Bonded Summoner

Book 3. Chapter 15: Tanda - Harmony Peaks

Tanda sliced through the armored raptor’s throat with ease, as she blazed past the distracted creature. Her dive was fast and almost silent, as she chased after the clearly tamed creatures. It had been three nights since she left Kenwodi, and she was nearly at Harmony Peaks. She culled them as they chased after her flock members faking retreat with ease, the simple-minded creatures still not smart enough to understand they were being baited.

Some of her people had sought to tame auril beasts, but found that the predators were often far too savage and temperamental. While commanding them was mostly possible, when the creatures used their auril, they would regularly attack anything that wasn’t one of their pack. It was clear to Tanda that, whatever was done to these creatures, had reduced some of their instincts.

Taming the auril beasts that were herbivores was a much more successful endeavor. There were a few of her brethren with capybara parentage, and others that had excellent success with getting even some of the largest auril beasts to follow them as the best of friends.

Tanda landed on the ground, having slayed the last of the creatures. She inspected them, finding the armor they wore was made of a metal, and she wondered where they had obtained it. Could there be some sort of settlement that was mining, and forging? But her people would notice any smoke rising from miles away.

She took to the air once more, landing on a tree and looking for any telltale signs of this, but could find nothing. Her brethren joined her among the trees, them talking among themselves. Tanda waited for Avina to report in from her scouting assignment, the snow owl parentage being exceptional at stealth, despite being a healer. Even Tanda’s superior ears wouldn’t hear the flap of her wings.

Tanda looked at the two hawk parentage lovers grooming each other’s wings after battle with a sigh. She had longed for a mate for several years now, wanting to begin her clan: her new family. But no male was strong enough, or could match her potential. Either her father crushed any potential mates, or she did. She laughed at how closely Ophelia had discerned her past by learning this detail.

Her heart beat for maintaining the balance, of preserving, protecting and enhancing the life of the land, and her people. To accomplish this, one must be strong, and build a large clan and Tribe. She wanted her clan to be like her Father’s before her. To do that, one must have insurmountable strength.

Her breath caught in her throat, thinking of all that was lost. Her father and mother, along with most of her clan-mothers, died in defense of Harmony Peaks.

Tanda’s father had sent her to get reinforcements from nearby tribes, her impact on a fight at her father’s level minimal, but the enemy’s assault was simply too swift. When she returned, only one clan-mother remained, many of her older brothers and sisters of Harmony Peaks already dead. The sinister energies left from her family’s fight with the vicious enemy were likely still present weeks later. Even now, her people likely struggled trying to remove the taint.

Tanda had taken the reins of the Tribe, at request of some of the eldest remaining. She only took it due to her ancestry, in the hopes that her heritage would rally more warriors to their cause. While she was qualified to lead due to her strength and her wisdom from her parents, she didn’t feel that it was for her. She hoped to aid her future mate in maintaining the balance, allowing him to lead and protect Harmony Peaks. Like her mother and father before her.

She thought of the man, Jake. She was looking at her people’s doom when he and his mates arrived onto the battlefield, and she was saved from the jaws of death with the fiery baptism of the goddess Hestia. He radiated vitality and power, and yet the only desire she felt from the man was to touch her fur.

Tanda was both confused and frustrated by him. Before the war, she couldn’t visit a town or village of any size without listening to men’s songs about their dreams or goals for their clan, and why they wanted her to join.

Then, receive challenges from the most prospective males. They would often push the challenge in hopes of dominance, even when she declined. Yet this man, Jake, hadn’t shown any interest or sung his song.

The thing that gave her the most confusion and frustration with Jake, was the man’s strange aura. At first, it had made him feel like a caring brother that arrived in the nick of time. That wanted to make sure she was safe and strong enough to face her enemies, to be successful in her life.

That he had arrived, to save her and her people. Her heart even stirred, and began to beat and sing a new song, one heralding salvation and glory.

