Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 11: Between Heaven and Hell

Time resumed for Jake, with him unaware he was even frozen, and he received several notifications after Bloodberri began praying. He now felt like he was in a room with a raging beast as all the hairs on his arms and legs stood on end, and he realized that the feeling was divinity. Holy Light and Holy Dark magic were released, in waves that formed a field of the two energies. Above, divinity enhanced Holy Dark, and below, Holy Light. Jake now realized that Blood’s Dark magic had become Holy Dark, just like Berri’s had originally become Holy Light when she had become a priestess.

Bloodberri had been hunched over the child, but now, she raised up and grabbed her maul off her back where it was strapped.

The rabbit beastkin mother now shrieked, “W–What are you doing?!” and Ophelia now grabbed her and pulled her away, trying to reassure the woman. Jake was worried, but he could hear their thoughts and feel their emotions. There were a number of them, but the one most prominent was excitement. They were extremely focused on their task, however.

There were other people in the tent, and some ran away in the chaos, but many just watched. While this was a frightful thing visibly, the feeling Jake got from the energy was anything but that. It now felt very much like when she cast her healing spell. That while there was a raging beast in the room, it was one that was on his side.

Holy light covered the child, and Jake’s [Arcane Eye] watched as it coalesced even further into where the child’s soul was. Right above the child, the Holy Dark formed a border with the Holy Light, only now, it seeped into what he had seen with the God Energy: the eldritch tentacle. Blood’s magic now looked like a giant black umbilical cord that extended into the sky through the tent, only connecting to the child’s heart, instead. Gusts of wind were blowing, the two energies becoming unstable at the edges of the fields, where they got outside of Bloodberri’s control.

The eldritch tentacle struggled, and it almost appeared like the holy dark umbilical cord was grabbing something from the tentacle itself, and weakening it besides. Bloodberri prepared her stance, one that Jake had seen hundreds of times, and he gaped. Was… Was she going to cut the umbilical cord with a maul? Half of her body filled with Holy Light, and the other half filled with Holy Dark. Her mace then did the same, and she swung with a spring of her snake body.

The two lights coalesced into that single spot where her maul connected with the umbilical cord, and despite Jake knowing just how much power went into that swing, it was like she hit nothing at all. Yet, a cacophony of light and dark was violently released in an explosion, passing harmlessly over those in the tent, and even healing people. Her swing went past where the cord was like she missed a pitch, and like smoke, the umbilical cord of Holy Dark dissipated. The remaining Holy Light in the room coalesced on the child, and she began to rise into the air.

Jake could tell Bloodberri was now tired and on her last bits of energy, so he drank a mana potion and sent more mana her way. He was already starting to feel a little sick from all the mana water he had been drinking. She smiled at Jake, as she put her glimmering hand on the child’s chest over their heart.

Light pulsed through her body again, and her body then stood on the ground. The little girl took a gasping breath, and rubbed her eyes. Everyone just stood staring at the child, but she immediately saw her mother. “Mommy, I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat yet?” She looked around some, “Where are we? And who’s that?”

Of course, she was interested in the giant snake girl wearing serrated plate armor and holding a giant spiked maul. Bloodberri at least already had the top half of the armor powered down, becoming more like a hoodie and showing her face. But the mother quickly grabbed the child and began bawling.

Berri was now crying too, and said, “She has the same eyes as me…”

Jake went over and hugged Bloodberri at the corner of the tent, which did wonderful things, but Jake was speechless. Going over the notifications, he realized what happened. His comment about her possibly being able to do it if she were a champion, she thought it was a great idea, and somehow implemented it immediately. For this, she appeared to get two spells and an upgrade of another. Though, it was almost like she required a combination of all three to accomplish the goal.

Champion Magic: Between Heaven and Hell

Force back Tartarus and reclaim a soul from its grasp if you have the power. Only usable within 12 hours of death. Costs more mana or energy for each level equivalent strength of soul, or how much time has passed since death.

Priestess Magic: Resurrection

Reconstitute a dead user of the framework, or as long as the soul is present and unfettered. Only usable within 12 hours of death.

Champion Magic: Monstrous Maul of Hestia-Echidna

Evolved from Advanced Mace of Hestia. Combines the power of two goddesses into a devastating blow, healing allies and weakening or destroying enemies.

Some new skills were under a new category of magic, like Jake’s Champion magic. The [Mace of Hestia] was replaced with the maul ability, moving it to the same category. Only [Divine Intervention] and the resurrection was left in the Priestess magic.

