what you two would have chosen?”

Bloodberri nodded being able to review the choices, as while [Monstrous] sounded good, what they noticed in fighting Ophelia and Fhesiah truly made them special was the two of them in one body and their magic together. Sure, their large body was powerful and massive, but there were many ways to counter a large enemy, it was truly their magics combined with that which made them genuinely difficult to deal with.

While [Monstrous] would make their body more powerful, it would actually make the one not driving the body potentially more useless than any of the other three options.

Blood asked, “If we say no to your influence, will you still offer us to be your champion?”

Echidna sighed. “I will. I will be hurt, because it’s proof that you don’t trust me when I say this choice is not only in your best interest, but you and your family will be glad you made it. I know this choice is within your desires, so to decline shows that this is the case. That does not make for a good working relationship.”

She continued, “However, I firmly believe you are and will be a great Champion for me, and this world of Highlands a great place for me to gain potential followers that resonate well with me. I already gave my Oath for the tasks, the best I can offer is that I promise you will be happy with our deal, even if Jake will be a little upset with all of us, at first. I should remind you that if you can have children quicker, it means the time that you can’t fight at Jake’s side when having them is much less.”

Blood and Berri thought together in their minds. Of course, Blood and Berri wanted to save this girl, and many others. Blood wanted powerful children, and Berri wanted many beautiful children. Wouldn’t Jake call this a win-win? As far as him being mad, they were just skipping to the end. They knew Jake would give them what they wanted, eventually. They both loved the idea of having the beautiful monsters they saw as their children, instead of dark lamia that they now despised.

Also, didn’t Fhesiah always say…what was it again? When it came to Jake’s best interests, it was better to ask forgiveness, than permission? Something like that? Also, wasn’t it their body, their right to decide? They could put it to a vote, and it’s already two votes against one!

They were going to become a Champion anyway, and they would get babies from him anyway. So what if they would be a little monstrous, they were monstrous too! Besides, them being a Champion now would be helpful immediately, them being better able to protect and help Jake. Also, doesn’t Echidna have wings? Even if Jake could fly, wouldn’t she be able to remain his mount if she could fly too? They reached consensus, and gave their answer.

“We accept.”

Echidna smiled, and a small spark flew from her hand and into Bloodberri’s chest. While the two of them felt like a raging beast roared in their body, they also felt the love and desire of a mother, wanting her child to become successful.

“Goodbye, child. Fight for your family and others under Hestia’s banner, and temper yourselves and your children against your enemies. Struggle, overcome adversity to grow and reach the apex, in order to find true victory.”

Echidna’s Divine Spark entered Bloodberri, merging with the physical Hearthcore and the two souls. As Berri’s was already empowered by Hestia and by her birth, a small majority of the empowerment went to Blood’s dark attuned soul, making it Holy Dark. Now, the two souls were truly in balance.

Bloodberri disappeared from the clearing, and Echidna’s smile was beaming. She spoke to one of her children, a giant three-headed dog, with a plated back and tail like an ankylosaur. “I can’t believe that deal I made with those crazy dark elves is really going to pay off like this. To think they’d fuck everything up on their side, and that spark would come back to me instead, but better… It’s like my daughter has returned to me after being married to a scumbag against my wishes, professing that she learned her lesson and would listen to mommy now. It’s a wonderful feeling, I will treasure it for all time.”

The dog heads all barked in reply repeatedly, their barks of derision shaking the valley.

Echidna scoffed. “You don’t think Jake’s children will be that big of a deal, since he’s only a mere human?”

She snorted. “That Odin would pull wool over the eyes of the entire universe, if it meant winning this war against Tartarus while staying true to himself. Either way, Jake won’t be only a ‘mere’ human for much longer, if it’s already not the case now. You’re just jealous that woman talked him out of the beast path.”

She continued, “Regarding having powerful children, It’s not like I didn’t have any other offers. But Tartarus and those evil gods are losers, getting stuck in this trap of a game those gods concocted. I don’t want a loser’s children, nor those evil beast gods, so focused on only savagery and terror. Besides, I know that Tartarus is like a machine that would say or do anything to get what it wants. Even if it would promise to give me wonderful, powerful children: it wouldn’t last, its promises merely a lie to get me to accept, only to be eaten later. Eventually, we’d all be eaten just the same, even my astounding children. Still,” she smirked, “maybe I would be just a little bit more desperate if those two said no.”

The dogs all sneeringly barked some more in reply. “You might have helped him in those fights, but it wasn’t necessary. You three were just bored and trying to have fun, and you know it. We had to use this glade for this meeting because you destroyed half the other one fighting over who would drive that stupid badgerdillo or otter next.” The dogs all blushed, and Echidna chuckled. “Oh, so I was on the mark about the jealousy, wasn’t I? Does someone have a crush?” They all barked in anger, their denial echoing through the valley, before they ran off into the glade.

Echidna shook her head at her daughters’ antics. “I think even if Jake himself wasn’t that special, and he is, his women certainly are, and by extension: he will be, too. I just made that especially true, didn’t I? It would have cost more to tell them the truth: that this bargain was more for them than it was for me. Just like Hestia could influence her champion’s evolution, I could influence mine. I didn’t even have to tell them. This way, it was their choice. If I told them that they need this strength for what is to come, the Price would have been too significant.”

Echidna summoned a mirror, the view showing hundreds of worlds, including the world of Highlands. She focused her gaze on it with a smile. “I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

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