But when she stood in his way due to her disgust with the Framework and Adventurers, he took on that domineering red light, and it was like the world itself rejected her. It was like she had been clawed in the face. She knew she couldn’t contain her surprise at the whiplash of feelings, and she was angered at how it was like her emotions were manipulated by the aura. Her heart had even begun beating in disharmony with her own people.

Later, when he described how his aura made his mates feel, she couldn’t help but align it in her mind that instead of like a brother, the aura felt like a loving, protective, powerful mate. A mate that would sing the song of harmony and prosperity in the face of any danger.

Still, her thoughts and heart were completely in discord. Learning a little about his tribe helped, along with what Ophelia had told her. That his clan goals were the same, they sounded compatible. Still, she would need to hear his song.

Tanda was a woman that resonated with the world, her heart connected more than most others. There were plenty like her, but few that weighed it as highly as she. She needed to feel if she could resonate with him, before she could commit to being a prospective mate.

Instead of being asked her desires for a clan, should she be the one to sing her own first, instead? So that she can move on in her mind if they can’t find harmony? That they’re not compatible? Her feathers ruffled in frustration. She didn’t know how to act with the man, for being so different from her people.

She did worry about what Jake’s family would do after her world was saved. Her goal was to maintain the balance of Highlands and Harmony Peaks, but it sounded like based on the guild’s goals, he would be leaving. That definitely went against what she wanted. She needed to remain in order to protect the balance, to be this world’s steward until the heart of the world was healed.

Still, she was excited about the changes the world’s integration into the Framework would bring. She couldn’t wait to have time to sit down and read these books, detailing a lot more than things like air pressure. Jake had used all sorts of terms to describe how blimps and hot air balloons worked, and even talked a little about ‘airplanes.’ The idea that something made of metal could fly was foreign to her, but she wanted to learn more. Then, the idea that whole other worlds existed from her own sparked her curiosity and desire, to explore.

Avina, returned, interrupting her thoughts. “Chieftess, it looks like a Rift had spawned nearby, but it’s strange. We fought tamed raptors, but the rift is clearly undead again. Then, all creatures in the area have left.”

“Left? Not killed, or chased?”

“There’s no sign of a stampede, nor signs of death. It’s as if all creatures left the valley on their own accord. The beasts in this area are strong and aggressive, normally they would be unafraid of mere raptors or these undead, I’d imagine.”

What Avina said was correct. Most beasts in the area were much more powerful, in the level fifteen to twenty range, she wagered. Her people learned that while Tartarus could take control of them, it took a significant amount of time once it conquered the territory. Usually, those creatures of strong will and intelligence could just leave before that happened, which matched the more powerful auril beasts here.

Tanda looked at Harmony Peaks in the distance in worry. It was uncanny how Jake had predicted that it would come into harm’s way once again. Her people’s tribe would fly all over their world, meeting and trading with the many tribes scattered across the wilderness. They would sing songs of the news, update clans on the whereabouts of their grown children and how they’re doing, including songs of birth and dirges of mourning. The avian beastkin are what connected the tribes into one people, rather than tens of thousands of clans and tribes going it alone.

The importance of getting the remains of her tribe, and the remaining flocks, to join the Framework was paramount. She would have to ensure that she convinced the elder clan members, and get them to convince the scattered tribes to rally for a war against a new type of tyrant.

Rikka, the hawk beastkin woman she had been watching before, asked, “Should we clear the rift? I don’t think I like the idea that there might be some more of these raptors around as we fight. The rifts are tough enough on their own. We now only rarely lose one or two of us each rift, but that’s without additional enemies. Maybe we should go straight to Harmony Peaks and get some reinforcements?”

Fhesiah’s gift was having a profound impact on her people. Combined with whatever the Framework granted along with kills, her people were now reliably leveling up. The flock that originally remained near Kenwodi, many of which joined Hearthtribe, had only two dozen awakened out of the two hundred avian beastkin. But now, between their first few days of activities, and Fhesiah’s pills, they were double that. Every fight, more awakened, and some would awaken during their songs after having their pills.