Jake shook his head, which did incredible things between Bloodberri’s massive chest. None of this girl’s abilities made any sense to him, in the context of both being a gamer, but also understanding how spells should work or behave. For now, she was only a prospective champion and couldn’t actually call upon the goddess until she took a [Trial] or equivalent. Jake knew that there were different ways to accomplish said trial, it was only since Jake was both Tier 0 and a part of a [Fringe World Trial] that he was limited to what he had attempted.

The [Fortress Assault] would have qualified if it was tuned for over level 20. It also would be harder now, thanks to there being two full champions on Jake’s own side. There’s also the [Raid] that this world would eventually participate in, one way or another, and this was what was within their plan for their respective Trials currently. They could consider doing a solo Trial to become Champions in truth first, but it was questionable if that would truly reduce their risk in the Raid or not.

The [Permadeath Trial] was an option at any time, not even having to wait until after the peak of their tier in order to attempt it, and it would count for more than attempting a solo Trial at over level 20.

But there was more. There were localized events such as [Battlegrounds] that could be reached by many worlds, and some even Cultivators participated in. It turned out this was one of the primary ways that they can assist with the war against [Tartarus]. These varied in the difficulty and the reward, as well as the merit for obtaining things like class upgrades.

Nearly all things were equal at around the beginning or peak of the tier. Even if the Framework couldn’t negotiate a fair fight for cultivators based on their level or actual power when they weren’t joined to it, they could get a mostly fair experience at those times. They would also join for obtaining treasures that aided them in their personal cultivation, in addition to helping the war effort for their worlds. Their rewards were similar in quality to Permadeath Trial ones, since their risk was greater.

Fhesiah was greatly interested in this, as it would be her best opportunity to obtain the special materials and things she needed for forming her [Cultivator Core]. Though, with how Jake and his wives always received tailored rewards, it was quite possible that the goddesses would help her out and make sure she received what she required.

The one thing that was consistent with [Tartarus] and [The Framework] was that the greater the risk and the greater the difficulty: the greater the reward for the initiated. If there was a chance that Tartarus could get a piece of your soul, like as in the [Trial] where it could also torture you and weaken your spirit, in addition to conquest progress gain: your rewards would be greater.

While people might revive after being tortured, they might choose to stop attempting trials, and it will be like from Tartarus’ perspective that you were already dead or eaten. Not only that, but Trial failures led you to be unable to attempt or be rewarded for others for that Tier. Eventually, you would stop progressing and be stuck, and participation in the war would only help Tartarus. This usually didn’t happen until reaching Tier 2, where energy levels in worlds, people, and monsters got so high that if you didn’t have strong skills and usage, you would get wiped out easily.

People like Antonius who got to Tier 2 without having mana or being able to use it well would become collateral damage in massive area of effect attacks. These massive attacks could be caused by large enemies simply waving their potentially massive claw or weapon, not even needing to use an ability. Abilities like [Phalanx] that were more magical existed would protect people like him, but he would be nothing but fodder in a battle. Jake hoped Antonius mastered some form of advanced energy usage sooner rather than later for his own sake.

Jake put the thoughts of having to attempt another Trial or its equivalent aside, as it was clear they were going to do one anyway, one way or another. That now they would probably end up having four champions in whatever Trial-type they ended up taking on was a bit unnerving, however. Jake just knew that now, seeing a Chosen Hero was entirely likely, and while he wasn’t entirely sure of the difference, he knew they would have access to much more Divine Energy than Jake.

While Jake had been ruminating over the need to take on the Trial, he certainly didn’t let his concentration on his distraught snake girls lapse. He had sent his reassurance over the bond, and rubbed her back caringly. Bloodberri looked on at the child interacting with her mother, and she finally had a smile on her face.

But she turned to Jake, and now had a sad look again. He could feel that she knew he would be upset about what she had done. “We’re sorry, Jake. We made a decision without you…”

Jake sighed. It’s true that after discussing things after the Hestia left, they certainly were more leaning towards accepting the rest of the girls becoming champions as well, so long as the goddesses dealt with them in earnest. Hestia had vetted these other goddesses, and for her to offer it to Jake’s party at all must mean that on some level, she trusted Echidna. If Jake didn’t trust Hestia’s judgement, just why should he have become her champion in the first place?