Then, among the ones already awakened, all of them had increased in level. Avina was approaching level five, and Tanda knew that soon Avina would have caught up to where Tanda was just a week ago. The idea that they might have an auril hero healer in a month or less gave her great enthusiasm.

A healer that was an auril hero was something that only would occur once in a hundred years. Almost all healers were women, the manifestation of men almost always that of offense or protection. She had heard of a peacock parentage male that could heal in the past, but such a thing was still rare even for them. Perhaps, with the aid of the Framework’s guidance, that could change.

This was all very strange to Tanda. Aisling had told her to take her time, but hadn’t eliminated the Rifts? This was an utter catastrophe! It would only be a short time before something like the Necromancer and the Bone Dragon could spawn! Tanda had not received any messages from Aisling since the cryptic message, as she checked at each location. Could the place already be surrounded by the enemy?

“We will circle around and go directly to Harmony Peak, but cover our approach. We must bring news as soon as possible.”

They took to the air, and began their trip under cover of the tree tops. The tall canopy had leaves at all levels of the branches, and she knew it would be challenging for anyone to attack them from above or below.

Previously, her flock had cast a wide net as they had approached Harmony Peak from Kenwodi, stopping at every known Tribe or solitary clan between there and here. They passed the news, and added [Alliance Nodes] at every location large enough, and directed the smaller clans and tribes to meet at the closest one. This was to reduce their risk from a rift spawning, and making it easier to protect them.

But as her flock got closer, they felt danger. They felt urgency, as if the song of the world was warning them of something. They rushed towards their ancestral home, only stopping at the larger villages, and putting the burden on them to reach out to the smaller clans and tribes. Otherwise, they might have spent another day or more, stopping at more villages and clans. Another hundred avian beastkin had joined her flock, nearly all unawakened.

They had convinced many. She had been in contact with Rookard, the man having sent her a message through the guild. He outlined what he saw from the outsiders, and the changes he was seeing to his village from integration into the Framework.

His warriors were now stronger, and they were filled with righteous vindication. There was no sign of taint, as their warriors were constantly humbled. They were both getting stronger and gaining wisdom.

Their people were also finding ways to use the market to increase their tribe’s harmony. After clearing the blight with the censers, they were finding all sorts of agricultural methods to improve their soil, from tools to additives for fertilizer, to even knowledge.

Their leather workers combined their methods with those from the Framework, to make better products and earn large amounts of credits. Thanks to Jake’s focus on crafts as part of his guild doctrine, Rookard himself had even taken to woodworking and fletching.

Their products were not only being shipped off across the multiverse. Local trades on Highlands took precedent, so his hunter’s products were actually supplying and feeding people in Kenwodi. They dismembered creatures in the incursions, and that food was being made available at clans around their world, as they received Alliance Nodes. They exchanged messages with long-lost relatives, and their world was rapidly changing. Her flock were now less needed for messages and trade.

Because of that, her people were only going to be so important for a little while longer. This final task, to bring the Nodes to as many locations as possible. To connect the people of their world once again. This time, forever.

Her heart began pounding in her chest, taking on a song of danger, of imminent peril. Her auril stirred, filling her limbs with power. She became alert, her brethren matching her as the voices of their hearts joined her choir.

“Ambush!” Someone shouted, as the sounds of arrows being released from bows were heard.

Tanda shouted, “Disengage! Head for Harmony Peaks! We must warn the Tribe!”

Arrows came from below, several striking her brethren. She immediately rushed for Lamone, Rikka’s hawk parentage husband, who was carrying the Alliance Node. He handed it to Tanda, as she used her enhanced strength and speed to rush through the trees. Lamone and the rest of her people took out bows and javelins, returning fire as they flew away.

Tanda caught glimpses below of wolf-like people firing arrows as they bounded from tree to tree, following her people as they flew below the tree canopy. But these people were not beastkin, they were people she recognized from the first assault on Harmony Peaks, that her father gave his life protecting.

They were called werewolves, and their eyes were filled with hatred. The only time a beastkin would show that level of hatred was when their child was harmed, or they faced other injustice, or, when they were tainted.

She considered going above the canopy, when she caught a glimpse of a swarm of pterodactyls above. One swooped down at her, and she stabbed at it one-handed with her spear, piercing it through its heart. She quickly resumed her travel, weaving through the branches and leaves near the top of the canopy, reducing her visibility from both above and below.

She exited the tree canopy, reaching the opening before the mountain. A swarm of pterodactyls were in their way, so she increased her speed further.

Several swarmed towards her, but her people fired arrows and threw javelins at them, as they exited the canopy as well.

The attacks were nearly ineffectual, but while some didn’t pierce the beast’s auril infused skin, they did knock the creatures back or interrupt their flight, allowing Tanda to weave through them. Her people’s assault continued as they flew forward, following her. Many of the women in her flock screeched their battle cries, the time for stealth or avoidance over. Tanda knew that many on the peak should have been able to hear that, and should shortly rally their warriors.

Tanda could see many wings flapping in the distance, but she saw the werewolf’s arrows firing towards her people. Many of her people were struck, and she could tell numerous had died, awakened or not. These enemy’s ranged attacks were powerful enough to pierce straight through her people’s auril. A few of her people that used javelins began using shields, Ophelia aiding them in choosing a style that did not overly hinder flight. These were able to block the arrows much better, but even their shields were pierced to have arrows lodged in their arms.

She zigzagged through the air, making herself a difficult target, as she looked back. More of the enemies arrived, and she could tell that her expedience and stealth had saved them. They had attempted to close a net on them, and if they had been surrounded, they would have all been slaughtered.

The werewolves could not continue their pursuit as they ran out of trees and were unable to follow at the height her people were flying. The auril beast birds continued to swarm after them, more joining in their pursuit.

But her clan-mother was leading a flock of her own, and Tanda was surprised at their number and their rapid response. Perhaps she shouldn’t be, given her manifestation. Aisling was of crow parentage, and her manifestation caused her to see prophecies or visions of the future. Perhaps, she knew this moment was coming.

The swarm of pterodactyls chased after her people, but the oncoming flock fired arrows and javelins alike at the creatures, before her brethren dived at them with auril filled spears. The creatures could do little to dodge the oncoming onslaught, and what remained of her flock joined to finish them off.

Aisling gave a high-pitched screech, signaling for them to return to Harmony Peaks. Between the two peaks, was a river. There were river banks beneath the peaks, but they were beneath their caves. Her people could easily rain attacks down on any invaders, and it was a sheer cliff face. It would be difficult to attack her people as they approached, to reach the caves that lead deep into the ground towards the heart of the world.

As far as Tanda could tell, the enemies halted at the tree line. Whatever they had planned, was for in the future. They were pinning her people down, them unable to simply fly over them, thanks to the swarm of pterodactyls. But it was clear they were keeping reinforcements from arriving.

Aisling drew near Tanda to speak. “I’m so happy to see you again in person, clan-daughter! You look well! It is good to see that you are eating well again.”

Tanda blushed. “It wasn’t that bad, surely?”

Aisling glanced at her in disbelief. “Not bad? Even some of your clan-uncles wanted to cook you something. You were practically wasting away!”

Tanda desperately wanted to change the topic, though that reminded her of that strange look Jake gave her when they first met. She had really run herself ragged, flying around the continent and preparing the clans to defeat the invaders. She had skipped more than a few meals, and auril usage certainly left her stomach feeling empty.

“I need to meet with the clan heads, it’s of dire importance! Just what is going on, why didn’t you guys close the rifts?”

Aisling narrowed her eyes at her for a moment before returning her eyes to their flight path towards their roosts. “The werewolves, of course. We got a minute. You’re eating well, so that’s good. But why the change, don’t tell me it’s because you finally met a boy–”

“I’m not eating better! That’s one of the reasons I need to meet with the clan heads,” Tanda interrupted.

Aisling smirked at her. “Oh, so it’s nothing to do with the man in red armor? Nothing at all?”

Tanda started. “W-What do you know? What did you see?”