They hadn’t figured out what they were going to do regarding the respective Trials, but, except for Echidna, there was no doubt they were going to accept when they met in a month. This was the one they wanted to know more about, and now, she had already accepted without meeting them and getting Jake, Fhesiah, and Ophelia’s feedback on it. Not only that, but her initial prayer to call the Goddess herself, was kept from him.

“Berri, I’m really not happy with you for praying to the goddess in the first place. You could have at least checked with us, and let us know you were going to try. We even had other options, such as Bastet. This was really impulsive of you, and this could have harmed us all. This is not acceptable, and frankly, it hurts that you didn’t trust me with your plan.”

Berri was hurt more by Jake’s feelings than by his words. She could feel how hurt Jake was over their bond, and she was filled with remorse. “I’m sorry, Jake. I really didn’t think, and I… I just really wanted to save this child! You taught me to care more about others, and… It just hurt so bad, we both didn’t really know what to do.”

“I’m sorry too, Milord. I got caught up with Berri’s pain, and I let it cloud my judgement as well, at first. It shan't happen again, I promise.”

Ophelia added, “While it seems a big deal, Champions do eventually retire. There is a path for them to separate themselves from their God or Goddess. It requires us to earn an extra divine spark as payment for each that we’ve used on ourselves under them, so if you’re mad at Echidna, we can use one of our sparks for this.”

Jake sighed, he knew that her becoming a Champion, for his party anyway, was hardly an irrevocable choice, at least for now. Each spark represented where their family defeated a deadly challenge, however, and spending it on this was a colossal expenditure.

“I’m not happy that you accepted on your own…but it’s fine. I think the end result was that we were going to trust Hestia’s assessment anyway. With the Oath, I do feel like even if we don’t much trust her, the Framework should ensure that she won’t work against our goals. The likelihood of there being some major challenge spawning here soon, like the [Fortress Assault] is even higher now, too. Really, this is terrible timing. They are already relatively close to forcing us to do a [Permadeath Trial] to avoid the [Raid] as it is.”

Berri laughed nervously. “Um, that’s not all either…”

“There’s more? Just what did you accept to allow you to learn [Resurrection] and that other skill now?”

“Um, don’t be mad, but…”

Jake frowned. “Usually, people only say that before they say something the other person is going to be mad about, though?”

“Well… To accept the deal, Echidna wanted rights to alter our Racial Evolution.”

“She what? So…she wants to make you more like a monster, or something?” Jake was already not liking the sound of this. This was what he was afraid of in the first place, being married to some kind of monster permanently was a little too much for him, he thought.

“Um, not really, I think?”

Jake frowned. “Just what’s the problem, then?”

“Well… I would become more like her, and she’s wonderful. She is not that different from us, and she said you wouldn’t mind the changes. But she made it clear…that our children would be very different.”

Jake’s mind blanked, and he was almost completely filled with rage, but–

Ophelia came to his side, and sent her own reassurance and love to him, doing her best to calm him down. “Now, now, Jake. This was something both Blood and Berri agreed to, so remember that they made this concession to save this child, knowing the consequences. You know Berri loves children very much, so in some way, this must have been what she wanted for her children, too. Right, you two?”

Berri’s face became serious, and she nodded. “That’s right. She said you would love them very much–”

Jake raised his voice, some anger, and frustration seeping through, “Of course they would say that, Berri! Gods are known to say anything to get what they want–”

Ophelia now interrupted Jake, “Even Hestia, Jake? You think she would just say whatever to get what she wanted?”

Jake had a feeling of doubt. “No? I don’t know, Ophelia.”

She continued, “That’s a problem, Jake. You need to have more trust in your Goddess, even if I know your caution is just for your family. She stood by Echidna, saying her desires were genuine. It does feel manipulative how Echidna cornered them, but we don’t know all the details on why she did what she did. Echidna even gave an Oath.”

Jake frowned in thought. “But I think that was only for the Tasks, though? I’m betting that didn’t apply to this deal.”

Blood nodded. “That’s right, Lord Jake. She was very forthright on all the aspects of our dealings, and even said this would make you upset. But she said we would be happy with the end result. Being her Champion, for her to be dishonest with us would eventually be against her own interests, a poor relationship that might matter significantly for her after we become stronger. As Ophelia said, if she isn’t forthright with us, we can leave. She can only choose Tasks that are good for us, but we’re not otherwise restricted.

So now, we will be stronger, and better able to protect and aid you, as well as the people of Highlands. We will have many powerful children, which you know fulfills our desires. We can now resurrect you if you die, milord. Is that not worth it? We would have liked to give you a say, but the Goddess took that away from us. I suppose that is despicable on its own, but her desire in a champion included this, and it was why she was willing to pay the price to make all of this possible.”