Aisling’s smile became infuriatingly wide, before it shifted into a sly expression. She pretended to inspect her claws. “I don’t know, I see lots of things. But my own clan-daughter isn’t being forthright with me, and it hurt my feelings. I may not be able to discern the things that make no sense at all, and the things that might. Just how could I give an accurate foretelling, when I’m filled with such hurt?”

Tanda growled out, “The pills were a gift from an adventurer, and they’ve helped me eat better, sort of? They have nothing to do with a boy!”

Aisling narrowed her eyes at Tanda once again. “You know, clan-daughter. You are a terrible liar. The tell is so obvious: your tail is acting so strangely, you’re flying crooked!”

Tanda blushed in shame, at her tail once again betraying her. Why did it have to be a wolves tail, rather than that of a raven’s she was born with? She filled her body with auril, increasing her speed with their destination in reach. Aisling laughed, as she followed suit.

Their ancestral home of Harmony Peaks were a number of caves in the cliff face, the many holes almost looking like a honey comb. Their people lived high up, and their caves usually led to smaller rooms, that often stayed warm all winter long. The two mountains were full of life and warmth, but they did not spend long in their caves except for sleep.

She landed in the largest cave, and began heading inside, holding the [Alliance Node]. Their tribal home was special, the heart of the very world, deep beneath this very mountain. Rikka and Avina also entered, the rest of her flock slowly arriving.

The clans would meet in the giant auditorium, an offshoot of the main cave. The many clans would meet, sing their songs, test their mettle, and share the news. Avian beastkin were a very social sort, their families spending time with many others, even when they weren’t working towards their goals.

Their tribe coordinated with the entire continent, and it took a significant amount of planning to ensure other tribes and clans were visited. Tanda was headed there now, though she looked at Aisling in frustration.

“I was serious when I said that my coming here is of great importance! We need to call the clans!”

“About that thing in your hand, right? Wow, you sound so serious, clan daughter! We better have someone go call the clans, with great haste! Unless…”

She blurred towards the auditorium door, and shoved it open. From where she could see from the entrance, Tanda saw that nearly all roosts were filled, thousands of people present. It was as if the clans were…

“Unless someone already called all the clans! Weird, huh? I guess someone must have already rushed and did just that! But how? How could they know?!” Aisling looked above, as if seeking her answer from the heavens.

The infuriating woman giggled, as Tanda growled with rage. While the woman could see visions of the future, it was almost as though she only saw the things that she could use to screw with people, normally. The fact that the woman was nearly triple Tanda’s age, yet acted younger than it, made it even more frustrating. Now that Tanda got a closer look at her, didn’t she look a little younger?

Aisling’s expression became serious, but pulled Tanda into a hug, that she could not return due to her spear and Alliance node she was carrying.

“I really am happy to see you again, clan-daughter. This may be the toughest challenge our people have ever faced, and you are doing an amazing job. Your mother and father would be proud.”

Tanda’s breath caught in her throat, and tears came to her eyes, both in pride and in sadness at the reminder.

Aisling pulled back from their awkward hug. “Still, this talk is important. Some adventurers rushed this way originally: too late to do anything. But you know our people turned down adding that Branch HQ. Our flocks then rallied in the defense of our people, only aiding our towns and villages, evacuating them where possible instead of assaulting the rifts directly, at first.”

Aisling shook her head, but continued, “From the news, it seems unlikely we would have succeeded defending either HQ, so this appears to have been the right move. I sent you that message about what I had foreseen, but I had no idea that things would get this dire. The werewolves are actually more now, and they had locked us down from sending more messages. Still, it will be challenging to convince these old crones that they should change their mind, now.”

Tanda looked over doubtfully. Old crone? There’s one in front of her!

“Were you just thinking something rude? I’m the youngest of your clan-mothers! Just because your mother… Never mind. I’m rooting for you and the guy with the red armor, clan-daughter!”

Tanda growled at Aisling. She had more critical things to do, now. She had to convince as many clan heads to integrate, before rallying to defeat the werewolves and the undead that were gathering to assault Harmony Peaks.

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