Jake sighed. It’s just, Jake would have wanted to have some input on the decision, and that was taken away from him.

He could certainly see the benefits, as on some level, they had just increased their level of safety significantly. While resurrecting any of his bonded was possible at a Shrine, it did take a lot more time than it took for her to resurrect that child. Not only that, but within something like the Permadeath Trial, they could resurrect him or the other girls if they won whatever combat caused their death, allowing them to recover and go for victory.

Wait, many? “Did it somehow influence how many children you would have?”

Berri smiled brightly, “Yes! She said we could have children much faster! Oh, I just can’t wait, Jake! You should have seen some of those creatures on her mountain. There was one that looked like a deer, with wings, but also a scorpion stinger and a beak! They were just so cute!”

Jake started. Scorpion stinger? Beak? He imagined dozens of miniature Bloodberris, but with beaks and stingers, horns and other crazy things, them slithering and crawling all over him. He shivered.

Ophelia laughed. “Oh, c’mon Jake. You love beasts and you know it. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Maybe one day, she’ll have a badgerdillo of your own, only better, since they’ll be your son or daughter.”

Jake looked at Ophelia skeptically. What was this, some kind of gacha child birthing? He looked at Bloodberri. At least pulling the crank for a spin would be enjoyable, he supposed?

Still, there was certainly a disconnection in Jake’s mind for being the parent of some beast. This was not something any human had ever had to worry about, just how could he align it in his mind? A beast was surely something that would be more violent than a human child, and even the idea of baby proofing, would be counter to how a beast should likely be raised. It would only make it weaker in the end.

Should he just see them as some kind of pet? He would have to wait and see. Almost every parent he had ever met in his life said that the moment their child was born, their entire mindset shifted. That it was like they had a connection to that child just born, and it transcended logic or reason.

Jake looked at Blood and Berri in their serpentine eyes, and felt their feelings and thoughts over the bond. They were truly remorseful, and wanted to be better– to never make their husband this upset again. He still felt hurt, but really, he felt like he didn’t really have time to process all of this. They had too much to do, needing to leave soon to continue their fight against Tartarus, and save more people.

He would have to forgive her for now, hoping to talk more about this later, when they were alone together. He motioned for her to come over for one of her patented best hugs, and she was both sad and delighted as Jake’s head was wrapped in heaven.

Berri said, “I’m really sorry Jake, what I did was impulsive, and I won’t do that again, I promise. Please, forgive me…”

Jake sighed. “I’ll try to get over it, as I am proud of how far you’ve come. I know you were hurting, but I hope that next time, whoever gets a decision like this doesn’t just make it for us. We’ll take whatever on, together. We’re all affected, after all. Fhesiah’s and Ophelia’s children will be growing up with their other brothers and sisters, right? How’s that going to work?”

Jake then heard Fhesiah’s voice talking to everyone over their bond. [That’s right, Jake. Well, we can always have some kitsune kits or dragonlings to make them feel more welcome, you know. Wow, you guys are having so much fun without me! Still, I was getting such important work done when someone drained most of my Qi, that I nearly botched what I was working on. A little warning would have been nice, y’know.]

Berri once again looked guilty, but replied over their bond. “I’m sorry–”

[Oh, it’s quite alright, sister. To think you would be able to achieve what many at the Soul-severing Realm cannot even! It takes very powerful T4 and above cultivators to wrestle a soul from the River of Samsara, and to heal and reconstitute the body– many would be unable to do both.]

Bloodberri now looked a little proud. Jake replied, “To be fair, I don’t think the River of Samsara is what she has to work against here. But yes, it’s quite amazing. I don’t think most Priestesses and Clerics would get the skill until Tier 2 at the earliest.”

Ophelia added, [I think it’s great that she has this ability. There will no doubt be others she can resurrect going forward, and I’m sure you’re aware, Jake, that her abilities she gained will evolve or merge going forward when we reach the next tier. As for the children being different, you were already going to have Dark Lamia children. These might be a little less human than that, but they were already going to have completely different mindsets. We will teach them all love just the same.]

Jake knew Ophelia was right, but still felt things were a bit off. He certainly didn’t like the premise that a monster goddess was influencing his children. He was pretty sure, if given the option, he would have vehemently declined. Jake was already plenty worried about becoming a father, what more if it was a creature child he hardly understood? Perhaps, this was the reason the goddess took him out of the equation. Jake was not happy about this.

They wrapped up their healing of the people with disease, having to go through town to reach some that were isolated in their huts. The healer assured them that now that they didn’t need to heal over a hundred just barely enough to keep them from dying, it would be easy for them to finish the job for any that were missed. Jake let them know about the censers they had already trialed in Kenwodi, and so the merchants of the village quickly pooled their funds together to get started with them.

The people were all thankful, and Jake could see many with purchased food from the [Shop] and [Marketplace]. Selling Auril Hides appeared to net decent profits, as [The Framework] itself had put a bounty on the special resource. Crafters from all over the Multiverse could attempt to use and unlock the secrets of the materials, incorporating them into their equipment. Auril hides were stronger than most hides of the same tier, so leather workers were quite interested in the resource.

After hearing of the resurrection of the child along with all the healing, many beastkin were interested in learning more about the goddesses that sent their aid to Highlands. They directed them to the node to learn more, but it would be some time before they could have full-blown shrines built.

People in the village were also cooking up the wolf meat and the Chief’s and many others’ purchased goods, and Jake was happy that the outlook was good. Jake saw a portal open and a roughed up warrior exited by the [Alliance Node]. For Jake, with a [Refuge], he could come and go from incursions as he pleased in the comfort and privacy of his own home. For people without, they could only enter and exit from the [Alliance Node] or the [Alliance HQ]’s, and they had a small cost each time they were used.

The wolf beastkin auril warrior looked bedraggled, and Jake guessed from looking at the man with [Arcane Eye], he would be no higher than level 3. Several tribe members immediately approached him. Jake overheard their conversation.

“How was it?”

“Those annoying little shits! They were…gremlins, it says? Half of them had these tubes that they would blow in, shooting these little darts at me. When I rushed at them, they would jump into these little holes where I couldn’t get to them. As soon as I turned my back, they would come out and shoot even more!”

He huffed and shook his head. He continued, “They couldn’t pierce my leathers, but they would aim for anything uncovered. I got hit by one, and it made me dizzy and weak, my Auril Heart needing to work hard just to purge it. I almost had to flee to the portal, but I was able to rush down the boss. Don’t…don’t underestimate them. All it took was one mistake and I might have died, and that was just a beginner dungeon, it said! We need to be prepared, just like Champion Jake said. It’s not all about strength, we need all our cunning, and preparation to ensure victory.”

“Did you get any of those skill improvements?”

The man showed a wolfish smile. “Yeah, I did get that. Auril Energy Manipulation moved from 1 to 2. I can tell I can move it much better now. I had to move it all over to block those stupid darts and not waste tons of energy.”

Jake approached the men and women, and gave them a discussion about armor. They can still wear their auril beast hide leathers, but adding another layer of protection would serve them well. They should make it a priority along with their food stores to improve their coverage. Even if Auril leather might produce better protection when auril flowed through it, similar to Fhesiah’s robes, they provided less protection when they ran out.

“Yeah but… I don’t have many credits now, and you talked about that ledger… I can’t just have people give me credits or even the equipment, right? It’s like I need credits to earn credits…how can we get around that?”

Jake described the [Debt Contracts] add-on, and informed the beastkin that those that used any of his [Guild Alliance Nodes] could create contracts. How it worked was someone could give them an item or Credits, and it would in fact affect their Ledger immediately, making the Incursions harder to compensate. However, it would value the items and set the Debt, though the seller could negotiate the price even above that.

Once they completed the Contract and paid the Debt using earnings from the dungeon, it would be the same as if they had earned the funds from the dungeon and bought the items themselves, thus clearing the Ledger. It meant that the challenge would increase over a short period. Incursions would not increase in difficulty rapidly after they had spawned, and so by the time they earned and paid off some debt, the correction might not be enough to cause them as much difficulty. Then, when doing rifts, the effect of one person’s debt would be more or less negligible except in extreme examples.

It was similar to how Odin had provided Jake with several items to start out with, but nothing significant enough to make the difficulty exceptionally higher. Jake guessed that his starter kit was only a few thousand credits, so as long as the beastkin stuck to below that number, they should have no problems at all. Jake was mostly worried about some merchant’s child going in over-prepared, only to find out they made their difficulty impossible.

He knew some eyes glazed over as he gave his Debt Contract explanation, but he knew that he drove home the importance. He gave an example of how if that wolf beastkin came rolling into an Incursion with tens of thousands of debt credits of equipment, he just might go inside to be crushed by an avalanche of those dart shooting gremlins. It should be used, but sparingly, and just to get going.

As they walked through the village, many of the people looked at them with awe and veneration. Many of them took their opportunities to thank Ophelia and Bloodberri, as well as thank Jake for helping their plateau. Many wanted to repay them, but Jake wanted them to instead pay it forward.

They had originally planned on recruiting in the other village as well, but Rookard removed that need for them. Ophelia decided to head back to Kenwodi for a short period to help out some more with the tribe members, knowing she was just a [Call Summon] away, and could even activate her [Chosen Specialization] abilities in a pinch. Most of what Jake would now be doing is traveling and fighting, and they both wanted for his new Tribe to have a bit of direction.

For example, he required someone manning the workstation in the Alliance HQ, maintaining the training grounds and barracks. Not only that, but she needed to set up the school for the children, and any other facilities that Blood discovered they required. So they needed to start trying to find candidates for the different roles and responsibilities in the guild.

Jake didn’t like that he had to create his guild and then spend his entire time away, but it was necessary. Ophelia being there would help make the tribe members feel like they weren’t being abandoned.

He sent Ophelia back to the refuge where she could head back to Kenwodi, and started heading towards the city that must be reclaimed. They had many rifts they needed to clear first, but it was time to finally see the jungle, and what to make of these Auril Beasts.

The trip felt a little awkward at first thanks to their recent conflict, but after Berri got moving through the mountains with the wind at Jake’s face, he started to calm down. They were going to be busy for a while now, so he would just have to worry about the implications later.

“I was going to say it’s just me and you now, Berri, but we have both Blood and Ira with us. We’re on a small adventure.”

“Oh, I like that. Yes, we are never alone. The forest really looks beautiful, so full of color. I’m glad we’re finally going there.”

When they traveled to the other plateaus, they had mostly stuck to the mountainous, rocky terrain. They were told that this would be the safest, but it was often the most direct, as well. The beastkin were all powerful climbers with their strong claws and superhuman strength, so they would typically take the safer route without their native Auril Beasts and other creatures. On average, beastkin were much stronger than humans, so falling a couple stories of height was not a life-ending mistake. Those with Auril could easily leap dozens of feet in the air, besides.

Up to now, Jake, and his party had not traveled through any of the forests or valleys, but the fastest route this time would take them through some of it. The treetops were much higher and formed a more pervasive canopy than what he would be expecting on Earth. Light barely made it through the treetops, but it was like the jungle itself glowed. Many plants had some form of bioluminescence, and despite there being little sunlight, it felt like it was daytime in the trees.

So far, Jake hadn’t seen hide nor hair of any auril beasts from even high up in the mountains as he was, other than smaller birds. Jake did think he saw a giant Auril Bird at a vast distance once, but he couldn’t really tell. There were all sorts of creatures that lived in the mountains, but none of them appeared to qualify as one of these auril beasts.

But that would change, now. Bloodberri went down the mountain, carrying Jake through the trees rapidly. Jake had Ira on the lookout for any ambushes, but things were mostly quiet, even with the pace they moved through the greenery. After several miles, Jake was starting to wonder what the big deal was. Just what would cause these people to avoid this lush forest? He did see some smaller creatures not dissimilar from mice or lizards, but nothing substantial.

But then, Ira stirred and Jake had Bloodberri slow down. Jake tried to probe Ira on what was ahead, but received nothing but a shrug. What kind of watcher is this? He felt some focus on Bloodberri and the other direction, with another shrug. “What, Ira? So you’re saying I don’t need to be worried, I got Bloodberri with me?”

He received a sort of mental nod from the creature, but it seemed Jake was still missing part of the picture. At the very least, Jake knew the creature was always paying attention. It had diverted that baseball when it was necessary, even though as far as Jake could tell, it was sleeping. It was just, lately, the creature had been sleeping even more, and was even lazier than usual.

Bloodberri slowed their pace, and they went to observe what kind of creature resided in this massive forest. The tall trees were like redwoods, but there was plenty of sunlight peeking through the branches allowing for smaller greenery to grow below. Bloodberri weaved through the trees, until they eventually saw them: what Jake thought looked similar to a more colorful stegosaurus than he would expect from a textbook, covered with plants living on it.

There were dinosaurs living in the valleys and forests of Highlands, and Jake was filled with excitement at the prospect of capturing one.

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